AggregatePostProcessor |
A metric aggregator that gives the min, max, mean, variance, standard deviation, total, count and
optionally percentiles for numeric metrics collected during multiple-iteration test runs,
treating them as doubles.
AveragePostProcessor |
Implementation of post processor that calculate the average of the list of metrics.
BaseDeviceMetricCollector |
Base implementation of IMetricCollector that allows to start and stop collection on
onTestRunStart( and ERROR(/#onTestRunEnd(,Map)) .
BaseEmulatorPreparer |
Common preparer for launching a local emulator.
BaseMultiTargetPreparer |
Base implementation of IMultiTargetPreparer that allows to disable the object.
BasePostProcessor |
The base IPostProcessor that every implementation should extend.
BaseTargetPreparer |
Base implementation class for ITargetPreparer that allows to control whether the object
is disabled or not.
BugreportzOnFailureCollector |
Collect a bugreportz when a test case fails.
BuildInfoRecorder |
An ITargetPreparer that writes build info meta data into a specified file.
ClangCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull Clang
coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
CountTestCasesCollector |
Count and report the number of test cases for a given IRemoteTest .
CreateAvdPreparer |
CreateUserPreparer |
Target preparer for creating user and cleaning it up at the end.
DebugHostLogOnFailureCollector |
Collector that will gather and log the host-side logs when a test case failure occurs.
DeviceBuildInfoBootStrapper |
A ITargetPreparer that replaces build info fields with attributes read from device
This is useful for testing devices with builds generated from an external source (e.g.
DeviceBuildInfoInjector |
A ITargetPreparer that inserts DeviceBuildDescriptor metadata into the IBuildInfo .
DeviceCleaner |
Performs reboot or format as cleanup action after test, and optionally turns screen off
DeviceFlashPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that flashes an image on physical Android hardware.
DeviceImageZipFlashingTargetPreparer |
A target preparer that flashes the device with device images provided via a specific format.
DeviceSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that configures a device for testing based on provided Option s.
DeviceUpdateTargetPreparer |
An abstract ITargetPreparer that takes care of common steps around updating devices with
a device image file from an external source (as opposed to a build service).
FastbootUpdateBootstrapPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer that stages specified files (bootloader, radio, device image zip) into
IDeviceBuildInfo to get devices flashed with FastbootDeviceFlasher , then injects
post-boot device attributes into the build info for result reporting purposes.
FilePullerDeviceMetricCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that listen for metrics key coming from the device and pull
them as a file from the device.
FilePullerLogCollector |
Logger of the file reported by the device-side.
FoldableModePreparer |
A target preparer that can switch the foldable state of a device.
GcovCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull gcov
coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
GkiDeviceFlashPreparer |
A target preparer that flash the device with android common kernel generic image.
GsiDeviceFlashPreparer |
A target preparer that flashes the device with android generic system image.
HelloWorldMultiTargetPreparer |
An example implementation of a IMultiTargetPreparer .
IMetricCollector |
This interface will be added as a decorator when reporting tests results in order to collect
matching metrics.
IMultiTargetPreparer |
Prepares the test environment for several devices together.
IPostProcessor |
Post processors is a Trade Federation object meant to allow the processing of metrics and logs
AFTER the tests and BEFORE result reporting.
ITargetCleaner |
This interface is deprecated.
tearDown has been moved to the base ITargetPreparer interface.
ITargetPreparer |
Prepares the test environment for the test run.
InstallApexModuleTargetPreparer |
JavaCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull Java
coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
KillExistingEmulatorPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that shuts down a running emulator.
LocalEmulatorLaunch |
A TargetPreparer that launches an emulator locally from an android build environment.
LocalEmulatorSnapshot |
A TargetPreparer intended for generating a clean emulator snapshot from a android
build/development environment
LogcatOnFailureCollector |
Collector that will capture and log a logcat when a test case fails.
MetricFilePostProcessor |
Used for uploading the metrics log file collected during the test and run level.
ModuleOemTargetPreparer |
RecoveryLogPreparer |
A target preparer used to collect logs before recovery.
RunCommandTargetPreparer |
RunOnSecondaryUserTargetPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer that creates a secondary user in setup, and marks that tests should be
run in that user.
RunOnSystemUserTargetPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer that marks that tests should be run on the user (rather than the
current user).
RunOnWorkProfileTargetPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer that creates a work profile in setup, and marks that tests should be
run in that user.
ScreenshotOnFailureCollector |
Collector that will capture and log a screenshot when a test case fails.
StubMultiTargetPreparer |
Placeholder empty implementation of a IMultiTargetPreparer .
StubTargetPreparer |
Placeholder empty implementation of a ITargetPreparer .
SuiteApkInstaller |
Installs specified APKs for Suite configuration: either from $ANDROID_TARGET_OUT_TESTCASES
variable or the ROOT_DIR in build info.
TestAppInstallSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that installs one or more apps from a IDeviceBuildInfo.getTestsDir() folder onto device.