
ISystemStatusChecker An checker that performs checks on system status and returns a boolean to indicate if the system is in an expected state. 
ISystemStatusCheckerReceiver A IRemoteTest that requires access to the ISystemStatusChecker from the configuration. 


ActivityStatusChecker Status checker for left over activities running at the end of a module. 
DeviceAvailableChecker Checker to ensure a module doesn't leave the device in an offline state. 
DeviceBaselineChecker Set device baseline settings before each module. 
DeviceSettingChecker Check if device settings have changed during a module run. 
DeviceStorageStatusChecker Check if device has enough disk space for the given partitions. 
EnforcedSeLinuxChecker Status checker that ensures the status of Selinux. 
KeyguardStatusChecker Checks the keyguard status after module execution. 
LeakedThreadStatusChecker Status checker to ensure a module does not leak a running Thread. 
ShellStatusChecker Check if the shell status is as expected before and after a module run. 
StatusCheckerResult Contains the result of a ISystemStatusChecker execution. 
SystemServerFileDescriptorChecker Checks if system server appears to be running out of FDs. 
SystemServerStatusChecker Check if the pid of system_server has changed from before and after a module run. 
TimeStatusChecker Status checker to ensure that the device and host time are kept in sync. 
UserChecker Checks if users have changed during the test. 

