AaptParser |
Class that extracts info from apk by parsing output of 'aapt dump badging'.
AbiFormatter |
Utility class for abi.
AbiUtils |
Utility class for handling device ABIs
AdbRootElevator |
An AutoCloseable that enables adb root when constructed if needed and restores
root state when complete.
AdbUtils |
A utility class for adb operations.
AppVersionFetcher |
Utility class to get app version string from device.
ArrayUtil |
Utility methods for arrays
BluetoothUtils |
Utility functions for calling BluetoothInstrumentation on device
Device side BluetoothInstrumentation code can be found in AOSP at:
Bugreport |
Object holding the bugreport files references, compatible of flat bugreport and zipped bugreport
BuildInfoUtil |
A util class to help manipulate IBuildInfo
BuildTestsZipUtils |
A helper class for operations related to tests zip generated by Android build system
BulkEmailer |
A email sender utility that allows the following configuration:
sent interval,initial burst size, recipients and the total number messages.
BundletoolUtil |
Utility class that uses bundletool command line to install the .apks on deivce.
ByteArrayList |
A class to represent a lightweight byte array.
ByteArrayUtil |
Utilities to operate on byte array, e.g., convert bytes to integer.
CacheClientFactory |
A factory that creates a singleton instance of ICacheClient .
CircularAtraceUtil |
An atrace utility developed primarily for identifying the root causes of ANRs during Monkey
CircularByteArray |
Data structure for holding a fixed size array that operates as a circular buffer,
and tracks the total sum of all values in the array.
ClangProfileIndexer |
A utility class that indexes Clang code coverage measurements.
ClassPathScanner |
Finds entries on classpath.
ClassPathScanner.ClassNameFilter |
A IClassPathFilter that filters and transforms java class names.
ClassPathScanner.ExternalClassNameFilter |
A ClassNameFilter that rejects inner classes
CommandResult |
Contains the result of a command.
ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue<T> |
A thread-safe class with ERROR(/PriorityBlockingQueue) -like operations that can retrieve objects
that match a certain condition.
ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue.AlwaysMatch<T> |
A ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue.IMatcher
that matches any object.
DeviceActionUtil |
A Utility class to execute device actions.
DeviceActionUtil.DeviceActionConfigError |
Exception for config error.
DeviceConcurrentUtil |
Contains utility methods and classes for concurrent device side command execution
Use ERROR(/ExecutorService) to run commands implemented as ShellCommandCallable , and use
ERROR(/#joinFuture(String,Future,long)) for synchronization against the ERROR(/Future) as
returned by ERROR(/ExecutorService) for the command execution.
DeviceConcurrentUtil.ShellCommandCallable<V> |
A ERROR(/Callable) that wraps the details of executing shell command on
an ITestDevice .
DeviceRecoveryModeUtil |
DirectedGraph<V> |
A directed unweighted graphs implementation.
Email |
A helper class to send an email.
EmmaXmlConstants |
Constants used when parsing emma xml report.
EnvironmentVariableUtil |
A collection of helper methods to prepare environment variables.
ExtensionAtomsRegistry |
ExtensionAtomsRegistry for local use of statsd.
FakeTestsZipFolder |
A testing fixture that creates a fake unzipped tests folder based on a list of content.
FileIdleMonitor |
Monitors files and executes a callback if they have been idle (i.e.
FileUtil |
A helper class for file related operations
FileUtil.LowDiskSpaceException |
Thrown if usable disk space is below minimum threshold.
FixedByteArrayOutputStream |
An in-memory ERROR(/OutputStream) that only keeps a maximum amount of data.
FlashingResourceUtil |
This utility helps setting the appropriate version of artifacts so they can be flashed via DeviceFlashPreparer .
FuseUtil |
A helper class for FUSE operations.
GceRemoteCmdFormatter |
Utility class to format commands to reach a remote gce device.
GCSBucketUtil |
File manager to download and upload files from Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
GCSBucketUtil.GCSFileMetadata |
Simple wrapper for file info in GCS.
GCSCommon |
Obsoleted! Use com.android.tradefed.util.gcs.GCSCommon instead.
GCSFileDownloader |
File downloader to download file from google cloud storage (GCS).
GCSFileUploader |
File uploader to upload file data to google cloud storage (GCS).
GCSHelper |
GenericLogcatEventParser<LogcatEventType> |
Parse logcat input for events.
GenericLogcatEventParser.LogcatEvent |
Struct to hold a logcat event with the event type and triggering logcat message
GoogleApiClientUtil |
Utils for create Google API client.
HprofAllocSiteParser |
Helper class to parse info from an Allocation Sites section of hprof reports.
IEmail.Message |
Container for email message data.
JavaCodeCoverageFlusher |
A utility class that resets and forces a flush of Java code coverage measurements from processes
running on the device.
JUnit4TestFilter |
Helper Class that provides the filtering for JUnit4 runner by extending the Filter .
JUnitXmlParser |
Parser that extracts test result data from JUnit results stored in ant's XMLJUnitResultFormatter
and forwards it to a ITestInvocationListener.
KernelModuleUtils |
KeyguardControllerState |
A container for the keyguard states.
ListInstrumentationParser |
A IShellOutputReceiver that parses the output of a 'pm list instrumentation' query
ListInstrumentationParser.InstrumentationTarget |
LocalRunInstructionBuilder |
Utility to compile the instruction to run test locally.
LogcatEventParser |
MetricUtility |
Contains common utility methods for storing the test metrics, aggregating the metrics in similar
tests and writing the metrics to a file.
ModuleTestTypeUtil |
Contains common utility methods for checking module.
MultiMap<K, V> |
A ERROR(/Map) that supports multiple values per key.
NativeCodeCoverageFlusher |
A utility class that clears native coverage measurements and forces a flush of native coverage
data from processes on the device.
Pair<A, B> |
Define our own Pair class which contains two objects.
PerfettoTraceRecorder |
A utility class for recording perfetto trace on a ITestDevice .
PrettyPrintDelimiter |
Helper utility that helps to print delimited message that stands out.
ProcessInfo |
Used to store process related(USER, PID, NAME, START TIME IN SECOND SINCE EPOCH) information.
ProcessUtil |
PropertyChanger |
A utility class for changing (or adding) items in an Android property file
ProtoUtil |
Utility methods for dealing with protobuf messages type-agnostically.
PsParser |
Utility used to parse(USER,PID and NAME) from the "ps" command output
PythonVirtualenvHelper |
A helper class for activating Python 3 virtual environment.
QuotationAwareTokenizer |
RegexTrie<V> |
The RegexTrie is a trie where each stored segment of the key is a regex
ERROR(/Pattern) .
RemoteZip |
Utilities to unzip individual files inside a remote zip file.
RequestUtil |
Utilities to allow generic retry of network requests with error handling.
ResourceUtil |
Utility for reading configuration resources.
RestApiHelper |
A helper class for performing REST API calls.
RunInterruptedException |
Thrown when a run operation is interrupted by an external request.
RunUtil |
A collection of helper methods for executing operations.
SearchArtifactUtil |
A utility class that can be used to search for test artifacts.
SerializationUtil |
Utility to serialize/deserialize an object that implements ERROR(/Serializable) .
ShellOutputReceiverStream |
Utility subclass of OutputStream that writes into an IShellOutputReceiver.
SimplePerfResult |
Object to hold all simpleperf test results
SimplePerfStatResultParser |
A utility class to parse simpleperf result.
SimplePerfUtil |
Utility class to dispatch simple command and collect results
SimpleStats |
A small utility class that calculates a few statistical measures given a numerical dataset.
SizeLimitedOutputStream |
A thread safe file backed ERROR(/OutputStream) that limits the maximum amount of data that can be
Sl4aBluetoothUtil |
A utility class provides Bluetooth operations on one or two devices using SL4A
SparseImageUtil |
Utility to unsparse sparse images.
SparseImageUtil.SparseInputStream |
SparseInputStream read from upstream and detects the data format.
StreamUtil |
Utility class for managing input streams.
StringEscapeUtils |
Utility class for escaping strings for specific formats.
StringUtil |
Utility class for escaping strings for common string manipulation.
SubprocessEventHelper |
Helper to serialize/deserialize the events to be passed to the log.
SubprocessEventHelper.BaseTestEventInfo |
Base Helper for TestIgnored information.
SubprocessEventHelper.FailedTestEventInfo |
Helper for testFailed information.
SubprocessEventHelper.InvocationEndedEventInfo |
Helper for invocation ended information.
SubprocessEventHelper.InvocationFailedEventInfo |
Helper for InvocationFailed information.
SubprocessEventHelper.InvocationStartedEventInfo |
Helper for invocation started information.
SubprocessEventHelper.LogAssociationEventInfo |
Helper for logAssociation information.
SubprocessEventHelper.SkippedTestEventInfo |
SubprocessEventHelper.TestEndedEventInfo |
Helper for testEnded information.
SubprocessEventHelper.TestLogEventInfo |
Helper for testLog information.
SubprocessEventHelper.TestModuleStartedEventInfo |
Helper for test module started information.
SubprocessEventHelper.TestRunEndedEventInfo |
Helper for testRunEnded Information.
SubprocessEventHelper.TestRunFailedEventInfo |
Helper for testRunFailed information
SubprocessEventHelper.TestRunStartedEventInfo |
Helper for testRunStarted information
SubprocessEventHelper.TestStartedEventInfo |
Helper for testStarted information
SubprocessExceptionParser |
Helper to handle the exception output from standard Tradefed command runners.
SubprocessTestResultsParser |
Extends ERROR(/FileOutputStream) to parse the output before writing to the file so we can
generate the test events on the launcher side.
SubprocessTestResultsParser.StatusKeys |
Relevant test status keys.
SystemUtil |
Utility class for making system calls.
TableBuilder |
Helper class to display a matrix of String elements in a table.
TableFormatter |
Helper class to display a matrix of String elements so each element column is lined up
TargetFileUtils |
TarUtil |
Utility to manipulate a tar file.
TestFilterHelper |
Helper class for filtering tests
TestRecordInterpreter |
Utility to convert a TestRecord proto into a more easily manipulable format in Tradefed.
TestRunnerUtil |
A utility class to help various test runners.
TfInternalOptionsFetcher |
A utility class that allows classes to load a variables value statically from a res file.
TimeUtil |
Contains time related utility methods.
TimeVal |
This is a sentinel type which wraps a Long .
UniqueMultiMap<K, V> |
A MultiMap that ensures unique values for each key.
VersionParser |
Fetch the version of the running tradefed artifacts.
ZipCompressionStrategy |
An ICompressionStrategy for creating zip archives.
ZipUtil |
A helper class for compression-related operations
ZipUtil2 |
A helper class for zip extraction that takes POSIX file permissions into account