
DynamicRemoteFileResolver.FileResolverLoader Loads implementations of IRemoteFileResolver
IConfiguration Configuration information for a TradeFederation invocation. 
IConfigurationFactory Factory for creating IConfigurations  
IConfigurationReceiver Simple interface to represent object that accepts an IConfiguration
IDeviceConfiguration Device Configuration Holder Interface. 


ArgsOptionParser Populates Option fields from parsed command line arguments. 
Configuration A concrete IConfiguration implementation that stores the loaded config objects in a map. 
ConfigurationDef Holds a record of a configuration, its associated objects and their options. 
ConfigurationDef.ConfigObjectDef Object to hold info for a className and the appearance number it has (e.g. if a config has the same object twice, the first one will have the first appearance number). 
ConfigurationFactory Factory for creating IConfiguration
ConfigurationFactory.ConfigLoader Implementation of IConfigDefLoader that tracks the included configurations from one root config, and throws an exception on circular includes. 
ConfigurationUtil Utility functions to handle configuration files. 
ConfigurationXmlParserSettings A simple class to accept settings for the ConfigurationXmlParser

To pass settings to this class, the alias is mandatory. 

DeviceConfigurationHolder A concrete IDeviceConfiguration implementation that stores the loaded device configuration objects in its attributes. 
DynamicRemoteFileResolver Class that helps resolving path to remote files. 
OptionCopier A helper class that can copy Option field values with same names from one object to another. 
OptionSetter Populates Option fields. 
OptionSetter.OptionFieldsForName Container for the list of option fields with given name. 
RetryConfigurationFactory Factory that handles retrying a command. 
SandboxConfigurationFactory Special Configuration factory to handle creation of configurations for Sandboxing purpose. 


ClassNotFoundConfigurationException ConfigurationException for when the class of an object is not found. 
OptionNotAllowedException Specific ConfigurationException when an option is not allowed to be passed in the command line. 
TemplateResolutionError Class extending ConfigurationException for template related error during configuration parsing.