
IPostProcessor Post processors is a Trade Federation object meant to allow the processing of metrics and logs AFTER the tests and BEFORE result reporting. 


AggregatePostProcessor A metric aggregator that gives the min, max, mean, variance, standard deviation, total, count and optionally percentiles for numeric metrics collected during multiple-iteration test runs, treating them as doubles. 
AveragePostProcessor Implementation of post processor that calculate the average of the list of metrics. 
BasePostProcessor The base IPostProcessor that every implementation should extend. 
BluetoothConnectionSuccessRatePostProcessor Implementation of postprocessor which calculates success rate for a bluetooth profile

Use "metric-key-match" to specify metrics which contain bluetooth connection states in numeric array Example [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]. 

MetricFilePostProcessor Used for uploading the metrics log file collected during the test and run level. 
PerfettoGenericPostProcessor A post processor that processes text/binary metric perfetto proto file into key-value pairs by recursively expanding the proto messages and fields with string values until the field with numeric value is encountered. 
StatsdBeforeAfterGaugeMetricPostProcessor A post processor that processes gauge metrics collected in a "before/after" approach, i.e. 
StatsdEventMetricPostProcessor A post processor that processes event metrics in statsd reports into key-value pairs, using the formatters specified on the processor. 
StatsdGenericPostProcessor A post processor that processes binary proto statsd reports into key-value pairs by expanding the report as a tree structure. 

