
public class FlashingResourcesParser
extends Object implements IFlashingResourcesParser

   ↳ com.android.tradefed.targetprep.FlashingResourcesParser

A class that parses out required versions of auxiliary image files needed to flash a device. (e.g. bootloader, baseband, etc)


Nested classes

class FlashingResourcesParser.AndroidInfo

A typedef for Map<String, MultiMap<String, String>>

interface FlashingResourcesParser.Constraint

A filtering interface, intended to allow FlashingResourcesParser to ignore some resources that it otherwise might use 


public static final String BASEBAND_VERSION_KEY

public static final String BOARD_KEY

public static final String BOOTLOADER_VERSION_KEY

public static final String PRODUCT_KEY

Public constructors

FlashingResourcesParser(File deviceImgZipFile, c)

Create a FlashingResourcesParser and have it parse the specified device image for flashing requirements.

FlashingResourcesParser(File deviceImgZipFile)

Create a FlashingResourcesParser and have it parse the specified device image for flashing requirements.

FlashingResourcesParser(BufferedReader infoReader, c)

Constructs a FlashingResourcesParser with the supplied AndroidInfo Reader

Exposed for unit testing

FlashingResourcesParser(BufferedReader infoReader)

Constructs a FlashingResourcesParser with the supplied AndroidInfo Reader

Exposed for unit testing

Public methods

String getRequiredBasebandVersion()

Gets the required baseband version specified in the device image zip.

If multiple versions are listed, get the latest with the assumption that versions sort from oldest to newest alphabetically.


Gets the required board type(s) specified in the device image zip.

String getRequiredBootloaderVersion()

Gets the required bootloader version specified in the device image zip.

If multiple versions are listed, get the latest with the assumption that versions sort from oldest to newest alphabetically.

String getRequiredImageVersion(String imageVersionKey)

Gets the required custom image version specified in the device image zip

If multiple versions are listed, get the latest with the assumption that versions sort from oldest to newest alphabetically.

String getRequiredImageVersion(String imageVersionKey, String productName)

Gets the required custom image version specified in the device image zip.

If multiple versions are listed, get the latest with the assumption that versions sort from oldest to newest alphabetically.



public static final String BASEBAND_VERSION_KEY


public static final String BOARD_KEY


public static final String BOOTLOADER_VERSION_KEY


public static final String PRODUCT_KEY

Public constructors


public FlashingResourcesParser (File deviceImgZipFile, 

Create a FlashingResourcesParser and have it parse the specified device image for flashing requirements. Flashing requirements must pass the appropriate constraint (if one exists) before being added. Rejected requirements will be dropped silently.

deviceImgZipFile File: The updater.zip file to be flashed

c : A map from key name to Constraint. Image names will be checked against the appropriate constraint (if any) as a prereq for being added. May be null to disable filtering.



public FlashingResourcesParser (File deviceImgZipFile)

Create a FlashingResourcesParser and have it parse the specified device image for flashing requirements.

deviceImgZipFile File: The updater.zip file to be flashed



public FlashingResourcesParser (BufferedReader infoReader, 

Constructs a FlashingResourcesParser with the supplied AndroidInfo Reader

Exposed for unit testing

infoReader BufferedReader: a ERROR(/BufferedReader) containing the equivalent of android-info.txt to parse

c : A map from key name to Constraint. Image names will be checked against the appropriate constraint (if any) as a prereq for being added. May be null to disable filtering.


public FlashingResourcesParser (BufferedReader infoReader)

Constructs a FlashingResourcesParser with the supplied AndroidInfo Reader

Exposed for unit testing

infoReader BufferedReader: a ERROR(/BufferedReader) containing the equivalent of android-info.txt to parse

Public methods


public String getRequiredBasebandVersion ()

Gets the required baseband version specified in the device image zip.

If multiple versions are listed, get the latest with the assumption that versions sort from oldest to newest alphabetically.

String the baseband version or null if not specified


public  getRequiredBoards ()

Gets the required board type(s) specified in the device image zip.

the board types or null if not specified


public String getRequiredBootloaderVersion ()

Gets the required bootloader version specified in the device image zip.

If multiple versions are listed, get the latest with the assumption that versions sort from oldest to newest alphabetically.

String the bootloader version or null if not specified


public String getRequiredImageVersion (String imageVersionKey)

Gets the required custom image version specified in the device image zip

If multiple versions are listed, get the latest with the assumption that versions sort from oldest to newest alphabetically.

imageVersionKey String: the expected identifier of the image's version information

String the required version for given image or null if not specified


public String getRequiredImageVersion (String imageVersionKey, 
                String productName)

Gets the required custom image version specified in the device image zip. If productName is non-null, this method will check for (and return if present) image requirements specified for that particular product. If no product-specific requirement exists, it will fall back to returning the global requirement, or null if no requirement of any sort exists for that particular versionKey.

If multiple versions are listed, get the latest with the assumption that versions sort from oldest to newest alphabetically.

imageVersionKey String: the expected identifier of the image's version information

productName String: A specific product name to check

String the required version for given image or null if not specified