Use Cuttlefish with 16KB page size on ARM64

This page shows how to build and start Cuttlefish with 16KB page size support on ARM64. The instructions on this page assume that Cuttlefish is installed in your machine. For instructions to install it, see Install Cuttlefish.

Sync and build page-agnostic target

Build and launch Cuttlefish with a page-agnostic target:

$ mkdir main && cd main
$ repo init -u -b main
$ repo sync -c -j32

# Build cf agnostic target.
$ source build/
$ lunch aosp_cf_arm64_phone_pgagnostic-trunk-userdebug
$ m

# Launch cf with a kernel with 16KB page size support.
$ launch_cvd
virtio_input_hid_handle_status: unknown type 20
virtio_input_hid_handle_status: unknown type 20
virtio_input_hid_handle_status: unknown type 20
virtio_input_hid_handle_status: unknown type 20
Generating new secret with slot ID: 4

Verify page size and boot

To verify page size and boot status:

  1. Access the shell as root:

    $ adb root
    adbd is already running as root
    $ adb shell
    vsoc_arm64_pgagnostic:/ #
  2. Verify page size and boot status:

    vsoc_arm64_pgagnostic:/ # getconf PAGE_SIZE
    vsoc_arm64_pgagnostic:/ # getprop | grep sys.boot.completed
    sys.boot_completed: 1

Use Cuttlefish with custom 16KB page size kernel

To use a custom kernel, instead of a prebuilt kernel:

  1. Create a repo directory for an android common kernel and sync the directory:

    $ mkdir common-android14-6.1 && cd common-android14-6.1
    $ repo init -u -b common-android14-6.1
    $ repo sync -c -j$(nproc)
  2. Build 16KB page size kernel:

    $ tools/bazel run --lto=none //common:kernel_aarch64_16k_dist
    $ tools/bazel run --lto=none //common-modules/virtual-device:virtual_device_aarch64_16k_dist -- \
  3. Verify that the build executed successfully:

    # Generated files
    $ ls out/android14-6.1/dist/Image
    $ ls out/android14-6.1/dist/initramfs.img

Start Cuttlefish with the custom 16KB page size kernel

To use your newly built kernel in Cuttlefish:

$ launch_cvd -kernel_path ~/common-android14-6.1/out/android14-6.1/dist/Image \
      -initramfs_path ~/common-android14-6.1/out/android14-6.1/dist/initramfs.img \
      --resume=false --userdata_format=ext4 \
      --data_policy=always_create --blank_data_image_mb=8000