Wersje deweloperskie na Androida są podzielone na rodziny (w kolejności alfabetycznej) kryptonimów.
.Kryptonim | Wersja | Poziom API/NDK |
Android 15 | 15 | Poziom API 35 |
Android14 | 14 | Poziom 34 interfejsu API |
Android 13 | 13 | Poziom 33 interfejsu API |
Android12L | 12 | Poziom interfejsu API 32 |
Android 12 | 12 | Poziom 31 interfejsu API |
Android11 | 11 | Poziom 30 interfejsu API |
Android10 | 10 | Poziom interfejsu API 29 |
Pie | 9 | Poziom 28 interfejsu API |
Oreo | 8.1.0 | Poziom API 27 |
Oreo | 8.0.0 | Poziom 26 interfejsu API |
Nougat | 7.1 | Poziom API 25 |
Nougat | 7,0 | Poziom 24 interfejsu API |
Marshmallow | 6.0 | Poziom API 23 |
Lizak | 5.1 | Poziom 22 interfejsu API |
Lizak | 5,0 | Poziom 21 interfejsu API |
KitKat | 4.4 – 4.4.4 | Poziom interfejsu API 19 |
Fasolka | 4.3.x | Poziom interfejsu API 18 |
Fasolka | 4.2.x | Poziom API 17 |
Jelly Bean | 4.1.x | Poziom interfejsu API 16 |
Ice Cream Sandwich | 4.0.3–4.0.4 | Poziom API 15, NDK 8 |
Ice Cream Sandwich | 4.0.1 – 4.0.2 | Poziom API 14, NDK 7 |
Plaster miodu | 3.2.x | Poziom interfejsu API 13 |
Plaster miodu | 3.1 | Poziom API 12, NDK 6 |
Plaster miodu | 3,0 | Poziom API 11 |
Piernik | 2.3.3–2.3.7 | Poziom interfejsu API 10 |
Piernik | 2.3 - 2.3.2 | Poziom 9 interfejsu API, NDK 5 |
Froyo | 2.2.x | Poziom API 8, NDK 4 |
Ekler | 2.1 | Poziom API 7, NDK 3 |
Ekler | 2.0.1 | Poziom API 6 |
Ekler | 2,0 | Poziom interfejsu API 5 |
Pączek | 1,6 | Poziom API 4, NDK 2 |
Babeczka | 1,5 | Poziom API 3, NDK 1 |
(bez kryptonimu) | 1,1 | Poziom interfejsu API 2 |
(bez kryptonimu) | 1,0 | Poziom interfejsu API 1 |
Tagi i kompilacje kodu źródłowego
Począwszy od Donut, dokładna lista tagów i kompilacji znajduje się poniżej tabeli. Identyfikator wersji zawiera informacje takie jak wersja platformy, gałąź kodu i data, w której wersja została odgałęziona lub zsynchronizowana z gałęzią deweloperską.
Identyfikator kompilacji |
Tag | Wersja | Obsługiwane urządzenia | Stan aktualizacji zabezpieczeń |
AP3A.240905.015.A2 | android-15.0.0_r1 | Android15 | 2024-09-05 | |
12319019 | android-security-15.0.0_r1, | Android 15 | 2024-09-05 | |
AD1A.240905.004 | Android-14.0.0_R74 | Android 14 | Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro Fold, Pixel 9 Pro XL | 2024-09-05 |
AP2A.240905.003.F1 | Android-14.0.0_R73 | Android14 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro | 2024-09-05 |
AP2A.240905.003.E1 | android-14.0.0_r72 | Android14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-09-05 |
AP2A.240905.003.D1 | android-14.0.0_r71 | Android14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro | 2024-09-05 |
AP2A.240905.003.C1 | android-14.0.0_R70 | Android 14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-09-05 |
AP2A.240905.003.B1 | android-14.0.0_r69 | Android 14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro | 2024-09-05 |
AP2A.240905.003.A1 | android-14.0.0_r68 | Android14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-09-05 |
AP2A.240905.003 | android-14.0.0_R67 | Android 14 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet | 2024-09-05 |
AD1A.240530.047 | android-14.0.0_r66 | Android 14 | Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL, Pixel 9 Pro Fold | 2024-08-05 |
AD1A.240530.030.B1 | android-14.0.0_r65 | Android14 | Pixel 9 | 2024-07-05 |
AD1A.240530.030.A2 | android-14.0.0_R64 | Android 14 | Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro i Pixel 9 Pro XL | 2024-07-05 |
AD1A.240530.030.A1 | android-14.0.0_R63 | Android14 | Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL, Pixel 9 Pro Fold | 2024-07-05 |
AD1A.240530.030 | Android-14.0.0_R62 | Android 14 | Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL, Pixel 9 Pro Fold | 2024-07-05 |
AP2A.240805.005.F1 | android-14.0.0_r61 | Android 14 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a | 2024-08-05 |
AP2A.240805.005.E1 | android-14.0.0_r60 | Android 14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-08-05 |
AP2A.240805.005.D1 | android-14.0.0_r59 | Android 14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro | 2024-08-05 |
AP2A.240805.005.C1 | Android-14.0.0_R58 | Android14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-08-05 |
AP2A.240805.005.B1 | android-14.0.0_r57 | Android14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro | 2024-08-05 |
AP2A.240805.005.A1 | android-14.0.0_R56 | Android 14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-08-05 |
AP2A.240805.005 | android-14.0.0_R55 | Android 14 | Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet | 2024-08-05 |
AP2A.240705.005.A1 | android-14.0.0_R54 | Android14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8a, Pixel 8 Pro | 2024-07-05 |
AP2A.240705.005 | android-14.0.0_R53 | Android 14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8a, Pixel 8 Pro | 2024-07-05 |
AP2A.240705.004 | android-14.0.0_R52 | Android 14 | Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet | 2024-07-05 |
AP2A.240605.024.A1 | android-14.0.0_r51 | Android14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel 8a | 2024-06-05 |
AP2A.240605.024 | android-14.0.0_R50 | Android14 | Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel Tablet, Pixel Fold, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel 8a | 2024-06-05 |
UD2A.240505.001.W1 | Android-14.0.0_R45 | Android 14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-05-05 |
UD2A.240505.001.D1 | android-14.0.0_R44 | Android 14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-05-05 |
UD2A.240505.001.B1 | Android-14.0.0_R43 | Android 14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-05-05 |
UD2A.240505.001.A1 | Android-14.0.0_R42 | Android14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-05-05 |
UD2A.240505.001 | android-14.0.0_r41 | Android14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-05-05 |
UD2A.231203.057.A1 | android-14.0.0_R40 | Android14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-03-05 |
UD2A.231203.057 | Android-14.0.0_R39 | Android 14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-03-05 |
UD2A.231203.054 | Android-14.0.0_R38 | Android14 | Pixel 8a | 2024-03-05 |
AP1A.240505.005.B1 | android-14.0.0_r37 | Android14 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold | 2024-05-05 |
AP1A.240505.005.A1 | Android-14.0.0_R36 | Android14 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold | 2024-05-05 |
AP1A.240505.005 | android-14.0.0_r35 | Android 14 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold | 2024-05-05 |
AP1A.240505.004 | android-14.0.0_r34 | Android14 | Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet | 2024-05-05 |
AP1A.240405.002.B1 | Android-14.0.0_R33 | Android14 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro | 2024-04-05 |
AP1A.240405.002.A2 | android-14.0.0_r32 | Android14 | Pixel Fold | 2024-04-05 |
AP1A.240405.002.A1 | android-14.0.0_r31 | Android14 | Pixel Fold | 2024-04-05 |
AP1A.240405.002 | Android-14.0.0_R30 | Android14 | Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Tablet | 2024-04-05 |
AP1A.240305.019.A1 | Android-14.0.0_R29 | Android 14 | Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet | 2024-03-05 |
UP1A.231105.001.B2 | Android-14.0.0_R28 | Android14 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2023-11-05 |
UQ1A.240205.004.B1 | Android-14.0.0_R27 | Android14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro | 2024-02-05 |
UQ1A.240205.004.A1 | android-14.0.0_r26 | Android 14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro | 2024-02-05 |
UQ1A.240205.004 | Android-14.0.0_R25 | Android14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro | 2024-02-05 |
UQ1A.240205.002.B1 | Android-14.0.0_R24 | Android 14 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel Fold | 2024-02-05 |
UQ1A.240205.002.A1 | Android-14.0.0_R23 | Android14 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel Fold | 2024-02-05 |
UQ1A.240205.002 | Android-14.0.0_R22 | Android 14 | Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet | 2024-02-05 |
UQ1A.240105.004.A1 | android-14.0.0_r21 | Android14 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold | 2024-01-05 |
UQ1A.240105.004 | Android-14.0.0_R20 | Android14 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold | 2024-01-05 |
UQ1A.240105.002 | android-14.0.0_r19 | Android 14 | Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel Tablet | 2024-01-05 |
UQ1A.231205.015.A1 | android-14.0.0_r18 | Android14 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet | 2023-12-05 |
UQ1A.231205.015 | android-14.0.0_r17 | Android14 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet | 2023-12-05 |
UQ1A.231205.014 | android-14.0.0_r16 | Android14 | Pixel 5a | 2023-12-05 |
UP1A.231105.003.A1 | android-14.0.0_R15 | Android14 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel Fold | 2023-11-01 |
UP1A.231105.003, | android-14.0.0_r14 | Android 14 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet | 2023-11-01 |
UP1A.231105.001 | android-14.0.0_r13 | Android 14 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2023-11-05 |
UD1A.231105.004 | android-14.0.0_r12 | Android14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro | 2023-11-05 |
UD1A.230803.041 | android-14.0.0_r11 | Android 14 | Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro | 2023-10-05 |
UD1A.230803.022.D1 | android-14.0.0_r10 | Android 14 | Pixel 8 | 2023-09-05 |
UD1A.230803.022.C1 | android-14.0.0_r9 | Android14 | Pixel 8 | 2023-09-05 |
UD1A.230803.022.B2 | android-14.0.0_r8 | Android 14 | Pixel 8 | 2023-09-05 |
UD1A.230803.022.B1 | android-14.0.0_r7 | Android14 | Pixel 8 Pro | 2023-09-05 |
UD1A.230803.022.A5 | android-14.0.0_r6 | Android14 | Pixel 8 | 2023-09-05 |
UD1A.230803.022.A4 | android-14.0.0_r5 | Android 14 | Pixel 8 Pro | 2023-09-05 |
UD1A.230803.022.A3 | android-14.0.0_r4 | Android14 | Pixel 8 Pro | 2023-09-05 |
UD1A.230803.022 | android-14.0.0_r3 | Android 14 | Pixel 8 Pro | 2023-09-05 |
UP1A.231005.007.A1, | android-14.0.0_r2 | Android 14 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel Fold | 2023-10-05 |
UP1A.231005.007, | android-14.0.0_r1 | Android 14 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a, Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet | 2023-10-05 |
12199513 | android-security-14.0.0_r13, | Android14 | 2023-10-05 | |
12123283 | android-security-14.0.0_r12, | Android 14 | 2023-10-05 | |
11933031 | android-security-14.0.0_r11, | Android 14 | 2023-10-05 | |
11818036 | android-security-14.0.0_r10 | Android14 | 2023-10-05 | |
11698591 | android-security-14.0.0_r9, | Android 14 | 2023-10-05 | |
11584912 | android-security-14.0.0_r8 | Android14 | 2023-10-05 | |
11422633 | android-security-14.0.0_r7, | Android 14 | 2023-10-05 | |
11299696 | android-security-14.0.0_r6 | Android14 | 2023-10-05 | |
11228181 | android-security-14.0.0_r5, | Android14 | 2023-10-05 | |
11083643 | android-security-14.0.0_r4, | Android14 | 2023-10-05 | |
10993244 | android-security-14.0.0_r3 | Android 14 | 2023-10-05 | |
10844938 | android-security-14.0.0_r2 | Android 14 | 2023-10-05 | |
10640587 | android-security-14.0.0_r1, | Android14 | 2023-08-05 | |
TQ3A.230805.001.S1 | Android-13.0.0_R83 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a | 2023-08-05 |
TQ3C.230901.001.B1 | Android-13.0.0_R82 | Android13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-09-01 |
TQ3C.230901.001.A2 | android-13.0.0_r81 | Android 13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-09-01 |
TQ3C.230901.001.A1 | android-13.0.0_r80 | Android13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-09-01 |
TQ3A.230901.001.C3 | Android-13.0.0_R79 | Android13 | Pixel 7a | 2023-09-01 |
TQ3A.230901.001.C2 | Android-13.0.0_R78 | Android13 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-09-01 |
TQ3A.230901.001.C1 | android-13.0.0_R77 | Android13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro | 2023-09-01 |
TQ3A.230901.001.B1 | android-13.0.0_r76 | Android 13 | Pixel Tablet | 2023-09-01 |
TQ3C.230805.001.B2 | Android-13.0.0_R74 | Android 13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-08-05 |
TQ3C.230805.001.A4 | android-13.0.0_r73 | Android 13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-08-05 |
TQ3C.230805.001.A3 | android-13.0.0_r72 | Android 13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-08-05 |
TQ3A.230805.001.B1 | android-13.0.0_r71 | Android 13 | Pixel Tablet | 2023-08-05 |
TQ3A.230805.001.A3 | android-13.0.0_r70 | Android 13 | Pixel 7a | 2023-08-05 |
TQ3A.230805.001.A2 | android-13.0.0_r69 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4a, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7 | 2023-08-05 |
TQ3A.230805.001.A1 | android-13.0.0_r68 | Android13 | Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6, Pixel 6a | 2023-08-05 |
TQ3A.230805.001 | Android-13.0.0_R67 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4a, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7 i Pixel 7a | 2023-08-05 |
TQ3C.230705.001.C2 | android-13.0.0_r66 | Android 13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-07-05 |
TQ3C.230705.001.C1 | Android-13.0.0_R65 | Android13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-07-05 |
TQ3C.230705.001.B1 | Android-13.0.0_R64 | Android 13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-07-05 |
TQ3A.230705.001.B4 | android-13.0.0_r63 | Android 13 | Pixel Tablet | 2023-07-05 |
TQ3A.230705.001.A1 | Android-13.0.0_R62 | Android13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-07-05 |
TQ3A.230705.001 | android-13.0.0_r61 | Android13 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7 i Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-07-05 |
TQ3C.230605.010.D1 | Android-13.0.0_R60 | Android13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-06-05 |
TQ3C.230605.010.C2 | android-13.0.0_R59 | Android 13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-06-05 |
TQ3C.230605.010.C1 | android-13.0.0_r58 | Android 13 | Pixel Fold | 2023-06-05 |
TD3A.230203.070.A1 | android-13.0.0_R57 | Android13 | Pixel Fold | 5.04.2023 r. |
TQ3A.230605.009.A1 | android-13.0.0_r56 | Android 13 | Pixel Tablet | 2023-06-05 |
TD2A.230203.028 | android-13.0.0_r55 | Android13 | Pixel Tablet | 2023-03-05 |
TQ3A.230605.012.A1 | android-13.0.0_r54 | Android 13 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a | 2023-06-05 |
TQ3A.230605.010.A1 | android-13.0.0_r53 | Android13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a | 2023-06-05 |
TQ3A.230605.012 | android-13.0.0_r52 | Android13 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a | 2023-06-05 |
TQ3A.230605.011 | android-13.0.0_r51 | Android13 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a | 2023-06-05 |
TQ3A.230605.010 | Android-13.0.0_R50 | Android 13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a | 2023-06-05 |
TQ2B.230505.005.A1 | Android-13.0.0_R49 | Android13 | Pixel 7a | 2023-05-05 |
TD4A.221205.042.B1 | android-13.0.0_r48 | Android 13 | Pixel 7a | 2023-03-05 |
TD4A.221205.042.A1 | Android-13.0.0_R47 | Android13 | Pixel 7a | 2023-03-05 |
TD4A.221205.042 | Android-13.0.0_R46 | Android13 | Pixel 7a | 2023-03-05 |
TQ2A.230505.002.G1 | Android-13.0.0_R45 | Android13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro | 2023-05-05 |
TQ2A.230505.002.A1 | android-13.0.0_r44 | Android13 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2023-05-05 |
TQ2A.230505.002 | android-13.0.0_r43 | Android13 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7 i Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-05-05 |
TQ2A.230405.003.G1 | Android-13.0.0_R42 | Android 13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a | 5.04.2023 r. |
TQ2A.230405.003.E1 | android-13.0.0_r41 | Android13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 5.04.2023 r. |
TQ2A.230405.003.B2 | android-13.0.0_r40 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a | 5.04.2023 r. |
TQ2A.230405.003.A2 | Android-13.0.0_R39 | Android13 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a | 5.04.2023 r. |
TQ2A.230405.003 | android-13.0.0_r38 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a | 5.04.2023 r. |
TQ2A.230305.008.F1 | android-13.0.0_r37 | Android13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro | 2023-03-05 |
TQ2A.230305.008.E1 | android-13.0.0_r36 | Android13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro | 2023-03-05 |
TQ2A.230305.008.C1 | Android-13.0.0_R35 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-03-05 |
TQ2A.230305.008.A3 | Android-13.0.0_R34 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-03-05 |
TQ2A.230305.008.A1 | Android-13.0.0_R33 | Android 13 | Pixel 7 | 2023-03-05 |
TQ2A.230305.008 | android-13.0.0_r32 | Android 13 | Pixel 7 | 2023-03-05 |
TP1A.221005.002.B2, | Android-13.0.0_R31 | Android 13 | Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2022-10-05 |
TQ1A.230205.002 | android-13.0.0_r30 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a, Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7 i Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-02-05 |
TQ1A.230205.001.D2 | Android-13.0.0_R29 | Android13 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a, Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-02-05 |
TQ1A.230205.001.B2 | Android-13.0.0_R28 | Android13 | Pixel 4a | 2023-02-05 |
TQ1A.230205.001.A2 | android-13.0.0_r27 | Android 13 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-02-05 |
TQ1A.230105.002.A1 | android-13.0.0_r24 | Android13 | Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-01-05 |
TQ1A.230105.002 | Android-13.0.0_R23 | Android13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 7 Pro | 2023-01-05 |
TQ1A.230105.001.B1 | android-13.0.0_r22 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a | 2023-01-05 |
TQ1A.230105.001.A3 | android-13.0.0_r21 | Android 13 | Pixel 7 | 2023-01-05 |
TQ1A.230105.001.A2 | Android-13.0.0_R20 | Android13 | Pixel 6a, Pixel 7 | 2023-01-05 |
TQ1A.230105.001 | android-13.0.0_r19 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2023-01-05 |
TQ1A.221205.012 | Android-13.0.0_R18 | Android 13 | Pixel 6a, Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2022-12-05 |
TQ1A.221205.011.B1 | android-13.0.0_r17 | Android13 | Pixel 4a | 2022-12-05 |
TQ1A.221205.011 | android-13.0.0_r16 | Android13 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7 i Pixel 7 Pro | 2022-12-05 |
TD1A.221105.001.A1 | Android-13.0.0_R15 | Android 13 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2022-11-05 |
TD1A.221105.003 | android-13.0.0_r14 | Android 13 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2022-11-05 |
TD1A.221105.001 | android-13.0.0_r13 | Android 13 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2022-11-05 |
TP1A.221105.002, | android-13.0.0_r12 | Android 13 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-11-05 |
TD1A.220804.031 | android-13.0.0_r11 | Android 13 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2022-10-05 |
TD1A.220804.009.A5 | android-13.0.0_r10 | Android 13 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2022-09-05 |
TD1A.220804.009.A2 | android-13.0.0_r9 | Android 13 | Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro | 2022-09-05 |
TP1A.221005.003, | Android-13.0.0_r8 | Android 13 | Pixel 6a | 2022-10-05 |
TP1A.221005.002 | android-13.0.0_r7 | Android 13 | Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-10-05 |
TP1A.220905.004.A2 | android-13.0.0_r6 | Android13 | Pixel 6a | 2022-09-05 |
TP1A.220905.004.A1, | android-13.0.0_r5 | Android 13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-09-05 |
TP1A.220905.004, | android-13.0.0_r4 | Android13 | Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-09-05 |
TP1A.220624.021.A1 | android-13.0.0_r3 | Android 13 | Pixel 6a | 2022-08-05 |
TP1A.220624.021 | android-13.0.0_r2 | Android13 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-08-05 |
TP1A.220624.014, | android-13.0.0_r1 | Android 13 | Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2022-08-05 |
12199512 | android-security-13.0.0_r22 | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
12072401 | android-security-13.0.0_r21 | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
11933030 | android-security-13.0.0_r20, | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
11818035 | android-security-13.0.0_r19, | Android 13 | 2022-08-05 | |
11698590 | android-security-13.0.0_r18 | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
11584911 | android-security-13.0.0_r17, | Android 13 | 2022-08-05 | |
11422632 | android-security-13.0.0_r16, | Android 13 | 2022-08-05 | |
11299695 | android-security-13.0.0_r15 | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
11228180 | android-security-13.0.0_r14 | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
11084765 | android-security-13.0.0_r13 | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
10993242 | android-security-13.0.0_r12 | Android 13 | 2022-08-05 | |
10843705 | android-security-13.0.0_r11 | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
10763433 | android-security-13.0.0_r10, | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
10609151 | android-security-13.0.0_r9, | Android 13 | 2022-08-05 | |
10286630 | android-security-13.0.0_r8 | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
10187392 | android-security-13.0.0_r7, | Android 13 | 2022-08-05 | |
10026668 | android-security-13.0.0_r6 | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
9873343 | android-security-13.0.0_r5, | Android 13 | 2022-08-05 | |
9682190 | android-security-13.0.0_r4 | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
9575282 | android-security-13.0.0_r3, | Android13 | 2022-08-05 | |
9402439 | android-security-13.0.0_r2, | Android 13 | 2022-08-05 | |
TP1A.220624.014, | android-security-13.0.0_r1, | Android 13 | 2022-08-05 | |
SP2A.220505.008 | Android-12.1.0_R27 | Android12L | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL | 2022-05-05 |
SD2A.220601.004.B2 | android-12.1.0_r26 | Android 12 | Pixel 6a | 2022-06-01 |
SD2A.220601.003.B1 | Android-12.1.0_R25 | Android12 | Pixel 6a | 2022-06-01 |
SD2A.220601.002.B1 | Android-12.1.0_R24 | Android12L | Pixel 6a | 2022-06-01 |
SD2A.220601.001.B1 | Android-12.1.0_R23 | Android 12 | Pixel 6a | 2022-06-01 |
SQ3A.220705.004 | Android-12.1.0_R22 | Android 12L | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-07-05 |
SQ3A.220705.001.B2 | android-12.1.0_r21 | Android12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-07-05 |
SQ3A.220705.004.A1 | Android-12.1.0_R20 | Android 12L | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-07-05 |
SQ3A.220705.003.A3 | android-12.1.0_r19 | Android 12L | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-07-05 |
SD2A.220601.003 | Android-12.1.0_R18 | Android 12L | Pixel 6a | 2022-06-01 |
SD2A.220601.002, | android-12.1.0_r17 | Android12L | Pixel 6a | 2022-06-01 |
SD2A.220123.051.A3 | Android-12.1.0_R16 | Android 12L | Pixel 6a | 2022-04-05 |
SD2A.220123.051.A2 | android-12.1.0_r15 | Android12L | Pixel 6a | 2022-04-05 |
SD2A.220123.050.A1 | Android-12.1.0_R14 | Android 12L | Pixel 6a | 2022-04-05 |
SD2A.220601.004 | Android-12.1.0_R13 | Android 12L | Pixel 6a | 2022-06-01 |
SD2A.220601.001.A1 | Android-12.1.0_R12 | Android 12L | Pixel 6a | 2022-06-01 |
SQ3A.220705.003.A1 | Android-12.1.0_r11 | Android 12L | Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-07-05 |
SQ3A.220705.003 | Android-12.1.0_R10 | Android 12L | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-07-05 |
SQ3A.220705.001.B1 | Android-12.1.0_r9 | Android12L | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-07-05 |
SQ3A.220605.009.B1 | Android-12.1.0_r8 | Android12L | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-06-05 |
SQ3A.220605.009.A1 | android-12.1.0_r7 | Android12L | Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-06-05 |
SP2A.220505.006, | android-12.1.0_r6 | Android12L | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL | 2022-05-05 |
SP2A.220505.002, | android-12.1.0_r5 | Android12L | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G), Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-05-05 |
SP2A.220405.004, | android-12.1.0_r4 | Android 12L | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-04-05 |
SP2A.220405.003 | android-12.1.0_r3 | Android12L | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2022-04-05 |
SP2A.220305.013.A3 | android-12.1.0_r2 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-03-05 |
SP2A.220305.012 | android-12.1.0_r1 | Android 12L | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2022-03-05 |
12072399 | android-security-12.0.0_r63 | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
11933028 | android-security-12.0.0_r62, | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
11818033 | android-security-12.0.0_r61, | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
11698588 | android-security-12.0.0_r60, | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
11584909 | android-security-12.0.0_r59 | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
11422630 | android-security-12.0.0_r58, | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
11299693 | android-security-12.0.0_r57 | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
11228178 | android-security-12.0.0_r56 | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
11083641 | android-security-12.0.0_r55, | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
10993239 | android-security-12.0.0_r54 | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
10843702 | android-security-12.0.0_r53, | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
10763434 | android-security-12.0.0_r52, | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
10609149 | android-security-12.0.0_r51, | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
10286622 | android-security-12.0.0_r50, | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
10187388 | android-security-12.0.0_r49 | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
10026669 | android-security-12.0.0_r48, | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
9873344 | android-security-12.0.0_r47 | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
9587746 | android-security-12.0.0_r46 | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
9575279 | android-security-12.0.0_r45, | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
9395439 | android-security-12.0.0_r44, | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
9364904 | android-security-12.0.0_r43, | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
9269288 | android-security-12.0.0_r42 | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
9095088 | android-security-12.0.0_r41, | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
9039305 | android-security-12.0.0_r40 | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
8894229 | android-security-12.0.0_r39 | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
8712618 | android-security-12.0.0_r38, | Android 12 | 2021-10-05 | |
8693658 | android-security-12.0.0_r37 | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
8528210 | android-security-12.0.0_r36 | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
8283927 | android-security-12.0.0_r35, | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
8257479 | android-security-12.0.0_r34, | Android12 | 2021-10-05 | |
SP1A.210812.016.C2 | android-12.0.0_r34 | Android12 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL | 2021-10-05 |
SP1A.210812.016.B2 | android-12.0.0_r33 | Android12 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL | 2021-10-05 |
SQ1D.220205.004 | android-12.0.0_r32 | Android12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-02-05 |
SP1A.210812.016.C1 | Android-12.0.0_R31 | Android12 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL | 2021-10-05 |
SP1A.210812.016.B1, | android-12.0.0_r30 | Android12 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL | 2021-10-05 |
SQ1D.220205.003 | Android-12.0.0_R29 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-02-05 |
SQ1A.220205.002 | Android-12.0.0_R28 | Android12 | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2022-02-05 |
SQ1D.220105.007 | Android-12.0.0_R27 | Android12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2022-01-05 |
SQ1A.220105.002 | Android-12.0.0_R26 | Android12 | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2022-01-05 |
SP1A.210812.016.A2 | android-12.0.0_r25 | Android 12 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL | 2021-10-05 |
SQ1D.211205.016.A5 | android-12.0.0_r21 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-12-05 |
SQ1D.211205.016.A4 | Android-12.0.0_R20 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-12-05 |
SQ1D.211205.017 | android-12.0.0_r19 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-12-05 |
SQ1D.211205.016.A1 | Android-12.0.0_R18 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-12-05 |
SQ1A.211205.008 | android-12.0.0_r16 | Android 12 | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-12-05 |
SD1A.210817.037.A1 | android-12.0.0_r15 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-11-05 |
SD1A.210817.037 | Android-12.0.0_R14 | Android12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-11-05 |
SD1A.210817.036.A8 | Android-12.0.0_R13 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-11-05 |
SD1A.210817.036, | android-12.0.0_r12 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-11-05 |
SP1A.211105.004 | android-12.0.0_r11 | Android12 | Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5 | 2021-11-05 |
SP1A.211105.003 | android-12.0.0_r10 | Android 12 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-11-05 |
SP1A.211105.002.A1 | android-12.0.0_r9 | Android 12 | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-11-05 |
SP1A.211105.002, | Android-12.0.0_r8 | Android12 | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4 XL | 2021-11-05 |
SD1A.210817.019.C4 | android-12.0.0_r7 | Android12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-10-05 |
SD1A.210817.019.C2 | android-12.0.0_r6 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-10-05 |
SD1A.210817.019.B1 | Android-12.0.0_R5 | Android12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-10-05 |
SD1A.210817.015.A4 | android-12.0.0_r4 | Android 12 | Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro | 2021-10-05 |
SP1A.210812.016.A1 | android-12.0.0_r3 | Android 12 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-10-05 |
SP1A.210812.015, | android-12.0.0_r1 | Android 12 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5, Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-10-05 |
11228177 | android-security-11.0.0_r76, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
11083640 | android-security-11.0.0_r75 | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
10993236 | android-security-11.0.0_r74, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
10843701 | android-security-11.0.0_r73, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
10763435 | android-security-11.0.0_r72, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
10609148 | android-security-11.0.0_r71, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
10286620 | android-security-11.0.0_r70, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
10115417 | android-security-11.0.0_r69 | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
9892680 | android-security-11.0.0_r68 | Android11 | 2020-09-05 | |
9873342 | android-security-11.0.0_r67 | Android11 | 2020-09-05 | |
9682389 | android-security-11.0.0_r66 | Android11 | 2020-09-05 | |
9575278 | android-security-11.0.0_r65 | Android11 | 2020-09-05 | |
9383110 | android-security-11.0.0_r64 | Android 10 | 2020-09-05 | |
9371401 | android-security-11.0.0_r63, | Android 10 | 2020-09-05 | |
9269287 | android-security-11.0.0_r62, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
9081070 | android-security-11.0.0_r61 | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
9033583 | android-security-11.0.0_r60 | Android11 | 2020-09-05 | |
8894231 | android-security-11.0.0_r59, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
8712617 | android-security-11.0.0_r58 | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
8600450 | android-security-11.0.0_r57, | Android11 | 2020-09-05 | |
8528208 | android-security-11.0.0_r56 | Android11 | 2020-09-05 | |
8287685 | android-security-11.0.0_r55, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
8257481 | android-security-11.0.0_r54 | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
8157300 | android-security-11.0.0_r53 | Android11 | 2020-09-05 | |
8042688 | android-security-11.0.0_r52, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
8001874 | android-security-11.0.0_r51 | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
7804787 | android-security-11.0.0_r50, | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
7786871 | android-security-11.0.0_r49 | Android 11 | 2020-09-05 | |
RD2A.211001.002, | android-11.0.0_r48 | Android 11 | Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-10-01 |
RD2A.211001.001 | android-11.0.0_r47 | Android 11 | Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-10-01 |
RQ3A.211001.001 | android-11.0.0_r46 | Android11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2021-10-01 |
RD2A.210905.003, | Android-11.0.0_R45 | Android11 | Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-09-05 |
RD2A.210905.002 | Android-11.0.0_R44 | Android 11 | Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-09-05 |
RQ3A.210905.001 | Android-11.0.0_R43 | Android11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5 | 2021-09-05 |
RD2A.210605.007, | Android-11.0.0_R42 | Android 11 | Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-06-05 |
RD2A.210605.006, | android-11.0.0_r41 | Android 11 | Pixel 5a (5G) | 2021-06-05 |
RQ3A.210805.001.A1 | android-11.0.0_r40 | Android11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5 | 2021-08-05 |
RQ3A.210705.001 | Android-11.0.0_R39 | Android11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5 | 2021-07-05 |
RQ3A.210605.005 | Android-11.0.0_R38 | Android 11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2021-06-05 |
RQ2A.210505.003 | Android-11.0.0_R37 | Android11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2021-05-05 |
RQ2A.210505.002 | android-11.0.0_R36 | Android 11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4 XL | 2021-05-05 |
RQ2A.210405.006 | android-11.0.0_r35 | Android 11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL | 2021-04-05 |
RQ2A.210405.005 | android-11.0.0_r34 | Android 11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5 | 2021-04-05 |
RQ2A.210305.007 | Android-11.0.0_R33 | Android11 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2021-03-05 |
RQ2A.210305.006 | Android-11.0.0_R32 | Android11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2021-03-05 |
RQ1D.210205.004 | android-11.0.0_r31 | Android 11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2021-02-05 |
RQ1C.210205.006 | android-11.0.0_r30 | Android 11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2021-02-05 |
RQ1A.210205.004 | Android-11.0.0_R29 | Android11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5 | 2021-02-05 |
RQ1D.210105.003 | android-11.0.0_r28 | Android 11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2021-01-05 |
RQ1A.210105.003 | Android-11.0.0_R27 | Android11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 5 | 2021-01-05 |
RQ1A.210105.002 | android-11.0.0_r26 | Android 11 | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4a | 2021-01-05 |
RP1A.201005.004.A1 | android-11.0.0_r25 | Android 11 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL | 2020-10-05 |
RQ1D.201205.012.A1 | android-11.0.0_r24 | Android 11 | Pixel 5, Pixel 4a (5G) | 2020-12-05 |
RQ1A.201205.003.A1 | Android-11.0.0_R23 | Android11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL | 2020-12-05 |
RQ1A.201205.011 | android-11.0.0_r22 | Android11 | Pixel 5, Pixel 4a (5G) | 2020-12-05 |
RQ1A.201205.008.A1 | android-11.0.0_r21 | Android 11 | Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-12-05 |
RQ1A.201205.010 | android-11.0.0_r20 | Android 11 | Pixel 5, Pixel 4a (5G) | 2020-12-05 |
RQ1A.201205.008 | android-11.0.0_r19 | Android 11 | Pixel 4a, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-12-05 |
RQ1A.201205.003 | android-11.0.0_r18 | Android 11 | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2020-12-05 |
RP1A.201105.002 | android-11.0.0_r17 | Android11 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-11-05 |
RD1B.201105.010 | android-11.0.0_r16 | Android 11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2020-11-05 |
RD1A.201105.003.C1, | android-11.0.0_r15 | Android11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2020-11-05 |
RD1A.201105.003.B1, | android-11.0.0_r14 | Android11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2020-11-05 |
RD1A.201105.003.A1, | android-11.0.0_r13 | Android 11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2020-11-05 |
RD1A.201105.003 | android-11.0.0_r12 | Android 11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2020-11-05 |
RD1A.200810.022.A4 | android-11.0.0_r11 | Android 11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2020-10-05 |
RD1A.200810.021.B3 | Android-11.0.0_R10 | Android11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2020-10-05 |
RD1A.200810.020.A1, | android-11.0.0_r9 | Android11 | Pixel 5 | 2020-10-05 |
RD1A.200810.021.A1, | Android-11.0.0_r8 | Android 11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2020-10-05 |
RD1A.200810.020 | android-11.0.0_r7 | Android 11 | Pixel 4a (5G), Pixel 5 | 2020-10-05 |
RP1A.201005.006 | android-11.0.0_r5 | Android11 | Pixel 4a | 2020-10-05 |
RP1A.201005.004 | android-11.0.0_r4 | Android11 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-10-05 |
RP1A.200720.011 | android-11.0.0_r3 | Android 11 | Pixel 4a | 2020-09-05 |
RP1A.200720.010 | android-11.0.0_r2 | Android11 | Pixel 4a | 2020-09-05 |
RP1A.200720.009 | android-11.0.0_r1 | Android11 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-09-05 |
9383109 | android-security-10.0.0_r75 | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
9371400 | android-security-10.0.0_r74, | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
9269285 | android-security-10.0.0_r73, | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
9081069 | android-security-10.0.0_r72, | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
8979058 | android-security-10.0.0_r71, | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
8894228 | android-security-10.0.0_r70, | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
8712615 | android-security-10.0.0_r69 | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
8600452 | android-security-10.0.0_r68, | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
8528209 | android-security-10.0.0_r67 | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
8287684 | android-security-10.0.0_r66, | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
8257478 | android-security-10.0.0_r65 | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
8157299 | android-security-10.0.0_r64, | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
8042689 | android-security-10.0.0_r63, | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7964643 | android-security-10.0.0_r62, | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7804786 | android-security-10.0.0_r61, | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7786870 | android-security-10.0.0_r60, | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7678332 | android-security-10.0.0_r59 | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7507835 | android-security-10.0.0_r58 | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7483358 | android-security-10.0.0_r57 | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7427955 | android-security-10.0.0_r56, | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7269719 | android-security-10.0.0_r55, | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7250004 | android-security-10.0.0_r54 | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7127522 | android-security-10.0.0_r53, | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7070703 | android-security-10.0.0_r52 | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
7023426 | android-security-10.0.0_r51, | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
6969601 | android-security-10.0.0_r50, | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
6893682 | android-security-10.0.0_r49 | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
6878114 | android-security-10.0.0_r48 | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
6780337 | android-10.0.0_r47 | Android10 | 2019-09-05 | |
6777444 | android-10.0.0_r46 | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
QD4A.200805.003 | android-10.0.0_r45 | Android 10 | Pixel 4a | 2020-08-05 |
QD4A.200805.001 | android-10.0.0_r44 | Android 10 | Pixel 4a | 2020-08-05 |
QD4A.200317.027 | Android-10.0.0_R43 | Android10 | Pixel 4a | 2020-05-05 |
QD4A.200317.024.A1 | Android-10.0.0_R42 | Android10 | Pixel 4a | 2020-05-05 |
QQ3A.200805.001 | android-10.0.0_r41 | Android10 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-08-05 |
QQ3A.200705.002 | android-10.0.0_r40 | Android10 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-07-05 |
QQ3A.200605.002.A1 | Android-10.0.0_R39 | Android10 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-06-05 |
QQ3A.200605.002 | Android-10.0.0_R38 | Android 10 | Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL | 2020-06-05 |
QQ3A.200605.001 | android-10.0.0_R37 | Android10 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-06-05 |
Q2A.200501.001.B3 | android-10.0.0_R36 | Android 10 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL | 2020-05-05 |
QQ2A.200501.001.B2 | android-10.0.0_r35 | Android 10 | Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-05-05 |
QQ2A.200501.001.A3 | Android-10.0.0_R34 | Android 10 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-05-05 |
QQ2A.200405.005 | android-10.0.0_r33 | Android10 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-04-05 |
QQ2A.200305.004.A1 | Android-10.0.0_R32 | Android 10 | Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-03-05 |
QQ2A.200305.003 | Android-10.0.0_R31 | Android10 | Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL | 2020-03-05 |
Q2A.200305.002 | android-10.0.0_r30 | Android10 | Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL | 2020-03-05 |
Q1D.200205.002 | android-10.0.0_r29 | Android 10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2020-02-05 |
Q1C.200205.002 | android-10.0.0_r28 | Android10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2020-02-05 |
Q1B.200205.002 | android-10.0.0_r27 | Android 10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2020-02-05 |
Q1A.200205.002 | Android-10.0.0_R26 | Android10 | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2020-02-05 |
QQ1D.200105.002 | android-10.0.0_r25 | Android 10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2020-01-01 |
QQ1C.200105.004 | Android-10.0.0_R24 | Android 10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2020-01-01 |
QQ1B.200105.004 | Android-10.0.0_R23 | Android10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2020-01-01 |
QQ1A.200105.003 | Android-10.0.0_R22 | Android 10 | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2020-01-01 |
Q1A.200105.002 | android-10.0.0_r21 | Android10 | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2020-01-01 |
QQ1C.191205.016.A1 | android-10.0.0_r20 | Android10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2019-12-05 |
QQ1B.191205.012.A1 | android-10.0.0_r19 | Android 10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2019-12-05 |
Q1B.191205.011 | Android-10.0.0_R18 | Android10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2019-12-05 |
QP1A.191005.007.A3 | Android-10.0.0_R17 | Android10 | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-10-06 |
QQ1A.191205.011 | android-10.0.0_r16 | Android 10 | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a | 2019-12-05 |
QQ1A.191205.008 | android-10.0.0_r15 | Android10 | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2019-12-05 |
QD1A.190821.014.C2 | android-10.0.0_r14 | Android10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2019-11-05 |
QD1A.190821.014 | Android-10.0.0_R13 | Android10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2019-11-05 |
QD1A.190821.007.A3 | android-10.0.0_r12 | Android10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2019-11-05 |
QP1A.191105.004 | android-10.0.0_r11 | Android10 | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2019-11-05 |
QP1A.191105.003 | Android-10.0.0_R10 | Android10 | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2019-11-05 |
QD1A.190821.011.C4 | android-10.0.0_r9 | Android10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2019-10-05 |
QD1A.190821.011 | android-10.0.0_r8 | Android 10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2019-10-05 |
QD1A.190821.007 | android-10.0.0_r7 | Android 10 | Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4 | 2019-10-05 |
5933585 | android-10.0.0_r6 | Android 10 | 2019-09-05 | |
QP1A.191005.007.A1 | android-10.0.0_r5 | Android 10 | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-10-06 |
QP1A.191005.007 | android-10.0.0_r4 | Android10 | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2019-10-05 |
QP1A.190711.020.C3 | android-10.0.0_r3 | Android10 | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2019-09-05 |
QP1A.190711.020 | android-10.0.0_r2 | Android10 | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-09-05 |
QP1A.190711.019 | android-10.0.0_r1 | Android10 | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-09-05 |
7925397 | android-security-9.0.0_r76, | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7804785 | android-security-9.0.0_r75 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7786868 | android-security-9.0.0_r74 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7678331 | android-security-9.0.0_r73, | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7507834 | android-security-9.0.0_r72 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7449186 | android-security-9.0.0_r71 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7427956 | android-security-9.0.0_r70, | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7269718 | android-security-9.0.0_r69 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7249336 | android-security-9.0.0_r68, | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7127521 | Android-security-9.0.0_r67 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7070702 | Android-security-9.0.0_r66 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
7023409 | android-security-9.0.0_r65, | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6969600 | android-security-9.0.0_r64 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6893678 | android-security-9.0.0_r63 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6826377 | Android-security-9.0.0_r62 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6780336 | android-9.0.0_r61 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6644287 | Android-9.0.0_R60 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6559974 | android-9.0.0_r59 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6495666 | Android-9.0.0_R58 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6454888 | Android-9.0.0_R57 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6440158 | Android-9.0.0_R56 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6197209 | Android-9.0.0_R55 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6127072 | android-9.0.0_r54 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6107734 | Android-9.0.0_R53 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
6037698 | Android-9.0.0_R52 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
5948683 | android-9.0.0_r51 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
5887210 | Android-9.0.0_R50 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
5794013 | Android-9.0.0_R49 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
5748468 | android-9.0.0_r48 | Pie | 2018-08-05 | |
PQ3B.190801.002 | android-9.0.0_r47 | Pie | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a | 2019-08-01 |
PQ3A.190801.002 | Android-9.0.0_R46 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-08-01 |
PQ3B.190705.003 | Android-9.0.0_R45 | Pie | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a | 2019-07-05 |
PQ3A.190705.003 | android-9.0.0_r44 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2019-07-05 |
PQ3A.190705.001 | android-9.0.0_r43 | Pie | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-07-05 |
PQ3B.190605.006 | Android-9.0.0_R42 | Pie | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a | 2019-06-05 |
PQ3A.190605.004.A1 | android-9.0.0_r41 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2019-06-05 |
PQ3A.190605.003 | android-9.0.0_r40 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-06-05 |
PD2A.190115.032 | android-9.0.0_r39 | Pie | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a | 2019-03-05 |
PD2A.190115.029 | Android-9.0.0_R38 | Pie | Pixel 3a XL, Pixel 3a | 2019-03-05 |
PQ3A.190505.002 | Android-9.0.0_R37 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2019-05-05 |
PQ3A.190505.001 | Android-9.0.0_R36 | Pie | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-05-05 |
PQ2A.190405.003 | android-9.0.0_r35 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-04-05 |
PQ2A.190305.002 | android-9.0.0_r34 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-03-05 |
PQ2A.190205.003 | android-9.0.0_r33 | Pie | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-02-05 |
PQ2A.190205.002 | android-9.0.0_r32 | Pie | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2019-02-05 |
PQ2A.190205.001 | Android-9.0.0_R31 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2019-02-05 |
PQ1A.190105.004 | Android-9.0.0_R30 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2019-01-05 |
PQ1A.181205.006.A1 | android-9.0.0_r22 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2018-12-05 |
PQ1A.181205.006 | android-9.0.0_r21 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2018-12-05 |
PQ1A.181205.002.A1 | android-9.0.0_r20 | Pie | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-12-05 |
PQ1A.181205.002 | Android-9.0.0_R19 | Pie | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-12-05 |
PPR2.181005.003.A1 | android-9.0.0_r18 | Pie | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-11-01 |
PPR1.181005.003.A1 | android-9.0.0_r17 | Pie | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-11-01 |
PQ1A.181105.017.A1 | android-9.0.0_r16 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-11-05 |
PD1A.180720.031 | android-9.0.0_r12 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2018-09-05 |
PD1A.180720.030 | Android-9.0.0_R11 | Pie | Pixel 3 XL, Pixel 3 | 2018-09-05 |
PPR2.181005.003 | Android-9.0.0_R10 | Pie | Pixel XL, Pixel, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-10-05 |
1 181 005,003 PPR | Android-9.0.0_r9 | Pie | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-10-05 |
PPR2.180905.006.A1 | android-9.0.0_r8 | Pie | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-09-05 |
PPR2.180905.006 | android-9.0.0_r7 | Pie | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-09-05 |
PPR2.180905.005 | android-9.0.0_r6 | Pie | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-09-05 |
PPR1.180905.003 | android-9.0.0_r5 | Pie | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-09-05 |
PPR1.180610.011 | Android-9.0.0_R3 | Pie | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-08-05 |
PPR1.180610.010 | android-9.0.0_r2 | Pie | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-08-05 |
1,180610,009 PPR | android-9.0.0_r1 | Pie | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-08-05 |
7678330 | android-security-8.1.0_r93, | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
7507833 | Android-security-8.1.0_r92 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
7449185 | android-security-8.1.0_r91 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
7427957 | Android-security-8.1.0_r90 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
7269716 | android-security-8.1.0_r89 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
7249334 | android-security-8.1.0_r88 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
7127520 | android-security-8.1.0_r87 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
7070700 | android-security-8.1.0_r86, | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
7023408 | Android-security-8.1.0_R85 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6969599 | Android-security-8.1.0_R84 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6893677 | android-security-8.1.0_r83 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6826376 | android-security-8.1.0_r82 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6780335 | android-8.1.0_r81 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6644286 | android-8.1.0_r80 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6560352 | Android-8.1.0_R79 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6495665 | android-8.1.0_r78 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6454887 | Android-8.1.0_R77 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6440157 | android-8.1.0_r76 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6197208 | android-8.1.0_r75 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6127071 | Android-8.1.0_R74 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6107733 | android-8.1.0_r73 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
6037697 | android-8.1.0_r72 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
5948682 | Android-8.1.0_R71 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
5887208 | android-8.1.0_r70 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
5794017 | android-8.1.0_r69 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
5725752 | android-8.1.0_r68 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
OPM8.190605.005 | android-8.1.0_r67 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2019-06-05 |
5650812 | Android-8.1.0_R66 | Oreo | 2017-12-05 | |
OPM8.190605.003 | Android-8.1.0_R65 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2019-06-05 |
8.190505.001 | android-8.1.0_r64 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2019-05-05 |
OPM8.190405.001 | android-8.1.0_r63 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2019-04-05 |
OPM8.190305.001 | android-8.1.0_r62 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2019-03-05 |
OPM8.190205.001 | android-8.1.0_r61 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2019-02-05 |
OPM8.190105.002 | android-8.1.0_r60 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2019-01-05 |
OPM8.181205.001 | android-8.1.0_r53 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2018-12-05 |
OPM7.181205.001 | Android-8.1.0_R52 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-12-05 |
OPM8.181105.002 | Android-8.1.0_R51 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2018-11-05 |
OPM7.181105.004 | Android-8.1.0_R50 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-11-05 |
OPM8.181005.003 | android-8.1.0_r48 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2018-10-05 |
OPM7.181005.003 | android-8.1.0_r47 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-10-05 |
OPM6.171019.030.K1 | android-8.1.0_r46 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-09-05 |
OPM4.171019.021.Z1 | android-8.1.0_r45 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2018-09-05 |
OPM6.171019.030.H1 | Android-8.1.0_R43 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-08-05 |
OPM4.171019.021.Y1 | android-8.1.0_r42 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2018-08-05 |
OPM6.171019.030.E1 | android-8.1.0_r41 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-07-05 |
OPM4.171019.021.R1 | Android-8.1.0_R40 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL | 2018-07-05 |
OPM4.171019.021.Q1 | android-8.1.0_r39 | Oreo | Pixel 2 | 2018-07-05 |
OPM4.171019.021.P1 | android-8.1.0_r38 | Oreo | Pixel, Pixel XL | 2018-07-05 |
OPM4.171019.021.N1 | Android-8.1.0_R37 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2018-07-05 |
OPM2.171026.006.H1 | Android-8.1.0_R36 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL | 2018-07-05 |
OPM2.171026.006.G1 | Android-8.1.0_R35 | Oreo | Pixel 2 | 2018-07-05 |
OPM6.171019.030.B1 | android-8.1.0_r33 | Oreo | Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X | 2018-06-05 |
OPM4.171019.021.E1 | Android-8.1.0_R32 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-06-05 |
OPM4.171019.021.D1 | Android-8.1.0_R31 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-06-05 |
OPM2.171026.006.C1 | Android-8.1.0_R30 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-06-05 |
OPM4.171019.016.C1 | Android-8.1.0_R29 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2018-05-05 |
OPM4.171019.016.B1 | Android-8.1.0_R28 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-05-05 |
OPM4.171019.016.A1 | Android-8.1.0_R27 | Oreo | Nexus 5X | 2018-05-05 |
OPM2.171019.029.B1 | Android-8.1.0_R26 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-05-05 |
OPM2.171019.029.A1 | Android-8.1.0_R25 | Oreo | Nexus 6P | 2018-05-05 |
OPM4.171019.015.A1 | android-8.1.0_r23 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-04-01 |
OPM5.171019.019 | Android-8.1.0_R22 | Oreo | Nexus 6P | 2018-04-01 |
OPM3.171019.019 | Android-8.1.0_R21 | Oreo | Nexus 6P | 2018-04-01 |
OPM2.171019.029 | android-8.1.0_r20 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel, Nexus 5X | 2018-04-05 |
OPM1.171019.026 | android-8.1.0_r19 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2018-04-05 |
OPM5.171019.017 | android-8.1.0_r18 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-03-05 |
OPM3.171019.016 | Android-8.1.0_R17 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-03-05 |
OPM1.171019.022.A1 | android-8.1.0_r16 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2018-03-05 |
OPM1.171019.021 | android-8.1.0_r15 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-03-05 |
OPM5.171019.015 | Android-8.1.0_R14 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-02-05 |
OPM3.171019.014 | Android-8.1.0_R13 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-02-05 |
OPM1.171019.019 | Android-8.1.0_R12 | Oreo | Pixel 2 | 2018-02-05 |
OPM1.171019.018 | Android-8.1.0_R11 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL | 2018-02-05 |
OPM1.171019.016 | Android-8.1.0_R10 | Oreo | Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel C | 2018-02-05 |
OPM5.171019.014 | android-8.1.0_r9 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-01-05 |
OPM2.171019.016 | Android 8.1.0_R8 | Oreo | Pixel 2 | 2018-01-05 |
OPM3.171019.013 | Android-8.1.0_R7 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2018-01-05 |
OPM1.171019.015 | android-8.1.0_r6 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2018-01-05 |
OPM1.171019.014 | Android-8.1.0_R5 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-01-05 |
OPM1.171019.013 | Android 8.1.0_r4 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2018-01-05 |
OPM1.171019.012 | android-8.1.0_r3 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2018-01-05 |
OPM2.171019.012 | android-8.1.0_r2 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2017-12-05 |
OPM1.171019.011 | android-8.1.0_r1 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2, Pixel XL, Pixel, Pixel C, Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X | 2017-12-05 |
6969596 | android-security-8.0.0_r54 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6893676 | android-security-8.0.0_r53 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6826375 | android-security-8.0.0_r52 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6780349 | Android-8.0.0_R51 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6644283 | Android-8.0.0_R50 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6560351 | android-8.0.0_r49 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6495664 | Android 8.0.0_R48 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6454886 | Android-8.0.0_R47 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6349210 | Android-8.0.0_R46 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6197207 | android-8.0.0_r45 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6127070 | android-8.0.0_r44 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6107732 | Android-8.0.0_R43 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
6037696 | Android-8.0.0_R42 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
5948681 | Android-8.0.0_R41 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
5887206 | android-8.0.0_r40 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
5796467 | android-8.0.0_r39 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
5729099 | android-8.0.0_r38 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
5650811 | android-8.0.0_r37 | Oreo | 2017-10-01 | |
OPR5.170623.014 | android-8.0.0_r36 | Oreo | Nexus 6P | 2017-12-01 |
4.170623.020 OPR | android-8.0.0_r35 | Oreo | Nexus 5X | 2017-12-01 |
OPD3.170816.023 | Android-8.0.0_R34 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2017-11-05 |
OPD1.170816.025 | Android-8.0.0_R33 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2017-11-05 |
OPR6.170623.023 | Android-8.0.0_R32 | Oreo | Nexus 5X | 2017-11-05 |
OPR5.170623.011 | Android-8.0.0_R31 | Oreo | Nexus 6P | 2017-11-05 |
3.170623.013 OPR | android-8.0.0_r30 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-11-05 |
2.170623.027 OPR | android-8.0.0_r29 | Oreo | Nexus Player | 2017-11-05 |
1.170623.032 OPR | Android-8.0.0_R28 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel, Pixel C | 2017-11-05 |
OPD3.170816.016 | android-8.0.0_r27 | Oreo | Pixel 2 | 2017-11-05 |
OPD2.170816.015 | android-8.0.0_r26 | Oreo | Pixel 2 | 2017-11-05 |
OPD1.170816.018 | Android-8.0.0_R25 | Oreo | Pixel 2 | 2017-11-05 |
OPD3.170816.012 | Android-8.0.0_R24 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2017-09-05 |
OPD1.170816.012 | Android-8.0.0_R23 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2017-09-05 |
OPD1.170816.011 | android-8.0.0_r22 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2017-09-05 |
OPD1.170816.010 | android-8.0.0_r21 | Oreo | Pixel 2 XL, Pixel 2 | 2017-09-05 |
5.170623.007 OPR | android-8.0.0_r17 | Oreo | Nexus 6P | 2017-10-05 |
OPR4.170623.009 | android-8.0.0_r16 | Oreo | Nexus 5X | 2017-10-05 |
3.170623.008 OPR | android-8.0.0_r15 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-10-05 |
OPR1.170623.027 | Android-8.0.0_R13 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel, Pixel C | 2017-10-05 |
6.170623.021 OPR | Android-8.0.0_R12 | Oreo | Nexus Player | 2017-09-05 |
6.170623.019 OPR | android-8.0.0_r11 | Oreo | Nexus 6P | 2017-09-05 |
4.170623.006 OPR | Android-8.0.0_R10 | Oreo | Nexus 5X | 2017-09-05 |
OPR3.170623.007 | android-8.0.0_r9 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-09-05 |
OPR1.170623.026 | Android-8.0.0_R7 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel, Pixel C | 2017-09-05 |
6.170623.013 OPR | android-8.0.0_r4 | Oreo | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2017-08-05 |
6.170623.012 OPR | Android-8.0.0_R3 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-08-05 |
6.170623.011 OPR | android-8.0.0_r2 | Oreo | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-08-05 |
OPR6.170623.010 | android-8.0.0_r1 | Oreo | Pixel C | 2017-08-05 |
5787804 | Android-7.1.2_R39 | Nougat | 2017-10-01 | |
5725750 | Android-7.1.2_R38 | Nougat | 2017-10-01 | |
5650810 | Android-7.1.2_R37 | Nougat | 2017-10-01 | |
N2G48H | android-7.1.2_r36 | Nougat | 2017-10-05 | |
NZH54D | android-7.1.2_r33 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-08-05 |
NKG47S, | android-7.1.2_r32 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-08-05 |
NHG47Q | android-7.1.2_r30 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-08-05 |
NJH47F (NJH47F) | Android-7.1.2_R29 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-08-05 |
N2G48C, | android-7.1.2_r28 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, Pixel C | 2017-08-05 |
NZH54B | android-7.1.2_r27 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-07-05 |
NKG47M | android-7.1.2_r25 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-07-05 |
NJH47D, | android-7.1.2_r24 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-07-05 |
NHG47O | Android-7.1.2_R23 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-07-05 |
N2G48B | Android-7.1.2_R19 | Nougat | Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, Pixel C | 2017-07-05 |
N2G47Z | Android-7.1.2_R18 | Nougat | Nexus 5X | 2017-07-05 |
NJH47B, | android-7.1.2_r17 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-06-05 |
NJH34C, | android-7.1.2_r16 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-06-05 |
NKG47L | Android-7.1.2_R15 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-06-05 |
NHG47N | android-7.1.2_r14 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-06-05 |
N2G47X | android-7.1.2_r13 | Nougat | Nexus Player | 2017-06-05 |
N2G47W | android-7.1.2_r12 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Pixel C | 2017-06-05 |
NHG47L | Android-7.1.2_R11 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-05-05 |
N2G47T, | Android-7.1.2_R10 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-05-05 |
N2G47R | android-7.1.2_r9 | Nougat | Nexus Player | 2017-05-05 |
N2G47O | Android 7.1.2_R8 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Pixel XL, Pixel, Pixel C | 2017-05-05 |
NHG47 tys. | android-7.1.2_r6 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-04-05 |
N2G47J | android-7.1.2_r5 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-04-05 |
N2G47H | Android 7.1.2_R4 | Nougat | Nexus 6P, Nexus Player | 2017-04-05 |
N2G47F | android-7.1.2_r3 | Nougat | Nexus 5X | 2017-04-05 |
N2G47E | Android-7.1.2_r2 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-04-05 |
N2G47D, | android-7.1.2_r1 | Nougat | Pixel C | 2017-04-05 |
5787798 | android-7.1.1_r61 | Nougat | 2017-10-01 | |
5725749 | android-7.1.1_r60 | Nougat | 2017-10-01 | |
5650809 | Android-7.1.1_R59 | Nougat | 2017-10-01 | |
N9F27M | Android-7.1.1_R58 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (Volantis) | 2017-10-05 |
NGI77B | android-7.1.1_r57 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-10-05 |
N8I11F | Android-7.1.1_R56 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-10-05 |
N6F27M | Android-7.1.1_R55 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-10-05 |
N4F27P | Android-7.1.1_R54 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (volantisg) | 2017-10-05 |
N9F27L | android-7.1.1_r53 | Nougat | Nexus 9 | 2017-09-05 |
NGI55D | android-7.1.1_r52 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-09-05 |
N4F27O | android-7.1.1_r51 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (volantisg) | 2017-09-05 |
N8I11B, | Android-7.1.1_R50 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-08-05 |
N9F27H | Android-7.1.1_R49 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (Volantis) | 2017-08-05 |
N6F27I, | Android 7.1.1_R48 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-08-05 |
N4F27K | Android-7.1.1_R47 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (Volantisg) | 2017-08-05 |
N9F27F | android-7.1.1_r46 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (volantis) | 2017-07-05 |
N6F27H | android-7.1.1_r45 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-07-05 |
N4F27I | android-7.1.1_r44 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (volantisg) | 2017-07-05 |
N9F27C | Android-7.1.1_R43 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (Volantis) | 2017-06-05 |
N6F27E | Android-7.1.1_R42 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-06-05 |
N4F27E | android-7.1.1_r41 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (Volantisg) | 2017-06-05 |
N6F27C | android-7.1.1_r40 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-05-05 |
N4F27B, | Android-7.1.1_R39 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) | 2017-05-05 |
N6F26Y | Android 7.1.1_R38 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-04-01 |
NOF27D | android-7.1.1_r35 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-04-01 |
N4F26X, | android-7.1.1_r33 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) | 2017-04-01 |
N4F26U, | Android-7.1.1_R31 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2017-04-01 |
N6F26U, | Android-7.1.1_R28 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-03-05 |
NUF26N | android-7.1.1_r27 | Nougat | Nexus 6P | 2017-03-05 |
NOF27C | Android-7.1.1_R26 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-03-05 |
NOF27B | android-7.1.1_r25 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-03-05 |
N4F26T | android-7.1.1_r24 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Pixel C | 2017-03-05 |
NMF27D, | android-7.1.1_r23 | Nougat | Nexus Player | 2017-03-05 |
NMF26X | android-7.1.1_r22 | Nougat | Nexus Player | 2017-02-05 |
NOF26W | Android-7.1.1_R21 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-02-05 |
NOF26V | Android-7.1.1_R20 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-02-05 |
N6F26R | android-7.1.1_r17 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-02-05 |
NUF26 tys. | android-7.1.1_r16 | Nougat | Nexus 6P | 2017-02-05 |
N4F26Q | Android-7.1.1_R15 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) | 2017-02-05 |
N4F26O, | Android 7.1.1_R14 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Pixel C | 2017-02-05 |
N6F26Q | android-7.1.1_r13 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-01-05 |
N4F26M | Android-7.1.1_R12 | Nougat | Nexus 9 (Volantis) | 2017-01-01 |
N4F26J | android-7.1.1_r11 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2017-01-05 |
N4F26I, | android-7.1.1_r10 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Pixel C | 2017-01-05 |
NMF26V | android-7.1.1_r9 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-01-05 |
NMF26U, | Android 7.1.1_r8 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2017-01-05 |
NMF26R | android-7.1.1_r7 | Nougat | Nexus Player | 2017-01-05 |
NMF26Q | android-7.1.1_r6 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2016-12-05 |
NMF26O, | android-7.1.1_r4 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2016-12-05 |
NMF26J | android-7.1.1_r3 | Nougat | Nexus Player | 2016-12-05 |
NMF26H | android-7.1.1_r2 | Nougat | Pixel C | 2016-12-05 |
NMF26F | Android-7.1.1_r1 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) | 2016-12-05 |
NDE63X | android-7.1.0_r7 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2016-11-05 |
NDE63V | android-7.1.0_r6 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2016-11-05 |
NDE63U | Android-7.1.0_R5 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2016-11-05 |
NDE63P | android-7.1.0_r4 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2016-10-05 |
NDE63L | android-7.1.0_r2 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2016-10-05 |
NDE63H | android-7.1.0_r1 | Nougat | Pixel XL, Pixel | 2016-10-05 |
NBD92Y | Android-7.0.0_R36 | Nougat | 2019-03-01 | |
NBD92Q | Android-7.0.0_R35 | Nougat | 2017-11-01 | |
NBD92N, | android-7.0.0_r34 | Nougat | 2017-10-01 | |
NBD92G | Android-7.0.0_R33 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-04-01 |
NBD92F | android-7.0.0_r32 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-04-01 |
NBD92E, | android-7.0.0_r31 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-03-05 |
NBD92D, | android-7.0.0_r30 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-03-05 |
NBD91Z | android-7.0.0_r29 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-02-05 |
NBD91Y, | android-7.0.0_r28 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-02-05 |
NBD91X, | Android-7.0.0_R27 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2017-01-05 |
NBD91U, | android-7.0.0_r24 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2016-12-05 |
N5D91L | Android-7.0.0_R21 | Nougat | Nexus 5X | 2016-11-05 |
NBD91P | Android-7.0.0_R19 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2016-11-05 |
NRD91 tys. | android-7.0.0_r17 | Nougat | Nexus 6P | 2016-11-05 |
NRD91N | Android-7.0.0_R15 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Pixel C, Nexus Player, Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) | 2016-11-05 |
NBD90Z | android-7.0.0_r14 | Nougat | Nexus 6 | 2016-10-05 |
NBD90X, | android-7.0.0_r13 | Nougat | Nexus 6P | 2016-10-05 |
NBD90W | android-7.0.0_r12 | Nougat | Nexus 5X | 2016-10-05 |
NRD91D | Android-7.0.0_R7 | Nougat | Pixel C, Nexus Player, Nexus 9 (Wi-Fi) | 2016-10-05 |
NRD90U | android-7.0.0_r6 | Nougat | Nexus 6P | 2016-09-06 |
NRD90T | Android-7.0.0_R5 | Nougat | Nexus 6P | 2016-09-06 |
NRD90S | android-7.0.0_r4 | Nougat | Nexus 5X | 2016-09-06 |
NRD90R | android-7.0.0_r3 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 9 (wolantis), Nexus Player, Pixel C | 2016-09-06 |
90 mln | android-7.0.0_r1 | Nougat | Nexus 5X, Nexus 9 (volantis), Nexus Player, Pixel C | 2016-08-05 |
MOI10E | Android-6.0.1_R81 | Marshmallow | 2017-10-01 | |
MOB31Z | Android-6.0.1_R80 | Marshmallow | 2017-07-01 | |
MOB31T | Android-6.0.1_R79 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2017-02-01 |
MOB31S | Android-6.0.1_R78 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2017-01-05 |
M4B30Z | android-6.0.1_r77 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5 | 2016-10-05 |
MOB31 TYS. | android-6.0.1_r74 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2016-11-05 |
MMB31C | android-6.0.1_r73 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2016-11-05 |
M4B30X | android-6.0.1_r72 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5 | 2016-10-05 |
MOB31H | Android-6.0.1_R70 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2016-10-05 |
MMB30Y | Android-6.0.1_R69 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2016-10-05 |
20 tys. MTC | android-6.0.1_r67 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X | 2016-09-06 |
MOB31E | Android-6.0.1_R66 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 (volantis) | 2016-09-06 |
MMB30W | android-6.0.1_r65 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2016-09-06 |
MXC89L | Android-6.0.1_R63 | Marshmallow | Pixel C | 2016-08-05 |
MTC20F | Android-6.0.1_R62 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2016-08-05 |
MOB30Y | android-6.0.1_r60 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5 | 2016-08-05 |
MOB30X | Android-6.0.1_R59 | Marshmallow | Nexus 7 (flo/deb) | 2016-08-05 |
MOB30W | Android-6.0.1_R58 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6, Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player | 2016-08-05 |
MMB30S | android-6.0.1_r57 | Marshmallow | Nexus 7 (deb) | 2016-08-05 |
MMB30R | android-6.0.1_r56 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2016-08-05 |
MXC89K | Android-6.0.1_R55 | Marshmallow | Pixel C | 2016-07-05 |
MTC19Z | Android-6.0.1_R54 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X | 2016-07-05 |
MTC19X | Android-6.0.1_R53 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6P | 2016-07-05 |
MOB30P | Android-6.0.1_R50 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player | 2016-07-05 |
MOB30O | android-6.0.1_r49 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2016-07-05 |
MMB30M | android-6.0.1_r48 | Marshmallow | Nexus 7 (deb) | 2016-07-05 |
30 tys. MMB | android-6.0.1_r47 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2016-07-05 |
MOB30M | android-6.0.1_r46 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player | 2016-06-01 |
MTC19V | Android-6.0.1_R45 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2016-06-01 |
MOB30J | Android-6.0.1_R43 | Marshmallow | Nexus 7 (flo/deb) | 2016-05-01 |
MOB30I | android-6.0.1_r42 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2016-05-01 |
MOB30H | android-6.0.1_r41 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5 | 2016-05-01 |
MOB30G | Android-6.0.1_R40 | Marshmallow | Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player | 2016-05-01 |
MXC89H | Android-6.0.1_R33 | Marshmallow | Pixel C | 2016-06-01 |
MXC89F | android-6.0.1_r32 | Marshmallow | Pixel C | 2016-05-01 |
MMB30J | android-6.0.1_r28 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (deb) | 2016-06-01 |
MTC19T | android-6.0.1_r25 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2016-05-01 |
M5C14J | Android-6.0.1_R31 | Marshmallow | Pixel C | 2016-04-01 |
MOB30D | Android-6.0.1_R30 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player | 2016-04-02 |
MHC19Q | android-6.0.1_r24 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2016-04-02 |
MHC19J | android-6.0.1_r22 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X | 2016-03-01 |
MHC19I | android-6.0.1_r21 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6P | 2016-03-01 |
MMB29X | Android-6.0.1_R20 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (deb), Nexus 9 (volantisg) | 2016-04-02 |
MXC14G | Android-6.0.1_R18 | Marshmallow | Pixel C | 2016-03-01 |
MMB29V | Android-6.0.1_R17 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 6P, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) | 2016-03-01 |
MXB48T | Android-6.0.1_R16 | Marshmallow | Pixel C | 2016-02-01 |
MMB29U | android-6.0.1_r13 | Marshmallow | Nexus Player | 2016-02-01 |
MMB29R | android-6.0.1_r12 | Marshmallow | Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) | 2016-02-01 |
MMB29Q | android-6.0.1_r11 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 6P, Nexus 7 (flo/deb) | 2016-02-01 |
MMB29T | Android-6.0.1_R10 | Marshmallow | Nexus Player | 2016-01-01 |
MMB29S | android-6.0.1_r9 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) | 2016-01-01 |
MMB29P | android-6.0.1_r8 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2016-01-01 |
MMB29O | Android-6.0.1_R7 | Marshmallow | Nexus 7 (flo/deb) | 2016-01-01 |
MXB48K | android-6.0.1_r5 | Marshmallow | Pixel C | 2015-12-01 |
MXB48J | android-6.0.1_r4 | Marshmallow | Pixel C | 2015-12-01 |
MMB29M | Android-6.0.1_R3 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6P, Nexus Player | 2015-12-01 |
29 tys. MMB | android-6.0.1_r1 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) | 2015-12-01 |
MMB29N | Android-6.0.0_R41 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6P | 2015-11-01 |
MDB08M | Android-6.0.0_R26 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2015-11-01 |
MDB08L | android-6.0.0_r25 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P | 2015-11-01 |
MDB08 tys. | Android-6.0.0_R24 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6P | 2015-10-01 |
MDB08I | Android-6.0.0_R23 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X | 2015-10-01 |
MDA89E, | Android-6.0.0_R12 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5X | 2015-10-01 |
MDA89D | android-6.0.0_r11 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6P | 2015-10-01 |
MRA59B | android-6.0.0_r7 | Marshmallow | Nexus 7 (deB) | 2015-12-01 |
MRA58X | android-6.0.0_r6 | Marshmallow | Nexus 6 | 2015-11-01 |
MRA58V | Android-6.0.0_R5 | Marshmallow | Nexus 7 (flo/deb) | 2015-11-01 |
MRA58U | android-6.0.0_r4 | Marshmallow | Nexus 7 (flo) | 2015-10-01 |
MRA58N | android-6.0.0_r2 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player | 2015-11-01 |
58 TYS. | android-6.0.0_r1 | Marshmallow | Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player | 2015-10-01 |
49 mln LMY | Android 5.1.1_R38 | Lizak | Nexus 10 | 2016-07-05 |
LMY49J | android-5.1.1_r37 | Lizak | Nexus 10 | 2016-04-01 |
LMY49I | android-5.1.1_r36 | Lizak | Nexus 10 | 2016-03-01 |
LMY49H | android-5.1.1_r35 | Lizak | Nexus 10 | 2016-03-01 |
LMY49G | android-5.1.1_r34 | Lizak | Nexus 10 | 2016-02-01 |
LMY49F | android-5.1.1_r33 | Lizak | Nexus 9 (volantisg), Nexus 10 | 2016-01-01 |
LMY48Z | Android-5.1.1_R30 | Lizak | Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (deb), Nexus 9 (volantisg), Nexus 10 | 2015-12-01 |
LYZ28N | android-5.1.1_r28 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (TYLKO T-Mobile) | 2015-11-01 |
LMY48Y | Android-5.1.1_R26 | Lizak | Nexus 6 | 2015-11-01 |
LMY48X | android-5.1.1_r25 | Lizak | Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (deb), Nexus 9 (wolantisg), Nexus 10 | 2015-11-01 |
LMY48W | Android-5.1.1_R24 | Lizak | Nexus 6 | |
LVY48H | Android-5.1.1_R23 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (TYLKO Google Fi) | |
28 MLN | Android-5.1.1_R22 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (TYLKO T-Mobile) | |
LMY48U | android-5.1.1_r20 | Lizak | Nexus 7 (deB) | |
LMY48T | android-5.1.1_r19 | Lizak | Nexus 4, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus 10 | |
LVY48F | Android-5.1.1_R18 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (TYLKO Google Fi) | |
28 TYS. | Android-5.1.1_R17 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (TYLKO T-Mobile) | |
LMY48P | android-5.1.1_r16 | Lizak | Nexus 7 (deb) | |
LMY48N | Android-5.1.1_R15 | Lizak | Nexus Player | |
LMY48M | android-5.1.1_r14 | Lizak | Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus 10 | |
LVY48E | Android-5.1.1_R13 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (TYLKO Google Fi) | |
LYZ28J | android-5.1.1_r12 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (TYLKO T-Mobile) | |
LMY48J | android-5.1.1_r10 | Lizak | Nexus Player | |
LMY48I | android-5.1.1_r9 | Lizak | Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus 10 | |
LVY48C | Android 5.1.1_r8 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (TYLKO Google Fi) | |
LMY48G | android-5.1.1_r6 | Lizak | Nexus 7 (flo) | |
LYZ28E | Android-5.1.1_R5 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (TYLKO T-Mobile) | |
LMY47Z | android-5.1.1_r4 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (wszyscy operatorzy oprócz T-Mobile US) | |
LMY48B | android-5.1.1_r3 | Lizak | Nexus 5 | |
LMY47X | Android-5.1.1_r2 | Lizak | Nexus 9 (volantis) | |
LMY47V | Android-5.1.1_r1 | Lizak | Nexus 7 (flo/grouper), Nexus 10, Nexus Player | |
LMY47O | Android-5.1.0_R5 | Lizak | Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (flo/deb) | |
47 MLN | android-5.1.0_r4 | Lizak | Nexus 6 (TYLKO T-Mobile) | |
LMY47I | android-5.1.0_r3 | Lizak | Nexus 5 i Nexus 6 | |
LMY47E | Android-5.1.0_r2 | Lizak | Nexus 6 | |
LMY47 dni | Android-5.1.0_r1 | Lizak | Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (Grouper/Tilapia), Nexus 10, Nexus Player | |
LRX22L | android-5.0.2_r3 | Lizak | Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) | |
LRX22G | android-5.0.2_r1 | Lizak | Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia), Nexus 10 | |
LRX22C | Android-5.0.1_r1 | Lizak | Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6 (shamu), Nexus 7 (flot), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus 10 | |
LRX21V | android-5.0.0_r7.0.1 | Lizak | Nexus Player (fugu) | |
LRX21T | android-5.0.0_r6.0.1 | Lizak | Nexus 4 | |
LRX21R | android-5.0.0_r5.1.0.1 | Lizak | Nexus 9 (volantis) | |
LRX21Q | android-5.0.0_r5.0.1 | Lizak | Nexus 9 (volantis) | |
LRX21P | android-5.0.0_r4.0.1 | Lizak | Nexus 7 (flo/grouper), Nexus 10 | |
LRX21O | android-5.0.0_r3.0.1 | Lizak | Nexus 5 (hammerhead), Nexus 6 (shamu) | |
LRX21M | Android-5.0.0_r2.0.1 | Lizak | Nexus Player (fugu) | |
LRX21L | android-5.0.0_r1.0.1 | Lizak | Nexus 9 (Volantis) | |
KTU84Q | android-4.4.4_r2 | KitKat | Nexus 5 (hammerhead) (TYLKO dla 2Degrees/NZ, Telstra/AUS i Indie) | |
KTU84P | android-4.4.4_r1 | KitKat | Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia), Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
KTU84M | android-4.4.3_r1.1 | KitKat | Nexus 5 (hammerhead) | |
KTU84L | android-4.4.3_r1 | KitKat | Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia), Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
KVT49L | android-4.4.2_r2 | KitKat | Nexus 7 (deb Verizon) | |
KOT49H | Android-4.4.2_r1 | KitKat | Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia), Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
KOT49E | android-4.4.1_r1 | KitKat | Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia), Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
KRT16S | android-4.4_r1.2 | KitKat | Nexus 7 (flora/deb/grouper/tilapia), Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
KRT16M | Android-4.4_R1 | KitKat | Nexus 5 (hammerhead) | |
JLS36I | Android-4.3.1_r1 | Jelly Bean | Nexus 7 (deb) | |
JLS36C | Android-4.3_R3 | Fasolka | Nexus 7 (deb) | |
JSS15R | Android-4.3_r2.3 | Jelly Bean | Nexus 7 (flo) | |
JSS15Q | android-4.3_r2.2 | Fasolka | Nexus 7 (flo) | |
JSS15J | Android-4.3_r2.1 | Fasolka | Nexus 7 (flo/deb) | |
JSR78D | android-4.3_r2 | Jelly Bean | Nexus 7 (deB) | |
JWR66Y | android-4.3_r1.1 | Fasolka | Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7 (grouper/tilapia), Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
JWR66V | Android-4.3_R1 | Fasolka | Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7 (grouper/tilapia), Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
JWR66N | android-4.3_r0.9.1 | Jelly Bean | Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7 (grouper/tilapia/flo), Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
JWR66L | android-4.3_r0.9 | Jelly Bean | Nexus 7 | |
JDQ39E | android-4.2.2_r1.2 | Jelly Bean | Nexus 4 | |
JDQ39B | android-4.2.2_r1.1 | Fasolka | Nexus 7 | |
JDQ39 | android 4.2.2_r1 | Jelly Bean | Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7, Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
JOP40G | Android-4.2.1_r1.2 | Jelly Bean | Nexus 4 | |
JOP40F | Android-4.2.1_r1.1 | Jelly Bean | Nexus 10 | |
40 JOP | android-4.2.1_r1 | Fasolka | Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7, Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
40 JPY | android-4.2_r1 | Fasolka | Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7, Nexus 4, Nexus 10 | |
JZO54M | Android-4.1.2_r2.1 | Jelly Bean | ||
JZO54L | android-4.1.2_r2 | Fasolka | ||
JZO54 tys. | Android-4.1.2_r1 | Fasolka | Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7 | |
JRO03S | android-4.1.1_r6.1 | Fasolka | Nexus 7 | |
JRO03R | android 4.1.1_r6 | Jelly Bean | Nexus S 4G | |
JRO03O | android-4.1.1_r5 | Jelly Bean | Galaxy Nexus | |
JRO03L | Android 4.1.1_r4 | Jelly Bean | Nexus S | |
JRO03H | android 4.1.1_r3 | Fasolka | ||
JRO03E | android 4.1.1_r2 | Fasolka | Nexus S | |
JRO03D | android-4.1.1_r1.1 | Jelly Bean | Nexus 7 | |
JRO03C | android-4.1.1_r1 | Jelly Bean | Galaxy Nexus | |
IMM76L | android-4.0.4_r2.1 | Ice Cream Sandwich | ||
IMM76K | android-4.0.4_r2 | Ice Cream Sandwich | Galaxy Nexus | |
IMM76I | android-4.0.4_r1.2 | Ice Cream Sandwich | Galaxy Nexus | |
IMM76D | android-4.0.4_r1.1 | Ice Cream Sandwich | Nexus S, Nexus S 4G, Galaxy Nexus | |
IMM76 | android-4.0.4_r1 | Ice Cream Sandwich | ||
IML77 | Android-4.0.3_r1.1 | Ice Cream Sandwich | ||
74 tys. IML | android-4.0.3_r1 | Ice Cream Sandwich | Nexus S | |
ICL53F | android-4.0.2_r1 | Ice Cream Sandwich | Galaxy Nexus | |
ITL41F | Android-4.0.1_r1.2 | Ice Cream Sandwich | Galaxy Nexus | |
ITL41D | Android-4.0.1_r1.1 | Ice Cream Sandwich | Galaxy Nexus | |
ITL41D | android-4.0.1_r1 | Ice Cream Sandwich | Galaxy Nexus | |
GWK74 | android-2.3.7_r1 | Piernik | Nexus S 4G | |
GRK39F | android-2.3.6_r1 | Piernik | Nexus One, Nexus S | |
GRK39C | Android-2.3.6_r0.9 | Piernik | Nexus S | |
90 GRJ | android-2.3.5_r1 | Piernik | Nexus S 4G | |
GRU22 | android-2.3.4_r1 | Piernik | Nexus One, Nexus S, Nexus S 4G | |
GRJ06D | Android-2.3.4_r0.9 | Piernik | Nexus S 4G | |
GRI54 | android-2.3.3_r1.1 | Piernik | Nexus S | |
GRI40 | android-2.3.3_r1 | Piernik | Nexus One, Nexus S | |
GRH78C | android-2.3.2_r1 | Piernik | Nexus S | |
GRH78 | android-2.3.1_r1 | Piernik | Nexus S | |
55 GRH | android-2.3_r1 | Piernik | Najwcześniejsza wersja Gingerbread, Nexus S | |
FRK76C | android-2.2.3_r2 | Froyo | ||
76 FRK | android-2.2.3_r1 | Froyo | ||
FRG83G | android-2.2.2_r1 | Froyo | Nexus One | |
FRG83D | Android-2.2.1_r2 | Froyo | Nexus One | |
FRG83 | Android-2.2.1_r1 | Froyo | Nexus One | |
FRG22D | Android-2.2_r1.3 | Froyo | ||
FRG01B | android-2.2_r1.2 | Froyo | ||
FRF91 | android-2.2_r1.1 | Froyo | Nexus One | |
FRF85B | android-2.2_r1 | Froyo | Nexus One | |
EPF21B | android-2.1_r2.1p2, | Ekler | ||
ESE81, | Android-2.1_r2.1s | Ekler | ||
EPE54B, | Android-2.1_r2.1p | Ekler | Nexus One | |
ERE27 | android-2.1_r2 | Ekler | Nexus One | |
ERD79 | android-2.1_r1 | Ekler | Nexus One | |
ESD56 | android-2.0.1_r1 | Ekler | ||
dyrektywa ESD20 | android-2.0_r1 | Ekler | ||
DMD64 | android-1.6_r1.5 | Pączek | ||
DRD20 | Android-1.6_r1.4 | |||
DRD08 | android-1.6_r1.3 | |||
92 DRC | android-1.6_r1.2 |
Definicje identyfikatorów kompilacji
W Androidzie 8.0.0 (Oreo) i nowszych kompilacjach zobaczysz identyfikator kompilacji w formacie PVBB.YYMMDD.bbb[.Cn], gdzie:
- P to pierwsza litera nazwy kodowej wersji platformy, na przykład O to Oreo. W przypadku nazw kodowych Androida 10 i późniejszych wersji używana jest nazwa literowa, np. Q dla Androida 10 i R dla Androida 11.
- V oznacza obsługiwaną branżę. Według konwencji P oznacza główną gałąź platformy.
- BB to kod alfanumeryczny, który pozwala Google rozpoznawać dokładna gałąź kodu, z której utworzyliśmy kompilację.
- RRRRMMDD wskazuje datę, w której wydanie zostało pobrane z gałęzi rozwojowej lub zsynchronizowane z nią. Nie zawsze jest to dokładna data utworzenia wersji, ponieważ często drobne zmiany w dotychczasowej wersji powodują ponowne użycie tego samego kodu daty.
- Parametr bbb identyfikuje poszczególne wersje powiązane z tym samym kodem daty, sekwencyjnie, zaczynając od 001.
- Cn to opcjonalny ciąg alfanumeryczny, który identyfikuje poprawkę na podstawie istniejącej wersji PVBB.YYMMDD.bbb, począwszy od A1.
Android 7.00 i starsze wersje używają innego, krótszego identyfikatora kompilacji (np. FRF85B), gdzie:
- Pierwsza litera to nazwa kodowa rodziny wersji, np. F to Froyo.
- Druga litera to kod oddziału, który pozwala Google zidentyfikować dokładna gałąź kodu, z której utworzyliśmy kompilację. Według konwencji R to główna gałąź wersji.
- Trzecia litera i 2 cyfry następujące po niej to kod daty. Litera oznacza kwartał (A to I kwartał 2009 r., F to II kwartał 2010 r. itd.). Te 2 liczby liczba dni w kwartale (F85 to 24 czerwca 2010). Kod daty jest inny niż zawsze dokładną datę utworzenia budowy, co często zdarza się w przypadku osób małoletnich dodane do istniejącej kompilacji, tak aby mogły ponownie używać tego samego kodu daty już istniejącą kompilacja.
- Ostatnia litera wskazuje poszczególne wersje powiązane z tą samą datą kod, zaczynający się kolejno od A (co jest niejawne i zwykle pomijane) dla zachowania zwięzłości).
Aktualizacje zabezpieczeń używają czysto liczbowych identyfikatorów kompilacji (na przykład 7786871) i są częścią wersji kodu źródłowego opartych na backendzie gałęzie. Te aktualizacje zabezpieczeń możesz zastosować na poprzednim Androidzie wersji.
Na koniec: gałęzie froyo, gingerbread, ics-mr0, ics-mr1, jb-dev, jb-mr1-dev, jb-mr1.1-dev, jb-mr2-dev i kitkat-dev to gałęzie rozwojowe, które nie odpowiadają dokładnie konfiguracjom testowanym przez Google. Z tego powodu te gałęzie może zawierać różne zmiany poza oficjalnymi tagami ale mogą też nie być dokładnie przetestowane.
Różnice między wersjami
Aby odróżnić wersje, możesz uzyskać listę zmian powiązanych z każdym projektem, uruchamiając to polecenie i przekazując mu oba tagi gałęzi:
repo forall -pc 'git log --no-merges --oneline branch-1..branch-2'
Na przykład:
repo forall -pc 'git log --no-merges --oneline android-4.4.2_r2..android-4.4.2_r1'
Aby wysłać dane wyjściowe do pliku tekstowego:
repo forall -pc 'git log --no-merges --oneline android-4.4.2_r2..android-4.4.2_r1' > /tmp/android-4.4.2_r2-android-4.4.2_r1-diff.txt
Moduły Honeycomb na spółce handlowej
W przypadku Honeycomb cały kod źródłowy platformy jest niedostępny. Jednak części Honeycomb licencjonowanych na mocy licencji spółek GPL i LGPL są dostępne na mocy następujące tagi.
Budowanie | Tag | Uwagi |
HRI39 | Android-3.0_R1 | Najwcześniejsza wersja Plastra miodu |
HRI66 | android-3.0_r1.1 | |
HWI69 | android-3.0_r1.2 | |
HRI83 | Android-3.0_r1.3 | |
HMJ37 | android-3.1_r1 | |
HTJ85B | android-3.2_r1 | |
HTK55D | Android-3.2.1_r1 | |
HTK75D | android-3.2.1_r2 | |
HLK75C | Android-3.2.2_r1 | |
HLK75D | android-3.2.2_r2 | |
HLK75F | android-3.2.4_r1 | |
HLK75H | android 3.2.6_r1 | Najnowsza wersja Honeycomb |
Żaden plik manifestu nie zawiera dokładnie tych modułów, ale niektóre pozwalają na tworzenie tych komponentów. Te polecenia działają w wersji 3.0_r1.1:
repo init -b main -m base-for-3.0-gpl.xml
repo sync
repo forall -c git checkout android-3.0_r1.1
Aby użyć innej wersji, zmień parametr git checkout
i (w razie potrzeby)
parametr -m
w tabeli repo init
. Polecenie git checkout
wyświetla błąd w przypadku projektów, które nie są objęte licencją GPL, ponieważ nie może znaleźć tagu.
Kryptowaluty urządzeń
W tabeli poniżej znajdziesz nazwy kodów urządzeń Google. Za pomocą
te nazwy kodu do tworzenia ciągów docelowych kompilacji używanych w poleceniu lunch
Urządzenie | Kryptonim |
Pixel 8a | akita |
Pixel 8 Pro | husky |
Pixel 8 | Shiba |
Pixel Fold | Feliks |
Pixel Tablet | tangorpro |
Pixel 7a | lynx |
Pixel 7 Pro | gepard |
Pixel 7 | pantera |
Pixel 6 Pro | kruk |
Pixel 6 | Oriole |
Pixel 5 | redfin |
Pixel 4a 5G | Bramble |
Pixel 4a | samogłów |
Pixel 4 XL | koralowy |
Pixel 4 | płomień |
Pixel 3a XL | bonito |
Pixel 3a | Sargo |
Pixel 3 XL | krzyżykowe |
Pixel 3 | Blueline |
Pixel 2 XL | Taimen |
Pixel 2 | Walleye |
Pixel XL | marlin |
Pixel | żaglica |
HiKey | wycieczki |
Nexus 6P | wędkarz |
Nexus 5X | Bullhead |
Nexus 6 | Shamu |
Nexus Player | fugu |
Nexus 9 | volantis (flounder) |
Nexus 5 (GSM/LTE) | hammerhead |
Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi) | razor (flo) |
Nexus 7 (mobilny) | razorg (deb) |
Nexus 10 | mantaray (manta) |
Nexus 4 | occam (mako) |
Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi) | nakasi (grouper) |
Nexus 7 (mobilny) | Nakasig (tilapia) |
Galaxy Nexus (GSM/HSPA+) | yakju (maguro) |
Galaxy Nexus (Verizon) | mysid (toro) |
Galaxy Nexus (wersja eksperymentalna) | mysidspr (toroplus) |
Motorola Xoom (Wi-Fi w USA) | wingray |
Nexus S | soju (crespo) |
Nexus S 4G | sojus (crespo4g) |