AdbStopServerPreparer |
Target preparer to stop adb server on the host before and after running adb tests.
AggregatePostProcessor |
A metric aggregator that gives the min, max, mean, variance, standard deviation, total, count and
optionally percentiles for numeric metrics collected during multiple-iteration test runs,
treating them as doubles.
AllTestAppsInstallSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that installs all apps from a IDeviceBuildInfo.getTestsDir()
folder onto device.
AoaTargetPreparer |
ITargetPreparer that executes a series of actions (e.g. clicks and swipes) using the
Android Open Accessory (AOAv2) protocol.
AppSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that installs an apk and its tests.
ArtChrootPreparer |
Create chroot directory for ART tests.
AtraceCollector |
A IMetricCollector that runs atrace during a test and collects the result and log
them to the invocation.
AtraceRunMetricCollector |
Collects the traces from all the test directory under the given directory
from the test device, log the test directory and post process the trace files
under the test directory and aggregate the metrics.
AveragePostProcessor |
Implementation of post processor that calculate the average of the list of metrics.
BaseDeviceMetricCollector |
Base implementation of IMetricCollector that allows to start and stop collection on
onTestRunStart( and ERROR(/#onTestRunEnd(,Map)) .
BaseEmulatorPreparer |
Common preparer for launching a local emulator.
BaseMultiTargetPreparer |
Base implementation of IMultiTargetPreparer that allows to disable the object.
BasePostProcessor |
The base IPostProcessor that every implementation should extend.
BaseTargetPreparer |
Base implementation class for ITargetPreparer that allows to control whether the object
is disabled or not.
BluetoothConnectionLatencyCollector |
The collector will push a pre-defined statsd duration metric config to devices and collect
Bluetooth connection duration for each profile.
BluetoothConnectionStateCollector |
This collector will collect BluetoothConnectionStateChanged metrics and record connection state
number for each profile.
BluetoothConnectionSuccessRatePostProcessor |
Implementation of postprocessor which calculates success rate for a bluetooth profile
Use "metric-key-match" to specify metrics which contain bluetooth connection states in numeric
array Example [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3].
BluetoothHciSnoopLogCollector |
Collector to enable Bluetooth HCI snoop logging on the DUT and to collect the log for each test.
BugreportzOnFailureCollector |
Collect a bugreportz when a test case fails.
BugreportzOnTestCaseFailureCollector |
Collect a bugreportz when a test case in a run fails.
BuildInfoRecorder |
An ITargetPreparer that writes build info meta data into a specified file.
CheckPairingPreparer |
A CompanionAwarePreparer that verifies BT bonding between primary and companion devices
ClangCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull Clang
coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
CodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull Java and
native coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
CollectingTestListener |
A ITestInvocationListener that will collect all test results.
CompanionAllocator |
Base class that takes care of allocating and freeing companion device
getCompanionDeviceSelectionOptions() should be implemented to describe the criteria
needed to allocate the companion device
CompanionAwarePreparer |
An ITargetPreparer that encapsulates the logic of getting an already allocated companion
CompanionRunCommandTargetPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that runs specified commands on the allocated companion device
CompanionTestAppInstallSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that installs one or more apps from a
IDeviceBuildInfo.getTestsDir() folder onto an allocated companion device.
CompileBootImageWithSpeedTargetPreparer |
Recompiles the boot classpath and system server with the compiler filter 'speed'.
CountTestCasesCollector |
Count and report the number of test cases for a given IRemoteTest .
CpuThrottlingWaiter |
An ITargetPreparer that waits until max frequency on all cores are restored to highest
level available
CreateAvdPreparer |
CreateUserPreparer |
Target preparer for creating user and cleaning it up at the end.
DebugHostLogOnFailureCollector |
Collector that will gather and log the host-side logs when a test case failure occurs.
DeviceActionTargetPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer to perform device actions.
DeviceBuildInfoBootStrapper |
A ITargetPreparer that replaces build info fields with attributes read from device
This is useful for testing devices with builds generated from an external source (e.g.
DeviceBuildInfoInjector |
A ITargetPreparer that inserts DeviceBuildDescriptor metadata into the IBuildInfo .
DeviceCleaner |
Performs reboot or format as cleanup action after test, and optionally turns screen off
DeviceFlashPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that flashes an image on physical Android hardware.
DeviceImageZipFlashingTargetPreparer |
A target preparer that flashes the device with device images provided via a specific format.
DeviceOwnerTargetPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer that sets up a device owner component.
DeviceSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that configures a device for testing based on provided Option s.
DeviceStorageFiller |
Target preparer to fill up storage so some amount of free space is available.
DeviceStringPusher |
Target preparer to write a string to a file.
DeviceTraceCollector |
Collector that will start perfetto trace when a test run starts and log trace file at the end.
DeviceUpdateTargetPreparer |
An abstract ITargetPreparer that takes care of common steps around updating devices with
a device image file from an external source (as opposed to a build service).
DeviceWiper |
A ITargetPreparer that wipes userdata
DisableSELinuxTargetPreparer |
Target preparer that disables SELinux if enabled.
DynamicSystemPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer that sets up a system image on top of a device build with the Dynamic
System Update.
EraseUserDataPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that wipes user data on the device.
FastbootCommandPreparer |
Target preparer that triggers fastboot and sends fastboot commands.
FastbootUpdateBootstrapPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer that stages specified files (bootloader, radio, device image zip) into
IDeviceBuildInfo to get devices flashed with FastbootDeviceFlasher , then injects
post-boot device attributes into the build info for result reporting purposes.
FeatureFlagTargetPreparer |
Updates the DeviceConfig (feature flags tuned by a remote service).
FilePullerDeviceMetricCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that listen for metrics key coming from the device and pull
them as a file from the device.
FilePullerLogCollector |
Logger of the file reported by the device-side.
FoldableModePreparer |
A target preparer that can switch the foldable state of a device.
FolderSaver |
A ITargetPreparer that pulls directories off device, compresses and saves it into logging
FormattedGeneratorReporter |
Reporter that allows to generate reports in a particular format.
GcovCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull gcov
coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
GcovKernelCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull gcov kernel
coverage measurements out of debugfs and off of the device and then finally logs them as test
GkiDeviceFlashPreparer |
A target preparer that flash the device with android common kernel generic image.
GsiDeviceFlashPreparer |
A target preparer that flashes the device with android generic system image.
HelloWorldMultiTargetPreparer |
An example implementation of a IMultiTargetPreparer .
HostStatsdMetricCollector |
A IMetricCollector that collects statsd metrics from host side using statsd utility
ILabPreparer |
Marker interface for lab preparers
See ITargetPreparer for a description of what these interfaces are intended.
IMetricCollector |
This interface will be added as a decorator when reporting tests results in order to collect
matching metrics.
IMultiTargetPreparer |
Prepares the test environment for several devices together.
IPostProcessor |
Post processors is a Trade Federation object meant to allow the processing of metrics and logs
AFTER the tests and BEFORE result reporting.
ITargetCleaner |
This interface is deprecated.
tearDown has been moved to the base ITargetPreparer interface.
ITargetPreparer |
Prepares the test environment for the test run.
InstallAllTestZipAppsSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that installs all apps in a test zip.
InstallApexModuleTargetPreparer |
InstallApkSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that installs one or more apks located on the filesystem.
InstallBuildEnvApkSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that installs one or more test apks from an Android platform build env.
InstallKernelModulePreparer |
A target preparer that install kernel modules.
InstrumentationPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that runs instrumentation
JavaCodeCoverageCollector |
A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull Java
coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts.
JsonHttpTestResultReporter |
A result reporter that encode test metrics results and branch, device info into JSON and POST
into an HTTP service endpoint
KillExistingEmulatorPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that shuts down a running emulator.
KnownFailurePreparer |
Target preparer to skip retrying known failure.
LUCIResultReporter |
A result reporter that saves test results needed by ResultDB and LUCI
into JSON format (go/result-sink) and logs the file location in the console.
LocalEmulatorLaunch |
A TargetPreparer that launches an emulator locally from an android build environment.
LocalEmulatorSnapshot |
A TargetPreparer intended for generating a clean emulator snapshot from a android
build/development environment
LogcatOnFailureCollector |
Collector that will capture and log a logcat when a test case fails.
LogcatTimingMetricCollector |
A metric collector that collects timing information (e.g. user switch time) from logcat during
one or multiple repeated tests by using given regex patterns to parse start and end signals of an
event from logcat lines.
MergeMultiBuildTargetPreparer |
A IMultiTargetPreparer that allows to pass information from one build to another by
naming them and the file key to copy to the other build.
MetricFilePostProcessor |
Used for uploading the metrics log file collected during the test and run level.
MetricsXMLResultReporter |
MetricsXMLResultReporter writes test metrics and run metrics to an XML file in a folder specified
by metrics-folder parameter at the invocationEnded phase of the test.
MixImageZipPreparer |
An IMultiTargetPreparer that mixes a system build's images in a device build.
MixKernelTargetPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that allows to mix a kernel image with the device image.
ModuleListener |
Listener attached to each IRemoteTest of each module in order to collect the list of
ModuleLogcatCollector |
Version of logcat collector but for module.
ModuleOemTargetPreparer |
NativeLeakCollector |
A ITargetPreparer that runs 'dumpsys meminfo --unreachable -a' to identify the
unreachable native memory currently held by each process.
NoApkTestSkipper |
Special preparer that allows to skip an invocation completely (preparation and tests) if there
are no apks to tests.
PairingMultiTargetPreparer |
A multi-target preparer helps make Bluetooth pairing (and connection) between two devices.
PerfettoGenericPostProcessor |
A post processor that processes text/binary metric perfetto proto file into key-value pairs by
recursively expanding the proto messages and fields with string values until the field with
numeric value is encountered.
PerfettoPreparer |
Perfetto preparer pushes the config file in to the device at a standard location to which
perfetto have access to.
PerfettoPullerMetricCollector |
Base implementation of FilePullerDeviceMetricCollector that allows
pulling the perfetto files from the device and collect the metrics from it.
ProfileTargetPreparer |
Base class for setting up target preparer for any profile user android.os.usertype.profile.XXX .
PushFileInvoker |
This class is deprecated.
Use PushFilePreparer instead
PushFilePreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that attempts to push any number of files from any host path to any
device path.
PythonVirtualenvPreparer |
Sets up a Python virtualenv on the host and installs packages.
RebootReasonCollector |
Collector that collects device reboot during the test run and report them by reason and counts.
RebootTargetPreparer |
Target preparer that reboots the device.
RecoveryLogPreparer |
A target preparer used to collect logs before recovery.
RemoveSystemAppPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer for removing an apk from the system partition before a test run.
ReportPassedTests |
Report in a file possible filters to exclude passed test.
RestartSystemServerTargetPreparer |
Target preparer that restarts the system server without rebooting the device.
ResultAggregator |
Special forwarder that aggregates the results when needed, based on the retry strategy that was
RootTargetPreparer |
Target preparer that performs "adb root" or "adb unroot" based on option "force-root".
RootcanalForwarderPreparer |
RunCommandTargetPreparer |
RunHostCommandTargetPreparer |
Target preparer to run arbitrary host commands before and after running the test.
RunHostScriptTargetPreparer |
Target preparer which executes a script before running a test.
RunOnCloneProfileTargetPreparer |
RunOnPrivateProfileTargetPreparer |
RunOnSdkSandboxTargetPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer to marks that tests should run in the sdk sandbox.
RunOnSecondaryUserTargetPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer to ensure that the test runs as a secondary user.
RunOnSystemUserTargetPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer that marks that tests should be run on the user (rather than the
current user).
RunOnWorkProfileTargetPreparer |
An ITargetPreparer that creates a work profile in setup, and marks that tests should be
run in that user.
RuntimeRestartCollector |
Collector that collects timestamps of runtime restarts (system server crashes) during the test
run, if any.
ScreenshotOnFailureCollector |
Collector that will capture and log a screenshot when a test case fails.
SemaphoreTokenTargetPreparer |
This is a preparer used to use token to serialize test excution in tradefed host.
ShardListener |
A ITestInvocationListener that collects results from a invocation shard (aka an
invocation split to run on multiple resources in parallel), and forwards them to another
ShowmapPullerMetricCollector |
Base implementation of FilePullerDeviceMetricCollector that allows pulling the showmap
files from the device and collect the metrics from it.
SideloadOtaTargetPreparer |
A target preparer that performs sideload of a specified OTA package, applies the package, waits
for device to boot up, and injects the device build properties to use as build info
This target preparer assumes that the device will be in regular adb mode when started, and
will ensure that the device exits in the same mode but with the newer build applied.
SkipManager |
Based on a variety of criteria the skip manager helps to decide what should be skipped at
different levels: invocation, modules and tests.
StatsdBeforeAfterGaugeMetricPostProcessor |
A post processor that processes gauge metrics collected in a "before/after" approach, i.e.
StatsdEventMetricPostProcessor |
A post processor that processes event metrics in statsd reports into key-value pairs, using the
formatters specified on the processor.
StatsdGenericPostProcessor |
A post processor that processes binary proto statsd reports into key-value pairs by expanding the
report as a tree structure.
StopServicesSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that stops services on the device.
StubMultiTargetPreparer |
Placeholder empty implementation of a IMultiTargetPreparer .
StubTargetPreparer |
Placeholder empty implementation of a ITargetPreparer .
SuiteApkInstaller |
Installs specified APKs for Suite configuration: either from $ANDROID_TARGET_OUT_TESTCASES
variable or the ROOT_DIR in build info.
SuiteResultReporter |
Collect test results for an entire suite invocation and output the final results.
SwitchUserTargetPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that switches to the specified user kind in setUp.
TearDownPassThroughPreparer |
Allows for running tearDown on preparers that are included in a config as an object.
TemperatureThrottlingWaiter |
An ITargetPreparer that waits until device's temperature gets down to target
TestAppInstallSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that installs one or more apps from a IDeviceBuildInfo.getTestsDir() folder onto device.
TestFilePushSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that pushes one or more files/dirs from a IDeviceBuildInfo.getTestsDir() folder onto device.
TestSystemAppInstallSetup |
A ITargetPreparer that installs one or more apps from a IDeviceBuildInfo.getTestsDir() folder onto the /system partition on device.
TimeWaster |
A simple target preparer to waste time and potentially restart the device.
TraceCmdCollector |
A IMetricCollector that collects traces during the test using trace-cmd, and logs them to
the invocation.
UserCleaner |
A ITargetPreparer that removes secondary users on teardown.
VisibleBackgroundUserPreparer |
Target preparer for running tests in a user that is started in the visible in the background.
WaitForDeviceDatetimePreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that waits for datetime to be set on device
Optionally this preparer can force a TargetSetupError if datetime is not set within
WifiPreparer |
A ITargetPreparer that configures wifi on the device if necessary.
XmlFormattedGeneratorReporter |
Implementation of the FormattedGeneratorReporter which format the suite results in an xml
XmlResultReporter |
Writes JUnit results to an XML files in a format consistent with
Ant's XMLJUnitResultFormatter.