
public interface ISystemStatusChecker

An checker that performs checks on system status and returns a boolean to indicate if the system is in an expected state. Such check maybe performed either prior to or after a module execution.

Note: the checker must be reentrant: meaning that the same instance will be called multiple times for each module executed, so it should not leave a state so as to interfere with the checks to be performed for the following modules.

The return StatusCheckerResult describing the results. May have an error message set in case of failure.


Public methods

default StatusCheckerResult postExecutionCheck(ITestDevice device)

Check system condition after test module execution.

default StatusCheckerResult preExecutionCheck(ITestDevice device)

Check system condition before test module execution.

Public methods


public StatusCheckerResult postExecutionCheck (ITestDevice device)

Check system condition after test module execution. Subclass should override this method if a check is desirable here. Implementation must return a boolean value to indicate if the status check has passed or failed.

device ITestDevice: The ITestDevice on which to run the checks.

StatusCheckerResult result of system status check



public StatusCheckerResult preExecutionCheck (ITestDevice device)

Check system condition before test module execution. Subclass should override this method if a check is desirable here. Implementation must return a boolean value to indicate if the status check has passed or failed.

It's strongly recommended that system status be checked after module execution, and this method may be used for the purpose of caching certain system state prior to module execution.

device ITestDevice: The ITestDevice on which to run the checks.

StatusCheckerResult result of system status check
