Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- t -
- tac : AGpsRefLocationCellID
- tag : audio_effect_library_s , hw_device_t , hw_module_t , keymaster_key_param_t
- take_picture : camera_device_ops
- temperature : sensors_event_t
- temperature_current : vehicle_hvac
- temperature_set : vehicle_hvac
- test_command : btgatt_client_interface_t
- text : btrc_element_attr_val_t , btrc_player_setting_text_t , GpsNiNotification
- text_encoding : GpsNiNotification
- thread_evt_cb : bt_callbacks_t
- ThreadCondVar() : ThreadCondVar
- ThreadMutex() : ThreadMutex
- throttling_threshold : temperature_t
- time : _timeb
- time_from_last_bit_ms : GpsMeasurement
- time_ns : GnssClock , GpsClock
- time_offset_ns : GnssMeasurement , GpsMeasurement
- time_stamp : btgatt_track_adv_info_t
- time_uncertainty_ns : GnssClock , GpsClock
- timeHiAndVersion : effect_uuid_s
- timeLow : effect_uuid_s
- timeMid : effect_uuid_s
- timeout : GpsNiNotification
- timestamp : activity_event , camera3_shutter_msg , FlpLocation , GpsLocation , sensors_event_t , vehicle_prop_value
- timezone : _timeb
- token_bucket_size : FLOW_SPEC
- token_rate : FLOW_SPEC
- toolchain : context_hub_t
- toolchain_version : context_hub_t
- top : hwc_frect , hwc_rect
- torch_mode_status_change : camera_module_callbacks
- total : cpu_usage_t
- total_bytes : mem_range_t
- total_number_of_times_voted_since_boot : power_state_voter_t
- total_time_in_msec_voted_for_since_boot : power_state_voter_t
- total_trackable_advertisers : bt_local_le_features_t
- total_transitions : power_state_platform_sleep_state_t
- track : btrc_register_notification_t
- track_adv_event_cb : btgatt_client_callbacks_t
- track_changed_cb : btrc_ctrl_callbacks_t
- transform : hwc_layer_1
- transmit : consumerir_device
- trigger_action : camera2_device_ops
- tune : radio_tuner
- turn_signals : vehicle_value
- tx_bytes : __attribute__
- tx_power : btgatt_track_adv_info_t
- tx_time : __attribute__
- type : _bluetooth_sdp_hdr , _bluetooth_sdp_hdr_overlay , additional_info_event_t , AGpsRefLocation , AGpsRefLocationCellID , AGpsStatus , AGpsStatus_v1 , AGpsStatus_v2 , bt_property_t , btgatt_db_element_t , camera3_notify_msg , cooling_device_t , effect_descriptor_s , fingerprint_msg , GeofenceData , GnssNavigationMessage , GpsClock , GpsNavigationMessage , hdmi_event , hdmi_port_info , mem_range_t , sensor_t , sensors_event_t , tBLE_BD_ADDR , temperature_t , tv_input_device_info , tv_input_event , tv_stream , tv_stream_config
- type_info_reserved : tv_input_device_info
- type_string : physical_sensor_description_t