
public interface ITestInvocationListener
implements ITestLifeCycleReceiver, ITestLogger

Listener for test results from the test invocation.

A test invocation can itself include multiple test runs, so the sequence of calls will be

  • invocationStarted(BuildInfo)
  • testRunStarted
  • testStarted
  • [testFailed]
  • testEnded
  • ...
  • testRunEnded
  • ...
  • testRunStarted
  • ...
  • testRunEnded
  • [invocationFailed]
  • [testLog+]
  • invocationEnded
  • getSummary


Public methods

default TestSummary getSummary()

Allows the InvocationListener to return a summary.

default void invocationEnded(long elapsedTime)

Reports that the invocation has terminated, whether successfully or due to some error condition.

default void invocationFailed(FailureDescription failure)

Reports an incomplete invocation due to some error condition.

default void invocationFailed(Throwable cause)

Reports an incomplete invocation due to some error condition.

default void invocationInterrupted()

Called on scheduler shutdown, gives the invocation the opportunity to do something before terminating.

default void invocationSkipped(SkipReason reason)

Reports an invocation as skipped

default void invocationStarted(IInvocationContext context)

Reports the start of the test invocation.

default void testModuleEnded()

Reports the end of a module run.

default void testModuleStarted(IInvocationContext moduleContext)

Reports the beginning of a module running.

Public methods


public TestSummary getSummary ()

Allows the InvocationListener to return a summary.

TestSummary A TestSummary summarizing the run, or null


public void invocationEnded (long elapsedTime)

Reports that the invocation has terminated, whether successfully or due to some error condition.

Will be automatically called by the TradeFederation framework.

elapsedTime long: the elapsed time of the invocation in ms


public void invocationFailed (FailureDescription failure)

Reports an incomplete invocation due to some error condition.

Will be automatically called by the TradeFederation framework.

failure FailureDescription: the FailureDescription describing the cause of the failure


public void invocationFailed (Throwable cause)

Reports an incomplete invocation due to some error condition.

Will be automatically called by the TradeFederation framework.

cause Throwable: the Throwable cause of the failure


public void invocationInterrupted ()

Called on scheduler shutdown, gives the invocation the opportunity to do something before terminating.


public void invocationSkipped (SkipReason reason)

Reports an invocation as skipped

reason SkipReason


public void invocationStarted (IInvocationContext context)

Reports the start of the test invocation.

Will be automatically called by the TradeFederation framework. Reporters need to override this method to support multiple devices reporting.

context IInvocationContext: information about the invocation


public void testModuleEnded ()

Reports the end of a module run.


public void testModuleStarted (IInvocationContext moduleContext)

Reports the beginning of a module running. This callback is associated with testModuleEnded() and is optional in the sequence. It is only used during a run that uses modules: suite based runners.

moduleContext IInvocationContext: the IInvocationContext of the module.