
public class RegexTrie
extends Object


The RegexTrie is a trie where each stored segment of the key is a regex ERROR(/Pattern). Thus, the full stored key is a List&lt;Pattern&gt; rather than a List&lt;String&gt; as in a standard trie. Note that the retrieve(String) method will be pointwise matched against the Patterns, rather than checked for pointwise equality as in a standard trie. Because of this, it may perform poorly for large datasets.

One can also use a null entry in the Pattern sequence to serve as a wildcard. If a null is encountered, all subsequent entries in the sequence will be ignored. When the retrieval code encounters a null Pattern, it will first wait to see if a more-specific entry matches the sequence. If one does, that more-specific entry will proceed, even if it subsequently fails to match.

If no more-specific entry matches, the wildcard match will add all remaining Strings to the list of captures (if enabled) and return the value associated with the wildcard.

A short sample of the wildcard functionality:

 List<List<String>> captures = new LinkedList<List<String>>();
 RegexTrie<Integer> trie = new RegexTrie<Integer>();
 trie.put(2, "a", null);
 trie.put(4, "a", "b");
 trie.retrieve(captures, "a", "c", "e");
 // returns 2.  captures is now [[], ["c"], ["e"]]
 trie.retrieve(captures, "a", "b");
 // returns 4.  captures is now [[], []]
 trie.retrieve(captures, "a", "b", "c");
 // returns null.  captures is now [[], []]


Public constructors


Public methods

void clear()
V put(V value, Pattern... patterns)

Add an entry to the trie.

V retrieve(String... strings)

Fetch a value from the trie, by matching the provided sequence of Strings to a sequence of ERROR(/Pattern)s stored in the trie.

V retrieve( captures, String... strings)

Fetch a value from the trie, by matching the provided sequence of Strings to a sequence of ERROR(/Pattern)s stored in the trie.

String toString()

Public constructors


public RegexTrie ()

Public methods


public void clear ()


public V put (V value, 
                Pattern... patterns)

Add an entry to the trie.

value V: The value to set

patterns Pattern: The sequence of ERROR(/Pattern)s that must be sequentially matched to retrieve the associated value



public V retrieve (String... strings)

Fetch a value from the trie, by matching the provided sequence of Strings to a sequence of ERROR(/Pattern)s stored in the trie.

strings String: A sequence of Strings to match

V The associated value, or null if no value was found


public V retrieve ( captures, 
                String... strings)

Fetch a value from the trie, by matching the provided sequence of Strings to a sequence of ERROR(/Pattern)s stored in the trie. This version of the method also returns a ERROR(/List) of capture groups for each ERROR(/Pattern) that was matched.

Each entry in the outer List corresponds to one level of Pattern in the trie. For each level, the list of capture groups will be stored. If there were no captures for a particular level, an empty list will be stored.

Note that captures will be ERROR(/List#clear())ed before the retrieval begins. Also, if the retrieval fails after a partial sequence of matches, captures will still reflect the capture groups from the partial match.

captures : A List<List<String>> through which capture groups will be returned.

strings String: A sequence of Strings to match

V The associated value, or null if no value was found


public String toString ()
