
ClassPathScanner.IClassPathFilter A filter for classpath entry paths

Patterned after FileFilter 

ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue.IMatcher<T> An interface for determining if elements match some sort of condition. 
ICompressionStrategy An interface representing a compression algorithm that can be selected at runtime. 
IDisableable Interface that describes a Tradefed object that can be disabled. 
IEmail Interface for sending email. 
IRestApiHelper A helper interface for performing REST API calls. 
IRunUtil Interface for running timed operations and system commands. 
IRunUtil.IRunnableResult An interface for asynchronously executing an operation that returns a boolean status. 


AaptParser Class that extracts info from apk by parsing output of 'aapt dump badging'. 
AbiFormatter Utility class for abi. 
AbiUtils Utility class for handling device ABIs 
AdbRootElevator An AutoCloseable that enables adb root when constructed if needed and restores root state when complete. 
AdbUtils A utility class for adb operations. 
AppVersionFetcher Utility class to get app version string from device. 
ArrayUtil Utility methods for arrays 
BluetoothUtils Utility functions for calling BluetoothInstrumentation on device

Device side BluetoothInstrumentation code can be found in AOSP at: frameworks/base/core/tests/bluetoothtests 

Bugreport Object holding the bugreport files references, compatible of flat bugreport and zipped bugreport (bugreportz). 
BuildInfoUtil A util class to help manipulate IBuildInfo 
BuildTestsZipUtils A helper class for operations related to tests zip generated by Android build system 
BulkEmailer A email sender utility that allows the following configuration: sent interval,initial burst size, recipients and the total number messages. 
BundletoolUtil Utility class that uses bundletool command line to install the .apks on deivce. 
ByteArrayList A class to represent a lightweight byte array. 
ByteArrayUtil Utilities to operate on byte array, e.g., convert bytes to integer. 
CacheClientFactory A factory that creates a singleton instance of ICacheClient
CircularAtraceUtil An atrace utility developed primarily for identifying the root causes of ANRs during Monkey testing. 
CircularByteArray Data structure for holding a fixed size array that operates as a circular buffer, and tracks the total sum of all values in the array. 
ClangProfileIndexer A utility class that indexes Clang code coverage measurements. 
ClassPathScanner Finds entries on classpath. 
ClassPathScanner.ClassNameFilter A IClassPathFilter that filters and transforms java class names. 
ClassPathScanner.ExternalClassNameFilter A ClassNameFilter that rejects inner classes 
CommandResult Contains the result of a command. 
ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue<T> A thread-safe class with ERROR(/PriorityBlockingQueue)-like operations that can retrieve objects that match a certain condition. 
ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue.AlwaysMatch<T> A ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue.IMatcher that matches any object. 
DeviceActionUtil A Utility class to execute device actions. 
DeviceActionUtil.DeviceActionConfigError Exception for config error. 
DeviceConcurrentUtil Contains utility methods and classes for concurrent device side command execution

Use ERROR(/ExecutorService) to run commands implemented as ShellCommandCallable, and use ERROR(/#joinFuture(String,Future,long)) for synchronization against the ERROR(/Future) as returned by ERROR(/ExecutorService) for the command execution. 

DeviceConcurrentUtil.ShellCommandCallable<V> A ERROR(/Callable) that wraps the details of executing shell command on an ITestDevice
DirectedGraph<V> A directed unweighted graphs implementation. 
Email A helper class to send an email. 
EmmaXmlConstants Constants used when parsing emma xml report. 
EnvironmentVariableUtil A collection of helper methods to prepare environment variables. 
ExtensionAtomsRegistry ExtensionAtomsRegistry for local use of statsd. 
FakeTestsZipFolder A testing fixture that creates a fake unzipped tests folder based on a list of content. 
FileIdleMonitor Monitors files and executes a callback if they have been idle (i.e. 
FileUtil A helper class for file related operations 
FileUtil.LowDiskSpaceException Thrown if usable disk space is below minimum threshold. 
FixedByteArrayOutputStream An in-memory ERROR(/OutputStream) that only keeps a maximum amount of data. 
FlashingResourceUtil This utility helps setting the appropriate version of artifacts so they can be flashed via DeviceFlashPreparer
FuseUtil A helper class for FUSE operations. 
GceRemoteCmdFormatter Utility class to format commands to reach a remote gce device. 
GCSBucketUtil File manager to download and upload files from Google Cloud Storage (GCS). 
GCSBucketUtil.GCSFileMetadata Simple wrapper for file info in GCS. 
GCSCommon Obsoleted! Use instead. 
GCSFileDownloader File downloader to download file from google cloud storage (GCS). 
GCSFileUploader File uploader to upload file data to google cloud storage (GCS). 
GenericLogcatEventParser<LogcatEventType> Parse logcat input for events. 
GenericLogcatEventParser.LogcatEvent Struct to hold a logcat event with the event type and triggering logcat message 
GoogleApiClientUtil Utils for create Google API client. 
HprofAllocSiteParser Helper class to parse info from an Allocation Sites section of hprof reports. 
IEmail.Message Container for email message data. 
JavaCodeCoverageFlusher A utility class that resets and forces a flush of Java code coverage measurements from processes running on the device. 
JUnit4TestFilter Helper Class that provides the filtering for JUnit4 runner by extending the Filter
JUnitXmlParser Parser that extracts test result data from JUnit results stored in ant's XMLJUnitResultFormatter and forwards it to a ITestInvocationListener. 
KeyguardControllerState A container for the keyguard states. 
ListInstrumentationParser A IShellOutputReceiver that parses the output of a 'pm list instrumentation' query 
LocalRunInstructionBuilder Utility to compile the instruction to run test locally. 
MetricUtility Contains common utility methods for storing the test metrics, aggregating the metrics in similar tests and writing the metrics to a file. 
ModuleTestTypeUtil Contains common utility methods for checking module. 
MultiMap<K, V> A ERROR(/Map) that supports multiple values per key. 
NativeCodeCoverageFlusher A utility class that clears native coverage measurements and forces a flush of native coverage data from processes on the device. 
Pair<A, B> Define our own Pair class which contains two objects. 
PerfettoTraceRecorder A utility class for recording perfetto trace on a ITestDevice
PrettyPrintDelimiter Helper utility that helps to print delimited message that stands out. 
ProcessInfo Used to store process related(USER, PID, NAME, START TIME IN SECOND SINCE EPOCH) information. 
PropertyChanger A utility class for changing (or adding) items in an Android property file 
ProtoUtil Utility methods for dealing with protobuf messages type-agnostically. 
PsParser Utility used to parse(USER,PID and NAME) from the "ps" command output 
PythonVirtualenvHelper A helper class for activating Python 3 virtual environment. 
RegexTrie<V> The RegexTrie is a trie where each stored segment of the key is a regex ERROR(/Pattern)
RemoteZip Utilities to unzip individual files inside a remote zip file. 
RequestUtil Utilities to allow generic retry of network requests with error handling. 
ResourceUtil Utility for reading configuration resources. 
RestApiHelper A helper class for performing REST API calls. 
RunInterruptedException Thrown when a run operation is interrupted by an external request. 
RunUtil A collection of helper methods for executing operations. 
SearchArtifactUtil A utility class that can be used to search for test artifacts. 
SerializationUtil Utility to serialize/deserialize an object that implements ERROR(/Serializable)
ShellOutputReceiverStream Utility subclass of OutputStream that writes into an IShellOutputReceiver. 
SimplePerfResult Object to hold all simpleperf test results 
SimplePerfStatResultParser A utility class to parse simpleperf result. 
SimplePerfUtil Utility class to dispatch simple command and collect results 
SimpleStats A small utility class that calculates a few statistical measures given a numerical dataset. 
SizeLimitedOutputStream A thread safe file backed ERROR(/OutputStream) that limits the maximum amount of data that can be written. 
Sl4aBluetoothUtil A utility class provides Bluetooth operations on one or two devices using SL4A 
SparseImageUtil Utility to unsparse sparse images. 
SparseImageUtil.SparseInputStream SparseInputStream read from upstream and detects the data format. 
StreamUtil Utility class for managing input streams. 
StringEscapeUtils Utility class for escaping strings for specific formats. 
StringUtil Utility class for escaping strings for common string manipulation. 
SubprocessEventHelper Helper to serialize/deserialize the events to be passed to the log. 
SubprocessEventHelper.BaseTestEventInfo Base Helper for TestIgnored information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.FailedTestEventInfo Helper for testFailed information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.InvocationEndedEventInfo Helper for invocation ended information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.InvocationFailedEventInfo Helper for InvocationFailed information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.InvocationStartedEventInfo Helper for invocation started information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.LogAssociationEventInfo Helper for logAssociation information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestEndedEventInfo Helper for testEnded information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestLogEventInfo Helper for testLog information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestModuleStartedEventInfo Helper for test module started information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestRunEndedEventInfo Helper for testRunEnded Information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestRunFailedEventInfo Helper for testRunFailed information 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestRunStartedEventInfo Helper for testRunStarted information 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestStartedEventInfo Helper for testStarted information 
SubprocessExceptionParser Helper to handle the exception output from standard Tradefed command runners. 
SubprocessTestResultsParser Extends ERROR(/FileOutputStream) to parse the output before writing to the file so we can generate the test events on the launcher side. 
SubprocessTestResultsParser.StatusKeys Relevant test status keys. 
SystemUtil Utility class for making system calls. 
TableBuilder Helper class to display a matrix of String elements in a table. 
TableFormatter Helper class to display a matrix of String elements so each element column is lined up 
TarUtil Utility to manipulate a tar file. 
TestFilterHelper Helper class for filtering tests 
TestRecordInterpreter Utility to convert a TestRecord proto into a more easily manipulable format in Tradefed. 
TestRunnerUtil A utility class to help various test runners. 
TfInternalOptionsFetcher A utility class that allows classes to load a variables value statically from a res file. 
TimeUtil Contains time related utility methods. 
TimeVal This is a sentinel type which wraps a Long
UniqueMultiMap<K, V> A MultiMap that ensures unique values for each key. 
VersionParser Fetch the version of the running tradefed artifacts. 
ZipCompressionStrategy An ICompressionStrategy for creating zip archives. 
ZipUtil A helper class for compression-related operations 
ZipUtil2 A helper class for zip extraction that takes POSIX file permissions into account 


AaptParser.AaptVersion Enum of options for AAPT version used to parse APK files. 
AppVersionFetcher.AppVersionInfo App version info types. 
BinaryState Enum used to record ON/OFF state with a IGNORE no-op state. 
CommandStatus Represents the status of an timed operation. 
DeviceActionUtil.Command Commands for device action. 
GceRemoteCmdFormatter.ScpMode SCP can be used to push or pull file depending of the structure of the args. 
IRunUtil.EnvPriority Enum that defines whether setting or unsetting a particular env. 
LogcatEventType Event types for LogcatEventParser
SimplePerfUtil.SimplePerfType Enum of simpleperf command options 
Sl4aBluetoothUtil.BluetoothAccessLevel Enums for Bluetooth device access level which are based on 
Sl4aBluetoothUtil.BluetoothConnectionState Enums for Bluetooth connection states which are based on 
Sl4aBluetoothUtil.BluetoothPriorityLevel Enums for Bluetooth profile priority level which are based on 
Sl4aBluetoothUtil.BluetoothProfile Enums for Bluetooth profiles which are based on 