GnssSystemInfo Struct Reference

GnssSystemInfo Struct Reference

#include < gps.h >

Data Fields

size_t  size
uint16_t  year_of_hw

Detailed Description

Provides information about how new the underlying GPS/GNSS hardware and software is.

This information will be available for Android Test Applications. If a GPS HAL does not provide this information, it will be considered "2015 or earlier".

If a GPS HAL does provide this information, then newer years will need to meet newer CTS standards. E.g. if the date are 2016 or above, then N+ level GpsMeasurement support will be verified.

Definition at line 758 of file gps.h .

Field Documentation

size_t size

Set to sizeof(GnssSystemInfo)

Definition at line 760 of file gps.h .

uint16_t year_of_hw

Definition at line 763 of file gps.h .

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/ gps.h