Révision 1
Dernière mise à jour : 12 janvier 2015
Copyright © 2015, Google Inc. Tous droits réservés.
Table des matières
1. Introduction
Ce document énumère les exigences qui doivent être remplies pour que les appareils soient compatibles avec Android 5.0.
L'utilisation de « DOIT », « NE DOIT PAS », « OBLIGATOIRE », « DEVRAIT », « NE DEVRAIT PAS », « DEVRAIT », « NE DEVRAIT PAS », « RECOMMANDÉ », « PEUT » et « OPTIONNEL » est conforme à la norme IETF. défini dans la RFC2119 [ Resources, 1 ].
Tel qu'utilisé dans ce document, un « implémenteur de périphérique » ou « implémenteur » est une personne ou une organisation développant une solution matérielle/logicielle exécutant Android 5.0. Une « implémentation de dispositif » ou « implémentation » est la solution matérielle/logicielle ainsi développée.
Pour être considérées comme compatibles avec Android 5.0, les implémentations d'appareil DOIVENT répondre aux exigences présentées dans cette définition de compatibilité, y compris tous les documents incorporés par référence.
Lorsque cette définition ou les tests logiciels décrits dans la section 10 sont silencieux, ambigus ou incomplets, il est de la responsabilité de l'implémenteur du dispositif de garantir la compatibilité avec les implémentations existantes.
Pour cette raison, le projet Android Open Source [ Ressources, 2 ] est à la fois la référence et l'implémentation privilégiée d'Android. Les développeurs d'appareils sont fortement encouragés à baser leurs implémentations dans la plus grande mesure possible sur le code source « en amont » disponible dans le projet Android Open Source. Bien que certains composants puissent hypothétiquement être remplacés par des implémentations alternatives, cette pratique est fortement déconseillée, car la réussite des tests logiciels deviendra beaucoup plus difficile. Il est de la responsabilité du responsable de la mise en œuvre de garantir une compatibilité comportementale totale avec l'implémentation Android standard, y compris et au-delà de la suite de tests de compatibilité. Notez enfin que certaines substitutions et modifications de composants sont explicitement interdites par ce document.
La plupart des ressources répertoriées dans la section 14 sont dérivées directement ou indirectement du SDK Android et seront fonctionnellement identiques aux informations contenues dans la documentation de ce SDK. Dans tous les cas où cette définition de compatibilité ou la suite de tests de compatibilité n'est pas d'accord avec la documentation du SDK, la documentation du SDK fait autorité. Tous les détails techniques fournis dans les références incluses dans la section 14 sont considérés par inclusion comme faisant partie de cette définition de compatibilité.
2. Types d'appareils
Bien que le projet Android Open Source ait été utilisé dans la mise en œuvre d'une variété de types d'appareils et de facteurs de forme, de nombreux aspects de l'architecture et des exigences de compatibilité ont été optimisés pour les appareils portables. À partir d'Android 5.0, le projet Android Open Source vise à englober une plus grande variété de types d'appareils, comme décrit dans cette section.
L'appareil portable Android fait référence à une implémentation d'appareil Android qui est généralement utilisée en le tenant dans la main, comme les lecteurs mp3, les téléphones et les tablettes. Implémentations d'appareils portables Android :
- DOIT avoir un écran tactile intégré dans l'appareil
- DOIT avoir une source d'alimentation qui assure la mobilité, comme une batterie
L'appareil Android Television fait référence à une implémentation d'appareil Android qui est une interface de divertissement permettant de consommer des médias numériques, des films, des jeux, des applications et/ou la télévision en direct pour les utilisateurs assis à environ dix pieds de distance (une interface utilisateur « penchée en arrière » ou « 10 pieds »). »). Appareils Android Télévision :
- DOIT avoir un écran intégré OU inclure un port de sortie vidéo, tel que VGA, HDMI ou un port sans fil pour l'affichage
- DOIT déclarer les fonctionnalités android.software.leanback et android.hardware.type.television [ Ressources, 3 ]
L'appareil Android Watch fait référence à une implémentation d'appareil Android destinée à être portée sur le corps, peut-être au poignet, et :
- DOIT avoir un écran dont la diagonale physique est comprise entre 1,1 et 2,5 pouces
- DOIT déclarer la fonctionnalité android.hardware.type.watch
- DOIT prendre en charge uiMode = UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH [ Ressources, 4 ]
Toutes les implémentations d'appareils Android qui ne correspondent à aucun des types d'appareils ci-dessus DOIVENT néanmoins répondre à toutes les exigences de ce document pour être compatibles avec Android 5.0, à moins que l'exigence ne soit explicitement décrite comme étant applicable uniquement à un type d'appareil Android spécifique.
2.1 Configurations des appareils
Ceci est un résumé des principales différences de configuration matérielle par type de périphérique. (Les cellules vides indiquent un « MAI »). Toutes les configurations ne sont pas couvertes dans ce tableau ; voir les sections matérielles pertinentes pour plus de détails.
Catégorie | Fonctionnalité | Section | Ordinateur de poche | Télévision | Montre | Autre |
Saisir | Croix directionnelle | DOIT | ||||
Écran tactile | DOIT | DOIT | DEVRAIT | |||
Microphone | DOIT | DEVRAIT | DOIT | DEVRAIT | ||
Capteurs | Accéléromètre | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | ||
GPS | DEVRAIT | |||||
Connectivité | Wifi | DEVRAIT | DOIT | DEVRAIT | ||
Wi-Fi Direct | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | |||
Bluetooth | DEVRAIT | DOIT | DOIT | DEVRAIT | ||
Bluetooth basse consommation | DEVRAIT | DOIT | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | ||
Mode périphérique/hôte USB | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | ||||
Sortir | Ports de sortie haut-parleur et/ou audio | DOIT | DOIT | DOIT |
3. Logiciel
3.1. Compatibilité des API gérées
L'environnement d'exécution de bytecode Dalvik géré est le principal véhicule pour les applications Android. L'interface de programmation d'applications (API) Android est l'ensemble des interfaces de la plate-forme Android exposées aux applications exécutées dans l'environnement d'exécution géré. Les implémentations d'appareil DOIVENT fournir des implémentations complètes, y compris tous les comportements documentés, de toute API documentée exposée par le SDK Android [ Ressources, 5 ] ou de toute API décorée du marqueur « @SystemApi » dans le code source Android en amont.
Les implémentations de périphériques NE DOIVENT PAS omettre d'API gérées, modifier les interfaces ou les signatures d'API, s'écarter du comportement documenté ou inclure des opérations sans opération, sauf lorsque cela est spécifiquement autorisé par cette définition de compatibilité.
Cette définition de compatibilité permet d'omettre certains types de matériel pour lesquels Android inclut des API par les implémentations d'appareils. Dans de tels cas, les API DOIVENT toujours être présentes et se comporter de manière raisonnable. Voir la section 7 pour connaître les exigences spécifiques de ce scénario.
3.2. Compatibilité des API logicielles
En plus des API gérées de la section 3.1 , Android inclut également une API « logicielle » importante réservée à l'exécution, sous la forme d'éléments tels que des intentions, des autorisations et des aspects similaires des applications Android qui ne peuvent pas être appliqués au moment de la compilation de l'application.
3.2.1. Autorisations
Les implémenteurs de périphériques DOIVENT prendre en charge et appliquer toutes les constantes d'autorisation comme documenté par la page de référence sur les autorisations [ Ressources, 6] . Notez que la section 9 répertorie les exigences supplémentaires liées au modèle de sécurité Android.
3.2.2. Paramètres de construction
Les API Android incluent un certain nombre de constantes sur la classe android.os.Build [ Resources, 7 ] destinées à décrire l'appareil actuel. Pour fournir des valeurs cohérentes et significatives dans toutes les implémentations de périphérique, le tableau ci-dessous inclut des restrictions supplémentaires sur les formats de ces valeurs auxquelles les implémentations de périphérique DOIVENT se conformer.
Paramètre | Détails |
VERSION.RELEASE | La version du système Android en cours d'exécution, dans un format lisible par l'homme. Ce champ DOIT avoir l'une des valeurs de chaîne définies dans [ Resources, 8] . |
VERSION.SDK | La version du système Android en cours d'exécution, dans un format accessible au code d'application tierce. Pour Android 5.0, ce champ DOIT avoir la valeur entière 21. |
VERSION.SDK_INT | La version du système Android en cours d'exécution, dans un format accessible au code d'application tierce. Pour Android 5.0, ce champ DOIT avoir la valeur entière 21. |
VERSION.INCREMENTAL | Une valeur choisie par l'implémenteur de l'appareil désignant la version spécifique du système Android en cours d'exécution, dans un format lisible par l'homme. Cette valeur NE DOIT PAS être réutilisée pour différentes versions mises à la disposition des utilisateurs finaux. Une utilisation typique de ce champ consiste à indiquer quel numéro de build ou quel identifiant de modification de contrôle de source a été utilisé pour générer la build. Il n'y a aucune exigence sur le format spécifique de ce champ, sauf qu'il NE DOIT PAS être nul ou une chaîne vide (""). |
CONSEIL | Une valeur choisie par le responsable de la mise en œuvre du périphérique identifiant le matériel interne spécifique utilisé par le périphérique, dans un format lisible par l'homme. Une utilisation possible de ce champ est d'indiquer la révision spécifique de la carte alimentant l'appareil. La valeur de ce champ DOIT être codable en ASCII 7 bits et correspondre à l'expression régulière "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$". |
MARQUE | Une valeur reflétant le nom de marque associé à l'appareil tel que connu des utilisateurs finaux. DOIT être dans un format lisible par l'homme et DEVRAIT représenter le fabricant de l'appareil ou la marque de l'entreprise sous laquelle l'appareil est commercialisé. La valeur de ce champ DOIT être codable en ASCII 7 bits et correspondre à l'expression régulière "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$". |
SUPPORTED_ABIS | Le nom du jeu d'instructions (type de CPU + convention ABI) du code natif. Voir la section 3.3. Compatibilité API native . |
SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS | Le nom du jeu d'instructions (type de CPU + convention ABI) du code natif. Voir la section 3.3. Compatibilité API native . |
SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS | Le nom du deuxième jeu d'instructions (type de CPU + convention ABI) du code natif. Voir la section 3.3. Compatibilité API native . |
CPU_ABI | Le nom du jeu d'instructions (type de CPU + convention ABI) du code natif. Voir la section 3.3. Compatibilité API native . |
CPU_ABI2 | Le nom du deuxième jeu d'instructions (type de CPU + convention ABI) du code natif. Voir la section 3.3. Compatibilité API native . |
APPAREIL | Une valeur choisie par le développeur du périphérique contenant le nom de développement ou le nom de code identifiant la configuration des fonctionnalités matérielles et la conception industrielle du périphérique. La valeur de ce champ DOIT être codable en ASCII 7 bits et correspondre à l'expression régulière "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$". |
EMPREINTE DIGITALE | Chaîne qui identifie de manière unique cette build. Il DEVRAIT être raisonnablement lisible par l'homme. Il DOIT suivre ce modèle : $(MARQUE)/$(PRODUIT)/$(DEVICE):$(VERSION.RELEASE)/$(ID)/$(VERSION.INCREMENTAL):$(TYPE)/$(TAGS) Par exemple: acme/monproduit/monappareil:5.0/LRWXX/3359:userdebug/test-keys L’empreinte digitale NE DOIT PAS inclure de caractères d’espacement. Si d'autres champs inclus dans le modèle ci-dessus comportent des caractères d'espacement, ils DOIVENT être remplacés dans l'empreinte digitale de construction par un autre caractère, tel que le caractère de soulignement ("_"). La valeur de ce champ DOIT être codable en ASCII 7 bits. |
MATÉRIEL | Le nom du matériel (à partir de la ligne de commande du noyau ou /proc). Il DEVRAIT être raisonnablement lisible par l'homme. La valeur de ce champ DOIT être codable en ASCII 7 bits et correspondre à l'expression régulière "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$". |
HÔTE | Chaîne qui identifie de manière unique l'hôte sur lequel la build a été construite, dans un format lisible par l'homme. Il n'y a aucune exigence sur le format spécifique de ce champ, sauf qu'il NE DOIT PAS être nul ou une chaîne vide (""). |
IDENTIFIANT | Un identifiant choisi par le responsable de la mise en œuvre de l'appareil pour faire référence à une version spécifique, dans un format lisible par l'homme. Ce champ peut être le même que android.os.Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL, mais DEVRAIT être une valeur suffisamment significative pour que les utilisateurs finaux puissent faire la distinction entre les versions de logiciels. La valeur de ce champ DOIT être codable en ASCII 7 bits et correspondre à l'expression régulière "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$". |
FABRICANT | Le nom commercial du fabricant d'équipement d'origine (OEM) du produit. Il n'y a aucune exigence sur le format spécifique de ce champ, sauf qu'il NE DOIT PAS être nul ou une chaîne vide (""). |
MODÈLE | Une valeur choisie par le responsable de la mise en œuvre du périphérique contenant le nom du périphérique tel que connu de l'utilisateur final. Cela DEVRAIT être le même nom sous lequel l'appareil est commercialisé et vendu aux utilisateurs finaux. Il n'y a aucune exigence sur le format spécifique de ce champ, sauf qu'il NE DOIT PAS être nul ou une chaîne vide (""). |
PRODUIT | Une valeur choisie par le responsable de la mise en œuvre de l'appareil contenant le nom de développement ou le nom de code du produit spécifique (SKU) qui DOIT être unique au sein de la même marque. DOIT être lisible par l'homme, mais n'est pas nécessairement destiné à être visualisé par les utilisateurs finaux. La valeur de ce champ DOIT être codable en ASCII 7 bits et correspondre à l'expression régulière "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$". |
EN SÉRIE | Un numéro de série du matériel, qui DOIT être disponible. La valeur de ce champ DOIT être codable en ASCII 7 bits et correspondre à l'expression régulière "^([a-zA-Z0-9]{6,20})$". |
MOTS CLÉS | Une liste de balises séparées par des virgules choisies par l'implémenteur du périphérique qui distingue davantage la build. Ce champ DOIT avoir l'une des valeurs correspondant aux trois configurations typiques de signature de la plate-forme Android : release-keys, dev-keys, test-keys. |
TEMPS | Une valeur représentant l’horodatage du moment où la génération a eu lieu. |
TAPER | Une valeur choisie par l'implémenteur du périphérique spécifiant la configuration d'exécution de la build. Ce champ DOIT avoir l'une des valeurs correspondant aux trois configurations d'exécution Android typiques : user, userdebug ou eng. |
UTILISATEUR | Un nom ou un ID utilisateur de l'utilisateur (ou de l'utilisateur automatisé) qui a généré la build. Il n'y a aucune exigence sur le format spécifique de ce champ, sauf qu'il NE DOIT PAS être nul ou une chaîne vide (""). |
3.2.3. Compatibilité des intentions
Les implémentations d'appareil DOIVENT respecter le système d'intention de couplage lâche d'Android, comme décrit dans les sections ci-dessous. Par « honoré », cela signifie que l'implémenteur du périphérique DOIT fournir une activité ou un service Android qui spécifie un filtre d'intention correspondant qui se lie à et implémente un comportement correct pour chaque modèle d'intention spécifié. Intentions principales de l'application
Les intentions Android permettent aux composants d'application de demander des fonctionnalités à d'autres composants Android. Le projet Android en amont comprend une liste d'applications considérées comme des applications Android principales, qui implémentent plusieurs modèles d'intention pour effectuer des actions courantes. Les principales applications Android sont :
- Horloge de bureau
- Navigateur
- Calendrier
- Contacts
- Galerie
- Recherche globale
- Lanceur
- Musique
- Paramètres
Les implémentations d'appareil DEVRAIENT inclure les applications Android principales, le cas échéant, mais DOIVENT inclure un composant implémentant les mêmes modèles d'intention définis par tous les composants d'activité ou de service « publics » de ces applications Android principales. Notez que les composants Activité ou Service sont considérés comme « publics » lorsque l'attribut android:exported est absent ou a la valeur true. Remplacements d'intention
Comme Android est une plate-forme extensible, les implémentations de périphériques DOIVENT permettre à chaque modèle d'intention référencé dans la section d'être remplacé par des applications tierces. L'implémentation open source Android en amont le permet par défaut ; les implémenteurs de dispositifs NE DOIVENT PAS attacher de privilèges spéciaux à l'utilisation par les applications système de ces modèles d'intention, ni empêcher les applications tierces de se lier à ces modèles et d'en prendre le contrôle. Cette interdiction inclut spécifiquement, mais sans s'y limiter, la désactivation de l'interface utilisateur « Chooser » qui permet à l'utilisateur de choisir entre plusieurs applications qui gèrent toutes le même modèle d'intention.
Cependant, les implémentations d'appareil PEUVENT fournir des activités par défaut pour des modèles d'URI spécifiques (par exemple http://play.google.com) si l'activité par défaut fournit un filtre plus spécifique pour l'URI des données. Par exemple, un filtre d'intention spécifiant l'URI de données « http://www.android.com » est plus spécifique que le filtre de navigateur pour « http:// ». Les implémentations de périphérique DOIVENT fournir une interface utilisateur permettant aux utilisateurs de modifier l'activité par défaut des intentions. Espaces de noms d'intention
Les implémentations d'appareil NE DOIVENT PAS inclure de composant Android qui honore de nouveaux modèles d'intention ou d'intention de diffusion à l'aide d'une ACTION, d'une CATÉGORIE ou d'une autre chaîne de clé dans l'espace de noms android.* ou com.android.*. Les responsables de la mise en œuvre des appareils NE DOIVENT PAS inclure de composants Android qui honorent de nouveaux modèles d'intention ou d'intention de diffusion à l'aide d'une ACTION, d'une CATÉGORIE ou d'une autre chaîne de clé dans un espace de package appartenant à une autre organisation. Les responsables de la mise en œuvre des appareils NE DOIVENT PAS modifier ou étendre les modèles d'intention utilisés par les applications principales répertoriées dans la section . Les implémentations d'appareil PEUVENT inclure des modèles d'intention utilisant des espaces de noms clairement et évidemment associés à leur propre organisation. Cette interdiction est analogue à celle spécifiée pour les classes du langage Java à la section 3.6 . Intentions de diffusion
Les applications tierces s'appuient sur la plateforme pour diffuser certaines intentions afin de les informer des changements dans l'environnement matériel ou logiciel. Les appareils compatibles Android DOIVENT diffuser les intentions de diffusion publique en réponse aux événements système appropriés. Les intentions de diffusion sont décrites dans la documentation du SDK. Paramètres de l'application par défaut
Android inclut des paramètres qui permettent aux utilisateurs de sélectionner facilement leurs applications par défaut, par exemple pour l'écran d'accueil ou les SMS. Lorsque cela est logique, les implémentations de périphériques DOIVENT fournir un menu de paramètres similaire et être compatibles avec le modèle de filtre d'intention et les méthodes API décrites dans la documentation du SDK ci-dessous.
Implémentations d'appareils :
- DOIT honorer l'intention de android.settings.HOME_SETTINGS d'afficher un menu de paramètres d'application par défaut pour l'écran d'accueil, si la mise en œuvre de l'appareil signale android.software.home_screen [ Ressources, 10]
- DOIT fournir un menu de paramètres qui appellera l'intention android.provider.Telephony.ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT pour afficher une boîte de dialogue permettant de modifier l'application SMS par défaut, si la mise en œuvre de l'appareil signale android.hardware.telephony [ Ressources, 9 ]
- DOIT honorer l'intention de android.settings.NFC_PAYMENT_SETTINGS d'afficher un menu de paramètres d'application par défaut pour Tap and Pay, si la mise en œuvre de l'appareil rapporte android.hardware.nfc.hce [ Ressources, 10]
3.3. Compatibilité API native
3.3.1 Interfaces binaires des applications
Le bytecode Dalvik géré peut appeler le code natif fourni dans le fichier .apk de l'application en tant que fichier ELF .so compilé pour l'architecture matérielle du périphérique approprié. Comme le code natif dépend fortement de la technologie du processeur sous-jacent, Android définit un certain nombre d'interfaces binaires d'application (ABI) dans le NDK Android. Les implémentations de périphériques DOIVENT être compatibles avec un ou plusieurs ABI définis et DOIVENT implémenter la compatibilité avec le NDK Android, comme ci-dessous.
Si l’implémentation d’un appareil inclut la prise en charge d’une ABI Android, elle :
- DOIT inclure la prise en charge du code exécuté dans l'environnement géré pour appeler du code natif, en utilisant la sémantique standard Java Native Interface (JNI).
- DOIT être compatible avec la source (c'est-à-dire compatible avec l'en-tête) et compatible avec le binaire (pour l'ABI) avec chaque bibliothèque requise dans la liste ci-dessous
- DOIT prendre en charge l'ABI 32 bits équivalent si un ABI 64 bits est pris en charge
- DOIT signaler avec précision l'interface binaire d'application (ABI) native prise en charge par l'appareil, via les paramètres android.os.Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS, android.os.Build.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS et android.os.Build.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS, chacun étant une liste de éléments séparés par des virgules. ABI classés du plus préféré au moins préféré
- DOIT signaler, via les paramètres ci-dessus, uniquement les ABI documentés dans la dernière version d'Android NDK, « NDK Programmer's Guide | ABI Management » dans le répertoire docs/
- DEVRAIT être construit en utilisant le code source et les fichiers d'en-tête disponibles dans le projet Android Open Source en amont
Les API de code natif suivantes DOIVENT être disponibles pour les applications qui incluent du code natif :
- libc (bibliothèque C)
- libm (bibliothèque mathématique)
- Prise en charge minimale du C++
- Interface JNI
- liblog (journalisation Android)
- libz (compression Zlib)
- libdl (éditeur de liens dynamique)
- libGLESv1_CM.so (OpenGL ES 1.x)
- libGLESv2.so (OpenGL ES 2.0)
- libGLESv3.so (OpenGL ES 3.x)
- libEGL.so (gestion native des surfaces OpenGL)
- libjnigraphics.so
- libOpenSLES.so (prise en charge audio d'OpenSL ES 1.0.1)
- libOpenMAXAL.so (prise en charge d'OpenMAX AL 1.0.1)
- libandroid.so (prise en charge native des activités Android)
- libmediandk.so (prise en charge des API multimédias natives)
- Prise en charge d'OpenGL, comme décrit ci-dessous
Notez que les futures versions d'Android NDK pourraient introduire la prise en charge d'ABI supplémentaires. Si une implémentation de périphérique n'est pas compatible avec un ABI prédéfini existant, elle NE DOIT PAS du tout signaler la prise en charge d'aucun ABI.
Notez que les implémentations de périphériques DOIVENT inclure libGLESv3.so et DOIVENT créer un lien symbolique (lien symbolique) vers libGLESv2.so. à son tour, DOIT exporter tous les symboles de fonction OpenGL ES 3.1 et Android Extension Pack [ Ressources, 11 ] tels que définis dans la version NDK Android-21. Bien que tous les symboles doivent être présents, seules les fonctions correspondantes aux versions et extensions d'OpenGL ES réellement prises en charge par l'appareil doivent être entièrement implémentées.
La compatibilité du code natif est un défi. Pour cette raison, les implémenteurs d'appareils sont très fortement encouragés à utiliser les implémentations des bibliothèques répertoriées ci-dessus à partir du projet Android Open Source en amont.
3.4. Compatibilité Web
3.4.1. Compatibilité WebView
L'implémentation complète de l'API android.webkit.Webview PEUT être fournie sur les appareils Android Watch, mais DOIT être fournie sur tous les autres types d'implémentations d'appareils. |
La fonctionnalité de plate-forme android.software.webview DOIT être signalée sur tout appareil fournissant une implémentation complète de l'API android.webkit.WebView, et NE DOIT PAS être signalée sur les appareils sans une implémentation complète de l'API. L'implémentation Android Open Source utilise le code du projet Chromium pour implémenter android.webkit.WebView [ Resources, 12 ]. Puisqu'il n'est pas possible de développer une suite de tests complète pour un système de rendu Web, les implémenteurs de périphériques DOIVENT utiliser la version spécifique en amont de Chromium dans l'implémentation de WebView. Spécifiquement:
- Les implémentations de l'appareil android.webkit.WebView DOIVENT être basées sur la version Chromium du projet Android Open Source en amont pour Android 5.0. Cette version inclut un ensemble spécifique de fonctionnalités et de correctifs de sécurité pour WebView [ Resources, 13 ].
- La chaîne de l'agent utilisateur signalée par WebView DOIT être dans ce format :
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux ; Android $(VERSION) ; $(MODEL) Build/$(BUILD)) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, comme Gecko) Version/4.0 $(CHROMIUM_VER) Mobile Safari/537.36
- La valeur de la chaîne $(VERSION) DOIT être la même que la valeur de android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE.
- La valeur de la chaîne $(MODEL) DOIT être la même que la valeur de android.os.Build.MODEL.
- La valeur de la chaîne $(BUILD) DOIT être la même que la valeur de android.os.Build.ID.
- La valeur de la chaîne $(CHROMIUM_VER) DOIT être la version de Chromium dans le projet Open Source Android en amont.
- Les implémentations de périphériques PEUVENT omettre Mobile dans la chaîne de l'agent utilisateur.
Le composant WebView DEVRAIT inclure la prise en charge d'autant de fonctionnalités HTML5 que possible et s'il prend en charge la fonctionnalité DEVRAIT être conforme à la spécification HTML5 [ Resources, 14 ].
3.4.2. Compatibilité du navigateur
Les appareils de télévision et de montre Android PEUVENT omettre une application de navigateur, mais DOIVENT prendre en charge les modèles d'intention publique décrits dans la section . Tous les autres types d'implémentations d'appareil DOIVENT inclure une application de navigateur autonome pour la navigation Web de l'utilisateur général. |
Le navigateur autonome PEUT être basé sur une technologie de navigateur autre que WebKit. Cependant, même si une autre application de navigateur est utilisée, le composant android.webkit.WebView fourni aux applications tierces DOIT être basé sur WebKit, comme décrit dans la section 3.4.1 .
Les implémentations PEUVENT expédier une chaîne d'agent utilisateur personnalisée dans l'application de navigateur autonome.
L'application de navigateur autonome (qu'elle soit basée sur l'application de navigateur WebKit en amont ou sur un remplacement tiers) DEVRAIT inclure la prise en charge d'autant de HTML5 [ Ressources, 14 ] que possible. Au minimum, les implémentations d'appareil DOIVENT prendre en charge chacune de ces API associées à HTML5 :
- cache d'application/opération hors ligne [ Ressources, 15 ]
- le
De plus, les implémentations de périphériques DOIVENT prendre en charge l'API de stockage Web HTML5/W3C [ Ressources, 18 ] et DEVRAIENT prendre en charge l'API HTML5/W3C IndexedDB [ Ressources, 19 ]. Notez qu'à mesure que les organismes de normalisation du développement Web privilégient IndexedDB par rapport au stockage Web, IndexedDB devrait devenir un composant obligatoire dans une future version d'Android.
3.5. Compatibilité comportementale des API
Les comportements de chacun des types d'API (gérés, logiciels, natifs et Web) doivent être cohérents avec l'implémentation préférée du projet Android Open Source en amont [ Ressources, 2 ]. Certains domaines spécifiques de compatibilité sont :
- Les appareils NE DOIVENT PAS modifier le comportement ou la sémantique d’une intention standard.
- Les appareils NE DOIVENT PAS modifier le cycle de vie ou la sémantique du cycle de vie d'un type particulier de composant système (tel qu'un service, une activité, un fournisseur de contenu, etc.).
- Les appareils NE DOIVENT PAS modifier la sémantique d’une autorisation standard.
La liste ci-dessus n'est pas exhaustive. La suite de tests de compatibilité (CTS) teste des parties importantes de la plate-forme pour vérifier leur compatibilité comportementale, mais pas toutes. Il est de la responsabilité du responsable de la mise en œuvre de garantir la compatibilité comportementale avec le projet Android Open Source. Pour cette raison, les implémenteurs de périphériques DEVRAIENT utiliser le code source disponible via le projet Android Open Source lorsque cela est possible, plutôt que de réimplémenter des parties importantes du système.
3.6. Espaces de noms d'API
Android suit les conventions d'espace de noms de package et de classe définies par le langage de programmation Java. Pour garantir la compatibilité avec les applications tierces, les implémenteurs de périphériques NE DOIVENT PAS apporter de modifications interdites (voir ci-dessous) à ces espaces de noms de packages :
- Java.*
- javax.*
- soleil.*
- Android.*
- com.android.*
Les modifications interdites incluent :
- Les implémentations d'appareil NE DOIVENT PAS modifier les API exposées publiquement sur la plate-forme Android en modifiant les signatures de méthode ou de classe, ou en supprimant des classes ou des champs de classe.
- Les implémenteurs de périphériques PEUVENT modifier l'implémentation sous-jacente des API, mais de telles modifications NE DOIVENT PAS avoir d'impact sur le comportement déclaré et la signature en langage Java de toute API exposée publiquement.
- Les implémenteurs de périphériques NE DOIVENT PAS ajouter d'éléments exposés publiquement (tels que des classes ou des interfaces, ou des champs ou des méthodes aux classes ou interfaces existantes) aux API ci-dessus.
Un « élément exposé publiquement » est toute construction qui n'est pas décorée du marqueur « @hide » tel qu'utilisé dans le code source Android en amont. En d'autres termes, les implémenteurs de périphériques NE DOIVENT PAS exposer de nouvelles API ou modifier les API existantes dans les espaces de noms mentionnés ci-dessus. Les implémenteurs de périphériques PEUVENT apporter des modifications uniquement internes, mais ces modifications NE DOIVENT PAS être annoncées ou autrement exposées aux développeurs.
Les responsables de la mise en œuvre des appareils PEUVENT ajouter des API personnalisées, mais ces API NE DOIVENT PAS se trouver dans un espace de noms appartenant à ou faisant référence à une autre organisation. Par exemple, les développeurs d'appareils NE DOIVENT PAS ajouter d'API à com.google.* ou à un espace de noms similaire : seul Google peut le faire. De même, Google NE DOIT PAS ajouter d'API aux espaces de noms d'autres sociétés. De plus, si l'implémentation d'un appareil inclut des API personnalisées en dehors de l'espace de noms Android standard, ces API DOIVENT être regroupées dans une bibliothèque partagée Android afin que seules les applications qui les utilisent explicitement (via le
Si un implémenteur de périphérique propose d'améliorer l'un des espaces de noms de package ci-dessus (par exemple en ajoutant de nouvelles fonctionnalités utiles à une API existante ou en ajoutant une nouvelle API), l'implémenteur DEVRAIT visiter source.android.com et commencer le processus de contribution aux modifications et code, selon les informations sur ce site.
Notez que les restrictions ci-dessus correspondent aux conventions standard de dénomination des API dans le langage de programmation Java ; cette section vise simplement à renforcer ces conventions et à les rendre contraignantes grâce à leur inclusion dans cette définition de compatibilité.
3.7. Compatibilité d'exécution
Les implémentations de périphériques DOIVENT prendre en charge le format complet Dalvik Executable (DEX) ainsi que la spécification et la sémantique du bytecode Dalvik [ Ressources, 20 ]. Les implémenteurs de périphériques DEVRAIENT utiliser ART, l'implémentation de référence en amont du format exécutable Dalvik, et le système de gestion de paquets de l'implémentation de référence.
Les implémentations de périphériques DOIVENT configurer les environnements d'exécution Dalvik pour allouer de la mémoire conformément à la plate-forme Android en amont et comme spécifié dans le tableau suivant. (Voir la section 7.1.1 pour les définitions de taille d'écran et de densité d'écran.)
Notez que les valeurs de mémoire spécifiées ci-dessous sont considérées comme des valeurs minimales et que les implémentations de périphériques PEUVENT allouer plus de mémoire par application.
Mise en page de l'écran | Densité de l'écran | Mémoire minimale des applications |
petit / normal | 120 dpi (ldpi) | 16 Mo |
160 dpi (mdpi) | ||
213 dpi (tvdpi) | 32 Mo | |
240 dpi (hdpi) | ||
320 dpi (xhdpi) | 64 Mo | |
400 dpi (400 dpi) | 96 Mo | |
480 dpi (xxhdpi) | 128 Mo | |
560 dpi (560 dpi) | 192 Mo | |
640 dpi (xxxhdpi) | 256 Mo | |
grand | 120 dpi (ldpi) | 16 Mo |
160 dpi (mdpi) | 32 Mo | |
213 dpi (tvdpi) | 64 Mo | |
240 dpi (hdpi) | ||
320 dpi (xhdpi) | 128 Mo | |
400 dpi (400 dpi) | 192 Mo | |
480 dpi (xxhdpi) | 256 Mo | |
560 dpi (560 dpi) | 384 Mo | |
640 dpi (xxxhdpi) | 512 Mo | |
très grand | 160 dpi (mdpi) | 64 Mo |
213 dpi (tvdpi) | 96 Mo | |
240 dpi (hdpi) | ||
320 dpi (xhdpi) | 192 Mo | |
400 dpi (400 dpi) | 288 Mo | |
480 dpi (xxhdpi) | 384 Mo | |
560 dpi (560 dpi) | 576 Mo | |
640 dpi (xxxhdpi) | 768 Mo |
3.8. Compatibilité de l'interface utilisateur
3.8.1. Lanceur (écran d'accueil)
Android comprend une application de lancement (écran d'accueil) et la prise en charge d'applications tierces pour remplacer le lanceur de périphérique (écran d'accueil). Les implémentations d'appareil qui permettent à des applications tierces de remplacer l'écran d'accueil de l'appareil DOIVENT déclarer la fonctionnalité de plateforme android.software.home_screen.
3.8.2. Widgets
Les widgets sont facultatifs pour toutes les implémentations d'appareils Android, mais DEVRAIENT être pris en charge sur les appareils portables Android. |
Android définit un type de composant, une API et un cycle de vie correspondants qui permettent aux applications d'exposer un "AppWidget" à l'utilisateur final [ Ressources, 21 ], une fonctionnalité dont la prise en charge est fortement RECOMMANDÉE sur les implémentations d'appareils portables. Les implémentations d'appareils qui prennent en charge l'intégration de widgets sur l'écran d'accueil DOIVENT répondre aux exigences suivantes et déclarer la prise en charge de la fonctionnalité de plate-forme android.software.app_widgets.
- Les lanceurs de périphériques DOIVENT inclure une prise en charge intégrée des AppWidgets et exposer les possibilités de l'interface utilisateur pour ajouter, configurer, afficher et supprimer des AppWidgets directement dans le lanceur.
- Les implémentations de périphériques DOIVENT être capables de restituer des widgets de 4 x 4 dans la taille de grille standard. Consultez les directives de conception d'App Widget dans la documentation du SDK Android [ Ressources, 21 ] pour plus de détails.
- Les implémentations de périphériques qui incluent la prise en charge de l'écran de verrouillage PEUVENT prendre en charge les widgets d'application sur l'écran de verrouillage.
3.8.3. Notifications
Android inclut des API qui permettent aux développeurs d'informer les utilisateurs d'événements notables [ Ressources, 22 ], en utilisant les fonctionnalités matérielles et logicielles de l'appareil.
Certaines API permettent aux applications d'effectuer des notifications ou d'attirer l'attention en utilisant du matériel, en particulier le son, les vibrations et la lumière. Les implémentations de périphérique doivent prendre en charge les notifications qui utilisent des fonctionnalités matérielles, comme décrit dans la documentation SDK, et dans la mesure possible avec le matériel d'implémentation de l'appareil. Par exemple, si une implémentation de périphérique comprend un vibrateur, il doit implémenter correctement les API de vibration. Si une implémentation de périphérique manque de matériel, les API correspondantes doivent être implémentées en tant qu'interprètes. Ce comportement est plus détaillé dans la section 7 .
De plus, l'implémentation doit rendre correctement toutes les ressources (icônes, fichiers sonores, etc.) prévues dans les API [ Ressources, 23 ], ou dans le guide de style d'icône de la barre d'état / Système [ Ressources, 24 ]. Les implémenteurs de périphériques peuvent fournir une expérience utilisateur alternative pour les notifications que celle fournie par l'implémentation de référence Android Open Source; Cependant, ces systèmes de notification alternatifs doivent prendre en charge les ressources de notification existantes, comme ci-dessus.
Android comprend une prise en charge de diverses notifications, telles que:
- Notifications riches - vues interactives pour les notifications en cours.
- Notifications en tête-up - vues interactives que les utilisateurs peuvent agir ou rejeter sans quitter l'application actuelle.
- NOTIFICATIONS DE LOCKS ÉCRANS - Notifications illustrées sur un écran de verrouillage avec contrôle granulaire sur la visibilité.
Les implémentations de périphériques doivent afficher et exécuter correctement ces notifications, y compris l'icône du titre / nom, du texte tel que documenté dans les API Android [Resources, 25] .
Android inclut les API de service d'écoute de notification qui permettent aux applications (une fois explicitement activées par l'utilisateur) de recevoir une copie de toutes les notifications au fur et à mesure qu'elles sont publiées ou mises à jour. Les implémentations de l'appareil doivent envoyer correctement et rapidement des notifications dans leur intégralité à tous ces services d'écoute installés et compatibles avec l'utilisateur, y compris toutes les métadonnées jointes à l'objet de notification.
3.8.4. Recherche
Android comprend des API [ Ressources, 26 ] qui permettent aux développeurs d'intégrer la recherche dans leurs applications et d'exposer les données de leur application dans la recherche mondiale du système. D'une manière générale, cette fonctionnalité se compose d'une seule interface utilisateur à l'échelle du système qui permet aux utilisateurs de saisir les requêtes, affiche des suggestions à mesure que les utilisateurs tapent et affiche les résultats. Les API Android permettent aux développeurs de réutiliser cette interface pour fournir une recherche dans leurs propres applications et permettent aux développeurs de fournir des résultats à l'interface utilisateur de recherche globale commune.
Les implémentations de périphériques Android doivent inclure la recherche globale, une seule interface utilisateur de recherche à l'échelle du système partagée capable de suggestions en temps réel en réponse à la saisie de l'utilisateur. Les implémentations de l'appareil doivent implémenter les API qui permettent aux développeurs de réutiliser cette interface utilisateur pour fournir une recherche dans leurs propres applications. Les implémentations de périphériques qui implémentent l'interface de recherche globale doivent implémenter les API qui permettent aux applications tierces d'ajouter des suggestions à la zone de recherche lorsqu'elle est exécutée en mode de recherche global. Si aucune application tierce n'est installée qui utilise cette fonctionnalité, le comportement par défaut devrait être d'afficher les résultats et les suggestions des moteurs de recherche Web.
3.8.5. Toasts
Les applications peuvent utiliser l'API "Toast" pour afficher de courtes chaînes non modales à l'utilisateur final, qui disparaissent après une brève période de temps [ Ressources, 27 ]. Les implémentations de l'appareil doivent afficher des toasts des applications aux utilisateurs finaux de manière élevée.
3.8.6. Thèmes
Android fournit des «thèmes» comme mécanisme pour les applications pour appliquer des styles sur une activité ou une application entière.
Android comprend une famille de thème "Holo" comme un ensemble de styles définis à utiliser pour les développeurs d'applications s'ils veulent correspondre à l'apparence du thème Holo tel que défini par le SDK Android [ Resources, 28 ]. Les implémentations de l'appareil ne doivent modifier aucun des attributs de thème holo exposés aux applications [ Ressources, 29 ].
Android 5.0 comprend une famille de thème «matériel» comme un ensemble de styles définis à utiliser pour les développeurs d'applications s'ils veulent correspondre à l'apparence et à la sensation du thème de conception à travers la grande variété de différents types de périphériques Android. Les implémentations de l'appareil doivent prendre en charge la famille de thème «matériel» et ne doivent pas modifier aucun des attributs de thème matériel ou leurs actifs exposés aux applications [ Resources, 30 ].
Android comprend également une famille de thème "par défaut de périphérique" comme un ensemble de styles définis pour les développeurs d'applications à utiliser s'ils souhaitent correspondre à l'apparence du thème de l'appareil tel que défini par l'implémentateur de périphérique. Les implémentations de périphérique peuvent modifier les attributs de thème par défaut de l'appareil exposés aux applications [ Ressources, 29 ].
Android prend en charge un nouveau thème variant avec des barres système translucides, qui permet aux développeurs d'applications de remplir la zone derrière la barre d'état et de navigation avec leur contenu d'application. Pour permettre une expérience cohérente de développeur dans cette configuration, il est important que le style d'icône de la barre d'état soit maintenu sur différentes implémentations de périphériques. Par conséquent, les implémentations des périphériques Android doivent utiliser les icônes d'état du système (telles que la résistance du signal et le niveau de la batterie) et les notifications émises par le système, à moins que l'icône indique un état problématique [ Ressources, 29 ].
3.8.7. Fonds d'écran animés
Android définit un type de composant et un cycle de vie et un cycle de vie correspondant qui permet aux applications d'exposer un ou plusieurs «fonds d'écran en direct» à l'utilisateur final [ Resources, 31 ]. Les fonds d'écran en direct sont des animations, des motifs ou des images similaires avec des capacités d'entrée limitées qui s'affichent comme fond d'écran, derrière d'autres applications.
Le matériel est considéré comme capable d'exécuter de manière fiable des fonds d'écran en direct s'il peut exécuter tous les fonds d'écran en direct, sans limites de fonctionnalité, à une fréquence d'images raisonnable sans effets négatifs sur d'autres applications. Si les limitations du matériel provoquent des accidents de fonds d'écran et / ou d'applications, de dysfonctionnement, de consommer un processeur excessif ou de la batterie, ou de s'exécuter à des fréquences d'images inacceptablement faibles, le matériel est considéré comme incapable de faire fonctionner du papier peint en direct. Par exemple, certains fonds d'écran en direct peuvent utiliser un contexte OpenGL 2.0 ou 3.x pour rendre leur contenu. Le papier peint en direct ne fonctionnera pas de manière fiable sur le matériel qui ne prend pas en charge plusieurs contextes OpenGL, car l'utilisation du fond d'écran en direct d'un contexte OpenGL peut entrer en conflit avec d'autres applications qui utilisent également un contexte OpenGL.
Les implémentations de périphériques capables d'exécuter de manière fiable les fonds d'écran en direct comme décrit ci-dessus doivent implémenter des fonds d'écran en direct, et lorsqu'il est implémenté, il faut signaler l'indicateur de fonctionnalité de plate-forme Android.Software.Live_Wallpaper.
3.8.8. Commutation d'activité
Étant donné que la touche de navigation de fonction récente est facultative, les exigences pour implémenter l'écran d'aperçu sont facultatives pour les appareils de télévision Android et les appareils de montre Android. |
Le code source Android en amont comprend l'écran de vue d'ensemble [ Resources, 32 ], une interface utilisateur au niveau du système pour la commutation des tâches et l'affichage des activités et des tâches récemment accessibles à l'aide d'une image miniature de l'état graphique de l'application au moment où l'utilisateur a quitté l'application pour la dernière fois. Les implémentations de périphériques, y compris la touche de navigation de la fonction récentes, comme détaillé dans la section 7.2.3 , peuvent modifier l'interface mais doivent répondre aux exigences suivantes:
- Doit afficher des récentes affiliées en tant que groupe qui se déplace ensemble
- Doit prendre en charge au moins jusqu'à 20 activités affichées
- Devrait au moins afficher le titre de 4 activités à la fois
- Devrait afficher la couleur de surbrillance, l'icône, le titre d'écran dans les récentes
- Doit implémenter le comportement d'épinglage de l'écran [ Ressources, 33 ] et fournir à l'utilisateur un menu Paramètres pour basculer la fonctionnalité
- Devrait afficher un abord de clôture ("x") mais peut retarder cela jusqu'à ce que l'utilisateur interagit avec les écrans
Les implémentations de périphériques sont fortement encouragées à utiliser l'interface utilisateur Android en amont (ou une interface basée sur des miniatures similaires) pour l'écran d'aperçu.
3.8.9. Gestion des entrées
Android inclut la prise en charge de la gestion des entrées et la prise en charge des éditeurs de méthode d'entrée tiers [ Ressources, 34 ]. Les implémentations de périphériques qui permettent aux utilisateurs d'utiliser des méthodes d'entrée tierces sur l'appareil doivent déclarer la fonctionnalité de plate-forme Android.software.input_methods et prendre en charge les API IME telles que définies dans la documentation Android SDK.
Les implémentations de périphériques qui déclarent la fonctionnalité Android.Software.input_Methods doivent fournir un mécanisme accessible à l'utilisateur pour ajouter et configurer des méthodes d'entrée tierces. Les implémentations de périphérique doivent afficher l'interface de paramètres en réponse à l'intention Android.Settings.input_method_settings.
3.8.10. Contrôle des médias de l'écran de verrouillage
L'API du client à distance est obsolète sur Android 5.0 en faveur du modèle de notification multimédia qui permet aux applications multimédias de s'intégrer aux commandes de lecture qui sont affichées sur l'écran de verrouillage [ Resources, 35 ]. Les implémentations de périphérique qui prennent en charge un écran de verrouillage dans l'appareil doivent prendre en charge le modèle de notification multimédia ainsi que d'autres notifications.
3.8.11. Rêves
Android comprend la prise en charge des économiseurs d'écran interactifs appelés Dreams [ Resources, 36 ]. Dreams permet aux utilisateurs d'interagir avec les applications lorsqu'un appareil connecté à une source d'alimentation est inactif ou amarré dans une station d'accueil de bureau. Les appareils de montre Android peuvent implémenter des rêves, mais d'autres types d'implémentations de périphériques doivent inclure la prise en charge des rêves et fournir une option de paramètres aux utilisateurs pour configurer les rêves en réponse à l'intention Android.settings.dream_settings.
3.8.12. Emplacement
Lorsqu'un appareil a un capteur matériel (par exemple GPS) capable de fournir les coordonnées de localisation, les modes d'emplacement doivent être affichés dans le menu d'emplacement dans les paramètres [ Ressources, 37 ].
3.8.13. Unicode et police
Android comprend la prise en charge des caractères emoji de couleur. Lorsque les implémentations de périphériques Android incluent un IME, les appareils doivent fournir une méthode d'entrée à l'utilisateur pour les caractères emoji définis dans Unicode 6.1 [ Resources, 38 ]. Tous les appareils doivent être capables de rendre ces caractères emoji dans le glyphe couleur.
Android 5.0 comprend la prise en charge de la police Roboto 2 avec différents poids - Sans-Serif-Thin, Sans-Serif-Light, Sans-Serif-Medium, Sans-Serif-Black, Sans-Serif-Condend, Sans-Serif-Condend-Light - qui doivent tous être inclus pour les langues disponibles sur l'appareil et la couverture complète Unicode 7.0 du latin, du grec et du cyrillique, y compris les gammes de la, B, C et D étendues latin, et tous les glyphes dans le bloc de symboles de devise d'Unicode 7.0 .
3.9. Administration de dispositifs
Android inclut des fonctionnalités qui permettent aux applications de sécurité d'effectuer des fonctions d'administration de périphériques au niveau du système, telles que l'application des stratégies de mot de passe ou l'exécution de l'effacement à distance, via l'API Android Device Administration [ Resources, 39 ]. Les implémentations de dispositifs doivent fournir une implémentation de la classe DevicePolicyManager [ Resources, 40 ]. Les implémentations de périphériques qui incluent la prise en charge de l'écran de verrouillage doivent prendre en charge la gamme complète des stratégies d'administration de périphériques définies dans la documentation Android SDK [ Resources, 39 ] et signaler la fonction de plate-forme Android.Software.device_Admin.
Les implémentations de périphérique peuvent avoir une application préinstallée effectuant des fonctions d'administration de périphérique, mais cette application ne doit pas être définie hors de la boîte en tant qu'application par défaut du propriétaire de l'appareil [ Resources, 41 ].
3.10. Accessibilité
Android fournit une couche d'accessibilité qui aide les utilisateurs handicapés à naviguer plus facilement sur leurs appareils. En outre, Android fournit des API de plate-forme qui permettent aux implémentations des services d'accessibilité de recevoir des rappels pour les événements des utilisateurs et du système et générer des mécanismes de rétroaction alternatifs, tels que le texte vocale, la rétroaction haptique et la navigation trackball / d-pad [ Resources, 42 ]. Les implémentations de périphériques doivent fournir une implémentation du cadre d'accessibilité Android cohérent avec l'implémentation Android par défaut. Les implémentations de l'appareil doivent répondre aux exigences suivantes:
- Doit prendre en charge les implémentations de services d'accessibilité tiers via les API Android.AcccessibilityService [ Resources, 43 ]
- Doit générer d'accessibilité Events et livrer ces événements à toutes les implémentations accessibles de la SERVICE d'une manière conforme à l'implémentation Android par défaut
- À moins qu'un périphérique de montre Android sans sortie audio, les implémentations de périphériques doivent fournir un mécanisme accessible à l'utilisateur pour activer et désactiver les services d'accessibilité, et doivent afficher cette interface en réponse à l'intention Android.Provider.settings.action_accessibility_settings.
De plus, les implémentations de l'appareil doivent fournir une implémentation d'un service d'accessibilité sur l'appareil et fournir un mécanisme aux utilisateurs pour activer le service d'accessibilité pendant la configuration de l'appareil. Une mise en œuvre open source d'un service d'accessibilité est disponible à partir du projet Eyes Free [ Resources, 44 ].
3.11. Texte pour parler
Android comprend des API qui permettent aux applications d'utiliser les services de texte vocale (TTS) et permet aux fournisseurs de services de fournir des implémentations de services TTS [ Resources, 45 ]. Implémentations de périphériques signalant la fonctionnalité Android.hardware.audio.output doit répondre à ces exigences liées au framework Android TTS.
Implémentations de l'appareil:
- Doit prendre en charge les API Android TTS Framework et doit inclure un moteur TTS prenant en charge les langues disponibles sur l'appareil. Notez que le logiciel Open Source Android en amont comprend une implémentation de moteur TTS complète.
- Doit prendre en charge l'installation de moteurs TTS tiers
- Doit fournir une interface accessible à l'utilisateur qui permet aux utilisateurs de sélectionner un moteur TTS à utiliser au niveau du système
3.12. Framework d'entrée TV
Le framework d'entrée de télévision Android (TIF) simplifie la livraison de contenu en direct sur les appareils de télévision Android. TIF fournit une API standard pour créer des modules d'entrée qui contrôlent les appareils de télévision Android. Les implémentations de périphériques de télévision Android doivent prendre en charge le cadre de saisie de télévision [ Resources, 46 ].
Les implémentations de périphériques qui prennent en charge TIF doivent déclarer la fonctionnalité de plate-forme Android.software.live_tv.
4. Compatibilité des emballages d'application
Les implémentations de périphériques doivent installer et exécuter les fichiers Android ".APK" tels que générés par l'outil "AAPT" inclus dans le SDK Android officiel [ Resources, 47 ].
Les implémentations de périphériques ne doivent pas étendre ni les formats ByTecode Dalvik [ Resources , 20 ] ou Renderscript Bytecode de manière. Autres dispositifs compatibles
5. Compatibilité multimédia
5.1. Codecs multimédias
Les implémentations de périphériques doivent prendre en charge les formats de médias principaux spécifiés dans la documentation Android SDK [ Resources, 50 ] sauf lorsqu'ils sont explicitement autorisés dans ce document. Plus précisément, les implémentations de périphériques doivent prendre en charge les formats multimédias, les encodeurs, les décodeurs, les types de fichiers et les formats de conteneurs définis dans les tableaux ci-dessous. Tous ces codecs sont fournis comme implémentations de logiciels dans l'implémentation Android préférée à partir du projet open source Android.
Veuillez noter que ni Google ni l'Alliance ouverte du combiné ne font aucune représentation selon laquelle ces codecs sont exempts de brevets tiers. Les personnes ayant l'intention d'utiliser ce code source dans les produits matériels ou logiciels sont informés que les implémentations de ce code, y compris dans les logiciels open source ou Shareware, peuvent nécessiter des licences de brevet des détenteurs de brevets concernés.
5.1.1. Codecs audio
Format / codec | Encodeur | Décodeur | Détails | Formats de type de fichiers pris en charge / conteneur |
Profil MPEG-4 AAC (AAC LC) | Requis1 | REQUIS | Prise en charge du contenu mono / stéréo / 5.0 / 5.12 avec des taux d'échantillonnage standard de 8 à 48 kHz. | • 3GPP (.3gp) • MPEG-4 (.mp4, .m4a) • ADTS RAW AAC (.AAC, Decode dans Android 3.1+, encoder dans Android 4.0+, ADIF non pris en charge) • MPEG-TS (.ts, non chercheur, Android 3.0+) |
MPEG-4 HE AAC Profil (AAC +) | Requis1 (Android 4.1+) | REQUIS | Prise en charge du contenu mono / stéréo / 5.0 / 5.12 avec des taux d'échantillonnage standard de 16 à 48 kHz. | |
MPEG-4 HE AACV2 Profil (AAC + amélioré) | REQUIS | Prise en charge du contenu mono / stéréo / 5.0 / 5.12 avec des taux d'échantillonnage standard de 16 à 48 kHz. | ||
AAC ELD (AAC amélioré AAC) | Requis1 (Android 4.1+) | REQUIS (Android 4.1+) | Prise en charge du contenu mono / stéréo avec des taux d'échantillonnage standard de 16 à 48 kHz. | |
AMR-NB | Requis3 | Requis3 | 4,75 à 12,2 kbps échantillonnés à 8 kHz | 3GPP (.3gp) |
AMR-WB | Requis3 | Requis3 | 9 taux de 6,60 kbit / s à 23,85 kbit / s échantillonné à 16 kHz | |
FLAC | REQUIS (Android 3.1+) | Mono / stéréo (pas de multicanal). Des taux d'échantillonnage allant jusqu'à 48 kHz (mais jusqu'à 44,1 kHz sont recommandés sur des appareils avec une sortie de 44,1 kHz, car les deux de 48 à 44,1 kHz n'incluent pas de filtre passe-bas). 16 bits recommandés; Aucun tronçon appliqué pour 24 bits. | Flac (.flac) seulement | |
Mp3 | REQUIS | Mono / stéréo 8-320Kbps constante (CBR) ou débit binaire variable (VBR) | Mp3 (.mp3) | |
MIDI | REQUIS | MIDI TYPE 0 et 1. DLS Version 1 et 2. XMF et Mobile XMF. Prise en charge des formats de sonnerie RTTTL / RTX, OTA et IMELODY | • Type 0 et 1 (.mid, .xmf, .mxmf) • rtttl / rtx (.rtttl, .rtx) • OTA (.ota) • imelody (.imy) | |
Vorbis | REQUIS | • ogg (.ogg) • Matroska (.mkv, Android 4.0+) | ||
PCM / WAVE | Requis4 (Android 4.1+) | REQUIS | PCM linéaire 16 bits (taux jusqu'à la limite du matériel). Les appareils doivent prendre en charge les taux d'échantillonnage pour l'enregistrement PCM brut aux fréquences 8000, 11025, 16000 et 44100 Hz. | Vague (.wav) |
Opus | REQUIS (Android 5.0+) | Matroska (.mkv) |
1 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques qui définissent Android.hardware.microphone mais facultatif pour les implémentations de périphériques de montre Android.
2 Seule le contenu de 5,0 / 5.1 est requis; L'enregistrement ou le rendu de plus de 2 canaux est facultatif.
3 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques manuels Android.
4 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques qui définissent Android.hardware.microphone, y compris les implémentations de périphériques de montre Android.
5.1.2. Codecs d'image
Format / codec | Encodeur | Décodeur | Détails | Formats de type de fichiers pris en charge / conteneur |
JPEG | REQUIS | REQUIS | Base + progressive | Jpeg (.jpg) |
GIF | REQUIS | Gif (.gif) | ||
PNG | REQUIS | REQUIS | Png (.png) | |
PGB | REQUIS | BMP (.bmp) | ||
WebP | REQUIS | REQUIS | Webp (.webp) |
5.1.3. Codecs vidéo
Les codecs vidéo sont facultatifs pour les implémentations de périphériques Android Watch. |
Format / codec | Encodeur | Décodeur | Détails | Formats de type de fichiers pris en charge / conteneur |
H.263 | Requis1 | Requis2 | • 3GPP (.3gp) • MPEG-4 (.mp4) | |
H.264 AVC | Requis2 | Requis2 | Voir section 5.2 et 5.3 pour plus de détails | • 3GPP (.3gp) • MPEG-4 (.mp4) • MPEG-TS (.ts, Audio AAC uniquement, non chercheur, Android 3.0+) |
H.265 HEVC | Requis2 | Voir la section 5.3 pour plus de détails | MPEG-4 (.mp4) | |
MPEG-4 SP | Requis2 | 3GPP (.3gp) | ||
VP83 | Requis2 (Android 4.3+) | Requis2 (Android 2.3.3+) | Voir section 5.2 et 5.3 pour plus de détails | • webm (.webm) [ Ressources, 110 ] • Matroska (.mkv, Android 4.0+) 4 |
VP9 | Requis2 (Android 4.4+) | Voir la section 5. 3 pour plus de détails | • webm (.webm) [ Ressources, 110 ] • Matroska (.mkv, Android 4.0+) 4 |
1 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques qui incluent le matériel de la caméra et définissent Android.hardware.camera ou Android.hardware.camera.front.
2 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques sauf les appareils de montre Android.
3 Pour la qualité acceptable des services de streaming vidéo Web et de conférences vidéo, les implémentations de périphériques doivent utiliser un codec matériel VP8 qui répond aux exigences dans [ Resources, 51 ].
4 Les implémentations de périphériques devraient prendre en charge la rédaction de fichiers Matroska Webm.
5.2. Encodage vidéo
Les codecs vidéo sont facultatifs pour les implémentations de périphériques Android Watch. |
Les implémentations de périphériques Android avec la prise en charge du codec H.264, doivent prendre en charge le niveau de profil de base du niveau 3 et les profils de codage vidéo SD (définition standard) suivants et doivent prendre en charge le niveau principal de profil 4 et les profils de codage vidéo HD (haute définition) suivants. Les appareils de télévision Android sont fortement recommandés pour coder la vidéo HD 1080p à 30 ips.
SD (basse qualité) | SD (haute qualité) | HD 720p1 | HD 1080p1 | |
Résolution vidéo | 320 x 240 px | 720 x 480 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 20 ips | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde |
Bitrate vidéo | 384 kbps | 2 Mbit/s | 4 Mbps | 10 Mbps |
1 lorsqu'il est pris en charge par le matériel, mais fortement recommandé pour les appareils de télévision Android.
Les implémentations de périphériques Android avec la prise en charge du codec VP8 doivent prendre en charge les profils de codage vidéo SD et doivent prendre en charge les profils de codage vidéo HD (haute définition) suivants.
SD (basse qualité) | SD (haute qualité) | HD 720p1 | HD 1080p1 | |
Résolution vidéo | 320 x 180 px | 640 x 360 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde |
Bitrate vidéo | 800 kbps | 2 Mbit/s | 4 Mbps | 10 Mbps |
1 Lorsqu'il est pris en charge par le matériel.
5.3. Décodage vidéo
Les codecs vidéo sont facultatifs pour les implémentations de périphériques Android Watch. |
Les implémentations de périphériques doivent prendre en charge la commutation de résolution vidéo dynamique dans le même flux pour les codecs VP8, VP9, H.264 et H.265.
Les implémentations de périphériques Android avec des décodeurs H.264, doivent prendre en charge le niveau de profil de base du niveau 3 et les profils de décodage vidéo SD suivant et doivent prendre en charge les profils de décodage HD. Les appareils de télévision Android doivent prendre en charge le niveau 4.2 de haut profil et le profil de décodage HD 1080p.
SD (basse qualité) | SD (haute qualité) | HD 720p1 | HD 1080p1 | |
Résolution vidéo | 320 x 240 px | 720 x 480 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 ips / 60 ips2 | 30 ips / 60 ips2 |
Bitrate vidéo | 800 kbps | 2 Mbit/s | 8 Mbps | 20 Mbit/s |
1 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques de télévision Android, mais pour d'autres types de périphériques uniquement lorsqu'ils sont pris en charge par le matériel.
2 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques de télévision Android.
Les implémentations de périphériques Android lors de la prise en charge du codec VP8 comme décrit dans la section 5.1.3 , doivent prendre en charge les profils de décodage SD suivant et doivent prendre en charge les profils de décodage HD. Les appareils de télévision Android doivent prendre en charge le profil de décodage HD 1080p.
SD (basse qualité) | SD (haute qualité) | HD 720p1 | HD 1080p1 | |
Résolution vidéo | 320 x 180 px | 640 x 360 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 ips / 60 ips2 | 30/60 FPS2 |
Bitrate vidéo | 800 kbps | 2 Mbit/s | 8 Mbps | 20 Mbit/s |
1 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques de télévision Android, mais pour d'autres types d'appareils uniquement lorsqu'ils sont pris en charge par le matériel.
2 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques de télévision Android.
Les implémentations de périphériques Android, lors de la prise en charge du codec VP9, comme décrit dans la section 5.1.3 , doivent prendre en charge les profils de décodage vidéo SD suivants et doivent prendre en charge les profils de décodage HD. Les appareils de télévision Android sont fortement recommandés pour prendre en charge le profil de décodage HD 1080p et devraient prendre en charge le profil de décodage UHD. Lorsque le profil de décodage vidéo UHD est pris en charge, il doit prendre en charge la profondeur de couleur 8 bits.
SD (basse qualité) | SD (haute qualité) | HD 720p 1 | HD 1080p 2 | Uhd 2 | |
Résolution vidéo | 320 x 180 px | 640 x 360 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels | 3840 x 2160 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde |
Bitrate vidéo | 600 kbps | 1,6 Mbps | 4 Mbps | 10 Mbps | 20 Mbit/s |
1 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques de télévision Android, mais pour d'autres types d'appareils uniquement lorsqu'ils sont pris en charge par le matériel.
2 fortement recommandé pour les implémentations de périphériques de télévision Android lorsqu'ils sont pris en charge par le matériel.
Les implémentations de périphériques Android, lors de la prise en charge du codec H.265, comme décrit dans la section 5.1.3 , doivent prendre en charge le niveau principal de niveau 3 de profil principal et les profils de décodage vidéo SD suivant et doivent prendre en charge les profils de décodage HD. Les appareils de télévision Android doivent prendre en charge le niveau principal du profil principal 4.1 et le profil de décodage HD 1080p et doivent prendre en charge le profil de niveau principal de niveau 5 Main10 et le profil de décodage UHD.
SD (basse qualité) | SD (haute qualité) | HD 720p 1 | HD 1080p 1 | Uhd 2 | |
Résolution vidéo | 352 x 288 px | 640 x 360 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels | 3840 x 2160 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde |
Bitrate vidéo | 600 kbps | 1,6 Mbps | 4 Mbps | 10 Mbps | 20 Mbit/s |
1 requis pour la mise en œuvre de l'appareil de télévision Android, mais pour d'autres types d'appareils uniquement lorsqu'ils sont pris en charge par le matériel.
2 requis pour les implémentations de périphériques de télévision Android lorsqu'ils sont pris en charge par le matériel.
5.4. Enregistrement audio
Bien que certaines des exigences décrites dans cette section soient indiquées comme le devraient, depuis Android 4.3, la définition de compatibilité d'une future version est prévue pour les changer. Les appareils Android existants et nouveaux sont très fortement encouragés à répondre à ces exigences, ou ils ne pourront pas atteindre la compatibilité Android lors de la mise à niveau vers la future version.
5.4.1. Capture audio brute
Les implémentations de périphériques qui déclarent Android.hardware.microphone doivent permettre la capture du contenu audio brut avec les caractéristiques suivantes:
- Format : PCM linéaire, 16 bits
- Tarifs d'échantillonnage : 8000, 11025, 16000, 44100
- Canaux : mono
Les implémentations de périphériques qui déclarent Android.hardware.microphone doivent permettre la capture du contenu audio brut avec les caractéristiques suivantes:
- Format : PCM linéaire, 16 bits
- Tarifs d'échantillonnage : 22050, 48000
- Canaux : stéréo
5.4.2. Capture pour la reconnaissance vocale
En plus des spécifications d'enregistrement ci-dessus, lorsqu'une application a commencé à enregistrer un flux audio à l'aide du Android.Media.mediatercorder.audiosource.voice_recognition Source:
- L'appareil doit présenter des caractéristiques d'amplitude approximativement plates en fonction de la fréquence: en particulier, ± 3 dB, de 100 Hz à 4000 Hz.
- La sensibilité à l'entrée audio doit être définie de telle sorte qu'une source de niveau de puissance sonore (SPL) de 90 dB à 1000 Hz donne un RMS de 2500 pour des échantillons 16 bits.
- Les niveaux d'amplitude PCM doivent suivre linéairement les modifications de SPL d'entrée sur au moins une plage de 30 dB de -18 dB à +12 dB RE 90 dB SPL au microphone.
- La distorsion harmonique totale doit être inférieure à 1% pour 1 kHz à un niveau d'entrée SPL de 90 dB au microphone.
- Le traitement de réduction du bruit, s'il est présent, doit être désactivé.
- Le contrôle automatique du gain, s'il est présent, doit être désactivé
Si la plate-forme prend en charge les technologies de suppression du bruit réglées pour la reconnaissance de la parole, l'effet doit être contrôlable à partir de l'API Android.media.Audioofx.NoiseSuppressor. De plus, le champ UUID pour le descripteur d'effet du suppresseur de bruit doit identifier de manière unique chaque implémentation de la technologie de suppression du bruit.
5.4.3. Capture pour le réacheminement de la lecture
La classe Android.Media.MeateRecorder.Audiosource comprend la source audio Remote_SubMix. Appareils qui déclarent Android.Hardware.Audio.output doivent implémenter correctement la source audio Remote_SubMix afin que lorsqu'une application utilise l'API Android.Media.AudioCord pour enregistrer à partir de cette source audio, il peut capturer un mélange de tous les flux audio, à l'exception de ce qui suit :
- Stream_ring
- Stream_alarm
- Stream_notification
5.5. Lecture audio
Les implémentations de périphériques qui déclarent Android.hardware.audio.output doivent être conformes aux exigences de cette section.
5.5.1. Lecture audio brute
L'appareil doit permettre la lecture du contenu audio brut avec les caractéristiques suivantes:
- Format : PCM linéaire, 16 bits
- Tarifs d'échantillonnage : 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100
- Canaux : mono, stéréo
L'appareil doit permettre la lecture du contenu audio brut avec les caractéristiques suivantes:
- Taux d'échantillonnage : 24000, 48000
5.5.2. Effets audio
Android fournit une API pour les effets audio pour les implémentations de périphériques [ Ressources, 52 ]. Implémentations de périphériques qui déclarent la fonctionnalité Android.Hardware.Audio.output:
- Doit prendre en charge les implémentations d'effets_type_equalizer et Effect_Type_loudness_enhancer contrôlables via l'égaliseur des sous-classes audio-effets, Loubnessenhancer
- Doit prendre en charge l'implémentation de l'API Visualizer, contrôlable via la classe Visualizer
- Doit prendre en charge l'effet_type_bass_boost, Effect_Type_env_Reverb, Effect_Type_Preset_Reverb et Effect_Type_Virtualizer Implémentations contrôlables via les sous-classes audio
5.5.3. Volume de sortie audio
Les implémentations de périphériques de télévision Android doivent inclure la prise en charge du volume maître système et de l'atténuation du volume de sortie audio numérique sur les sorties prises en charge, à l'exception de la sortie compressée de passthrough audio (où aucun décodage audio n'est effectué sur l'appareil).
5.6. Latence audio
La latence audio est le délai car un signal audio passe par un système. De nombreuses classes d'applications reposent sur de courtes latences pour réaliser des effets sonores en temps réel.
Aux fins de cette section, utilisez les définitions suivantes:
- latence de sortie - l'intervalle entre lorsqu'une application écrit un cadre de données codées par PCM et lorsque le son correspondant peut être entendu par un auditeur externe ou observé par un transducteur.
- latence de sortie à froid - la latence de sortie pour la première trame, lorsque le système de sortie audio a été inactif et alimenté avant la demande.
- latence de sortie continue - la latence de sortie pour les trames suivantes, une fois que l'appareil a joué audio.
- latence d'entrée - l'intervalle entre le moment où un son externe est présenté au périphérique et lorsqu'une application lit le cadre correspondant des données codées par PCM.
- latence d'entrée à froid - la somme du temps d'entrée perdu et de la latence d'entrée pour la première trame, lorsque le système d'entrée audio a été inactif et alimenté avant la demande.
- latence d'entrée continue - la latence d'entrée pour les trames suivantes, tandis que l'appareil capture l'audio.
- Jitter de la sortie du froid - La variance entre les mesures distinctes des valeurs de latence de sortie du froid.
- Jitter d'entrée à froid - la variance entre les mesures distinctes des valeurs de latence d'entrée du froid.
- latence aller-retour continue - La somme de la latence d'entrée continue plus latence de sortie continue plus 5 millisecondes.
- OpenSL ES API de file d'attente de tampon PCM ouverte - L'ensemble des API OpenSL ES lié à PCM dans Android NDK; Voir ndk_root / docs / opensles / index.html.
Les implémentations de périphériques qui déclarent Android.Hardware.Audio.output doivent répondre ou dépasser ces exigences de sortie audio:
- latence de sortie à froid de 100 millisecondes ou moins
- latence de sortie continue de 45 millisecondes ou moins
- minimiser la gigue de sortie à froid
Si une implémentation de périphérique répond aux exigences de cette section après tout étalonnage initial lors de l'utilisation de l'API OpenSL ES PCM Buffer Fidue, pour la latence de sortie continue et la latence de sortie à froid sur au moins un périphérique de sortie audio pris en charge, il peut signaler la prise en charge de l'audio à faible latence à faible latence , en rapportant la fonctionnalité Android.hardware.audio.low_latency via la classe Android.Content.pm.PackageManager [ Resources, 53 ]. Inversement, si la mise en œuvre de l'appareil ne répond pas à ces exigences, elle ne doit pas signaler la prise en charge de l'audio à faible latence.
Les implémentations de périphériques qui incluent Android.Hardware.microphone doivent répondre à ces exigences audio d'entrée:
- latence d'entrée à froid de 100 millisecondes ou moins
- latence d'entrée continue de 30 millisecondes ou moins
- latence aller-retour continue de 50 millisecondes ou moins
- Minimiser la gigue d'entrée à froid
5.7. Protocoles réseau
Les appareils doivent prendre en charge les protocoles de réseau multimédia pour la lecture audio et vidéo comme spécifié dans la documentation Android SDK [ Resources, 50 ]. Plus précisément, les appareils doivent prendre en charge les protocoles de réseau multimédia suivant:
- Http (s) streaming progressif
- HTTP (S) Protocole Draft Streaming en direct, version 3 [ Ressources, 54 ]
5.8. Médias sécurisés
Les implémentations de périphériques qui prennent en charge la sortie vidéo sécurisée et sont capables de prendre en charge les surfaces sécurisées doivent déclarer la prise en charge de l'affichage.flag_secure. Les implémentations de périphériques qui déclarent la prise en charge de l'affichage.flag_secure, s'ils prennent en charge un protocole d'affichage sans fil, doit sécuriser le lien avec un mécanisme cryptographiquement fort tel que HDCP 2.x ou plus pour les affichages sans fil Miracast. De même s'ils prennent en charge un affichage externe câblé, les implémentations de l'appareil doivent prendre en charge HDCP 1.2 ou plus. Les implémentations de périphériques de télévision Android doivent prendre en charge HDCP 2.2 pour les appareils prenant en charge la résolution 4K et le HDCP 1.4 ou plus pour des résolutions plus faibles. L'implémentation open source Android en amont comprend la prise en charge des affichages sans fil (Miracast) et Wired (HDMI) qui satisfait à cette exigence.
6. Compatibilité des outils et d'options des développeurs
6.1. Outils de développement
Les implémentations de périphériques doivent prendre en charge les outils de développeur Android fourni dans le SDK Android. Les appareils compatibles Android doivent être compatibles avec:
- Android Debug Bridge (ADB) [ Ressources, 55 ]
Les implémentations de périphériques doivent prendre en charge toutes les fonctions ADB comme documentée dans le SDK Android, y compris Dumpsys [ Resources, 56 ]. Le démon ADB côté périphérique doit être inactif par défaut et il doit y avoir un mécanisme accessible à l'utilisateur pour allumer le pont de débogage Android. Si une implémentation de périphérique omet le mode périphérique USB, il doit implémenter le pont de débogage Android via un réseau local (comme Ethernet ou 802.11).
Android comprend la prise en charge de la BAD sécurisée. Secure ADB permet à BAD sur les hôtes authentifiés connus. Les implémentations de l'appareil doivent prendre en charge la BAD sécurisée.
- Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (DDMS) [ Ressources, 57 ]
Les implémentations de périphériques doivent prendre en charge toutes les fonctionnalités DDMS comme documentée dans le SDK Android. As ddms uses adb, support for ddms SHOULD be inactive by default, but MUST be supported whenever the user has activated the Android Debug Bridge, as above.
- Monkey [ Resources, 58 ]
Device implementations MUST include the Monkey framework, and make it available for applications to use.
- SysTrace [ Resources, 59 ]
Device implementations MUST support systrace tool as documented in the Android SDK. Systrace must be inactive by default, and there MUST be a user-accessible mechanism to turn on Systrace.
Most Linux-based systems and Apple Macintosh systems recognize Android devices using the standard Android SDK tools, without additional support; however Microsoft Windows systems typically require a driver for new Android devices. (For instance, new vendor IDs and sometimes new device IDs require custom USB drivers for Windows systems.) If a device implementation is unrecognized by the adb tool as provided in the standard Android SDK, device implementers MUST provide Windows drivers allowing developers to connect to the device using the adb protocol. These drivers MUST be provided for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 9 in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
6.2. Options de développeur
Android includes support for developers to configure application development-related settings. Device implementations MUST honor the android.settings.APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS intent to show application development-related settings [ Resources, 60 ]. The upstream Android implementation hides the Developer Options menu by default and enables users to launch Developer Options after pressing seven (7) times on the Settings > About Device > Build Number menu item. Device implementations MUST provide a consistent experience for Developer Options. Specifically, device implementations MUST hide Developer Options by default and MUST provide a mechanism to enable Developer Options that is consistent with the upstream Android implementation.
7. Hardware Compatibility
If a device includes a particular hardware component that has a corresponding API for third-party developers, the device implementation MUST implement that API as described in the Android SDK documentation. If an API in the SDK interacts with a hardware component that is stated to be optional and the device implementation does not possess that component:
- Complete class definitions (as documented by the SDK) for the component's APIs MUST still be presented.
- The API's behaviors MUST be implemented as no-ops in some reasonable fashion.
- API methods MUST return null values where permitted by the SDK documentation.
- API methods MUST return no-op implementations of classes where null values are not permitted by the SDK documentation.
- API methods MUST NOT throw exceptions not documented by the SDK documentation.
A typical example of a scenario where these requirements apply is the telephony API: even on non-phone devices, these APIs must be implemented as reasonable no-ops.
Device implementations MUST consistently report accurate hardware configuration information via the getSystemAvailableFeatures() and hasSystemFeature(String) methods on the android.content.pm.PackageManager class for the same build fingerprint. [ Resources, 53]
7.1. Display and Graphics
Android includes facilities that automatically adjust application assets and UI layouts appropriately for the device, to ensure that third-party applications run well on a variety of hardware configurations [ Resources, 61 ]. Devices MUST properly implement these APIs and behaviors, as detailed in this section.
The units referenced by the requirements in this section are defined as follows:
- physical diagonal size —The distance in inches between two opposing corners of the illuminated portion of the display.
- dots per inch (dpi) —The number of pixels encompassed by a linear horizontal or vertical span of 1". Where dpi values are listed, both horizontal and vertical dpi must fall within the range.
- aspect ratio —The ratio of the longer dimension of the screen to the shorter dimension. For example, a display of 480x854 pixels would be 854 / 480 = 1.779, or roughly "16:9".
- density-independent pixel (dp) —The virtual pixel unit normalized to a 160 dpi screen, calculated as: pixels = dps * (density / 160).
7.1.1. Screen Configuration Taille de l'écran
Android Watch devices (detailed in section 2 ) MAY have smaller screen sizes as described in this section. |
The Android UI framework supports a variety of different screen sizes, and allows applications to query the device screen size (aka "screen layout") via android.content.res.Configuration.screenLayout with the SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK. Device implementations MUST report the correct screen size as defined in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 61 ] and determined by the upstream Android platform. Specifically, device implementations MUST report the correct screen size according to the following logical density-independent pixel (dp) screen dimensions.
- Devices MUST have screen sizes of at least 426 dp x 320 dp ('small'), unless it is an Android Watch device.
- Devices that report screen size 'normal' MUST have screen sizes of at least 480 dp x 320 dp.
- Devices that report screen size 'large' MUST have screen sizes of at least 640 dp x 480 dp.
- Devices that report screen size 'xlarge' MUST have screen sizes of at least 960 dp x 720 dp.
En outre,
- Android Watch devices MUST have a screen with the physical diagonal size in the range from 1.1 to 2.5 inches
- Other types of Android device implementations, with a physically integrated screen, MUST have a screen at least 2.5 inches in physical diagonal size.
Devices MUST NOT change their reported screen size at any time.
Applications optionally indicate which screen sizes they support via the Screen Aspect Ratio
Android Watch devices MAY have an aspect ratio of 1.0 (1:1). |
The screen aspect ratio MUST be a value from 1.3333 (4:3) to 1.86 (roughly 16:9), but Android Watch devices MAY have an aspect ratio of 1.0 (1:1) because such a device implementation will use a UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH as the android.content.res.Configuration.uiMode. Screen Density
The Android UI framework defines a set of standard logical densities to help application developers target application resources. Device implementations MUST report only one of the following logical Android framework densities through the android.util.DisplayMetrics APIs, and MUST execute applications at this standard density and MUST NOT change the value at at any time for the default display.
- 120 dpi (ldpi)
- 160 dpi (mdpi)
- 213 dpi (tvdpi)
- 240 dpi (hdpi)
- 320 dpi (xhdpi)
- 400 dpi (400dpi)
- 480 dpi (xxhdpi)
- 560 dpi (560dpi)
- 640 dpi (xxxhdpi)
Device implementations SHOULD define the standard Android framework density that is numerically closest to the physical density of the screen, unless that logical density pushes the reported screen size below the minimum supported. If the standard Android framework density that is numerically closest to the physical density results in a screen size that is smaller than the smallest supported compatible screen size (320 dp width), device implementations SHOULD report the next lowest standard Android framework density.
7.1.2. Display Metrics
Device implementations MUST report correct values for all display metrics defined in android.util.DisplayMetrics [ Resources, 62 ] and MUST report the same values regardless of whether the embedded or external screen is used as the default display.
7.1.3. Orientation de l'écran
Devices MUST report which screen orientations they support (android.hardware.screen.portrait and/or android.hardware.screen.landscape) and MUST report at least one supported orientation. For example, a device with a fixed orientation landscape screen, such as a television or laptop, SHOULD only report android.hardware.screen.landscape.
Devices that report both screen orientations MUST support dynamic orientation by applications to either portrait or landscape screen orientation. That is, the device must respect the application's request for a specific screen orientation. Device implementations MAY select either portrait or landscape orientation as the default.
Devices MUST report the correct value for the device's current orientation, whenever queried via the android.content.res.Configuration.orientation, android.view.Display.getOrientation(), or other APIs.
Devices MUST NOT change the reported screen size or density when changing orientation.
7.1.4. 2D and 3D Graphics Acceleration
Device implementations MUST support both OpenGL ES 1.0 and 2.0, as embodied and detailed in the Android SDK documentations. Device implementations SHOULD support OpenGL ES 3.0 or 3.1 on devices capable of supporting it. Device implementations MUST also support Android RenderScript, as detailed in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 63 ].
Device implementations MUST also correctly identify themselves as supporting OpenGL ES 1.0, OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL ES 3.0 or OpenGL 3.1. C'est-à-dire:
- The managed APIs (such as via the GLES10.getString()method MUST report support for OpenGL ES 1.0 and OpenGL ES 2.0.
- The native C/C++ OpenGL APIs (APIs available to apps via libGLES_v1CM.so, libGLES_v2.so, or libEGL.so) MUST report support for OpenGL ES 1.0 and OpenGL ES 2.0.
- Device implementations that declare support for OpenGL ES 3.0 or 3.1 MUST support the corresponding managed APIs and include support for native C/C++ APIs. On device implementations that declare support for OpenGL ES 3.0 or 3.1, libGLESv2.so MUST export the corresponding function symbols in addition to the OpenGL ES 2.0 function symbols.
In addition to OpenGL ES 3.1, Android provides an extension pack with Java interfaces [ Resources, 64 ] and native support for advanced graphics functionality such as tessellation and the ASTC texture compression format. Android device implementations MAY support this extension pack, and—only if fully implemented—MUST identify the support through the android.hardware.opengles.aep feature flag.
Also, device implementations MAY implement any desired OpenGL ES extensions. However, device implementations MUST report via the OpenGL ES managed and native APIs all extension strings that they do support, and conversely MUST NOT report extension strings that they do not support.
Note that Android includes support for applications to optionally specify that they require specific OpenGL texture compression formats. These formats are typically vendor-specific. Device implementations are not required by Android to implement any specific texture compression format. However, they SHOULD accurately report any texture compression formats that they do support, via the getString() method in the OpenGL API.
Android includes a mechanism for applications to declare that they want to enable hardware acceleration for 2D graphics at the Application, Activity, Window, or View level through the use of a manifest tag android:hardwareAccelerated or direct API calls [ Resources, 65 ].
Device implementations MUST enable hardware acceleration by default, and MUST disable hardware acceleration if the developer so requests by setting android:hardwareAccelerated="false" or disabling hardware acceleration directly through the Android View APIs.
In addition, device implementations MUST exhibit behavior consistent with the Android SDK documentation on hardware acceleration [ Resources, 65 ].
Android includes a TextureView object that lets developers directly integrate hardware-accelerated OpenGL ES textures as rendering targets in a UI hierarchy. Device implementations MUST support the TextureView API, and MUST exhibit consistent behavior with the upstream Android implementation.
Android includes support for EGL_ANDROID_RECORDABLE, an EGLConfig attribute that indicates whether the EGLConfig supports rendering to an ANativeWindow that records images to a video. Device implementations MUST support EGL_ANDROID_RECORDABLE extension [ Resources, 66 ].
7.1.5. Legacy Application Compatibility Mode
Android specifies a "compatibility mode" in which the framework operates in a 'normal' screen size equivalent (320dp width) mode for the benefit of legacy applications not developed for old versions of Android that pre-date screen-size independence. Device implementations MUST include support for legacy application compatibility mode as implemented by the upstream Android open source code. That is, device implementations MUST NOT alter the triggers or thresholds at which compatibility mode is activated, and MUST NOT alter the behavior of the compatibility mode itself.
7.1.6. Technologie d'écran
The Android platform includes APIs that allow applications to render rich graphics to the display. Devices MUST support all of these APIs as defined by the Android SDK unless specifically allowed in this document.
- Devices MUST support displays capable of rendering 16-bit color graphics and SHOULD support displays capable of 24-bit color graphics.
- Devices MUST support displays capable of rendering animations.
- The display technology used MUST have a pixel aspect ratio (PAR) between 0.9 and 1.15. That is, the pixel aspect ratio MUST be near square (1.0) with a 10 ~ 15% tolerance.
7.1.7. External Displays
Android includes support for secondary display to enable media sharing capabilities and developer APIs for accessing external displays. If a device supports an external display either via a wired, wireless, or an embedded additional display connection then the device implementation MUST implement the display manager API as described in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 67 ].
7.2. Des dispositifs d'entrée
7.2.1. Clavier
Android Watch devices MAY but other type of device implementations MUST implement a soft keyboard. |
Device implementations:
- MUST include support for the Input Management Framework (which allows third-party developers to create Input Method Editors—ie soft keyboard) as detailed at http://developer.android.com
- MUST provide at least one soft keyboard implementation (regardless of whether a hard keyboard is present) except for Android Watch devices where the screen size makes it less reasonable to have a soft keyboard
- MAY include additional soft keyboard implementations
- MAY include a hardware keyboard
- MUST NOT include a hardware keyboard that does not match one of the formats specified in android.content.res.Configuration.keyboard [ Resources, 68 ] (QWERTY or 12-key)
7.2.2. Non-touch Navigation
Android Television devices MUST support D-pad. |
Device implementations:
- MAY omit a non-touch navigation option (trackball, d-pad, or wheel) if the device implementation is not an Android Television device
- MUST report the correct value for android.content.res.Configuration.navigation [ Resources, 68 ]
- MUST provide a reasonable alternative user interface mechanism for the selection and editing of text, compatible with Input Management Engines. The upstream Android open source implementation includes a selection mechanism suitable for use with devices that lack non-touch navigation inputs.
7.2.3. Navigation Keys
The availability and visibility requirement of the Home, Recents, and Back functions differ between device types as described in this section. |
The Home, Recents, and Back functions (mapped to the key events KEYCODE_HOME, KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH, KEYCODE_BACK, respectively) are essential to the Android navigation paradigm and therefore;
- Android Handheld device implementations MUST provide the Home, Recents, and Back functions.
- Android Television device implementations MUST provide the Home and Back functions.
- Android Watch device implementations MUST have the Home function available to the user, and the Back function except for when it is in UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH.
- All other types of device implementations MUST provide the Home and Back functions.
These functions MAY be implemented via dedicated physical buttons (such as mechanical or capacitive touch buttons), or MAY be implemented using dedicated software keys on a distinct portion of the screen, gestures, touch panel, etc. Android supports both implementations. All of these functions MUST be accessible with a single action (eg tap, double-click or gesture) when visible.
Recents function, if provided, MUST have a visible button or icon unless hidden together with other navigation functions in full-screen mode. This does not apply to devices upgrading from earlier Android versions that have physical buttons for navigation and no recents key.
The Home and Back functions, if provided, MUST each have a visible button or icon unless hidden together with other navigation functions in full-screen mode or when the uiMode UI_MODE_TYPE_MASK is set to UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH.
The Menu function is deprecated in favor of action bar since Android 4.0. Therefore the new device implementations shipping with Android 5.0 MUST NOT implement a dedicated physical button for the Menu function. Older device implementations SHOULD NOT implement a dedicated physical button for the Menu function, but if the physical Menu button is implemented and the device is running applications with targetSdkVersion > 10, the device implementation:
- MUST display the action overflow button on the action bar when it is visible and the resulting action overflow menu popup is not empty. For a device implementation launched before Android 4.4 but upgrading to Android 5.0, this is RECOMMENDED.
- MUST NOT modify the position of the action overflow popup displayed by selecting the overflow button in the action bar
- MAY render the action overflow popup at a modified position on the screen when it is displayed by selecting the physical menu button
For backwards compatibility, device implementations MUST make the Menu function available to applications when targetSdkVersion <= 10, either by a physical button, a software key, or gestures. This Menu function should be presented unless hidden together with other navigation functions.
Android supports Assist action [ Resources, 69 ]. Android device implementations except for Android Watch devices MUST make the Assist action available to the user at all times when running applications. The Assist action SHOULD be implemented as a long-press on the Home button or a swipe-up gesture on the software Home key. This function MAY be implemented via another physical button, software key, or gesture, but MUST be accessible with a single action (eg tap, double-click, or gesture) when other navigation keys are visible.
Device implementations MAY use a distinct portion of the screen to display the navigation keys, but if so, MUST meet these requirements:
- Device implementation navigation keys MUST use a distinct portion of the screen, not available to applications, and MUST NOT obscure or otherwise interfere with the portion of the screen available to applications.
- Device implementations MUST make available a portion of the display to applications that meets the requirements defined in section 7.1.1 .
- Device implementations MUST display the navigation keys when applications do not specify a system UI mode, or specify SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE.
- Device implementations MUST present the navigation keys in an unobtrusive "low profile" (eg. dimmed) mode when applications specify SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE.
- Device implementations MUST hide the navigation keys when applications specify SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION.
7.2.4. Touchscreen Input
Android Handhelds and Watch Devices MUST support touchscreen input. |
Device implementations SHOULD have a pointer input system of some kind (either mouse-like or touch). However, if a device implementation does not support a pointer input system, it MUST NOT report the android.hardware.touchscreen or android.hardware.faketouch feature constant. Device implementations that do include a pointer input system:
- SHOULD support fully independently tracked pointers, if the device input system supports multiple pointers
- MUST report the value of android.content.res.Configuration.touchscreen [ Resources, 68 ] corresponding to the type of the specific touchscreen on the device
Android includes support for a variety of touchscreens, touch pads, and fake touch input devices. Touchscreen based device implementations are associated with a display [ Resources, 70 ] such that the user has the impression of directly manipulating items on screen. Since the user is directly touching the screen, the system does not require any additional affordances to indicate the objects being manipulated. In contrast, a fake touch interface provides a user input system that approximates a subset of touchscreen capabilities. For example, a mouse or remote control that drives an on-screen cursor approximates touch, but requires the user to first point or focus then click. Numerous input devices like the mouse, trackpad, gyro-based air mouse, gyro-pointer, joystick, and multi-touch trackpad can support fake touch interactions. Android 5.0 includes the feature constant android.hardware.faketouch, which corresponds to a high-fidelity non-touch (pointer-based) input device such as a mouse or trackpad that can adequately emulate touch-based input (including basic gesture support), and indicates that the device supports an emulated subset of touchscreen functionality. Device implementations that declare the fake touch feature MUST meet the fake touch requirements in section 7.2.5 .
Device implementations MUST report the correct feature corresponding to the type of input used. Device implementations that include a touchscreen (single-touch or better) MUST report the platform feature constant android.hardware.touchscreen. Device implementations that report the platform feature constant android.hardware.touchscreen MUST also report the platform feature constant android.hardware.faketouch. Device implementations that do not include a touchscreen (and rely on a pointer device only) MUST NOT report any touchscreen feature, and MUST report only android.hardware.faketouch if they meet the fake touch requirements in section 7.2.5 .
7.2.5. Fake Touch Input
Device implementations that declare support for android.hardware.faketouch:
- MUST report the absolute X and Y screen positions of the pointer location and display a visual pointer on the screen [ Resources, 71 ]
- MUST report touch event with the action code that specifies the state change that occurs on the pointer going down or up on the screen [ Resources, 71 ]
- MUST support pointer down and up on an object on the screen, which allows users to emulate tap on an object on the screen
- MUST support pointer down, pointer up, pointer down then pointer up in the same place on an object on the screen within a time threshold, which allows users to emulate double tap on an object on the screen [ Resources, 71 ]
- MUST support pointer down on an arbitrary point on the screen, pointer move to any other arbitrary point on the screen, followed by a pointer up, which allows users to emulate a touch drag
- MUST support pointer down then allow users to quickly move the object to a different position on the screen and then pointer up on the screen, which allows users to fling an object on the screen
Devices that declare support for android.hardware.faketouch.multitouch.distinct MUST meet the requirements for faketouch above, and MUST also support distinct tracking of two or more independent pointer inputs.
7.2.6. Game Controller Support
Android Television device implementations MUST support button mappings for game controllers as listed below. The upstream Android implementation includes implementation for game controllers that satisfies this requirement. Button Mappings
Android Television device implementations MUST support the following key mappings:
Bouton | HID Usage 2 | Android Button |
Un 1 | 0x09 0x0001 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_A (96) |
0x09 0x0002 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_B (97) | |
0x09 0x0004 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_X (99) | |
Y 1 | 0x09 0x0005 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_Y (100) |
D-pad up 1 | 0x01 0x00393 | |
0x01 0x00393 | ||
0x09 0x0007 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_L1 (102) | |
0x09 0x0008 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_R1 (103) | |
0x09 0x000E | KEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBL (106) | |
0x09 0x000F | KEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBR (107) | |
Maison 1 | 0x0c 0x0223 | KEYCODE_HOME (3) |
Retour 1 | 0x0c 0x0224 | KEYCODE_BACK (4) |
1 [ Resources, 72 ]
2 The above HID usages must be declared within a Game pad CA (0x01 0x0005).
3 This usage must have a Logical Minimum of 0, a Logical Maximum of 7, a Physical Minimum of 0, a Physical Maximum of 315, Units in Degrees, and a Report Size of 4. The logical value is defined to be the clockwise rotation away from the vertical axis; for example, a logical value of 0 represents no rotation and the up button being pressed, while a logical value of 1 represents a rotation of 45 degrees and both the up and left keys being pressed.
4 [ Resources, 71 ]
Analog Controls 1 | HID Usage | Android Button |
0x02 0x00C5 | AXIS_LTRIGGER | |
0x02 0x00C4 | AXIS_RTRIGGER | |
0x01 0x0030 0x01 0x0031 | AXIS_X AXIS_Y | |
0x01 0x0032 0x01 0x0035 | AXIS_Z AXIS_RZ |
1 [ Resources, 71 ]
7.2.7. Télécommande
Android Television device implementations SHOULD provide a remote control to allow users to access the TV interface. The remote control MAY be a physical remote or can be a software-based remote that is accessible from a mobile phone or tablet. The remote control MUST meet the requirements defined below.
- Search affordance —Device implementations MUST fire KEYCODE_SEARCH when the user invokes voice search either on the physical or software-based remote.
- Navigation —All Android Television remotes MUST include Back, Home, and Select buttons and support for D-pad events [ Resources, 72 ].
7.3. Capteurs
Android includes APIs for accessing a variety of sensor types. Devices implementations generally MAY omit these sensors, as provided for in the following subsections. If a device includes a particular sensor type that has a corresponding API for third-party developers, the device implementation MUST implement that API as described in the Android SDK documentation and the Android Open Source documentation on sensors [ Resources, 73 ]. For example, device implementations:
- MUST accurately report the presence or absence of sensors per the android.content.pm.PackageManager class [ Resources, 53]
- MUST return an accurate list of supported sensors via the SensorManager.getSensorList() and similar methods
- MUST behave reasonably for all other sensor APIs (for example, by returning true or false as appropriate when applications attempt to register listeners, not calling sensor listeners when the corresponding sensors are not present; etc.)
- MUST report all sensor measurements using the relevant International System of Units (metric) values for each sensor type as defined in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 74 ]
- SHOULD report the event time in nanoseconds as defined in the Android SDK documentation, representing the time the event happened and synchronized with the SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNano() clock. Existing and new Android devices are very strongly encouraged to meet these requirement so they will be able to upgrade to the future platform releases where this might become a REQUIRED component. The synchronization error SHOULD be below 100 milliseconds [ Resources, 75 ].
The list above is not comprehensive; the documented behavior of the Android SDK and the Android Open Source Documentations on Sensors [ Resources, 73 ] is to be considered authoritative.
Some sensor types are composite, meaning they can be derived from data provided by one or more other sensors. (Examples include the orientation sensor, and the linear acceleration sensor.) Device implementations SHOULD implement these sensor types, when they include the prerequisite physical sensors as described in [ Resources, 76 ]. If a device implementation includes a composite sensor it MUST implement the sensor as described in the Android Open Source documentation on composite sensors [ Resources, 76 ].
Some Android sensor supports a "continuous" trigger mode, which returns data continuously [ Resources, 77 ]. For any API indicated by the Android SDK documentation to be a continuous sensor, device implementations MUST continuously provide periodic data samples that SHOULD have a jitter below 3%, where jitter is defined as the standard deviation of the difference of the reported timestamp values between consecutive événements.
Note that the device implementations MUST ensure that the sensor event stream MUST NOT prevent the device CPU from entering a suspend state or waking up from a suspend state.
Finally, when several sensors are activated, the power consumption SHOULD NOT exceed the sum of the individual sensor's reported power consumption.
7.3.1. Accéléromètre
Device implementations SHOULD include a 3-axis accelerometer. Android Handheld devices and Android Watch devices are strongly encouraged to include this sensor. If a device implementation does include a 3-axis accelerometer, it:
- MUST implement and report TYPE_ACCELEROMETER sensor [ Resources, 78 ]
- MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least 100 Hz and SHOULD report events up to at least 200 Hz
- MUST comply with the Android sensor coordinate system as detailed in the Android APIs [ Resources, 74 ]
- MUST be capable of measuring from freefall up to four times the gravity (4g) or more on any axis
- MUST have a resolution of at least 8-bits and SHOULD have a resolution of at least 16-bits
- SHOULD be calibrated while in use if the characteristics changes over the life cycle and compensated, and preserve the compensation parameters between device reboots
- SHOULD be temperature compensated
- MUST have a standard deviation no greater than 0.05 m/s^, where the standard deviation should be calculated on a per axis basis on samples collected over a period of at least 3 seconds at the fastest sampling rate
- SHOULD implement the TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION, TYPE_TILT_DETECTOR, TYPE_STEP_DETECTOR, TYPE_STEP_COUNTER composite sensors as described in the Android SDK document. Existing and new Android devices are very strongly encouraged to implement the TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION composite sensor. If any of these sensors are implemented, the sum of their power consumption MUST always be less than 4 mW and SHOULD each be below 2 mW and 0.5 mW for when the device is in a dynamic or static condition.
- If a gyroscope sensor is included, MUST implement the TYPE_GRAVITY and TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION composite sensors and SHOULD implement the TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR composite sensor. Existing and new Android devices are strongly encouraged to implement the TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR sensor.
- SHOULD implement a TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR composite sensor, if a gyroscope sensor and a magnetometer sensor is also included
7.3.2. Magnétomètre
Device implementations SHOULD include a 3-axis magnetometer (compass). If a device does include a 3-axis magnetometer, it:
- MUST implement the TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD sensor and SHOULD also implement TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED sensor. Existing and new Android devices are strongly encouraged to implement the TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED sensor.
- MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least 10 Hz and SHOULD report events up to at least 50 Hz
- MUST comply with the Android sensor coordinate system as detailed in the Android APIs [ Resources, 74 ]
- MUST be capable of measuring between -900 μT and +900 μT on each axis before saturating
- MUST have a hard iron offset value less than 700 μT and SHOULD have a value below 200 μT, by placing the magnetometer far from dynamic (current-induced) and static (magnet-induced) magnetic fields
- MUST have a resolution equal or denser than 0.6 μT and SHOULD have a resolution equal or denser than 0.2 μT
- SHOULD be temperature compensated
- MUST support online calibration and compensation of the hard iron bias, and preserve the compensation parameters between device reboots
- MUST have the soft iron compensation applied—the calibration can be done either while in use or during the production of the device
- SHOULD have a standard deviation, calculated on a per axis basis on samples collected over a period of at least 3 seconds at the fastest sampling rate, no greater than 0.5 μT
- SHOULD implement a TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR composite sensor, if an accelerometer sensor and a gyroscope sensor is also included
- MAY implement the TYPE_GEOMAGNETIC_ROTATION_VECTOR sensor if an accelerometer sensor is also implemented. However if implemented, it MUST consume less than 10 mW and SHOULD consume less than 3 mW when the sensor is registered for batch mode at 10 Hz.
7.3.3. GPS
Device implementations SHOULD include a GPS receiver. If a device implementation does include a GPS receiver, it SHOULD include some form of "assisted GPS" technique to minimize GPS lock-on time.
7.3.4. Gyroscope
Device implementations SHOULD include a gyroscope (angular change sensor). Devices SHOULD NOT include a gyroscope sensor unless a 3-axis accelerometer is also included. If a device implementation includes a gyroscope, it:
- MUST implement the TYPE_GYROSCOPE sensor and SHOULD also implement TYPE_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED sensor. Existing and new Android devices are strongly encouraged to implement the SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED sensor.
- MUST be capable of measuring orientation changes up to 1,000 degrees per second
- MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least 100 Hz and SHOULD report events up to at least 200 Hz
- MUST have a resolution of 12-bits or more and SHOULD have a resolution of 16-bits or more
- MUST be temperature compensated
- MUST be calibrated and compensated while in use, and preserve the compensation parameters between device reboots
- MUST have a variance no greater than 1e-7 rad^2 / s^2 per Hz (variance per Hz, or rad^2 / s). The variance is allowed to vary with the sampling rate, but must be constrained by this value. In other words, if you measure the variance of the gyro at 1 Hz sampling rate it should be no greater than 1e-7 rad^2/s^2.
- SHOULD implement a TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR composite sensor, if an accelerometer sensor and a magnetometer sensor is also included
- If an accelerometer sensor is included, MUST implement the TYPE_GRAVITY and TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION composite sensors and SHOULD implement the TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR composite sensor. Existing and new Android devices are strongly encouraged to implement the TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR sensor.
7.3.5. Baromètre
Device implementations SHOULD include a barometer (ambient air pressure sensor). If a device implementation includes a barometer, it:
- MUST implement and report TYPE_PRESSURE sensor
- MUST be able to deliver events at 5 Hz or greater
- MUST have adequate precision to enable estimating altitude
- MUST be temperature compensated
7.3.6. Thermomètre
Device implementations MAY include an ambient thermometer (temperature sensor). If present, it MUST be defined as SENSOR_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE and it MUST measure the ambient (room) temperature in degrees Celsius.
Device implementations MAY but SHOULD NOT include a CPU temperature sensor. If present, it MUST be defined as SENSOR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE, it MUST measure the temperature of the device CPU, and it MUST NOT measure any other temperature. Note the SENSOR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE sensor type was deprecated in Android 4.0.
7.3.7. Photomètre
Device implementations MAY include a photometer (ambient light sensor).
7.3.8. Capteur de proximité
Device implementations MAY include a proximity sensor. Devices that can make a voice call and indicate any value other than PHONE_TYPE_NONE in getPhoneType SHOULD include a proximity sensor. If a device implementation does include a proximity sensor, it:
- MUST measure the proximity of an object in the same direction as the screen. That is, the proximity sensor MUST be oriented to detect objects close to the screen, as the primary intent of this sensor type is to detect a phone in use by the user. If a device implementation includes a proximity sensor with any other orientation, it MUST NOT be accessible through this API.
- MUST have 1-bit of accuracy or more
7.4. Data Connectivity
7.4.1. Téléphonie
"Telephony" as used by the Android APIs and this document refers specifically to hardware related to placing voice calls and sending SMS messages via a GSM or CDMA network. While these voice calls may or may not be packet-switched, they are for the purposes of Android considered independent of any data connectivity that may be implemented using the same network. In other words, the Android "telephony" functionality and APIs refer specifically to voice calls and SMS. For instance, device implementations that cannot place calls or send/receive SMS messages MUST NOT report the android.hardware.telephony feature or any subfeatures, regardless of whether they use a cellular network for data connectivity.
Android MAY be used on devices that do not include telephony hardware. That is, Android is compatible with devices that are not phones. However, if a device implementation does include GSM or CDMA telephony, it MUST implement full support for the API for that technology. Device implementations that do not include telephony hardware MUST implement the full APIs as no-ops.
7.4.2. IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi)
Android Television device implementations MUST include Wi-Fi support. |
Android Television device implementations MUST include support for one or more forms of 802.11 (b/g/a/n, etc.) and other types of Android device implementation SHOULD include support for one or more forms of 802.11. If a device implementation does include support for 802.11 and exposes the functionality to a third-party application, it MUST implement the corresponding Android API and:
- MUST report the hardware feature flag android.hardware.wifi
- MUST implement the multicast API as described in the SDK documentation [ Resources, 79 ]
- MUST support multicast DNS (mDNS) and MUST NOT filter mDNS packets ( at any time of operation including when the screen is not in an active state Wi-Fi Direct
Device implementations SHOULD include support for Wi-Fi Direct (Wi-Fi peer-to-peer). If a device implementation does include support for Wi-Fi Direct, it MUST implement the corresponding Android API as described in the SDK documentation [ Resources, 80 ]. If a device implementation includes support for Wi-Fi Direct, then it:
- MUST report the hardware feature android.hardware.wifi.direct
- MUST support regular Wi-Fi operation
- SHOULD support concurrent Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct operation Wi-Fi Tunneled Direct Link Setup
Android Television device implementations MUST include support for Wi-Fi Tunneled Direct Link Setup (TDLS). |
Android Television device implementations MUST include support for Wi-Fi Tunneled Direct Link Setup (TDLS) and other types of Android device implementations SHOULD include support for Wi-Fi TDLS as described in the Android SDK Documentation [ Resources, 81 ]. If a device implementation does include support for TDLS and TDLS is enabled by the WiFiManager API, the device:
- SHOULD use TDLS only when it is possible AND beneficial
- SHOULD have some heuristic and NOT use TDLS when its performance might be worse than going through the Wi-Fi access point
7.4.3. Bluetooth
Android Television device implementations MUST support Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE and Android Watch device implementations MUST support Bluetooth. |
Android includes support for Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy [ Resources, 82 ]. Device implementations that include support for Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy MUST declare the relevant platform features (android.hardware.bluetooth and android.hardware.bluetooth_le respectively) and implement the platform APIs. Device implementations SHOULD implement relevant Bluetooth profiles such as A2DP, AVCP, OBEX, etc. as appropriate for the device. Android Television device implementations MUST support Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE.
Device implementations including support for Bluetooth Low Energy:
- MUST declare the hardware feature android.hardware.bluetooth_le
- MUST enable the GATT (generic attribute profile) based Bluetooth APIs as described in the SDK documentation and [ Resources, 82 ]
- SHOULD support offloading of the filtering logic to the bluetooth chipset when implementing the ScanFilter API [ Resources, 83 ], and MUST report the correct value of where the filtering logic is implemented whenever queried via the android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.isOffloadedFilteringSupported() method
- SHOULD support offloading of the batched scanning to the bluetooth chipset, but if not supported, MUST report 'false' whenever queried via the android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapater.isOffloadedScanBatchingSupported() method.
- SHOULD support multi advertisement with at least 4 slots, but if not supported, MUST report 'false' whenever queried via the android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.isMultipleAdvertisementSupported() method
7.4.4. Near Field Communications
Device implementations SHOULD include a transceiver and related hardware for Near-Field Communications (NFC). If a device implementation does include NFC hardware and plans to make it available to third-party apps, then it:
- MUST report the android.hardware.nfc feature from the android.content.pm.PackageManager.hasSystemFeature() method [ Resources, 53 ]
- MUST be capable of reading and writing NDEF messages via the following NFC standards:
- MUST be capable of acting as an NFC Forum reader/writer (as defined by the NFC Forum technical specification NFCForum-TS-DigitalProtocol-1.0) via the following NFC standards:
- NfcA (ISO14443-3A)
- NfcB (ISO14443-3B)
- NfcF (JIS 6319-4)
- IsoDep (ISO 14443-4)
- NFC Forum Tag Types 1, 2, 3, 4 (defined by the NFC Forum)
- SHOULD be capable of reading and writing NDEF messages via the following NFC standards. Note that while the NFC standards below are stated as SHOULD, the Compatibility Definition for a future version is planned to change these to MUST. These standards are optional in this version but will be required in future versions. Existing and new devices that run this version of Android are very strongly encouraged to meet these requirements now so they will be able to upgrade to the future platform releases.
- NfcV (ISO 15693)
- MUST be capable of transmitting and receiving data via the following peer-to-peer standards and protocols:
- ISO 18092
- LLCP 1.0 (defined by the NFC Forum)
- SDP 1.0 (defined by the NFC Forum)
- NDEF Push Protocol [ Resources, 84 ]
- SNEP 1.0 (defined by the NFC Forum)
- MUST include support for Android Beam [ Resources, 85 ]:
- MUST implement the SNEP default server. Valid NDEF messages received by the default SNEP server MUST be dispatched to applications using the android.nfc.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intent. Disabling Android Beam in settings MUST NOT disable dispatch of incoming NDEF message.
- MUST honor the android.settings.NFCSHARING_SETTINGS intent to show NFC sharing settings [ Resources, 86 ]
- MUST implement the NPP server. Messages received by the NPP server MUST be processed the same way as the SNEP default server.
- MUST implement a SNEP client and attempt to send outbound P2P NDEF to the default SNEP server when Android Beam is enabled. If no default SNEP server is found then the client MUST attempt to send to an NPP server.
- MUST allow foreground activities to set the outbound P2P NDEF message using android.nfc.NfcAdapter.setNdefPushMessage, and android.nfc.NfcAdapter.setNdefPushMessageCallback, and android.nfc.NfcAdapter.enableForegroundNdefPush
- SHOULD use a gesture or on-screen confirmation, such as 'Touch to Beam', before sending outbound P2P NDEF messages
- SHOULD enable Android Beam by default and MUST be able to send and receive using Android Beam, even when another proprietary NFC P2p mode is turned on
- MUST support NFC Connection handover to Bluetooth when the device supports Bluetooth Object Push Profile. Device implementations MUST support connection handover to Bluetooth when using android.nfc.NfcAdapter.setBeamPushUris, by implementing the "Connection Handover version 1.2" [ Resources, 87 ] and "Bluetooth Secure Simple Pairing Using NFC version 1.0" [ Resources, 88 ] specs from the NFC Forum. Such an implementation MUST implement the handover LLCP service with service name "urn:nfc:sn:handover" for exchanging the handover request/select records over NFC, and it MUST use the Bluetooth Object Push Profile for the actual Bluetooth data transfer. For legacy reasons (to remain compatible with Android 4.1 devices), the implementation SHOULD still accept SNEP GET requests for exchanging the handover request/select records over NFC. However an implementation itself SHOULD NOT send SNEP GET requests for performing connection handover.
- MUST poll for all supported technologies while in NFC discovery mode
- SHOULD be in NFC discovery mode while the device is awake with the screen active and the lock-screen unlocked
- MUST be capable of acting as an NFC Forum reader/writer (as defined by the NFC Forum technical specification NFCForum-TS-DigitalProtocol-1.0) via the following NFC standards:
(Note that publicly available links are not available for the JIS, ISO, and NFC Forum specifications cited above.)
Android 5.0 includes support for NFC Host Card Emulation (HCE) mode. If a device implementation does include an NFC controller capable of HCE and Application ID (AID) routing, then it:
- MUST report the android.hardware.nfc.hce feature constant
- MUST support NFC HCE APIs as defined in the Android SDK [ Resources, 10 ]
Additionally, device implementations MAY include reader/writer support for the following MIFARE technologies.
- MIFARE Classic
- MIFARE Ultralight
- NDEF on MIFARE Classic
Note that Android includes APIs for these MIFARE types. If a device implementation supports MIFARE in the reader/writer role, it:
- MUST implement the corresponding Android APIs as documented by the Android SDK
- MUST report the feature com.nxp.mifare from the android.content.pm.PackageManager.hasSystemFeature() meth od [Resources, 53] . Note that this is not a standard Android feature and as such does not appear as a constant on the PackageManager class.
- MUST NOT implement the corresponding Android APIs nor report the com.nxp.mifare feature unless it also implements general NFC support as described in this section
If a device implementation does not include NFC hardware, it MUST NOT declare the android.hardware.nfc feature from the android.content.pm.PackageManager.hasSystemFeature() method [ Resources, 53] , and MUST implement the Android NFC API as a no-op.
As the classes android.nfc.NdefMessage and android.nfc.NdefRecord represent a protocol-independent data representation format, device implementations MUST implement these APIs even if they do not include support for NFC or declare the android.hardware.nfc feature.
7.4.5. Minimum Network Capability
Device implementations MUST include support for one or more forms of data networking. Specifically, device implementations MUST include support for at least one data standard capable of 200Kbit/sec or greater. Examples of technologies that satisfy this requirement include EDGE, HSPA, EV-DO, 802.11g, Ethernet, Bluetooth PAN, etc.
Device implementations where a physical networking standard (such as Ethernet) is the primary data connection SHOULD also include support for at least one common wireless data standard, such as 802.11 (Wi-Fi).
Devices MAY implement more than one form of data connectivity.
7.4.6. Sync Settings
Device implementations MUST have the master auto-sync setting on by default so that the method getMasterSyncAutomatically() returns "true" [ Resources, 89 ].
7.5. Appareils photo
Device implementations SHOULD include a rear-facing camera and MAY include a front-facing camera. A rear-facing camera is a camera located on the side of the device opposite the display; that is, it images scenes on the far side of the device, like a traditional camera. A front-facing camera is a camera located on the same side of the device as the display; that is, a camera typically used to image the user, such as for video conferencing and similar applications.
If a device implementation includes at least one camera, it SHOULD be possible for an application to simultaneously allocate 3 bitmaps equal to the size of the images produced by the largest-resolution camera sensor on the device.
7.5.1. Caméra orientée vers l'arrière
Device implementations SHOULD include a rear-facing camera. If a device implementation includes at least one rear-facing camera, it:
- MUST report the feature flag android.hardware.camera and android.hardware.camera.any
- MUST have a resolution of at least 2 megapixels
- SHOULD have either hardware auto-focus or software auto-focus implemented in the camera driver (transparent to application software)
- MAY have fixed-focus or EDOF (extended depth of field) hardware
- MAY include a flash. If the Camera includes a flash, the flash lamp MUST NOT be lit while an android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback instance has been registered on a Camera preview surface, unless the application has explicitly enabled the flash by enabling the FLASH_MODE_AUTO or FLASH_MODE_ON attributes of a Camera.Parameters object. Note that this constraint does not apply to the device's built-in system camera application, but only to third-party applications using Camera.PreviewCallback.
7.5.2. Avant face à la caméra
Device implementations MAY include a front-facing camera. If a device implementation includes at least one front-facing camera, it:
- MUST report the feature flag android.hardware.camera.any and android.hardware.camera.front
- MUST have a resolution of at least VGA (640x480 pixels)
- MUST NOT use a front-facing camera as the default for the Camera API. The camera API in Android has specific support for front-facing cameras and device implementations MUST NOT configure the API to to treat a front-facing camera as the default rear-facing camera, even if it is the only camera on the device.
- MAY include features (such as auto-focus, flash, etc.) available to rear-facing cameras as described in section 7.5.1
- MUST horizontally reflect (ie mirror) the stream displayed by an app in a CameraPreview, as follows:
- If the device implementation is capable of being rotated by user (such as automatically via an accelerometer or manually via user input), the camera preview MUST be mirrored horizontally relative to the device's current orientation.
- If the current application has explicitly requested that the Camera display be rotated via a call to the android.hardware.Camera.setDisplayOrientation()[ Resources, 90 ] method, the camera preview MUST be mirrored horizontally relative to the orientation specified by the application.
- Otherwise, the preview MUST be mirrored along the device's default horizontal axis.
- MUST mirror the image displayed by the postview in the same manner as the camera preview image stream. If the device implementation does not support postview, this requirement obviously does not apply.
- MUST NOT mirror the final captured still image or video streams returned to application callbacks or committed to media storage
7.5.3. Caméra externe
Device implementations with USB host mode MAY include support for an external camera that connects to the USB port. If a device includes support for an external camera, it:
- MUST declare the platform feature android.hardware.camera.external and android.hardware camera.any
- MUST support USB Video Class (UVC 1.0 or higher)
- MAY support multiple cameras
Video compression (such as MJPEG) support is RECOMMENDED to enable transfer of high-quality unencoded streams (ie raw or independently compressed picture streams). Camera-based video encoding MAY be supported. If so, a simultaneous unencoded/ MJPEG stream (QVGA or greater resolution) MUST be accessible to the device implementation.
7.5.4. Camera API Behavior
Android includes two API packages to access the camera, the newer android.hardware.camera2 API expose lower-level camera control to the app, including efficient zero-copy burst/streaming flows and per-frame controls of exposure, gain, white balance gains, color conversion, denoising, sharpening, and more.
The older API package, android.hardware.Camera, is marked as deprecated in Android 5.0 but as it should still be available for apps to use Android device implementations MUST ensure the continued support of the API as described in this section and in the Android SDK .
Device implementations MUST implement the following behaviors for the camera-related APIs, for all available cameras:
- If an application has never called android.hardware.Camera.Parameters.setPreviewFormat(int), then the device MUST use android.hardware.PixelFormat.YCbCr_420_SP for preview data provided to application callbacks.
- If an application registers an android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback instance and the system calls the onPreviewFrame() method when the preview format is YCbCr_420_SP, the data in the byte[] passed into onPreviewFrame() must further be in the NV21 encoding format. That is, NV21 MUST be the default.
- For android.hardware.Camera, device implementations MUST support the YV12 format (as denoted by the android.graphics.ImageFormat.YV12 constant) for camera previews for both front- and rear-facing cameras. (The hardware video encoder and camera may use any native pixel format, but the device implementation MUST support conversion to YV12.)
- For android.hardware.camera2, device implementations must support the android.hardware.ImageFormat.YUV_420_888 and android.hardware.ImageFormat.JPEG formats as outputs through the android.media.ImageReader API.
Device implementations MUST still implement the full Camera API included in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 91 ], regardless of whether the device includes hardware autofocus or other capabilities. For instance, cameras that lack autofocus MUST still call any registered android.hardware.Camera.AutoFocusCallback instances (even though this has no relevance to a non-autofocus camera.) Note that this does apply to front-facing cameras; for instance, even though most front-facing cameras do not support autofocus, the API callbacks must still be "faked" as described.
Device implementations MUST recognize and honor each parameter name defined as a constant on the android.hardware.Camera.Parameters class, if the underlying hardware supports the feature. If the device hardware does not support a feature, the API must behave as documented. Conversely, device implementations MUST NOT honor or recognize string constants passed to the android.hardware.Camera.setParameters() method other than those documented as constants on the android.hardware.Camera.Parameters. That is, device implementations MUST support all standard Camera parameters if the hardware allows, and MUST NOT support custom Camera parameter types. For instance, device implementations that support image capture using high dynamic range (HDR) imaging techniques MUST support camera parameter Camera.SCENE_MODE_HDR [ Resources, 92 ].
Because not all device implementations can fully support all the features of the android.hardware.camera2 API, device implementations MUST report the proper level of support with the android.info.supportedHardwareLevel property as described in the Android SDK [ Resources, 93] and report the appropriate framework feature flags [ Resources, 94] .
Device implementations MUST also declare its Individual camera capabilities of android.hardware.camera2 via the android.request.availableCapabilities property and declare the appropriate feature flags [ Resources, 94] ; a device must define the feature flag if any of its attached camera devices supports the feature.
Device implementations MUST broadcast the Camera.ACTION_NEW_PICTURE intent whenever a new picture is taken by the camera and the entry of the picture has been added to the media store.
Device implementations MUST broadcast the Camera.ACTION_NEW_VIDEO intent whenever a new video is recorded by the camera and the entry of the picture has been added to the media store.
7.5.5. Camera Orientation
Both front- and rear-facing cameras, if present, MUST be oriented so that the long dimension of the camera aligns with the screen's long dimension. That is, when the device is held in the landscape orientation, cameras MUST capture images in the landscape orientation. This applies regardless of the device's natural orientation; that is, it applies to landscape-primary devices as well as portrait-primary devices.
7.6. Mémoire et stockage
7.6.1. Minimum Memory and Storage
Android Television devices MUST have at least 5GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data. |
The memory available to the kernel and userspace on device implementations MUST be at least equal or larger than the minimum values specified by the following table. (See section 7.1.1 for screen size and density definitions.)
Density and screen size | 32-bit device | 64-bit device |
Android Watch devices (due to smaller screens) | 416 Mo | N'est pas applicable |
xhdpi or lower on small/normal screens hdpi or lower on large screens mdpi or lower on extra large screens | 512 Mo | 832MB |
400dpi or higher on small/normal screens xhdpi or higher on large screens tvdpi or higher on extra large screens | 896MB | 1280MB |
560dpi or higher on small/normal screens 400dpi or higher on large screens xhdpi or higher on extra large screens | 1344MB | 1824MB |
The minimum memory values MUST be in addition to any memory space already dedicated to hardware components such as radio, video, and so on that is not under the kernel's control.
Android Television devices MUST have at least 5GB and other device implementations MUST have at least 1.5GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data. That is, the /data partition MUST be at least 5GB for Android Television devices and at least 1.5GB for other device implementations. Device implementations that run Android are very strongly encouraged to have at least 3GB of non-volatile storage for application private data so they will be able to upgrade to the future platform releases.
The Android APIs include a Download Manager that applications MAY use to download data files [ Resources, 95 ]. The device implementation of the Download Manager MUST be capable of downloading individual files of at least 100MB in size to the default "cache" location.
7.6.2. Application Shared Storage
Device implementations MUST offer shared storage for applications also often referred as “shared external storage”.
Device implementations MUST be configured with shared storage mounted by default, "out of the box". If the shared storage is not mounted on the Linux path /sdcard, then the device MUST include a Linux symbolic link from /sdcard to the actual mount point.
Device implementations MAY have hardware for user-accessible removable storage, such as a Secure Digital (SD) card slot. If this slot is used to satisfy the shared storage requirement, the device implementation:
- MUST implement a toast or pop-up user interface warning the user when there is no SD card
- MUST include a FAT-formatted SD card 1GB in size or larger OR show on the box and other material available at time of purchase that the SD card has to be separately purchased
- MUST mount the SD card by default
Alternatively, device implementations MAY allocate internal (non-removable) storage as shared storage for apps as included in the upstream Android Open Source Project; device implementations SHOULD use this configuration and software implementation. If a device implementation uses internal (non-removable) storage to satisfy the shared storage requirement, that storage MUST be 1GB in size or larger and mounted on /sdcard (or /sdcard MUST be a symbolic link to the physical location if it is mounted autre part).
Device implementations MUST enforce as documented the android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission on this shared storage. Shared storage MUST otherwise be writable by any application that obtains that permission.
Device implementations that include multiple shared storage paths (such as both an SD card slot and shared internal storage) MUST allow only pre-installed & privileged Android applications with the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to write to the secondary external storage, except for the package-specific directories on the secondary external storage, but SHOULD expose content from both storage paths transparently through Android's media scanner service and android.provider.MediaStore.
Regardless of the form of shared storage used, device implementations MUST provide some mechanism to access the contents of shared storage from a host computer, such as USB mass storage (UMS) or Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). Device implementations MAY use USB mass storage, but SHOULD use Media Transfer Protocol. If the device implementation supports Media Transfer Protocol, it:
- SHOULD be compatible with the reference Android MTP host, Android File Transfer [ Resources, 96 ]
- SHOULD report a USB device class of 0x00
- SHOULD report a USB interface name of 'MTP'
If the device implementation lacks USB ports, it MUST provide a host computer with access to the contents of shared storage by some other means, such as a network file system.
7.7. USB
Device implementations SHOULD support USB peripheral mode and SHOULD support USB host mode.
If a device implementation includes a USB port supporting peripheral mode:
- The port MUST be connectable to a USB host that has a standard type-A or type -C USB port.
- The port SHOULD use micro-B, micro-AB or Type-C USB form factor. Existing and new Android devices are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to meet these requirements so they will be able to upgrade to future platform releases.
- The port SHOULD either be located on the bottom of the device (according to natural orientation) or enable software screen rotation for all apps (including home screen), so that the display draws correctly when the device is oriented with the port at bottom. Existing and new Android devices are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to meet these requirements so they will be able to upgrade to future platform releases.
- It SHOULD implement the Android Open Accessory (AOA) API and specification as documented in the Android SDK documentation, and if it is an Android Handheld device it MUST implement the AOA API. Device implementations implementing the AOA specification:
- MUST declare support for the hardware feature android.hardware.usb.accessory [ Resources, 97 ]
- MUST implement the USB audio class as documented in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 98 ]
- It SHOULD implement support to draw 1.5 A current during HS chirp and traffic as specified in the USB Battery Charging Specification, Revision 1.2 [ Resources, 99 ]. Existing and new Android devices are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to meet these requirements so they will be able to upgrade to the future platform releases.
- The value of iSerialNumber in USB standard device descriptor MUST be equal to the value of android.os.Build.SERIAL.
If a device implementation includes a USB port supporting host mode, it:
- SHOULD use a type-C USB port, if the device implementation supports USB 3.1
- MAY use a non-standard port form factor, but if so MUST ship with a cable or cables adapting the port to a standard type-A or type-C USB port
- MAY use a micro-AB USB port, but if so SHOULD ship with a cable or cables adapting the port to a standard type-A or type-C USB port
- is very strongly RECOMMENDED to implement the USB audio class as documented in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 98 ]
- MUST implement the Android USB host API as documented in the Android SDK, and MUST declare support for the hardware feature android.hardware.usb.host [ Resources, 100 ]
- SHOULD support the Charging Downstream Port output current range of 1.5 A ~ 5 A as specified in the USB Battery Charging Specification, Revision 1.2 [ Resources, 99 ].
7.8. l'audio
7.8.1. Microphone
Android Handheld and Watch devices MUST include a microphone. |
Device implementations MAY omit a microphone. However, if a device implementation omits a microphone, it MUST NOT report the android.hardware.microphone feature constant, and MUST implement the audio recording API at least as no-ops, per section 7 . Conversely, device implementations that do possess a microphone:
- MUST report the android.hardware.microphone feature constant
- MUST meet the audio recording requirements in section 5.4
- MUST meet the audio latency requirements in section 5.6
7.8.2. Sortie audio
Android Watch devices MAY include an audio output. |
Device implementations including a speaker or with an audio/multimedia output port for an audio output peripheral as a headset or an external speaker:
- MUST report the android.hardware.audio.output feature constant
- MUST meet the audio playback requirements in section 5.5
- MUST meet the audio latency requirements in section 5.6
Conversely, if a device implementation does not include a speaker or audio output port, it MUST NOT report the android.hardware.audio output feature, and MUST implement the Audio Output related APIs as no-ops at least.
Android Watch device implementation MAY but SHOULD NOT have audio output, but other types of Android device implementations MUST have an audio output and declare android.hardware.audio.output. Analog Audio Ports
In order to be compatible with the headsets and other audio accessories using the 3.5mm audio plug across the Android ecosystem [ Resources, 101 ], if a device implementation includes one or more analog audio ports, at least one of the audio port(s) SHOULD be a 4 conductor 3.5mm audio jack. If a device implementation has a 4 conductor 3.5mm audio jack, it:
- MUST support audio playback to stereo headphones and stereo headsets with a microphone, and SHOULD support audio recording from stereo headsets with a microphone
- MUST support TRRS audio plugs with the CTIA pin-out order, and SHOULD support audio plugs with the OMTP pin-out order
- MUST support the detection of microphone on the plugged in audio accessory, if the device implementation supports a microphone, and broadcast the android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG with the extra value microphone set as 1
- SHOULD support the detection and mapping to the keycodes for the following 3 ranges of equivalent impedance between the microphone and ground conductors on the audio plug:
- 70 ohm or less : KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK
- 210–290 Ohm : KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP
- SHOULD support the detection and mapping to the keycode for the following range of equivalent impedance between the microphone and ground conductors on the audio plug:
- MUST trigger ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG upon a plug insert, but only after all contacts on plug are touching their relevant segments on the jack
- MUST be capable of driving at least 150mV +/- 10% of output voltage on a 32 Ohm speaker impedance
- MUST have a microphone bias voltage between 1.8V ~ 2.9V
8. Performance Compatibility
Some minimum performance criterias are critical to the user experience and impacts the baseline assumptions developers would have when developing an app. Android Watch devices SHOULD and other type of device implementations MUST meet the following criteria:
8.1. User Experience Consistency
Device implementations MUST provide a smooth user interface by ensuring a consistent frame rate and response times for applications and games. Device implementations MUST meet the following requirements:
- Consistent frame latency Inconsistent frame latency or a delay to render frames MUST NOT happen more often than 5 frames in a second, and SHOULD be below 1 frames in a second.
- User interface latency Device implementations MUST ensure low latency user experience by scrolling a list of 10K list entries as defined by the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) in less than 36 secs.
- Task switching When multiple applications have been launched, re-launching an already-running application after it has been launched MUST take less than 1 second.
8.2. File I/O Access Performance
Device implementations MUST ensure file access performance consistency for read and write operations.
- Sequential write Device implementations MUST ensure a sequential write performance of 5MB/s for a 256MB file using 10MB write buffer.
- Random write Device implementations MUST ensure a random write performance of 0.5MB/s for a 256MB file using 4KB write buffer.
- Sequential read Device implementations MUST ensure a sequential read performance of 15MB/s for a 256MB file using 10MB write buffer.
- Random read Device implementations MUST ensure a random read performance of 3.5MB/s for a 256MB file using 4KB write buffer.
9. Security Model Compatibility
Device implementations MUST implement a security model consistent with the Android platform security model as defined in Security and Permissions reference document in the APIs [ Resources, 102 ] in the Android developer documentation. Device implementations MUST support installation of self-signed applications without requiring any additional permissions/certificates from any third parties/authorities. Specifically, compatible devices MUST support the security mechanisms described in the follow subsections.
9.1. Autorisations
Device implementations MUST support the Android permissions model as defined in the Android developer documentation [ Resources, 102 ]. Specifically, implementations MUST enforce each permission defined as described in the SDK documentation; no permissions may be omitted, altered, or ignored. Implementations MAY add additional permissions, provided the new permission ID strings are not in the android.* namespace.
9.2. UID and Process Isolation
Device implementations MUST support the Android application sandbox model, in which each application runs as a unique Unixstyle UID and in a separate process. Device implementations MUST support running multiple applications as the same Linux user ID, provided that the applications are properly signed and constructed, as defined in the Security and Permissions reference [ Resources, 102 ].
9.3. Autorisations du système de fichiers
Device implementations MUST support the Android file access permissions model as defined in the Security and Permissions reference [ Resources, 102 ].
9.4. Alternate Execution Environments
Device implementations MAY include runtime environments that execute applications using some other software or technology than the Dalvik Executable Format or native code. However, such alternate execution environments MUST NOT compromise the Android security model or the security of installed Android applications, as described in this section.
Alternate runtimes MUST themselves be Android applications, and abide by the standard Android security model, as described elsewhere in section 9 .
Alternate runtimes MUST NOT be granted access to resources protected by permissions not requested in the runtime's AndroidManifest.xml file via the
Alternate runtimes MUST NOT permit applications to make use of features protected by Android permissions restricted to system applications.
Alternate runtimes MUST abide by the Android sandbox model. Specifically, alternate runtimes:
- SHOULD install apps via the PackageManager into separate Android sandboxes ( Linux user IDs, etc.)
- MAY provide a single Android sandbox shared by all applications using the alternate runtime
- and installed applications using an alternate runtime, MUST NOT reuse the sandbox of any other app installed on the device, except through the standard Android mechanisms of shared user ID and signing certificate
- MUST NOT launch with, grant, or be granted access to the sandboxes corresponding to other Android applications
- MUST NOT be launched with, be granted, or grant to other applications any privileges of the superuser (root), or of any other user ID
The .apk files of alternate runtimes MAY be included in the system image of a device implementation, but MUST be signed with a key distinct from the key used to sign other applications included with the device implementation.
When installing applications, alternate runtimes MUST obtain user consent for the Android permissions used by the application. If an application needs to make use of a device resource for which there is a corresponding Android permission (such as Camera, GPS, etc.), the alternate runtime MUST inform the user that the application will be able to access that resource. If the runtime environment does not record application capabilities in this manner, the runtime environment MUST list all permissions held by the runtime itself when installing any application using that runtime.
9.5. Multi-User Support
This feature is optional for all device types. |
Android includes support for multiple users and provides support for full user isolation [ Resources, 103] . Device implementations MAY enable multiple users, but when enabled MUST meet the following requirements related to multi-user support [ Resources, 104 ]:
- Device implementations that do not declare the android.hardware.telephony feature flag MUST support restricted profiles, a feature that allows device owners to manage additional users and their capabilities on the device. With restricted profiles, device owners can quickly set up separate environments for additional users to work in, with the ability to manage finer-grained restrictions in the apps that are available in those environments.
- Conversely device implementations that declare the android.hardware.telephony feature flag MUST NOT support restricted profiles but MUST align with the AOSP implementation of controls to enable /disable other users from accessing the voice calls and SMS.
- Device implementations MUST, for each user, implement a security model consistent with the Android platform security model as defined in Security and Permissions reference document in the APIs [ Resources, 102 ]
- Device implementations MAY support creating users and managed profiles via the android.app.admin.DevicePolicyManager APIs, and if supported, MUST declare the platform feature flag android.software.managed_users.
- Device implementations that declare the feature flag android.software.managed_users MUST use the upstream AOSP icon badge to represent the managed applications and other badge UI elements like Recents & Notifications.
- Each user instance on an Android device MUST have separate and isolated external storage directories. Device implementations MAY store multiple users' data on the same volume or filesystem. However, the device implementation MUST ensure that applications owned by and running on behalf a given user cannot list, read, or write to data owned by any other user. Note that removable media, such as SD card slots, can allow one user to access another's data by means of a host PC. For this reason, device implementations that use removable media for the primary external storage APIs MUST encrypt the contents of the SD card if multiuser is enabled using a key stored only on non-removable media accessible only to the system. As this will make the media unreadable by a host PC, device implementations will be required to switch to MTP or a similar system to provide host PCs with access to the current user's data. Accordingly, device implementations MAY but SHOULD NOT enable multi-user if they use removable media [ Resources, 105 ] for primary external storage.
9.6. Premium SMS Warning
Android includes support for warning users of any outgoing premium SMS message [ Resources, 106 ] . Premium SMS messages are text messages sent to a service registered with a carrier that may incur a charge to the user. Device implementations that declare support for android.hardware.telephony MUST warn users before sending a SMS message to numbers identified by regular expressions defined in /data/misc/sms/codes.xml file in the device. The upstream Android Open Source Project provides an implementation that satisfies this requirement.
9.7. Kernel Security Features
The Android Sandbox includes features that use the Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) mandatory access control (MAC) system and other security features in the Linux kernel. SELinux or any other security features implemented below the Android framework:
- MUST maintain compatibility with existing applications
- MUST NOT have a visible user interface when a security violation is detected and successfully blocked, but MAY have a visible user interface when an unblocked security violation occurs resulting in a successful exploit
- SHOULD NOT be user or developer configurable
If any API for configuration of policy is exposed to an application that can affect another application (such as a Device Administration API), the API MUST NOT allow configurations that break compatibility.
Devices MUST implement SELinux or, if using a kernel other than Linux, an equivalent mandatory access control system. Devices must also meet the following requirements, which are satisfied by the reference implementation in the upstream Android Open Source Project.
Device implementations:
- MUST set SELinux to global enforcing mode,
- MUST configure all domains in enforcing mode. No permissive mode domains are allowed, including domains specific to a device/vendor.
- MUST NOT modify, omit, or replace the neverallow rules present within the external/sepolicy folder provided in the upstream Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and the policy MUST compile with all neverallow rules present, for both AOSP SELinux domains as well as device/vendor specific domains.
Device implementations SHOULD retain the default SELinux policy provided in the external/sepolicy folder of the upstream Android Open Source Project and only further add to this policy for their own device-specific configuration. Device implementations MUST be compatible with the upstream Android Open Source Project.
9.8. Confidentialité
If the device implements functionality in the system that captures the contents displayed on the screen and/or records the audio stream played on the device, it MUST continuously notify the user whenever this functionality is enabled and actively capturing/recording.
9.9. Chiffrement complet du disque
Optional for Android device implementations without a lock screen. |
If the device implementation has a lock screen, the device MUST support full-disk encryption of the application private data, (/data partition) as well as the SD card partition if it is a permanent, non-removable part of the device [ Resources, 107 ]. For devices supporting full-disk encryption, the full-disk encryption SHOULD be enabled all the time after the user has completed the out-of-box experience. While this requirement is stated as SHOULD for this version of the Android platform, it is very strongly RECOMMENDED as we expect this to change to MUST in the future versions of Android. Encryption MUST use AES with a key of 128-bits (or greater) and a mode designed for storage (for example, AES-XTS, AES-CBC-ESSIV). The encryption key MUST NOT be written to storage at any time without being encrypted. Other than when in active use, the encryption key SHOULD be AES encrypted with the lockscreen passcode stretched using a slow stretching algorithm (eg PBKDF2 or scrypt). If the user has not specified a lockscreen passcode or has disabled use of the passcode for encryption, the system SHOULD use a default passcode to wrap the encryption key. If the device provides a hardware-backed keystore, the password stretching algorithm MUST be cryptographically bound to that keystore. The encryption key MUST NOT be sent off the device (even when wrapped with the user passcode and/or hardware bound key). The upstream Android Open Source project provides a preferred implementation of this feature based on the linux kernel feature dm-crypt.
9.10. Démarrage vérifié
Device implementations SHOULD support verified boot for device integrity, and if the feature is supported it MUST declare the platform feature flag android.software.verified_boot. While this requirement is stated as SHOULD for this version of the Android platform, it is very strongly RECOMMENDED as we expect this to change to MUST in the future versions of Android. The upstream Android Open Source Project provides a preferred implementation of this feature based on the linux kernel feature dm-verity.
10. Software Compatibility Testing
Device implementations MUST pass all tests described in this section.
However, note that no software test package is fully comprehensive. For this reason, device implementers are very strongly encouraged to make the minimum number of changes as possible to the reference and preferred implementation of Android available from the Android Open Source Project. This will minimize the risk of introducing bugs that create incompatibilities requiring rework and potential device updates.
10.1. Compatibility Test Suite
Device implementations MUST pass the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) [ Resources, 108 ] available from the Android Open Source Project, using the final shipping software on the device. Additionally, device implementers SHOULD use the reference implementation in the Android Open Source tree as much as possible, and MUST ensure compatibility in cases of ambiguity in CTS and for any reimplementations of parts of the reference source code.
The CTS is designed to be run on an actual device. Like any software, the CTS may itself contain bugs. The CTS will be versioned independently of this Compatibility Definition, and multiple revisions of the CTS may be released for Android 5.0. Device implementations MUST pass the latest CTS version available at the time the device software is completed.
10.2. Vérificateur CTS
Device implementations MUST correctly execute all applicable cases in the CTS Verifier. The CTS Verifier is included with the Compatibility Test Suite, and is intended to be run by a human operator to test functionality that cannot be tested by an automated system, such as correct functioning of a camera and sensors.
The CTS Verifier has tests for many kinds of hardware, including some hardware that is optional. Device implementations MUST pass all tests for hardware that they possess; for instance, if a device possesses an accelerometer, it MUST correctly execute the Accelerometer test case in the CTS Verifier. Test cases for features noted as optional by this Compatibility Definition Document MAY be skipped or omitted.
Every device and every build MUST correctly run the CTS Verifier, as noted above. However, since many builds are very similar, device implementers are not expected to explicitly run the CTS Verifier on builds that differ only in trivial ways. Specifically, device implementations that differ from an implementation that has passed the CTS Verifier only by the set of included locales, branding, etc. MAY omit the CTS Verifier test.
11. Updatable Software
Device implementations MUST include a mechanism to replace the entirety of the system software. The mechanism need not perform "live" upgrades—that is, a device restart MAY be required.
Any method can be used, provided that it can replace the entirety of the software preinstalled on the device. For instance, any of the following approaches will satisfy this requirement:
- Over-the-air (OTA) downloads with offline update via reboot
- "Tethered" updates over USB from a host PC
- "Offline" updates via a reboot and update from a file on removable storage
However, if the device implementation includes support for an unmetered data connection such as 802.11 or Bluetooth PAN (Personal Area Network) profile, the device MUST support Over-the-air download with offline update via reboot.
The update mechanism used MUST support updates without wiping user data. That is, the update mechanism MUST preserve application private data and application shared data. Note that the upstream Android software includes an update mechanism that satisfies this requirement.
For device implementations that are launching with Android 5.0 and later, the update mechanism SHOULD support verifying that the system image is binary identical to expected result following an OTA. The block-based OTA implementation in the upstream Android Open Source Project, added since Android 5.0, satisfies this requirement.
If an error is found in a device implementation after it has been released but within its reasonable product lifetime that is determined in consultation with the Android Compatibility Team to affect the compatibility of third-party applications, the device implementer MUST correct the error via a software update available that can be applied per the mechanism just described.
12. Document Changelog
The following table contains a summary of the changes to the Compatibility Definition in this release.
Sections) | Summary of change |
1. Introduction | Updated requirements to refer to SDK documentation as source of truth. |
2. Device Types | Included definitions for device types for handheld, television, and watch devices. |
2.1 Device Configuration | Added non-exhaustive list to illustrate hardware configuration deviation across devices. |
3.1. Managed API Compatibility | MUST also provide complete implementations of APIs with "@SystemApi" marker in the upstream Android source code. |
3.2.2. Build Parameters | Included SUPPORTED_ABIS, SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS, and SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS parameters in list, updated PRODUCT to require unique Product SKUs, and updated TAGS. | Core Application Intents | Clarified language that the compatibility requirement is for mainly the intents pattern | Default App Settings | Included new requirements for home screen, NFC, and default SMS applications. |
3.3.1 Application Binary Interfaces | Added requirements to support equivalent 32-bit ABI if any 64-bit ABI is supported. Updated parameters to reflect this change. |
3.4.1. WebView Compatibility | Webview compatibility required for all devices except Android Watch devices. Removed Locale string requirement. |
3.4.2. Browser compatibility | Android Television and Watch Devices MAY omit a browser application, but all other types of device implementations MUST include one. |
3.7. Runtime compatibility | Updated Minimum application memory requirements |
3.8.2. Widgets | Widget support is optional for all device types, but recommended for Handheld Devices. |
3.8.3. Notifications | Expanded definitions for types of supported notifications. |
3.8.4. Recherche | Android Television devices MUST include global search. All other device types SHOULD. |
3.8.6. Thèmes | Devices MUST support material theme. |
3.8.7. Fonds d'écran animés | Devices that include live wallpaper MUST report the platform feature flag android.software.live_wallpaper. |
3.8.8. Activity Switching | Advised requirement to support new Recents User Interface. SHOULD at least display the title of 4 activities at a time. |
3.8.10. Lock Screen Media Remote Control | Remote Control Client API deprecated in favor of the Media Notification Template |
3.8.11. Rêves | Optional for Android Watch devices. Required for all other device types. |
3.8.13 Unicode and font | MUST support Roboto 2 in addition to existing requirements. |
3.12. TV Input Framework | Android Television device implementations MUST support Television Input Framework. |
5.1. Codecs multimédias | Added 3 sections for Audio, Image, and Video codecs. |
5.4 Audio Recording | Broken into subsections |
5.4.1. Raw audio capture | Defined characteristics for raw audio capture on devices that declare android.hardware.microphone |
5.5. Lecture audio | Added section 5.5. Audio Playback with 2 subsections: 5.5.1 Audio Effects and 5.5.2. Audio Output Volume |
5.6 Audio Latency | Added definitions and requirements for cold output jitter, cold input jitter, and continuous round-trip latency. |
5.8 Secure Media | Included secure media requirements from 7.1.8. External Displays and added requirements for Android Television. |
6.1. Outils de développement | Updated resources. |
6.2.1. Expérimental | Removed section |
7. Hardware Compatibility | Updated to reflect that device implementations MUST consistently report accurate hardware configuration for the same build fingerprint. | Taille de l'écran | Updated to reflect Android Watch devices screen size and that the value can't change | Screen Aspect Ratio | Updated to reflect Android Watch devices screen aspect ratio (1:1). |
7.1.3. Orientation de l'écran | Updated to reflect that devices with a fixed orientation landscape screen SHOULD only report that orientation. |
7.1.4. 2D and 3D Graphics Acceleration | Added that Android devices MAY support the Android extension pack. |
(old) 7.1.6. Types d'écran | Section Removed |
7.1.6. Technologie d'écran | Updated pixel aspect ratio (PAR) to be between 0.9 and 1.15. (~15% tolerance) |
7.1.7. External Displays | Moved part of section to section 5.8. Secure Media. |
7.2.2. Non-touch Navigation | Android Television devices MUST support D-pad. |
7.2.3. Navigation keys | Included language for support across different device types. |
7.2.4. Touchscreen input | Android Watch devices MUST support touchscreen input. |
7.2.6. Game Controller Support | Added section with Android Television requirements. |
7.2.7. Télécommande | Added section with Android Television requirements. |
7.3. Capteurs | Redefined synthetic sensors as composite sensors and streaming sensors as continuous sensors. Sensors should report event time in nanoseconds. |
7.3.1. Accéléromètre | Clarified required sensor types and revised requirement thresholds. |
7.3.2. Magnétomètre | Clarified required sensor types and revised requirement thresholds. |
7.3.4. Gyroscope | Clarified required sensor types and revised requirement thresholds. |
7.3.5. Baromètre | Changed from MAY to SHOULD implement barometer. MUST implement and report TYPE_PRESSURE sensor. |
7.3.6. Thermomètre | Devices MAY include ambient thermometer. MAY but SHOULD NOT include CPU thermometer. |
7.3.8. Capteur de proximité | Devices that can make a voice call and indicate any value other than PHONE_TYPE_NONE in getPhoneType SHOULD include a proximity sensor. |
7.4.2. IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) | Android Television devices MUST include Wi-Fi support. Devices that DO support wifi must report android.hardware.wifi. | Wi-Fi Direct | MUST report the hardware feature android.hardware.wifi.direct. | Wi-Fi Tunneled Direct Link Setup | Android Television devices MUST include support for Wi-Fi TDLS. |
7.5. Appareils photo | If a device implementation includes at least one camera, it SHOULD be possible for an application to simultaneously allocate 3 bitmaps equal to the size of the images produced by the largest-resolution camera sensor on the device. |
7.5.3. External Cameras | Added requirements that device implementations with USB host mode MAY include support for an external camera. |
7.5.5. Camera System Features | Added list of camera features and when they should be defined. |
7.6.1. Minimum Memory and Storage | Updated requirements for 32- and 64-bit devices. SVELTE memory requirement removed. Devices MUST have at least 1.5GB of non-volatile storage |
7.6.2. Application Shared Storage | Updated requirements for user-accessible removable storage |
7.6.2. Application Shared Storage | Updated requirements that pre-installed system apps may write to secondary external storage. |
7.7. USB | Removed requirements for non-charging ports being on the same edge as the micro-USB port. Updated requirements for Host and Peripheral mode. |
7.7. USB | Fixing typos in the USB section. |
7.8.1. l'audio | Moved microphone section here. Added requirements for Audio Output and Audio Analog ports. |
8. Performance Compatibility | Added requirements for user interface consistency. |
9.5. Multi-User Support | Multi-user support feature is optional for all device types. Detailed requirements by device type in section. |
9.5. Multi-User Support | SD card encryption required for the primary external storage. |
9.7. Kernel Security Features | MAY have a visible user interface when an unblocked security violation occurs resulting in a successful exploit. No permissive mode domains allowed. |
9.9. Chiffrement complet du disque | Devices with a lock screen SHOULD support full-disk encryption. For new devices, full-disk encryption must be enabled out of box. |
9.10 Verified boot | Added section to recommend that Device implementations support verified boot for device integrity. |
10.3. Reference Applications | Removed section from CDD. |
11. Updatable Software | If a device supports 802.11 or Bluetooth PAN (Personal Area Network) profile, then it MUST support Over-the-air download with offline update via reboot. |
14. Resources | Resources moved from section 2 to section 14 |
13. Contact Us
You can join the android-compatibility forum [Resources, 109 ] and ask for clarifications or bring up any issues that you think the document does not cover.
14. Resources
1. IETF RFC2119 Requirement Levels: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt
2. Android Open Source Project: http://source.android.com/
3. Android Television features: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/PackageManager.html#FEATURE_LEANBACK
4. Android Watch feature: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH
5. API definitions and documentation: http://developer.android.com/reference/packages.html
6. Android Permissions reference: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission.html
7. android.os.Build reference: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build.html
8. Android 5.0 allowed version strings: http://source.android.com//docs/compatibility/5.0/versions
9. Telephony Provider: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Telephony.html
10. Host-based Card Emulation: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/nfc/hce.html
11. Android Extension Pack: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/graphics/opengl.html#aep
12. android.webkit.WebView class: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebView.html
13. WebView compatibility: http://www.chromium.org/
14. HTML5: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/
15. HTML5 offline capabilities: http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#offline
16. HTML5 video tag: http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#video
17. HTML5/W3C geolocation API: http://www.w3.org/TR/geolocation-API/
18. HTML5/W3C webstorage API: http://www.w3.org/TR/webstorage/
19. HTML5/W3C IndexedDB API: http://www.w3.org/TR/IndexedDB/
20. Dalvik Executable Format and bytecode specification: available in the Android source code, at dalvik/docs
21. AppWidgets: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/widget_design.html
22. Notifications: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html
23. Application Resources: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/available-resources.html
24. Status Bar icon style guide: http://developer.android.com/design/style/iconography.html
25. Notifications Resources: https://developer.android.com/design/patterns/notifications.html
26. Search Manager: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/SearchManager.html
27. Toasts: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/Toast.html
28. Themes: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/themes.html
29. R.style class: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.style.html
30. Material design: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.style.html#Theme_Material
31. Live Wallpapers: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/service/wallpaper/WallpaperService.html
32. Overview screen resources: http://developer.android.com/guide/components/recents.html
33. Screen pinning: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-5.0.html#ScreenPinning
34. Input methods: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/text/creating-input-method.html
35. Media Notification: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Notification.MediaStyle.html
36. Dreams: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/service/dreams/DreamService.html
37. Settings.Secure LOCATION_MODE:
38. Unicode 6.1.0: http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode6.1.0/
39. Android Device Administration: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/admin/device-admin.html
40. DevicePolicyManager reference: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.html
41. Android Device Owner App:
42. Android Accessibility Service APIs: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityService.html
43. Android Accessibility APIs: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/accessibility/package-summary.html
44. Eyes Free project: http://code.google.com/p/eyes-free
45. Text-To-Speech APIs: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/tts/package-summary.html
46. Television Input Framework: /devices/tv/index.html
47. Reference tool documentation (for adb, aapt, ddms, systrace): http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/index.html
48. Android apk file description: http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fundamentals.html
49. Manifest files: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/manifest-intro.html
50. Android Media Formats: http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html
51. RTC Hardware Coding Requirements: http://www.webmproject.org/hardware/rtc-coding-requirements/
52. AudioEffect API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/audiofx/AudioEffect.html
53. Android android.content.pm.PackageManager class and Hardware Features List:
54. HTTP Live Streaming Draft Protocol: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-03
55. ADB: http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html
56. Dumpsys: https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/dumpsys.html
57. DDMS: http://developer.android.com/tools/debugging/ddms.html
58. Monkey testing tool: http://developer.android.com/tools/help/monkey.html
59. SysyTrace tool: http://developer.android.com/tools/help/systrace.html
60. Android Application Development-Related Settings:
61. Supporting Multiple Screens: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html
62. android.util.DisplayMetrics: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/DisplayMetrics.html
63. RenderScript: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/renderscript/
64. Android extension pack for OpenGL ES: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/opengl/GLES31Ext.html
65. Hardware Acceleration: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/graphics/hardware-accel.html
67. Display Manager: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/display/DisplayManager.html
68. android.content.res.Configuration: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html
69. Action Assist: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#ACTION_ASSIST
70. Touch Input Configuration: http://source.android.com/docs/core/interaction/input/touch-devices
71. Motion Event API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/MotionEvent.html
72. Key Event API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html
73. Android Open Source sensors: http://source.android.com/docs/core/interaction/sensors
74. android.hardware.SensorEvent: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/SensorEvent.html
75. Timestamp sensor event: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/SensorEvent.html#timestamp
76. Android Open Source composite sensors: http://source.android.com/devices/sensors/composite_sensors.html
77. Continuous trigger mode: http://source.android.com/devices/sensors/base_triggers.html#continuous
78. Accelerometer sensor: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Sensor.html#TYPE_ACCELEROMETER
79. Wi-Fi Multicast API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/net/wifi/WifiManager.MulticastLock.html
80. Wi-Fi Direct (Wi-Fi P2P): http://developer.android.com/reference/android/net/wifi/p2p/WifiP2pManager.html
81. WifiManager API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/net/wifi/WifiManager.html
82. Bluetooth API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/package-summary.html
83. Bluetooth ScanFilter API: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/le/ScanFilter.html
84. NDEF Push Protocol: http://source.android.com/docs/compatibility/ndef-push-protocol.pdf
85. Android Beam: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/nfc/nfc.html
86. Android NFC Sharing Settings:
87. NFC Connection Handover: http://www.nfc-forum.org/specs/spec_list/#conn_handover
88. Bluetooth Secure Simple Pairing Using NFC: http://members.nfc-forum.org/apps/group_public/download.php/18688/NFCForum-AD-BTSSP_1_1.pdf
89. Content Resolver: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/ContentResolver.html
90. Camera orientation API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.html#setDisplayOrientation(int)
91. Camera: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.html
92. Camera: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.Parameters.html
93. Camera hardware level: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraCharacteristics.html#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL
94. Camera version support: http://source.android.com/docs/core/camera/versioning
95. Android DownloadManager: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/DownloadManager.html
96. Android File Transfer: http://www.android.com/filetransfer
97. Android Open Accessories: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/usb/accessory.html
98. Android USB Audio: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/usb/UsbConstants.html#USB_CLASS_AUDIO
99. USB Battery Charging Specification, Revision 1.2: http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/devclass_docs/BCv1.2_070312.zip
100. USB Host API: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/usb/host.html
101. Wired audio headset: http://source.android.com/docs/core/interaction/accessories/headset/plug-headset-spec
102. Android Security and Permissions reference: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/security/permissions.html
103. UserManager reference: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/UserManager.html
104. External Storage reference: http://source.android.com/docs/core/storage
105. External Storage APIs: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Environment.html
106. SMS Short Code: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_code
107. Android Open Source Encryption: http://source.android.com/devices/tech/encryption/index.html
108. Android Compatibility Program Overview: http://source.android.com/docs/compatibility
109. Android Compatibility forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/android-compatibility
110. WebM project: http://www.webmproject.org/
Many of these resources are derived directly or indirectly from the Android SDK, and will be functionally identical to the information in that SDK's documentation. In any cases where this Compatibility Definition or the Compatibility Test Suite disagrees with the SDK documentation, the SDK documentation is considered authoritative. Any technical details provided in the references included above are considered by inclusion to be part of this Compatibility Definition.
, Revision 1
Last updated: January 12, 2015
Copyright © 2015, Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Table des matières
1. Introduction
This document enumerates the requirements that must be met in order for devices to be compatible with Android 5.0.
The use of "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY" and "OPTIONAL" is per the IETF standard defined in RFC2119 [ Resources, 1 ].
As used in this document, a "device implementer" or "implementer" is a person or organization developing a hardware/software solution running Android 5.0. A "device implementation" or "implementation" is the hardware/software solution so developed.
To be considered compatible with Android 5.0, device implementations MUST meet the requirements presented in this Compatibility Definition, including any documents incorporated via reference.
Where this definition or the software tests described in section 10 is silent, ambiguous, or incomplete, it is the responsibility of the device implementer to ensure compatibility with existing implementations.
For this reason, the Android Open Source Project [ Resources, 2 ] is both the reference and preferred implementation of Android. Device implementers are strongly encouraged to base their implementations to the greatest extent possible on the "upstream" source code available from the Android Open Source Project. While some components can hypothetically be replaced with alternate implementations this practice is strongly discouraged, as passing the software tests will become substantially more difficult. It is the implementer's responsibility to ensure full behavioral compatibility with the standard Android implementation, including and beyond the Compatibility Test Suite. Finally, note that certain component substitutions and modifications are explicitly forbidden by this document.
Many of the resources listed in section 14 are derived directly or indirectly from the Android SDK, and will be functionally identical to the information in that SDK's documentation. For any case where this Compatibility Definition or the Compatibility Test Suite disagrees with the SDK documentation, the SDK documentation is considered authoritative. Any technical details provided in the references included in section 14 are considered by inclusion to be part of this Compatibility Definition.
2. Device Types
While the Android Open Source Project has been used in the implementation of a variety of device types and form factors, many aspects of the architecture and compatibility requirements were optimized for handheld devices. Starting from Android 5.0, the Android Open Source Project aims to embrace a wider variety of device types as described in this section.
Android Handheld device refers to an Android device implementation that is typically used by holding it in the hand, such as mp3 players, phones, and tablets. Android Handheld device implementations:
- MUST have a touchscreen embedded in the device
- MUST have a power source that provides mobility, such as a battery
Android Television device refers to an Android device implementation that is an entertainment interface for consuming digital media, movies, games, apps, and/or live TV for users sitting about ten feet away (a “lean back” or “10-foot user interface »). Android Television devices:
- MUST have an embedded screen OR include a video output port, such as VGA, HDMI, or a wireless port for display
- MUST declare the features android.software.leanback and android.hardware.type.television [ Resources, 3 ]
Android Watch device refers to an Android device implementation intended to be worn on the body, perhaps on the wrist, and:
- MUST have a screen with the physical diagonal length in the range from 1.1 to 2.5 inches
- MUST declare the feature android.hardware.type.watch
- MUST support uiMode = UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH [ Resources, 4 ]
All Android device implementations that do not fit into any of the above device types still MUST meet all requirements in this document to be Android 5.0 compatible, unless the requirement is explicitly described to be only applicable to a specific Android device type.
2.1 Device Configurations
This is a summary of major differences in hardware configuration by device type. (Empty cells denote a “MAY”). Not all configurations are covered in this table; see relevant hardware sections for more detail.
Catégorie | Fonctionnalité | Section | Ordinateur de poche | Télévision | Montre | Autre |
Saisir | Croix directionnelle | DOIT | ||||
Écran tactile | DOIT | DOIT | DEVRAIT | |||
Microphone | DOIT | DEVRAIT | DOIT | DEVRAIT | ||
Capteurs | Accéléromètre | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | ||
GPS | DEVRAIT | |||||
Connectivité | Wifi | DEVRAIT | DOIT | DEVRAIT | ||
Wi-Fi Direct | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | |||
Bluetooth | DEVRAIT | DOIT | DOIT | DEVRAIT | ||
Bluetooth basse consommation | DEVRAIT | DOIT | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | ||
USB peripheral/ host mode | DEVRAIT | DEVRAIT | ||||
Sortir | Speaker and/or Audio output ports | DOIT | DOIT | DOIT |
3. Software
3.1. Managed API Compatibility
The managed Dalvik bytecode execution environment is the primary vehicle for Android applications. The Android application programming interface (API) is the set of Android platform interfaces exposed to applications running in the managed runtime environment. Device implementations MUST provide complete implementations, including all documented behaviors, of any documented API exposed by the Android SDK [ Resources, 5 ] or any API decorated with the "@SystemApi" marker in the upstream Android source code.
Device implementations MUST NOT omit any managed APIs, alter API interfaces or signatures, deviate from the documented behavior, or include no-ops, except where specifically allowed by this Compatibility Definition.
This Compatibility Definition permits some types of hardware for which Android includes APIs to be omitted by device implementations. In such cases, the APIs MUST still be present and behave in a reasonable way. See section 7 for specific requirements for this scenario.
3.2. Soft API Compatibility
In addition to the managed APIs from section 3.1 , Android also includes a significant runtime-only "soft" API, in the form of such things as intents, permissions, and similar aspects of Android applications that cannot be enforced at application compile time.
3.2.1. Autorisations
Device implementers MUST support and enforce all permission constants as documented by the Permission reference page [ Resources, 6] . Note that section 9 lists additional requirements related to the Android security model.
3.2.2. Build Parameters
The Android APIs include a number of constants on the android.os.Build class [ Resources, 7 ] that are intended to describe the current device. To provide consistent, meaningful values across device implementations, the table below includes additional restrictions on the formats of these values to which device implementations MUST conform.
Paramètre | Détails |
VERSION.RELEASE | The version of the currently-executing Android system, in human-readable format. This field MUST have one of the string values defined in [ Resources, 8] . |
VERSION.SDK | The version of the currently-executing Android system, in a format accessible to third-party application code. For Android 5.0, this field MUST have the integer value 21. |
VERSION.SDK_INT | The version of the currently-executing Android system, in a format accessible to third-party application code. For Android 5.0, this field MUST have the integer value 21. |
VERSION.INCREMENTAL | A value chosen by the device implementer designating the specific build of the currently-executing Android system, in human-readable format. This value MUST NOT be reused for different builds made available to end users. A typical use of this field is to indicate which build number or source-control change identifier was used to generate the build. There are no requirements on the specific format of this field, except that it MUST NOT be null or the empty string (""). |
CONSEIL | A value chosen by the device implementer identifying the specific internal hardware used by the device, in human-readable format. A possible use of this field is to indicate the specific revision of the board powering the device. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$". |
MARQUE | A value reflecting the brand name associated with the device as known to the end users. MUST be in human-readable format and SHOULD represent the manufacturer of the device or the company brand under which the device is marketed. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$". |
SUPPORTED_ABIS | The name of the instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code. See section 3.3. Native API Compatibility . |
SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS | The name of the instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code. See section 3.3. Native API Compatibility . |
SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS | The name of the second instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code. See section 3.3. Native API Compatibility . |
CPU_ABI | The name of the instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code. See section 3.3. Native API Compatibility . |
CPU_ABI2 | The name of the second instruction set (CPU type + ABI convention) of native code. See section 3.3. Native API Compatibility . |
APPAREIL | A value chosen by the device implementer containing the development name or code name identifying the configuration of the hardware features and industrial design of the device. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$". |
EMPREINTE DIGITALE | A string that uniquely identifies this build. It SHOULD be reasonably human-readable. It MUST follow this template: $(BRAND)/$(PRODUCT)/$(DEVICE):$(VERSION.RELEASE)/$(ID)/$(VERSION.INCREMENTAL):$(TYPE)/$(TAGS) Par exemple: acme/myproduct/mydevice:5.0/LRWXX/3359:userdebug/test-keys The fingerprint MUST NOT include whitespace characters. If other fields included in the template above have whitespace characters, they MUST be replaced in the build fingerprint with another character, such as the underscore ("_") character. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII. |
MATÉRIEL | The name of the hardware (from the kernel command line or /proc). It SHOULD be reasonably human-readable. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$". |
HÔTE | A string that uniquely identifies the host the build was built on, in human-readable format. There are no requirements on the specific format of this field, except that it MUST NOT be null or the empty string (""). |
IDENTIFIANT | An identifier chosen by the device implementer to refer to a specific release, in human-readable format. This field can be the same as android.os.Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL, but SHOULD be a value sufficiently meaningful for end users to distinguish between software builds. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$". |
FABRICANT | The trade name of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of the product. There are no requirements on the specific format of this field, except that it MUST NOT be null or the empty string (""). |
MODÈLE | A value chosen by the device implementer containing the name of the device as known to the end user. This SHOULD be the same name under which the device is marketed and sold to end users. There are no requirements on the specific format of this field, except that it MUST NOT be null or the empty string (""). |
PRODUIT | A value chosen by the device implementer containing the development name or code name of the specific product (SKU) that MUST be unique within the same brand. MUST be human-readable, but is not necessarily intended for view by end users. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$". |
EN SÉRIE | A hardware serial number, which MUST be available. The value of this field MUST be encodable as 7-bit ASCII and match the regular expression "^([a-zA-Z0-9]{6,20})$". |
MOTS CLÉS | A comma-separated list of tags chosen by the device implementer that further distinguishes the build. This field MUST have one of the values corresponding to the three typical Android platform signing configurations: release-keys, dev-keys, test-keys. |
TEMPS | A value representing the timestamp of when the build occurred. |
TAPER | A value chosen by the device implementer specifying the runtime configuration of the build. This field MUST have one of the values corresponding to the three typical Android runtime configurations: user, userdebug, or eng. |
UTILISATEUR | A name or user ID of the user (or automated user) that generated the build. There are no requirements on the specific format of this field, except that it MUST NOT be null or the empty string (""). |
3.2.3. Intent Compatibility
Device implementations MUST honor Android's loose-coupling intent system, as described in the sections below. By "honored", it is meant that the device implementer MUST provide an Android Activity or Service that specifies a matching intent filter that binds to and implements correct behavior for each specified intent pattern. Core Application Intents
Android intents allow application components to request functionality from other Android components. The Android upstream project includes a list of applications considered core Android applications, which implements several intent patterns to perform common actions. The core Android applications are:
- Horloge de bureau
- Navigateur
- Calendrier
- Contacts
- Galerie
- GlobalSearch
- Lanceur
- Musique
- Paramètres
Device implementations SHOULD include the core Android applications as appropriate but MUST include a component implementing the same intent patterns defined by all the “public” Activity or Service components of these core Android applications. Note that Activity or Service components are considered "public" when the attribute android:exported is absent or has the value true. Intent Overrides
As Android is an extensible platform, device implementations MUST allow each intent pattern referenced in section to be overridden by third-party applications. The upstream Android open source implementation allows this by default; device implementers MUST NOT attach special privileges to system applications' use of these intent patterns, or prevent third-party applications from binding to and assuming control of these patterns. This prohibition specifically includes but is not limited to disabling the "Chooser" user interface that allows the user to select between multiple applications that all handle the same intent pattern.
However, device implementations MAY provide default activities for specific URI patterns (eg. http://play.google.com) if the default activity provides a more specific filter for the data URI. For example, an intent filter specifying the data URI "http://www.android.com" is more specific than the browser filter for "http://". Device implementations MUST provide a user interface for users to modify the default activity for intents. Intent Namespaces
Device implementations MUST NOT include any Android component that honors any new intent or broadcast intent patterns using an ACTION, CATEGORY, or other key string in the android.* or com.android.* namespace. Device implementers MUST NOT include any Android components that honor any new intent or broadcast intent patterns using an ACTION, CATEGORY, or other key string in a package space belonging to another organization. Device implementers MUST NOT alter or extend any of the intent patterns used by the core apps listed in section . Device implementations MAY include intent patterns using namespaces clearly and obviously associated with their own organization. This prohibition is analogous to that specified for Java language classes in section 3.6 . Broadcast Intents
Third-party applications rely on the platform to broadcast certain intents to notify them of changes in the hardware or software environment. Android-compatible devices MUST broadcast the public broadcast intents in response to appropriate system events. Broadcast intents are described in the SDK documentation. Default App Settings
Android includes settings that provide users an easy way to select their default applications, for example for Home screen or SMS. Where it makes sense, device implementations MUST provide a similar settings menu and be compatible with the intent filter pattern and API methods described in the SDK documentation as below.
Device implementations:
- MUST honor the android.settings.HOME_SETTINGS intent to show a default app settings menu for Home Screen, if the device implementation reports android.software.home_screen [ Resources, 10]
- MUST provide a settings menu that will call the android.provider.Telephony.ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT intent to show a dialog to change the default SMS application, if the device implementation reports android.hardware.telephony [ Resources, 9 ]
- MUST honor the android.settings.NFC_PAYMENT_SETTINGS intent to show a default app settings menu for Tap and Pay, if the device implementation reports android.hardware.nfc.hce [ Resources, 10]
3.3. Native API Compatibility
3.3.1 Application Binary Interfaces
Managed Dalvik bytecode can call into native code provided in the application .apk file as an ELF .so file compiled for the appropriate device hardware architecture. As native code is highly dependent on the underlying processor technology, Android defines a number of Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs) in the Android NDK. Device implementations MUST be compatible with one or more defined ABIs, and MUST implement compatibility with the Android NDK, as below.
If a device implementation includes support for an Android ABI, it:
- MUST include support for code running in the managed environment to call into native code, using the standard Java Native Interface (JNI) semantics
- MUST be source-compatible (ie header compatible) and binary-compatible (for the ABI) with each required library in the list below
- MUST support the equivalent 32-bit ABI if any 64-bit ABI is supported
- MUST accurately report the native Application Binary Interface (ABI) supported by the device, via the android.os.Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS, android.os.Build.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS, and android.os.Build.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS parameters, each a comma separated list of ABIs ordered from the most to the least preferred one
- MUST report, via the above parameters, only those ABIs documented in the latest version of the Android NDK, “NDK Programmer's Guide | ABI Management” in docs/ directory
- SHOULD be built using the source code and header files available in the upstream Android Open Source Project
The following native code APIs MUST be available to apps that include native code:
- libc (C library)
- libm (math library)
- Minimal support for C++
- JNI interface
- liblog (Android logging)
- libz (Zlib compression)
- libdl (dynamic linker)
- libGLESv1_CM.so (OpenGL ES 1.x)
- libGLESv2.so (OpenGL ES 2.0)
- libGLESv3.so (OpenGL ES 3.x)
- libEGL.so (native OpenGL surface management)
- libjnigraphics.so
- libOpenSLES.so (OpenSL ES 1.0.1 audio support)
- libOpenMAXAL.so (OpenMAX AL 1.0.1 support)
- libandroid.so (native Android activity support)
- libmediandk.so (native media APIs support)
- Support for OpenGL, as described below
Note that future releases of the Android NDK may introduce support for additional ABIs. If a device implementation is not compatible with an existing predefined ABI, it MUST NOT report support for any ABIs at all.
Note that device implementations MUST include libGLESv3.so and it MUST symlink (symbolic link) to libGLESv2.so. in turn, MUST export all the OpenGL ES 3.1 and Android Extension Pack [ Resources, 11 ] function symbols as defined in the NDK release android-21. Although all the symbols must be present, only the corresponding functions for OpenGL ES versions and extensions actually supported by the device must be fully implemented.
Native code compatibility is challenging. For this reason, device implementers are very strongly encouraged to use the implementations of the libraries listed above from the upstream Android Open Source Project.
3.4. Web Compatibility
3.4.1. WebView Compatibility
The complete implementation of the android.webkit.Webview API MAY be provided on Android Watch devices but MUST be provided on all other types of device implementations. |
The platform feature android.software.webview MUST be reported on any device that provides a complete implementation of the android.webkit.WebView API, and MUST NOT be reported on devices without a complete implementation of the API. The Android Open Source implementation uses code from the Chromium Project to implement the android.webkit.WebView [ Resources, 12 ]. Because it is not feasible to develop a comprehensive test suite for a web rendering system, device implementers MUST use the specific upstream build of Chromium in the WebView implementation. Spécifiquement:
- Device android.webkit.WebView implementations MUST be based on the Chromium build from the upstream Android Open Source Project for Android 5.0. This build includes a specific set of functionality and security fixes for the WebView [ Resources, 13 ].
- The user agent string reported by the WebView MUST be in this format:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android $(VERSION); $(MODEL) Build/$(BUILD)) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 $(CHROMIUM_VER) Mobile Safari/537.36
- The value of the $(VERSION) string MUST be the same as the value for android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE.
- The value of the $(MODEL) string MUST be the same as the value for android.os.Build.MODEL.
- The value of the $(BUILD) string MUST be the same as the value for android.os.Build.ID.
- The value of the $(CHROMIUM_VER) string MUST be the version of Chromium in the upstream Android Open Source Project.
- Device implementations MAY omit Mobile in the user agent string.
The WebView component SHOULD include support for as many HTML5 features as possible and if it supports the feature SHOULD conform to the HTML5 specification [ Resources, 14 ].
3.4.2. Compatibilité du navigateur
Android Television and Watch Devices MAY omit a browser application, but MUST support the public intent patterns as described in section . All other types of device implementations MUST include a standalone Browser application for general user web browsing. |
The standalone Browser MAY be based on a browser technology other than WebKit. However, even if an alternate Browser application is used, the android.webkit.WebView component provided to third-party applications MUST be based on WebKit, as described in section 3.4.1 .
Implementations MAY ship a custom user agent string in the standalone Browser application.
The standalone Browser application (whether based on the upstream WebKit Browser application or a third-party replacement) SHOULD include support for as much of HTML5 [ Resources, 14 ] as possible. Minimally, device implementations MUST support each of these APIs associated with HTML5:
- application cache/offline operation [ Resources, 15 ]
- le
Additionally, device implementations MUST support the HTML5/W3C webstorage API [ Resources, 18 ], and SHOULD support the HTML5/W3C IndexedDB API [ Resources, 19 ]. Note that as the web development standards bodies are transitioning to favor IndexedDB over webstorage, IndexedDB is expected to become a required component in a future version of Android.
3.5. API Behavioral Compatibility
The behaviors of each of the API types (managed, soft, native, and web) must be consistent with the preferred implementation of the upstream Android Open Source Project [ Resources, 2 ]. Some specific areas of compatibility are:
- Devices MUST NOT change the behavior or semantics of a standard intent.
- Devices MUST NOT alter the lifecycle or lifecycle semantics of a particular type of system component (such as Service, Activity, ContentProvider, etc.).
- Devices MUST NOT change the semantics of a standard permission.
The above list is not comprehensive. The Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) tests significant portions of the platform for behavioral compatibility, but not all. It is the responsibility of the implementer to ensure behavioral compatibility with the Android Open Source Project. For this reason, device implementers SHOULD use the source code available via the Android Open Source Project where possible, rather than re-implement significant parts of the system.
3.6. API Namespaces
Android follows the package and class namespace conventions defined by the Java programming language. To ensure compatibility with third-party applications, device implementers MUST NOT make any prohibited modifications (see below) to these package namespaces:
- Java.*
- javax.*
- soleil.*
- Android.*
- com.android.*
Prohibited modifications include :
- Device implementations MUST NOT modify the publicly exposed APIs on the Android platform by changing any method or class signatures, or by removing classes or class fields.
- Device implementers MAY modify the underlying implementation of the APIs, but such modifications MUST NOT impact the stated behavior and Java-language signature of any publicly exposed APIs.
- Device implementers MUST NOT add any publicly exposed elements (such as classes or interfaces, or fields or methods to existing classes or interfaces) to the APIs above.
A "publicly exposed element” is any construct which is not decorated with the "@hide" marker as used in the upstream Android source code. In other words, device implementers MUST NOT expose new APIs or alter existing APIs in the namespaces noted above. Device implementers MAY make internal-only modifications, but those modifications MUST NOT be advertised or otherwise exposed to developers.
Device implementers MAY add custom APIs, but any such APIs MUST NOT be in a namespace owned by or referring to another organization. For instance, device implementers MUST NOT add APIs to the com.google.* or similar namespace: only Google may do so. Similarly, Google MUST NOT add APIs to other companies' namespaces. Additionally, if a device implementation includes custom APIs outside the standard Android namespace, those APIs MUST be packaged in an Android shared library so that only apps that explicitly use them (via the
If a device implementer proposes to improve one of the package namespaces above (such as by adding useful new functionality to an existing API, or adding a new API), the implementer SHOULD visit source.android.com and begin the process for contributing changes and code, according to the information on that site.
Note that the restrictions above correspond to standard conventions for naming APIs in the Java programming language; this section simply aims to reinforce those conventions and make them binding through inclusion in this Compatibility Definition.
3.7. Runtime Compatibility
Device implementations MUST support the full Dalvik Executable (DEX) format and Dalvik bytecode specification and semantics [ Resources, 20 ]. Device implementers SHOULD use ART, the reference upstream implementation of the Dalvik Executable Format, and the reference implementation's package management system.
Device implementations MUST configure Dalvik runtimes to allocate memory in accordance with the upstream Android platform, and as specified by the following table. (See section 7.1.1 for screen size and screen density definitions.)
Note that memory values specified below are considered minimum values and device implementations MAY allocate more memory per application.
Mise en page de l'écran | Screen Density | Minimum Application Memory |
small / normal | 120 dpi (ldpi) | 16 Mo |
160 dpi (mdpi) | ||
213 dpi (tvdpi) | 32 Mo | |
240 dpi (hdpi) | ||
320 dpi (xhdpi) | 64 Mo | |
400 dpi (400dpi) | 96 Mo | |
480 dpi (xxhdpi) | 128MB | |
560 dpi (560dpi) | 192 Mo | |
640 dpi (xxxhdpi) | 256 Mo | |
grand | 120 dpi (ldpi) | 16 Mo |
160 dpi (mdpi) | 32 Mo | |
213 dpi (tvdpi) | 64 Mo | |
240 dpi (hdpi) | ||
320 dpi (xhdpi) | 128MB | |
400 dpi (400dpi) | 192 Mo | |
480 dpi (xxhdpi) | 256 Mo | |
560 dpi (560dpi) | 384 Mo | |
640 dpi (xxxhdpi) | 512 Mo | |
très grand | 160 dpi (mdpi) | 64 Mo |
213 dpi (tvdpi) | 96 Mo | |
240 dpi (hdpi) | ||
320 dpi (xhdpi) | 192 Mo | |
400 dpi (400dpi) | 288 Mo | |
480 dpi (xxhdpi) | 384 Mo | |
560 dpi (560dpi) | 576MB | |
640 dpi (xxxhdpi) | 768MB |
3.8. User Interface Compatibility
3.8.1. Launcher (Home Screen)
Android includes a launcher application (home screen) and support for third-party applications to replace the device launcher (home screen). Device implementations that allow third-party applications to replace the device home screen MUST declare the platform feature android.software.home_screen.
3.8.2. Widgets
Widgets are optional for all Android device implementations, but SHOULD be supported on Android Handheld devices. |
Android defines a component type and corresponding API and lifecycle that allows applications to expose an "AppWidget" to the end user [ Resources, 21 ] a feature that is strongly RECOMMENDED to be supported on Handheld Device implementations. Device implementations that support embedding widgets on the home screen MUST meet the following requirements and declare support for platform feature android.software.app_widgets.
- Device launchers MUST include built-in support for AppWidgets, and expose user interface affordances to add, configure, view, and remove AppWidgets directly within the Launcher.
- Device implementations MUST be capable of rendering widgets that are 4 x 4 in the standard grid size. See the App Widget Design Guidelines in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 21 ] for details.
- Device implementations that include support for lock screen MAY support application widgets on the lock screen.
3.8.3. Notifications
Android includes APIs that allow developers to notify users of notable events [ Resources, 22 ], using hardware and software features of the device.
Some APIs allow applications to perform notifications or attract attention using hardware—specifically sound, vibration, and light. Device implementations MUST support notifications that use hardware features, as described in the SDK documentation, and to the extent possible with the device implementation hardware. For instance, if a device implementation includes a vibrator, it MUST correctly implement the vibration APIs. If a device implementation lacks hardware, the corresponding APIs MUST be implemented as no-ops. This behavior is further detailed in section 7 .
Additionally, the implementation MUST correctly render all resources (icons, sound files, etc.) provided for in the APIs [ Resources, 23 ], or in the Status/System Bar icon style guide [ Resources, 24 ]. Device implementers MAY provide an alternative user experience for notifications than that provided by the reference Android Open Source implementation; however, such alternative notification systems MUST support existing notification resources, as above.
Android includes support for various notifications, such as:
- Rich notifications —Interactive Views for ongoing notifications.
- Heads-up notifications —Interactive Views users can act on or dismiss without leaving the current app.
- Lockscreen notifications —Notifications shown over a lock screen with granular control on visibility.
Device implementations MUST properly display and execute these notifications, including the title/name, icon, text as documented in the Android APIs [Resources, 25] .
Android includes Notification Listener Service APIs that allow apps (once explicitly enabled by the user) to receive a copy of all notifications as they are posted or updated. Device implementations MUST correctly and promptly send notifications in their entirety to all such installed and user-enabled listener services, including any and all metadata attached to the Notification object.
3.8.4. Recherche
Android includes APIs [ Resources, 26 ] that allow developers to incorporate search into their applications, and expose their application's data into the global system search. Generally speaking, this functionality consists of a single, system-wide user interface that allows users to enter queries, displays suggestions as users type, and displays results. The Android APIs allow developers to reuse this interface to provide search within their own apps, and allow developers to supply results to the common global search user interface.
Android device implementations SHOULD include global search, a single, shared, system-wide search user interface capable of real-time suggestions in response to user input. Device implementations SHOULD implement the APIs that allow developers to reuse this user interface to provide search within their own applications. Device implementations that implement the global search interface MUST implement the APIs that allow third-party applications to add suggestions to the search box when it is run in global search mode. If no third-party applications are installed that make use of this functionality, the default behavior SHOULD be to display web search engine results and suggestions.
3.8.5. Toasts
Applications can use the "Toast" API to display short non-modal strings to the end user, that disappear after a brief period of time [ Resources, 27 ]. Device implementations MUST display Toasts from applications to end users in some high-visibility manner.
3.8.6. Thèmes
Android provides "themes" as a mechanism for applications to apply styles across an entire Activity or application.
Android includes a "Holo" theme family as a set of defined styles for application developers to use if they want to match the Holo theme look and feel as defined by the Android SDK [ Resources, 28 ]. Device implementations MUST NOT alter any of the Holo theme attributes exposed to applications [ Resources, 29 ].
Android 5.0 includes a “Material” theme family as a set of defined styles for application developers to use if they want to match the design theme's look and feel across the wide variety of different Android device types. Device implementations MUST support the “Material” theme family and MUST NOT alter any of the Material theme attributes or their assets exposed to applications [ Resources, 30 ].
Android also includes a "Device Default" theme family as a set of defined styles for application developers to use if they want to match the look and feel of the device theme as defined by the device implementer. Device implementations MAY modify the Device Default theme attributes exposed to applications [ Resources, 29 ].
Android supports a new variant theme with translucent system bars, which allows application developers to fill the area behind the status and navigation bar with their app content. To enable a consistent developer experience in this configuration, it is important the status bar icon style is maintained across different device implementations. Therefore, Android device implementations MUST use white for system status icons (such as signal strength and battery level) and notifications issued by the system, unless the icon is indicating a problematic status [ Resources, 29 ].
3.8.7. Fonds d'écran animés
Android defines a component type and corresponding API and lifecycle that allows applications to expose one or more "Live Wallpapers" to the end user [ Resources, 31 ]. Live wallpapers are animations, patterns, or similar images with limited input capabilities that display as a wallpaper, behind other applications.
Hardware is considered capable of reliably running live wallpapers if it can run all live wallpapers, with no limitations on functionality, at a reasonable frame rate with no adverse effects on other applications. If limitations in the hardware cause wallpapers and/or applications to crash, malfunction, consume excessive CPU or battery power, or run at unacceptably low frame rates, the hardware is considered incapable of running live wallpaper. As an example, some live wallpapers may use an OpenGL 2.0 or 3.x context to render their content. Live wallpaper will not run reliably on hardware that does not support multiple OpenGL contexts because the live wallpaper use of an OpenGL context may conflict with other applications that also use an OpenGL context.
Device implementations capable of running live wallpapers reliably as described above SHOULD implement live wallpapers, and when implemented MUST report the platform feature flag android.software.live_wallpaper.
3.8.8. Activity Switching
As the Recent function navigation key is OPTIONAL, the requirements to implement the overview screen is OPTIONAL for Android Television devices and Android Watch devices. |
The upstream Android source code includes the overview screen [ Resources, 32 ], a system-level user interface for task switching and displaying recently accessed activities and tasks using a thumbnail image of the application's graphical state at the moment the user last left the application. Device implementations including the recents function navigation key as detailed in section 7.2.3 , MAY alter the interface but MUST meet the following requirements:
- MUST display affiliated recents as a group that moves together
- MUST support at least up to 20 displayed activities
- SHOULD at least display the title of 4 activities at a time
- SHOULD display highlight color, icon, screen title in recents
- MUST implement the screen pinning behavior [ Resources, 33 ] and provide the user with a settings menu to toggle the feature
- SHOULD display a closing affordance ("x") but MAY delay this until user interacts with screens
Device implementations are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to use the upstream Android user interface (or a similar thumbnail-based interface) for the overview screen.
3.8.9. Input Management
Android includes support for Input Management and support for third-party input method editors [ Resources, 34 ]. Device implementations that allow users to use third-party input methods on the device MUST declare the platform feature android.software.input_methods and support IME APIs as defined in the Android SDK documentation.
Device implementations that declare the android.software.input_methods feature MUST provide a user-accessible mechanism to add and configure third-party input methods. Device implementations MUST display the settings interface in response to the android.settings.INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS intent.
3.8.10. Lock Screen Media Control
The Remote Control Client API is deprecated from Android 5.0 in favor of the Media Notification Template that allows media applications to integrate with playback controls that are displayed on the lock screen [ Resources, 35 ]. Device implementations that support a lock screen in the device MUST support the Media Notification Template along with other notifications.
3.8.11. Rêves
Android includes support for interactive screensavers called Dreams [ Resources, 36 ]. Dreams allows users to interact with applications when a device connected to a power source is idle or docked in a desk dock. Android Watch devices MAY implement Dreams, but other types of device implementations SHOULD include support for Dreams and provide a settings option for users to configure Dreams in response to the android.settings.DREAM_SETTINGS intent.
3.8.12. Emplacement
When a device has a hardware sensor (eg GPS) that is capable of providing the location coordinates, location modes MUST be displayed in the Location menu within Settings [ Resources, 37 ].
3.8.13. Unicode and Font
Android includes support for color emoji characters. When Android device implementations include an IME, devices MUST provide an input method to the user for the Emoji characters defined in Unicode 6.1 [ Resources, 38 ]. All devices MUST be capable of rendering these emoji characters in color glyph.
Android 5.0 includes support for Roboto 2 font with different weights—sans-serif-thin, sans-serif-light, sans-serif-medium, sans-serif-black, sans-serif-condensed, sans-serif-condensed-light— which MUST all be included for the languages available on the device and full Unicode 7.0 coverage of Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic, including the Latin Extended A, B, C, and D ranges, and all glyphs in the currency symbols block of Unicode 7.0 .
3.9. Device Administration
Android includes features that allow security-aware applications to perform device administration functions at the system level, such as enforcing password policies or performing remote wipe, through the Android Device Administration API [ Resources, 39 ]. Device implementations MUST provide an implementation of the DevicePolicyManager class [ Resources, 40 ]. Device implementations that include support for lock screen MUST support the full range of device administration policies defined in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 39 ] and report the platform feature android.software.device_admin.
Device implementations MAY have a preinstalled application performing device administration functions but this application MUST NOT be set out-of-the box as the default Device Owner app [ Resources, 41 ].
3.10. Accessibilité
Android provides an accessibility layer that helps users with disabilities to navigate their devices more easily. In addition, Android provides platform APIs that enable accessibility service implementations to receive callbacks for user and system events and generate alternate feedback mechanisms, such as text-to-speech, haptic feedback, and trackball/d-pad navigation [ Resources, 42 ]. Device implementations MUST provide an implementation of the Android accessibility framework consistent with the default Android implementation. Device implementations MUST meet the following requirements:
- MUST support third-party accessibility service implementations through the android.accessibilityservice APIs [ Resources, 43 ]
- MUST generate AccessibilityEvents and deliver these events to all registered AccessibilityService implementations in a manner consistent with the default Android implementation
- Unless an Android Watch device with no audio output, device implementations MUST provide a user-accessible mechanism to enable and disable accessibility services, and MUST display this interface in response to the android.provider.Settings.ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS intent.
Additionally, device implementations SHOULD provide an implementation of an accessibility service on the device, and SHOULD provide a mechanism for users to enable the accessibility service during device setup. An open source implementation of an accessibility service is available from the Eyes Free project [ Resources, 44 ].
3.11. Texte pour parler
Android includes APIs that allow applications to make use of text-to-speech (TTS) services and allows service providers to provide implementations of TTS services [ Resources, 45 ]. Device implementations reporting the feature android.hardware.audio.output MUST meet these requirements related to the Android TTS framework.
Device implementations:
- MUST support the Android TTS framework APIs and SHOULD include a TTS engine supporting the languages available on the device. Note that the upstream Android open source software includes a full-featured TTS engine implementation.
- MUST support installation of third-party TTS engines
- MUST provide a user-accessible interface that allows users to select a TTS engine for use at the system level
3.12. TV Input Framework
The Android Television Input Framework (TIF) simplifies the delivery of live content to Android Television devices. TIF provides a standard API to create input modules that control Android Television devices. Android Television device implementations MUST support Television Input Framework [ Resources, 46 ].
Device implementations that support TIF MUST declare the platform feature android.software.live_tv.
4. Application Packaging Compatibility
Device implementations MUST install and run Android ".apk" files as generated by the "aapt" tool included in the official Android SDK [ Resources, 47 ].
Devices implementations MUST NOT extend either the .apk [ Resources, 48 ], Android Manifest [ Resources, 49 ], Dalvik bytecode [ Resources, 20 ], or RenderScript bytecode formats in such a way that would prevent those files from installing and running correctly on other compatible devices
5. Multimedia Compatibility
5.1. Codecs multimédias
Device implementations MUST support the core media formats specified in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 50 ] except where explicitly permitted in this document. Specifically, device implementations MUST support the media formats, encoders, decoders, file types, and container formats defined in the tables below. All of these codecs are provided as software implementations in the preferred Android implementation from the Android Open Source Project.
Please note that neither Google nor the Open Handset Alliance make any representation that these codecs are free from third-party patents. Those intending to use this source code in hardware or software products are advised that implementations of this code, including in open source software or shareware, may require patent licenses from the relevant patent holders.
5.1.1. Codecs audio
Format / Codec | Encodeur | Decoder | Détails | Supported File Type(s) / Container Formats |
MPEG-4 AAC Profile (AAC LC) | REQUIRED1 | REQUIS | Support for mono/stereo/5.0/5.12 content with standard sampling rates from 8 to 48 kHz. | • 3GPP (.3gp) • MPEG-4 (.mp4, .m4a) • ADTS raw AAC (.aac, decode in Android 3.1+, encode in Android 4.0+, ADIF not supported) • MPEG-TS (.ts, not seekable, Android 3.0+) |
MPEG-4 HE AAC Profile (AAC+) | REQUIRED1 (Android 4.1+) | REQUIS | Support for mono/stereo/5.0/5.12 content with standard sampling rates from 16 to 48 kHz. | |
MPEG-4 HE AACv2 Profile (enhanced AAC+) | REQUIS | Support for mono/stereo/5.0/5.12 content with standard sampling rates from 16 to 48 kHz. | ||
AAC ELD (enhanced low delay AAC) | REQUIRED1 (Android 4.1+) | REQUIS (Android 4.1+) | Support for mono/stereo content with standard sampling rates from 16 to 48 kHz. | |
AMR-NB | REQUIRED3 | REQUIRED3 | 4.75 to 12.2 kbps sampled @ 8kHz | 3GPP (.3gp) |
AMR-WB | REQUIRED3 | REQUIRED3 | 9 rates from 6.60 kbit/s to 23.85 kbit/s sampled @ 16kHz | |
FLAC | REQUIS (Android 3.1+) | Mono/Stereo (no multichannel). Sample rates up to 48 kHz (but up to 44.1 kHz is recommended on devices with 44.1 kHz output, as the 48 to 44.1 kHz downsampler does not include a low-pass filter). 16-bit recommended; no dither applied for 24-bit. | FLAC (.flac) only | |
Mp3 | REQUIS | Mono/Stereo 8-320Kbps constant (CBR) or variable bitrate (VBR) | MP3 (.mp3) | |
MIDI | REQUIS | MIDI Type 0 and 1. DLS Version 1 and 2. XMF and Mobile XMF. Support for ringtone formats RTTTL/RTX, OTA, and iMelody | • Type 0 and 1 (.mid, .xmf, .mxmf) • RTTTL/RTX (.rtttl, .rtx) • OTA (.ota) • iMelody (.imy) | |
Vorbis | REQUIS | • Ogg (.ogg) • Matroska (.mkv, Android 4.0+) | ||
PCM/WAVE | REQUIRED4 (Android 4.1+) | REQUIS | 16-bit linear PCM (rates up to limit of hardware). Devices MUST support sampling rates for raw PCM recording at 8000, 11025, 16000, and 44100 Hz frequencies. | WAVE (.wav) |
Opus | REQUIS (Android 5.0+) | Matroska (.mkv) |
1 Required for device implementations that define android.hardware.microphone but optional for Android Watch device implementations.
2 Only downmix of 5.0/5.1 content is required; recording or rendering more than 2 channels is optional.
3 Required for Android Handheld device implementations.
4 Required for device implementations that define android.hardware.microphone, including Android Watch device implementations.
5.1.2. Image Codecs
Format / Codec | Encodeur | Decoder | Détails | Supported File Type(s) / Container Formats |
JPEG | REQUIS | REQUIS | Base+progressive | JPEG (.jpg) |
GIF | REQUIS | GIF (.gif) | ||
PNG | REQUIS | REQUIS | PNG (.png) | |
PGB | REQUIS | BMP (.bmp) | ||
WebP | REQUIS | REQUIS | WebP (.webp) |
5.1.3. Codecs vidéo
Video codecs are optional for Android Watch device implementations. |
Format / Codec | Encodeur | Decoder | Détails | Supported File Type(s) / Container Formats |
H.263 | REQUIRED1 | REQUIRED2 | • 3GPP (.3gp) • MPEG-4 (.mp4) | |
H.264 AVC | REQUIRED2 | REQUIRED2 | See section 5.2 and 5.3 for details | • 3GPP (.3gp) • MPEG-4 (.mp4) • MPEG-TS (.ts, AAC audio only, not seekable, Android 3.0+) |
H.265 HEVC | REQUIRED2 | See section 5.3 for details | MPEG-4 (.mp4) | |
MPEG-4 SP | REQUIRED2 | 3GPP (.3gp) | ||
VP83 | REQUIRED2 (Android 4.3+) | REQUIRED2 (Android 2.3.3+) | See section 5.2 and 5.3 for details | • WebM (.webm) [ Resources, 110 ] • Matroska (.mkv, Android 4.0+)4 |
VP9 | REQUIRED2 (Android 4.4+) | See section 5. 3 for details | • WebM (.webm) [ Resources, 110 ] • Matroska (.mkv, Android 4.0+)4 |
1 Required for device implementations that include camera hardware and define android.hardware.camera or android.hardware.camera.front.
2 Required for device implementations except Android Watch devices.
3 For acceptable quality of web video streaming and video-conference services, device implementations SHOULD use a hardware VP8 codec that meets the requirements in [ Resources, 51 ].
4 Device implementations SHOULD support writing Matroska WebM files.
5.2. Encodage vidéo
Video codecs are optional for Android Watch device implementations. |
Android device implementations with H.264 codec support, MUST support Baseline Profile Level 3 and the following SD (Standard Definition) video encoding profiles and SHOULD support Main Profile Level 4 and the following HD (High Definition) video encoding profiles. Android Television devices are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to encode HD 1080p video at 30 fps.
SD (Low quality) | SD (High quality) | HD 720p1 | HD 1080p1 | |
Résolution vidéo | 320 x 240 px | 720 x 480 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 20 fps | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde |
Bitrate vidéo | 384 Kbps | 2 Mbit/s | 4 Mbps | 10 Mbps |
1 When supported by hardware, but STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for Android Television devices.
Android device implementations with VP8 codec support MUST support the SD video encoding profiles and SHOULD support the following HD (High Definition) video encoding profiles.
SD (Low quality) | SD (High quality) | HD 720p1 | HD 1080p1 | |
Résolution vidéo | 320 x 180 px | 640 x 360 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde |
Bitrate vidéo | 800 Kbps | 2 Mbit/s | 4 Mbps | 10 Mbps |
1 When supported by hardware.
5.3. Video Decoding
Video codecs are optional for Android Watch device implementations. |
Device implementations MUST support dynamic video resolution switching within the same stream for VP8, VP9 ,H.264, and H.265 codecs.
Android device implementations with H.264 decoders, MUST support Baseline Profile Level 3 and the following SD video decoding profiles and SHOULD support the HD decoding profiles. Android Television devices MUST support High Profile Level 4.2 and the HD 1080p decoding profile.
SD (Low quality) | SD (High quality) | HD 720p1 | HD 1080p1 | |
Résolution vidéo | 320 x 240 px | 720 x 480 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 fps / 60 fps2 | 30 fps / 60 fps2 |
Bitrate vidéo | 800 Kbps | 2 Mbit/s | 8 Mbps | 20 Mbit/s |
1 Required for Android Television device implementations, but for other device types only when supported by hardware.
2 Required for Android Television device implementations.
Android device implementations when supporting VP8 codec as described in section 5.1.3 , MUST support the following SD decoding profiles and SHOULD support the HD decoding profiles. Android Television devices MUST support the HD 1080p decoding profile.
SD (Low quality) | SD (High quality) | HD 720p1 | HD 1080p1 | |
Résolution vidéo | 320 x 180 px | 640 x 360 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 fps / 60 fps2 | 30 / 60 fps2 |
Bitrate vidéo | 800 Kbps | 2 Mbit/s | 8 Mbps | 20 Mbit/s |
1 Required for Android Television device implementations, but for other type of devices only when supported by hardware.
2 Required for Android Television device implementations.
Android device implementations, when supporting VP9 codec as described in section 5.1.3 , MUST support the following SD video decoding profiles and SHOULD support the HD decoding profiles. Android Television devices are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to support the HD 1080p decoding profile and SHOULD support the UHD decoding profile. When the UHD video decoding profile is supported, it MUST support 8 bit color depth.
SD (Low quality) | SD (High quality) | HD 720p 1 | HD 1080p 2 | UHD 2 | |
Résolution vidéo | 320 x 180 px | 640 x 360 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels | 3840 x 2160 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde |
Bitrate vidéo | 600 Kbps | 1.6 Mbps | 4 Mbps | 10 Mbps | 20 Mbit/s |
1 Required for Android Television device implementations, but for other type of devices only when supported by hardware.
2 STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for Android Television device implementations when supported by hardware.
Android device implementations, when supporting H.265 codec as described in section 5.1.3 , MUST support the Main Profile Level 3 Main tier and the following SD video decoding profiles and SHOULD support the HD decoding profiles. Android Television devices MUST support the Main Profile Level 4.1 Main tier and the HD 1080p decoding profile and SHOULD support Main10 Level 5 Main Tier profile and the UHD decoding profile.
SD (Low quality) | SD (High quality) | HD 720p 1 | HD 1080p 1 | UHD 2 | |
Résolution vidéo | 352 x 288 px | 640 x 360 px | 1280 x 720 pixels | 1920 x 1080 pixels | 3840 x 2160 pixels |
Frame rate vidéo | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde | 30 images par seconde |
Bitrate vidéo | 600 Kbps | 1.6 Mbps | 4 Mbps | 10 Mbps | 20 Mbit/s |
1 Required for Android Television device implementation, but for other type of devices only when supported by hardware.
2 Required for Android Television device implementations when supported by hardware.
5.4. Enregistrement audio
While some of the requirements outlined in this section are stated as SHOULD since Android 4.3, the Compatibility Definition for a future version is planned to change these to MUST. Existing and new Android devices are very strongly encouraged to meet these requirements, or they will not be able to attain Android compatibility when upgraded to the future version.
5.4.1. Raw Audio Capture
Device implementations that declare android.hardware.microphone MUST allow capture of raw audio content with the following characteristics:
- Format : Linear PCM, 16-bit
- Sampling rates : 8000, 11025, 16000, 44100
- Channels : Mono
Device implementations that declare android.hardware.microphone SHOULD allow capture of raw audio content with the following characteristics:
- Format : Linear PCM, 16-bit
- Sampling rates : 22050, 48000
- Channels : Stereo
5.4.2. Capture for Voice Recognition
In addition to the above recording specifications, when an application has started recording an audio stream using the android.media.MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_RECOGNITION audio source:
- The device SHOULD exhibit approximately flat amplitude versus frequency characteristics: specifically, ±3 dB, from 100 Hz to 4000 Hz.
- Audio input sensitivity SHOULD be set such that a 90 dB sound power level (SPL) source at 1000 Hz yields RMS of 2500 for 16-bit samples.
- PCM amplitude levels SHOULD linearly track input SPL changes over at least a 30 dB range from -18 dB to +12 dB re 90 dB SPL at the microphone.
- Total harmonic distortion SHOULD be less than 1% for 1Khz at 90 dB SPL input level at the microphone.
- Noise reduction processing, if present, MUST be disabled.
- Automatic gain control, if present, MUST be disabled
If the platform supports noise suppression technologies tuned for speech recognition, the effect MUST be controllable from the android.media.audiofx.NoiseSuppressor API. Moreover, the UUID field for the noise suppressor's effect descriptor MUST uniquely identify each implementation of the noise suppression technology.
5.4.3. Capture for Rerouting of Playback
The android.media.MediaRecorder.AudioSource class includes the REMOTE_SUBMIX audio source. Devices that declare android.hardware.audio.output MUST properly implement the REMOTE_SUBMIX audio source so that when an application uses the android.media.AudioRecord API to record from this audio source, it can capture a mix of all audio streams except for the following :
5.5. Lecture audio
Device implementations that declare android.hardware.audio.output MUST conform to the requirements in this section.
5.5.1. Raw Audio Playback
The device MUST allow playback of raw audio content with the following characteristics:
- Format : Linear PCM, 16-bit
- Sampling rates : 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100
- Channels : Mono, Stereo
The device SHOULD allow playback of raw audio content with the following characteristics:
- Sampling rates : 24000, 48000
5.5.2. Effets audio
Android provides an API for audio effects for device implementations [ Resources, 52 ]. Device implementations that declare the feature android.hardware.audio.output:
- MUST support the EFFECT_TYPE_EQUALIZER and EFFECT_TYPE_LOUDNESS_ENHANCER implementations controllable through the AudioEffect subclasses Equalizer, LoudnessEnhancer
- MUST support the visualizer API implementation, controllable through the Visualizer class
- SHOULD support the EFFECT_TYPE_BASS_BOOST, EFFECT_TYPE_ENV_REVERB, EFFECT_TYPE_PRESET_REVERB, and EFFECT_TYPE_VIRTUALIZER implementations controllable through the AudioEffect sub-classes BassBoost, EnvironmentalReverb, PresetReverb, and Virtualizer
5.5.3. Audio Output Volume
Android Television device implementations MUST include support for system Master Volume and digital audio output volume attenuation on supported outputs, except for compressed audio passthrough output (where no audio decoding is done on the device).
5.6. Audio Latency
Audio latency is the time delay as an audio signal passes through a system. Many classes of applications rely on short latencies, to achieve real-time sound effects.
For the purposes of this section, use the following definitions:
- output latency —The interval between when an application writes a frame of PCM-coded data and when the corresponding sound can be heard by an external listener or observed by a transducer.
- cold output latency —The output latency for the first frame, when the audio output system has been idle and powered down prior to the request.
- continuous output latency —The output latency for subsequent frames, after the device is playing audio.
- input latency —The interval between when an external sound is presented to the device and when an application reads the corresponding frame of PCM-coded data.
- cold input latency —The sum of lost input time and the input latency for the first frame, when the audio input system has been idle and powered down prior to the request.
- continuous input latency —The input latency for subsequent frames, while the device is capturing audio.
- cold output jitter —The variance among separate measurements of cold output latency values.
- cold input jitter —The variance among separate measurements of cold input latency values.
- continuous round-trip latency —The sum of continuous input latency plus continuous output latency plus 5 milliseconds.
- OpenSL ES PCM buffer queue API —The set of PCM-related OpenSL ES APIs within Android NDK; see NDK_root/docs/opensles/index.html.
Device implementations that declare android.hardware.audio.output SHOULD meet or exceed these audio output requirements:
- cold output latency of 100 milliseconds or less
- continuous output latency of 45 milliseconds or less
- minimize the cold output jitter
If a device implementation meets the requirements of this section after any initial calibration when using the OpenSL ES PCM buffer queue API, for continuous output latency and cold output latency over at least one supported audio output device, it MAY report support for low-latency audio, by reporting the feature android.hardware.audio.low_latency via the android.content.pm.PackageManager class [ Resources, 53 ]. Conversely, if the device implementation does not meet these requirements it MUST NOT report support for low-latency audio.
Device implementations that include android.hardware.microphone SHOULD meet these input audio requirements:
- cold input latency of 100 milliseconds or less
- continuous input latency of 30 milliseconds or less
- continuous round-trip latency of 50 milliseconds or less
- minimize the cold input jitter
5.7. Protocoles réseau
Devices MUST support the media network protocols for audio and video playback as specified in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 50 ]. Specifically, devices MUST support the following media network protocols:
- HTTP(S) progressive streaming
- HTTP(S) Live Streaming draft protocol, Version 3 [ Resources, 54 ]
5.8. Secure Media
Device implementations that support secure video output and are capable of supporting secure surfaces MUST declare support for Display.FLAG_SECURE. Device implementations that declare support for Display.FLAG_SECURE, if they support a wireless display protocol, MUST secure the link with a cryptographically strong mechanism such as HDCP 2.x or higher for Miracast wireless displays. Similarly if they support a wired external display, the device implementations MUST support HDCP 1.2 or higher. Android Television device implementations MUST support HDCP 2.2 for devices supporting 4K resolution and HDCP 1.4 or above for lower resolutions. The upstream Android open source implementation includes support for wireless (Miracast) and wired (HDMI) displays that satisfies this requirement.
6. Developer Tools and Options Compatibility
6.1. Outils de développement
Device implementations MUST support the Android Developer Tools provided in the Android SDK. Android compatible devices MUST be compatible with:
- Android Debug Bridge (adb) [ Resources, 55 ]
Device implementations MUST support all adb functions as documented in the Android SDK including dumpsys [ Resources, 56 ]. The device-side adb daemon MUST be inactive by default and there MUST be a user-accessible mechanism to turn on the Android Debug Bridge. If a device implementation omits USB peripheral mode, it MUST implement the Android Debug Bridge via local-area network (such as Ethernet or 802.11).
Android includes support for secure adb. Secure adb enables adb on known authenticated hosts. Device implementations MUST support secure adb.
- Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (ddms) [ Resources, 57 ]
Device implementations MUST support all ddms features as documented in the Android SDK. As ddms uses adb, support for ddms SHOULD be inactive by default, but MUST be supported whenever the user has activated the Android Debug Bridge, as above.
- Monkey [ Resources, 58 ]
Device implementations MUST include the Monkey framework, and make it available for applications to use.
- SysTrace [ Resources, 59 ]
Device implementations MUST support systrace tool as documented in the Android SDK. Systrace must be inactive by default, and there MUST be a user-accessible mechanism to turn on Systrace.
Most Linux-based systems and Apple Macintosh systems recognize Android devices using the standard Android SDK tools, without additional support; however Microsoft Windows systems typically require a driver for new Android devices. (For instance, new vendor IDs and sometimes new device IDs require custom USB drivers for Windows systems.) If a device implementation is unrecognized by the adb tool as provided in the standard Android SDK, device implementers MUST provide Windows drivers allowing developers to connect to the device using the adb protocol. These drivers MUST be provided for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 9 in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
6.2. Options de développeur
Android includes support for developers to configure application development-related settings. Device implementations MUST honor the android.settings.APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS intent to show application development-related settings [ Resources, 60 ]. The upstream Android implementation hides the Developer Options menu by default and enables users to launch Developer Options after pressing seven (7) times on the Settings > About Device > Build Number menu item. Device implementations MUST provide a consistent experience for Developer Options. Specifically, device implementations MUST hide Developer Options by default and MUST provide a mechanism to enable Developer Options that is consistent with the upstream Android implementation.
7. Hardware Compatibility
If a device includes a particular hardware component that has a corresponding API for third-party developers, the device implementation MUST implement that API as described in the Android SDK documentation. If an API in the SDK interacts with a hardware component that is stated to be optional and the device implementation does not possess that component:
- Complete class definitions (as documented by the SDK) for the component's APIs MUST still be presented.
- The API's behaviors MUST be implemented as no-ops in some reasonable fashion.
- API methods MUST return null values where permitted by the SDK documentation.
- API methods MUST return no-op implementations of classes where null values are not permitted by the SDK documentation.
- API methods MUST NOT throw exceptions not documented by the SDK documentation.
A typical example of a scenario where these requirements apply is the telephony API: even on non-phone devices, these APIs must be implemented as reasonable no-ops.
Device implementations MUST consistently report accurate hardware configuration information via the getSystemAvailableFeatures() and hasSystemFeature(String) methods on the android.content.pm.PackageManager class for the same build fingerprint. [ Resources, 53]
7.1. Display and Graphics
Android includes facilities that automatically adjust application assets and UI layouts appropriately for the device, to ensure that third-party applications run well on a variety of hardware configurations [ Resources, 61 ]. Devices MUST properly implement these APIs and behaviors, as detailed in this section.
The units referenced by the requirements in this section are defined as follows:
- physical diagonal size —The distance in inches between two opposing corners of the illuminated portion of the display.
- dots per inch (dpi) —The number of pixels encompassed by a linear horizontal or vertical span of 1". Where dpi values are listed, both horizontal and vertical dpi must fall within the range.
- aspect ratio —The ratio of the longer dimension of the screen to the shorter dimension. For example, a display of 480x854 pixels would be 854 / 480 = 1.779, or roughly "16:9".
- density-independent pixel (dp) —The virtual pixel unit normalized to a 160 dpi screen, calculated as: pixels = dps * (density / 160).
7.1.1. Screen Configuration Taille de l'écran
Android Watch devices (detailed in section 2 ) MAY have smaller screen sizes as described in this section. |
The Android UI framework supports a variety of different screen sizes, and allows applications to query the device screen size (aka "screen layout") via android.content.res.Configuration.screenLayout with the SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK. Device implementations MUST report the correct screen size as defined in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 61 ] and determined by the upstream Android platform. Specifically, device implementations MUST report the correct screen size according to the following logical density-independent pixel (dp) screen dimensions.
- Devices MUST have screen sizes of at least 426 dp x 320 dp ('small'), unless it is an Android Watch device.
- Devices that report screen size 'normal' MUST have screen sizes of at least 480 dp x 320 dp.
- Devices that report screen size 'large' MUST have screen sizes of at least 640 dp x 480 dp.
- Devices that report screen size 'xlarge' MUST have screen sizes of at least 960 dp x 720 dp.
En outre,
- Android Watch devices MUST have a screen with the physical diagonal size in the range from 1.1 to 2.5 inches
- Other types of Android device implementations, with a physically integrated screen, MUST have a screen at least 2.5 inches in physical diagonal size.
Devices MUST NOT change their reported screen size at any time.
Applications optionally indicate which screen sizes they support via the Screen Aspect Ratio
Android Watch devices MAY have an aspect ratio of 1.0 (1:1). |
The screen aspect ratio MUST be a value from 1.3333 (4:3) to 1.86 (roughly 16:9), but Android Watch devices MAY have an aspect ratio of 1.0 (1:1) because such a device implementation will use a UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH as the android.content.res.Configuration.uiMode. Screen Density
The Android UI framework defines a set of standard logical densities to help application developers target application resources. Device implementations MUST report only one of the following logical Android framework densities through the android.util.DisplayMetrics APIs, and MUST execute applications at this standard density and MUST NOT change the value at at any time for the default display.
- 120 dpi (ldpi)
- 160 dpi (mdpi)
- 213 dpi (tvdpi)
- 240 dpi (hdpi)
- 320 dpi (xhdpi)
- 400 dpi (400dpi)
- 480 dpi (xxhdpi)
- 560 dpi (560dpi)
- 640 dpi (xxxhdpi)
Device implementations SHOULD define the standard Android framework density that is numerically closest to the physical density of the screen, unless that logical density pushes the reported screen size below the minimum supported. If the standard Android framework density that is numerically closest to the physical density results in a screen size that is smaller than the smallest supported compatible screen size (320 dp width), device implementations SHOULD report the next lowest standard Android framework density.
7.1.2. Display Metrics
Device implementations MUST report correct values for all display metrics defined in android.util.DisplayMetrics [ Resources, 62 ] and MUST report the same values regardless of whether the embedded or external screen is used as the default display.
7.1.3. Orientation de l'écran
Devices MUST report which screen orientations they support (android.hardware.screen.portrait and/or android.hardware.screen.landscape) and MUST report at least one supported orientation. For example, a device with a fixed orientation landscape screen, such as a television or laptop, SHOULD only report android.hardware.screen.landscape.
Devices that report both screen orientations MUST support dynamic orientation by applications to either portrait or landscape screen orientation. That is, the device must respect the application's request for a specific screen orientation. Device implementations MAY select either portrait or landscape orientation as the default.
Devices MUST report the correct value for the device's current orientation, whenever queried via the android.content.res.Configuration.orientation, android.view.Display.getOrientation(), or other APIs.
Devices MUST NOT change the reported screen size or density when changing orientation.
7.1.4. 2D and 3D Graphics Acceleration
Device implementations MUST support both OpenGL ES 1.0 and 2.0, as embodied and detailed in the Android SDK documentations. Device implementations SHOULD support OpenGL ES 3.0 or 3.1 on devices capable of supporting it. Device implementations MUST also support Android RenderScript, as detailed in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 63 ].
Device implementations MUST also correctly identify themselves as supporting OpenGL ES 1.0, OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL ES 3.0 or OpenGL 3.1. C'est-à-dire:
- The managed APIs (such as via the GLES10.getString()method MUST report support for OpenGL ES 1.0 and OpenGL ES 2.0.
- The native C/C++ OpenGL APIs (APIs available to apps via libGLES_v1CM.so, libGLES_v2.so, or libEGL.so) MUST report support for OpenGL ES 1.0 and OpenGL ES 2.0.
- Device implementations that declare support for OpenGL ES 3.0 or 3.1 MUST support the corresponding managed APIs and include support for native C/C++ APIs. On device implementations that declare support for OpenGL ES 3.0 or 3.1, libGLESv2.so MUST export the corresponding function symbols in addition to the OpenGL ES 2.0 function symbols.
In addition to OpenGL ES 3.1, Android provides an extension pack with Java interfaces [ Resources, 64 ] and native support for advanced graphics functionality such as tessellation and the ASTC texture compression format. Android device implementations MAY support this extension pack, and—only if fully implemented—MUST identify the support through the android.hardware.opengles.aep feature flag.
Also, device implementations MAY implement any desired OpenGL ES extensions. However, device implementations MUST report via the OpenGL ES managed and native APIs all extension strings that they do support, and conversely MUST NOT report extension strings that they do not support.
Note that Android includes support for applications to optionally specify that they require specific OpenGL texture compression formats. These formats are typically vendor-specific. Device implementations are not required by Android to implement any specific texture compression format. However, they SHOULD accurately report any texture compression formats that they do support, via the getString() method in the OpenGL API.
Android includes a mechanism for applications to declare that they want to enable hardware acceleration for 2D graphics at the Application, Activity, Window, or View level through the use of a manifest tag android:hardwareAccelerated or direct API calls [ Resources, 65 ].
Device implementations MUST enable hardware acceleration by default, and MUST disable hardware acceleration if the developer so requests by setting android:hardwareAccelerated="false" or disabling hardware acceleration directly through the Android View APIs.
In addition, device implementations MUST exhibit behavior consistent with the Android SDK documentation on hardware acceleration [ Resources, 65 ].
Android includes a TextureView object that lets developers directly integrate hardware-accelerated OpenGL ES textures as rendering targets in a UI hierarchy. Device implementations MUST support the TextureView API, and MUST exhibit consistent behavior with the upstream Android implementation.
Android includes support for EGL_ANDROID_RECORDABLE, an EGLConfig attribute that indicates whether the EGLConfig supports rendering to an ANativeWindow that records images to a video. Device implementations MUST support EGL_ANDROID_RECORDABLE extension [ Resources, 66 ].
7.1.5. Legacy Application Compatibility Mode
Android specifies a "compatibility mode" in which the framework operates in a 'normal' screen size equivalent (320dp width) mode for the benefit of legacy applications not developed for old versions of Android that pre-date screen-size independence. Device implementations MUST include support for legacy application compatibility mode as implemented by the upstream Android open source code. That is, device implementations MUST NOT alter the triggers or thresholds at which compatibility mode is activated, and MUST NOT alter the behavior of the compatibility mode itself.
7.1.6. Technologie d'écran
The Android platform includes APIs that allow applications to render rich graphics to the display. Devices MUST support all of these APIs as defined by the Android SDK unless specifically allowed in this document.
- Devices MUST support displays capable of rendering 16-bit color graphics and SHOULD support displays capable of 24-bit color graphics.
- Devices MUST support displays capable of rendering animations.
- The display technology used MUST have a pixel aspect ratio (PAR) between 0.9 and 1.15. That is, the pixel aspect ratio MUST be near square (1.0) with a 10 ~ 15% tolerance.
7.1.7. External Displays
Android includes support for secondary display to enable media sharing capabilities and developer APIs for accessing external displays. If a device supports an external display either via a wired, wireless, or an embedded additional display connection then the device implementation MUST implement the display manager API as described in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 67 ].
7.2. Des dispositifs d'entrée
7.2.1. Clavier
Android Watch devices MAY but other type of device implementations MUST implement a soft keyboard. |
Device implementations:
- MUST include support for the Input Management Framework (which allows third-party developers to create Input Method Editors—ie soft keyboard) as detailed at http://developer.android.com
- MUST provide at least one soft keyboard implementation (regardless of whether a hard keyboard is present) except for Android Watch devices where the screen size makes it less reasonable to have a soft keyboard
- MAY include additional soft keyboard implementations
- MAY include a hardware keyboard
- MUST NOT include a hardware keyboard that does not match one of the formats specified in android.content.res.Configuration.keyboard [ Resources, 68 ] (QWERTY or 12-key)
7.2.2. Non-touch Navigation
Android Television devices MUST support D-pad. |
Device implementations:
- MAY omit a non-touch navigation option (trackball, d-pad, or wheel) if the device implementation is not an Android Television device
- MUST report the correct value for android.content.res.Configuration.navigation [ Resources, 68 ]
- MUST provide a reasonable alternative user interface mechanism for the selection and editing of text, compatible with Input Management Engines. The upstream Android open source implementation includes a selection mechanism suitable for use with devices that lack non-touch navigation inputs.
7.2.3. Navigation Keys
The availability and visibility requirement of the Home, Recents, and Back functions differ between device types as described in this section. |
The Home, Recents, and Back functions (mapped to the key events KEYCODE_HOME, KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH, KEYCODE_BACK, respectively) are essential to the Android navigation paradigm and therefore;
- Android Handheld device implementations MUST provide the Home, Recents, and Back functions.
- Android Television device implementations MUST provide the Home and Back functions.
- Android Watch device implementations MUST have the Home function available to the user, and the Back function except for when it is in UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH.
- All other types of device implementations MUST provide the Home and Back functions.
These functions MAY be implemented via dedicated physical buttons (such as mechanical or capacitive touch buttons), or MAY be implemented using dedicated software keys on a distinct portion of the screen, gestures, touch panel, etc. Android supports both implementations. All of these functions MUST be accessible with a single action (eg tap, double-click or gesture) when visible.
Recents function, if provided, MUST have a visible button or icon unless hidden together with other navigation functions in full-screen mode. This does not apply to devices upgrading from earlier Android versions that have physical buttons for navigation and no recents key.
The Home and Back functions, if provided, MUST each have a visible button or icon unless hidden together with other navigation functions in full-screen mode or when the uiMode UI_MODE_TYPE_MASK is set to UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH.
The Menu function is deprecated in favor of action bar since Android 4.0. Therefore the new device implementations shipping with Android 5.0 MUST NOT implement a dedicated physical button for the Menu function. Older device implementations SHOULD NOT implement a dedicated physical button for the Menu function, but if the physical Menu button is implemented and the device is running applications with targetSdkVersion > 10, the device implementation:
- MUST display the action overflow button on the action bar when it is visible and the resulting action overflow menu popup is not empty. For a device implementation launched before Android 4.4 but upgrading to Android 5.0, this is RECOMMENDED.
- MUST NOT modify the position of the action overflow popup displayed by selecting the overflow button in the action bar
- MAY render the action overflow popup at a modified position on the screen when it is displayed by selecting the physical menu button
For backwards compatibility, device implementations MUST make the Menu function available to applications when targetSdkVersion <= 10, either by a physical button, a software key, or gestures. This Menu function should be presented unless hidden together with other navigation functions.
Android supports Assist action [ Resources, 69 ]. Android device implementations except for Android Watch devices MUST make the Assist action available to the user at all times when running applications. The Assist action SHOULD be implemented as a long-press on the Home button or a swipe-up gesture on the software Home key. This function MAY be implemented via another physical button, software key, or gesture, but MUST be accessible with a single action (eg tap, double-click, or gesture) when other navigation keys are visible.
Device implementations MAY use a distinct portion of the screen to display the navigation keys, but if so, MUST meet these requirements:
- Device implementation navigation keys MUST use a distinct portion of the screen, not available to applications, and MUST NOT obscure or otherwise interfere with the portion of the screen available to applications.
- Device implementations MUST make available a portion of the display to applications that meets the requirements defined in section 7.1.1 .
- Device implementations MUST display the navigation keys when applications do not specify a system UI mode, or specify SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_VISIBLE.
- Device implementations MUST present the navigation keys in an unobtrusive "low profile" (eg. dimmed) mode when applications specify SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE.
- Device implementations MUST hide the navigation keys when applications specify SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION.
7.2.4. Touchscreen Input
Android Handhelds and Watch Devices MUST support touchscreen input. |
Device implementations SHOULD have a pointer input system of some kind (either mouse-like or touch). However, if a device implementation does not support a pointer input system, it MUST NOT report the android.hardware.touchscreen or android.hardware.faketouch feature constant. Device implementations that do include a pointer input system:
- SHOULD support fully independently tracked pointers, if the device input system supports multiple pointers
- MUST report the value of android.content.res.Configuration.touchscreen [ Resources, 68 ] corresponding to the type of the specific touchscreen on the device
Android includes support for a variety of touchscreens, touch pads, and fake touch input devices. Touchscreen based device implementations are associated with a display [ Resources, 70 ] such that the user has the impression of directly manipulating items on screen. Since the user is directly touching the screen, the system does not require any additional affordances to indicate the objects being manipulated. In contrast, a fake touch interface provides a user input system that approximates a subset of touchscreen capabilities. For example, a mouse or remote control that drives an on-screen cursor approximates touch, but requires the user to first point or focus then click. Numerous input devices like the mouse, trackpad, gyro-based air mouse, gyro-pointer, joystick, and multi-touch trackpad can support fake touch interactions. Android 5.0 includes the feature constant android.hardware.faketouch, which corresponds to a high-fidelity non-touch (pointer-based) input device such as a mouse or trackpad that can adequately emulate touch-based input (including basic gesture support), and indicates that the device supports an emulated subset of touchscreen functionality. Device implementations that declare the fake touch feature MUST meet the fake touch requirements in section 7.2.5 .
Device implementations MUST report the correct feature corresponding to the type of input used. Device implementations that include a touchscreen (single-touch or better) MUST report the platform feature constant android.hardware.touchscreen. Device implementations that report the platform feature constant android.hardware.touchscreen MUST also report the platform feature constant android.hardware.faketouch. Device implementations that do not include a touchscreen (and rely on a pointer device only) MUST NOT report any touchscreen feature, and MUST report only android.hardware.faketouch if they meet the fake touch requirements in section 7.2.5 .
7.2.5. Fake Touch Input
Device implementations that declare support for android.hardware.faketouch:
- MUST report the absolute X and Y screen positions of the pointer location and display a visual pointer on the screen [ Resources, 71 ]
- MUST report touch event with the action code that specifies the state change that occurs on the pointer going down or up on the screen [ Resources, 71 ]
- MUST support pointer down and up on an object on the screen, which allows users to emulate tap on an object on the screen
- MUST support pointer down, pointer up, pointer down then pointer up in the same place on an object on the screen within a time threshold, which allows users to emulate double tap on an object on the screen [ Resources, 71 ]
- MUST support pointer down on an arbitrary point on the screen, pointer move to any other arbitrary point on the screen, followed by a pointer up, which allows users to emulate a touch drag
- MUST support pointer down then allow users to quickly move the object to a different position on the screen and then pointer up on the screen, which allows users to fling an object on the screen
Devices that declare support for android.hardware.faketouch.multitouch.distinct MUST meet the requirements for faketouch above, and MUST also support distinct tracking of two or more independent pointer inputs.
7.2.6. Game Controller Support
Android Television device implementations MUST support button mappings for game controllers as listed below. The upstream Android implementation includes implementation for game controllers that satisfies this requirement. Button Mappings
Android Television device implementations MUST support the following key mappings:
Bouton | HID Usage 2 | Android Button |
Un 1 | 0x09 0x0001 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_A (96) |
0x09 0x0002 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_B (97) | |
0x09 0x0004 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_X (99) | |
Y 1 | 0x09 0x0005 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_Y (100) |
D-pad up 1 | 0x01 0x00393 | |
0x01 0x00393 | ||
0x09 0x0007 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_L1 (102) | |
0x09 0x0008 | KEYCODE_BUTTON_R1 (103) | |
0x09 0x000E | KEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBL (106) | |
0x09 0x000F | KEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBR (107) | |
Maison 1 | 0x0c 0x0223 | KEYCODE_HOME (3) |
Retour 1 | 0x0c 0x0224 | KEYCODE_BACK (4) |
1 [ Resources, 72 ]
2 The above HID usages must be declared within a Game pad CA (0x01 0x0005).
3 This usage must have a Logical Minimum of 0, a Logical Maximum of 7, a Physical Minimum of 0, a Physical Maximum of 315, Units in Degrees, and a Report Size of 4. The logical value is defined to be the clockwise rotation away from the vertical axis; for example, a logical value of 0 represents no rotation and the up button being pressed, while a logical value of 1 represents a rotation of 45 degrees and both the up and left keys being pressed.
4 [ Resources, 71 ]
Analog Controls 1 | HID Usage | Android Button |
0x02 0x00C5 | AXIS_LTRIGGER | |
0x02 0x00C4 | AXIS_RTRIGGER | |
0x01 0x0030 0x01 0x0031 | AXIS_X AXIS_Y | |
0x01 0x0032 0x01 0x0035 | AXIS_Z AXIS_RZ |
1 [ Resources, 71 ]
7.2.7. Télécommande
Android Television device implementations SHOULD provide a remote control to allow users to access the TV interface. The remote control MAY be a physical remote or can be a software-based remote that is accessible from a mobile phone or tablet. The remote control MUST meet the requirements defined below.
- Search affordance —Device implementations MUST fire KEYCODE_SEARCH when the user invokes voice search either on the physical or software-based remote.
- Navigation —All Android Television remotes MUST include Back, Home, and Select buttons and support for D-pad events [ Resources, 72 ].
7.3. Capteurs
Android includes APIs for accessing a variety of sensor types. Devices implementations generally MAY omit these sensors, as provided for in the following subsections. If a device includes a particular sensor type that has a corresponding API for third-party developers, the device implementation MUST implement that API as described in the Android SDK documentation and the Android Open Source documentation on sensors [ Resources, 73 ]. For example, device implementations:
- MUST accurately report the presence or absence of sensors per the android.content.pm.PackageManager class [ Resources, 53]
- MUST return an accurate list of supported sensors via the SensorManager.getSensorList() and similar methods
- MUST behave reasonably for all other sensor APIs (for example, by returning true or false as appropriate when applications attempt to register listeners, not calling sensor listeners when the corresponding sensors are not present; etc.)
- MUST report all sensor measurements using the relevant International System of Units (metric) values for each sensor type as defined in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 74 ]
- SHOULD report the event time in nanoseconds as defined in the Android SDK documentation, representing the time the event happened and synchronized with the SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNano() clock. Existing and new Android devices are very strongly encouraged to meet these requirement so they will be able to upgrade to the future platform releases where this might become a REQUIRED component. The synchronization error SHOULD be below 100 milliseconds [ Resources, 75 ].
The list above is not comprehensive; the documented behavior of the Android SDK and the Android Open Source Documentations on Sensors [ Resources, 73 ] is to be considered authoritative.
Some sensor types are composite, meaning they can be derived from data provided by one or more other sensors. (Examples include the orientation sensor, and the linear acceleration sensor.) Device implementations SHOULD implement these sensor types, when they include the prerequisite physical sensors as described in [ Resources, 76 ]. If a device implementation includes a composite sensor it MUST implement the sensor as described in the Android Open Source documentation on composite sensors [ Resources, 76 ].
Some Android sensor supports a "continuous" trigger mode, which returns data continuously [ Resources, 77 ]. For any API indicated by the Android SDK documentation to be a continuous sensor, device implementations MUST continuously provide periodic data samples that SHOULD have a jitter below 3%, where jitter is defined as the standard deviation of the difference of the reported timestamp values between consecutive événements.
Note that the device implementations MUST ensure that the sensor event stream MUST NOT prevent the device CPU from entering a suspend state or waking up from a suspend state.
Finally, when several sensors are activated, the power consumption SHOULD NOT exceed the sum of the individual sensor's reported power consumption.
7.3.1. Accéléromètre
Device implementations SHOULD include a 3-axis accelerometer. Android Handheld devices and Android Watch devices are strongly encouraged to include this sensor. If a device implementation does include a 3-axis accelerometer, it:
- MUST implement and report TYPE_ACCELEROMETER sensor [ Resources, 78 ]
- MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least 100 Hz and SHOULD report events up to at least 200 Hz
- MUST comply with the Android sensor coordinate system as detailed in the Android APIs [ Resources, 74 ]
- MUST be capable of measuring from freefall up to four times the gravity (4g) or more on any axis
- MUST have a resolution of at least 8-bits and SHOULD have a resolution of at least 16-bits
- SHOULD be calibrated while in use if the characteristics changes over the life cycle and compensated, and preserve the compensation parameters between device reboots
- SHOULD be temperature compensated
- MUST have a standard deviation no greater than 0.05 m/s^, where the standard deviation should be calculated on a per axis basis on samples collected over a period of at least 3 seconds at the fastest sampling rate
- SHOULD implement the TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION, TYPE_TILT_DETECTOR, TYPE_STEP_DETECTOR, TYPE_STEP_COUNTER composite sensors as described in the Android SDK document. Existing and new Android devices are very strongly encouraged to implement the TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_MOTION composite sensor. If any of these sensors are implemented, the sum of their power consumption MUST always be less than 4 mW and SHOULD each be below 2 mW and 0.5 mW for when the device is in a dynamic or static condition.
- If a gyroscope sensor is included, MUST implement the TYPE_GRAVITY and TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION composite sensors and SHOULD implement the TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR composite sensor. Existing and new Android devices are strongly encouraged to implement the TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR sensor.
- SHOULD implement a TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR composite sensor, if a gyroscope sensor and a magnetometer sensor is also included
7.3.2. Magnétomètre
Device implementations SHOULD include a 3-axis magnetometer (compass). If a device does include a 3-axis magnetometer, it:
- MUST implement the TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD sensor and SHOULD also implement TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED sensor. Existing and new Android devices are strongly encouraged to implement the TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD_UNCALIBRATED sensor.
- MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least 10 Hz and SHOULD report events up to at least 50 Hz
- MUST comply with the Android sensor coordinate system as detailed in the Android APIs [ Resources, 74 ]
- MUST be capable of measuring between -900 μT and +900 μT on each axis before saturating
- MUST have a hard iron offset value less than 700 μT and SHOULD have a value below 200 μT, by placing the magnetometer far from dynamic (current-induced) and static (magnet-induced) magnetic fields
- MUST have a resolution equal or denser than 0.6 μT and SHOULD have a resolution equal or denser than 0.2 μT
- SHOULD be temperature compensated
- MUST support online calibration and compensation of the hard iron bias, and preserve the compensation parameters between device reboots
- MUST have the soft iron compensation applied—the calibration can be done either while in use or during the production of the device
- SHOULD have a standard deviation, calculated on a per axis basis on samples collected over a period of at least 3 seconds at the fastest sampling rate, no greater than 0.5 μT
- SHOULD implement a TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR composite sensor, if an accelerometer sensor and a gyroscope sensor is also included
- MAY implement the TYPE_GEOMAGNETIC_ROTATION_VECTOR sensor if an accelerometer sensor is also implemented. However if implemented, it MUST consume less than 10 mW and SHOULD consume less than 3 mW when the sensor is registered for batch mode at 10 Hz.
7.3.3. GPS
Device implementations SHOULD include a GPS receiver. If a device implementation does include a GPS receiver, it SHOULD include some form of "assisted GPS" technique to minimize GPS lock-on time.
7.3.4. Gyroscope
Device implementations SHOULD include a gyroscope (angular change sensor). Devices SHOULD NOT include a gyroscope sensor unless a 3-axis accelerometer is also included. If a device implementation includes a gyroscope, it:
- MUST implement the TYPE_GYROSCOPE sensor and SHOULD also implement TYPE_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED sensor. Existing and new Android devices are strongly encouraged to implement the SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE_UNCALIBRATED sensor.
- MUST be capable of measuring orientation changes up to 1,000 degrees per second
- MUST be able to report events up to a frequency of at least 100 Hz and SHOULD report events up to at least 200 Hz
- MUST have a resolution of 12-bits or more and SHOULD have a resolution of 16-bits or more
- MUST be temperature compensated
- MUST be calibrated and compensated while in use, and preserve the compensation parameters between device reboots
- MUST have a variance no greater than 1e-7 rad^2 / s^2 per Hz (variance per Hz, or rad^2 / s). The variance is allowed to vary with the sampling rate, but must be constrained by this value. In other words, if you measure the variance of the gyro at 1 Hz sampling rate it should be no greater than 1e-7 rad^2/s^2.
- SHOULD implement a TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR composite sensor, if an accelerometer sensor and a magnetometer sensor is also included
- If an accelerometer sensor is included, MUST implement the TYPE_GRAVITY and TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION composite sensors and SHOULD implement the TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR composite sensor. Existing and new Android devices are strongly encouraged to implement the TYPE_GAME_ROTATION_VECTOR sensor.
7.3.5. Baromètre
Device implementations SHOULD include a barometer (ambient air pressure sensor). If a device implementation includes a barometer, it:
- MUST implement and report TYPE_PRESSURE sensor
- MUST be able to deliver events at 5 Hz or greater
- MUST have adequate precision to enable estimating altitude
- MUST be temperature compensated
7.3.6. Thermomètre
Device implementations MAY include an ambient thermometer (temperature sensor). If present, it MUST be defined as SENSOR_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE and it MUST measure the ambient (room) temperature in degrees Celsius.
Device implementations MAY but SHOULD NOT include a CPU temperature sensor. If present, it MUST be defined as SENSOR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE, it MUST measure the temperature of the device CPU, and it MUST NOT measure any other temperature. Note the SENSOR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE sensor type was deprecated in Android 4.0.
7.3.7. Photomètre
Device implementations MAY include a photometer (ambient light sensor).
7.3.8. Capteur de proximité
Device implementations MAY include a proximity sensor. Devices that can make a voice call and indicate any value other than PHONE_TYPE_NONE in getPhoneType SHOULD include a proximity sensor. If a device implementation does include a proximity sensor, it:
- MUST measure the proximity of an object in the same direction as the screen. That is, the proximity sensor MUST be oriented to detect objects close to the screen, as the primary intent of this sensor type is to detect a phone in use by the user. If a device implementation includes a proximity sensor with any other orientation, it MUST NOT be accessible through this API.
- MUST have 1-bit of accuracy or more
7.4. Data Connectivity
7.4.1. Téléphonie
"Telephony" as used by the Android APIs and this document refers specifically to hardware related to placing voice calls and sending SMS messages via a GSM or CDMA network. While these voice calls may or may not be packet-switched, they are for the purposes of Android considered independent of any data connectivity that may be implemented using the same network. In other words, the Android "telephony" functionality and APIs refer specifically to voice calls and SMS. For instance, device implementations that cannot place calls or send/receive SMS messages MUST NOT report the android.hardware.telephony feature or any subfeatures, regardless of whether they use a cellular network for data connectivity.
Android MAY be used on devices that do not include telephony hardware. That is, Android is compatible with devices that are not phones. However, if a device implementation does include GSM or CDMA telephony, it MUST implement full support for the API for that technology. Device implementations that do not include telephony hardware MUST implement the full APIs as no-ops.
7.4.2. IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi)
Android Television device implementations MUST include Wi-Fi support. |
Android Television device implementations MUST include support for one or more forms of 802.11 (b/g/a/n, etc.) and other types of Android device implementation SHOULD include support for one or more forms of 802.11. If a device implementation does include support for 802.11 and exposes the functionality to a third-party application, it MUST implement the corresponding Android API and:
- MUST report the hardware feature flag android.hardware.wifi
- MUST implement the multicast API as described in the SDK documentation [ Resources, 79 ]
- MUST support multicast DNS (mDNS) and MUST NOT filter mDNS packets ( at any time of operation including when the screen is not in an active state Wi-Fi Direct
Device implementations SHOULD include support for Wi-Fi Direct (Wi-Fi peer-to-peer). If a device implementation does include support for Wi-Fi Direct, it MUST implement the corresponding Android API as described in the SDK documentation [ Resources, 80 ]. If a device implementation includes support for Wi-Fi Direct, then it:
- MUST report the hardware feature android.hardware.wifi.direct
- MUST support regular Wi-Fi operation
- SHOULD support concurrent Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct operation Wi-Fi Tunneled Direct Link Setup
Android Television device implementations MUST include support for Wi-Fi Tunneled Direct Link Setup (TDLS). |
Android Television device implementations MUST include support for Wi-Fi Tunneled Direct Link Setup (TDLS) and other types of Android device implementations SHOULD include support for Wi-Fi TDLS as described in the Android SDK Documentation [ Resources, 81 ]. If a device implementation does include support for TDLS and TDLS is enabled by the WiFiManager API, the device:
- SHOULD use TDLS only when it is possible AND beneficial
- SHOULD have some heuristic and NOT use TDLS when its performance might be worse than going through the Wi-Fi access point
7.4.3. Bluetooth
Android Television device implementations MUST support Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE and Android Watch device implementations MUST support Bluetooth. |
Android includes support for Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy [ Resources, 82 ]. Device implementations that include support for Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy MUST declare the relevant platform features (android.hardware.bluetooth and android.hardware.bluetooth_le respectively) and implement the platform APIs. Device implementations SHOULD implement relevant Bluetooth profiles such as A2DP, AVCP, OBEX, etc. as appropriate for the device. Android Television device implementations MUST support Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE.
Device implementations including support for Bluetooth Low Energy:
- MUST declare the hardware feature android.hardware.bluetooth_le
- MUST enable the GATT (generic attribute profile) based Bluetooth APIs as described in the SDK documentation and [ Resources, 82 ]
- SHOULD support offloading of the filtering logic to the bluetooth chipset when implementing the ScanFilter API [ Resources, 83 ], and MUST report the correct value of where the filtering logic is implemented whenever queried via the android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.isOffloadedFilteringSupported() method
- SHOULD support offloading of the batched scanning to the bluetooth chipset, but if not supported, MUST report 'false' whenever queried via the android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapater.isOffloadedScanBatchingSupported() method.
- SHOULD support multi advertisement with at least 4 slots, but if not supported, MUST report 'false' whenever queried via the android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.isMultipleAdvertisementSupported() method
7.4.4. Near Field Communications
Device implementations SHOULD include a transceiver and related hardware for Near-Field Communications (NFC). If a device implementation does include NFC hardware and plans to make it available to third-party apps, then it:
- MUST report the android.hardware.nfc feature from the android.content.pm.PackageManager.hasSystemFeature() method [ Resources, 53 ]
- MUST be capable of reading and writing NDEF messages via the following NFC standards:
- MUST be capable of acting as an NFC Forum reader/writer (as defined by the NFC Forum technical specification NFCForum-TS-DigitalProtocol-1.0) via the following NFC standards:
- NfcA (ISO14443-3A)
- NfcB (ISO14443-3B)
- NfcF (JIS 6319-4)
- IsoDep (ISO 14443-4)
- NFC Forum Tag Types 1, 2, 3, 4 (defined by the NFC Forum)
- SHOULD be capable of reading and writing NDEF messages via the following NFC standards. Note that while the NFC standards below are stated as SHOULD, the Compatibility Definition for a future version is planned to change these to MUST. These standards are optional in this version but will be required in future versions. Existing and new devices that run this version of Android are very strongly encouraged to meet these requirements now so they will be able to upgrade to the future platform releases.
- NfcV (ISO 15693)
- MUST be capable of transmitting and receiving data via the following peer-to-peer standards and protocols:
- ISO 18092
- LLCP 1.0 (defined by the NFC Forum)
- SDP 1.0 (defined by the NFC Forum)
- NDEF Push Protocol [ Resources, 84 ]
- SNEP 1.0 (defined by the NFC Forum)
- MUST include support for Android Beam [ Resources, 85 ]:
- MUST implement the SNEP default server. Valid NDEF messages received by the default SNEP server MUST be dispatched to applications using the android.nfc.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED intent. Disabling Android Beam in settings MUST NOT disable dispatch of incoming NDEF message.
- MUST honor the android.settings.NFCSHARING_SETTINGS intent to show NFC sharing settings [ Resources, 86 ]
- MUST implement the NPP server. Messages received by the NPP server MUST be processed the same way as the SNEP default server.
- MUST implement a SNEP client and attempt to send outbound P2P NDEF to the default SNEP server when Android Beam is enabled. If no default SNEP server is found then the client MUST attempt to send to an NPP server.
- MUST allow foreground activities to set the outbound P2P NDEF message using android.nfc.NfcAdapter.setNdefPushMessage, and android.nfc.NfcAdapter.setNdefPushMessageCallback, and android.nfc.NfcAdapter.enableForegroundNdefPush
- SHOULD use a gesture or on-screen confirmation, such as 'Touch to Beam', before sending outbound P2P NDEF messages
- SHOULD enable Android Beam by default and MUST be able to send and receive using Android Beam, even when another proprietary NFC P2p mode is turned on
- MUST support NFC Connection handover to Bluetooth when the device supports Bluetooth Object Push Profile. Device implementations MUST support connection handover to Bluetooth when using android.nfc.NfcAdapter.setBeamPushUris, by implementing the "Connection Handover version 1.2" [ Resources, 87 ] and "Bluetooth Secure Simple Pairing Using NFC version 1.0" [ Resources, 88 ] specs from the NFC Forum. Such an implementation MUST implement the handover LLCP service with service name "urn:nfc:sn:handover" for exchanging the handover request/select records over NFC, and it MUST use the Bluetooth Object Push Profile for the actual Bluetooth data transfer. For legacy reasons (to remain compatible with Android 4.1 devices), the implementation SHOULD still accept SNEP GET requests for exchanging the handover request/select records over NFC. However an implementation itself SHOULD NOT send SNEP GET requests for performing connection handover.
- MUST poll for all supported technologies while in NFC discovery mode
- SHOULD be in NFC discovery mode while the device is awake with the screen active and the lock-screen unlocked
- MUST be capable of acting as an NFC Forum reader/writer (as defined by the NFC Forum technical specification NFCForum-TS-DigitalProtocol-1.0) via the following NFC standards:
(Note that publicly available links are not available for the JIS, ISO, and NFC Forum specifications cited above.)
Android 5.0 includes support for NFC Host Card Emulation (HCE) mode. If a device implementation does include an NFC controller capable of HCE and Application ID (AID) routing, then it:
- MUST report the android.hardware.nfc.hce feature constant
- MUST support NFC HCE APIs as defined in the Android SDK [ Resources, 10 ]
Additionally, device implementations MAY include reader/writer support for the following MIFARE technologies.
- MIFARE Classic
- MIFARE Ultralight
- NDEF on MIFARE Classic
Note that Android includes APIs for these MIFARE types. If a device implementation supports MIFARE in the reader/writer role, it:
- MUST implement the corresponding Android APIs as documented by the Android SDK
- MUST report the feature com.nxp.mifare from the android.content.pm.PackageManager.hasSystemFeature() meth od [Resources, 53] . Note that this is not a standard Android feature and as such does not appear as a constant on the PackageManager class.
- MUST NOT implement the corresponding Android APIs nor report the com.nxp.mifare feature unless it also implements general NFC support as described in this section
If a device implementation does not include NFC hardware, it MUST NOT declare the android.hardware.nfc feature from the android.content.pm.PackageManager.hasSystemFeature() method [ Resources, 53] , and MUST implement the Android NFC API as a no-op.
As the classes android.nfc.NdefMessage and android.nfc.NdefRecord represent a protocol-independent data representation format, device implementations MUST implement these APIs even if they do not include support for NFC or declare the android.hardware.nfc feature.
7.4.5. Minimum Network Capability
Device implementations MUST include support for one or more forms of data networking. Specifically, device implementations MUST include support for at least one data standard capable of 200Kbit/sec or greater. Examples of technologies that satisfy this requirement include EDGE, HSPA, EV-DO, 802.11g, Ethernet, Bluetooth PAN, etc.
Device implementations where a physical networking standard (such as Ethernet) is the primary data connection SHOULD also include support for at least one common wireless data standard, such as 802.11 (Wi-Fi).
Devices MAY implement more than one form of data connectivity.
7.4.6. Sync Settings
Device implementations MUST have the master auto-sync setting on by default so that the method getMasterSyncAutomatically() returns "true" [ Resources, 89 ].
7.5. Appareils photo
Device implementations SHOULD include a rear-facing camera and MAY include a front-facing camera. A rear-facing camera is a camera located on the side of the device opposite the display; that is, it images scenes on the far side of the device, like a traditional camera. A front-facing camera is a camera located on the same side of the device as the display; that is, a camera typically used to image the user, such as for video conferencing and similar applications.
If a device implementation includes at least one camera, it SHOULD be possible for an application to simultaneously allocate 3 bitmaps equal to the size of the images produced by the largest-resolution camera sensor on the device.
7.5.1. Caméra orientée vers l'arrière
Device implementations SHOULD include a rear-facing camera. If a device implementation includes at least one rear-facing camera, it:
- MUST report the feature flag android.hardware.camera and android.hardware.camera.any
- MUST have a resolution of at least 2 megapixels
- SHOULD have either hardware auto-focus or software auto-focus implemented in the camera driver (transparent to application software)
- MAY have fixed-focus or EDOF (extended depth of field) hardware
- MAY include a flash. If the Camera includes a flash, the flash lamp MUST NOT be lit while an android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback instance has been registered on a Camera preview surface, unless the application has explicitly enabled the flash by enabling the FLASH_MODE_AUTO or FLASH_MODE_ON attributes of a Camera.Parameters object. Note that this constraint does not apply to the device's built-in system camera application, but only to third-party applications using Camera.PreviewCallback.
7.5.2. Avant face à la caméra
Device implementations MAY include a front-facing camera. If a device implementation includes at least one front-facing camera, it:
- MUST report the feature flag android.hardware.camera.any and android.hardware.camera.front
- MUST have a resolution of at least VGA (640x480 pixels)
- MUST NOT use a front-facing camera as the default for the Camera API. The camera API in Android has specific support for front-facing cameras and device implementations MUST NOT configure the API to to treat a front-facing camera as the default rear-facing camera, even if it is the only camera on the device.
- MAY include features (such as auto-focus, flash, etc.) available to rear-facing cameras as described in section 7.5.1
- MUST horizontally reflect (ie mirror) the stream displayed by an app in a CameraPreview, as follows:
- If the device implementation is capable of being rotated by user (such as automatically via an accelerometer or manually via user input), the camera preview MUST be mirrored horizontally relative to the device's current orientation.
- If the current application has explicitly requested that the Camera display be rotated via a call to the android.hardware.Camera.setDisplayOrientation()[ Resources, 90 ] method, the camera preview MUST be mirrored horizontally relative to the orientation specified by the application.
- Otherwise, the preview MUST be mirrored along the device's default horizontal axis.
- MUST mirror the image displayed by the postview in the same manner as the camera preview image stream. If the device implementation does not support postview, this requirement obviously does not apply.
- MUST NOT mirror the final captured still image or video streams returned to application callbacks or committed to media storage
7.5.3. Caméra externe
Device implementations with USB host mode MAY include support for an external camera that connects to the USB port. If a device includes support for an external camera, it:
- MUST declare the platform feature android.hardware.camera.external and android.hardware camera.any
- MUST support USB Video Class (UVC 1.0 or higher)
- MAY support multiple cameras
Video compression (such as MJPEG) support is RECOMMENDED to enable transfer of high-quality unencoded streams (ie raw or independently compressed picture streams). Camera-based video encoding MAY be supported. If so, a simultaneous unencoded/ MJPEG stream (QVGA or greater resolution) MUST be accessible to the device implementation.
7.5.4. Camera API Behavior
Android includes two API packages to access the camera, the newer android.hardware.camera2 API expose lower-level camera control to the app, including efficient zero-copy burst/streaming flows and per-frame controls of exposure, gain, white balance gains, color conversion, denoising, sharpening, and more.
The older API package, android.hardware.Camera, is marked as deprecated in Android 5.0 but as it should still be available for apps to use Android device implementations MUST ensure the continued support of the API as described in this section and in the Android SDK .
Device implementations MUST implement the following behaviors for the camera-related APIs, for all available cameras:
- If an application has never called android.hardware.Camera.Parameters.setPreviewFormat(int), then the device MUST use android.hardware.PixelFormat.YCbCr_420_SP for preview data provided to application callbacks.
- If an application registers an android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback instance and the system calls the onPreviewFrame() method when the preview format is YCbCr_420_SP, the data in the byte[] passed into onPreviewFrame() must further be in the NV21 encoding format. That is, NV21 MUST be the default.
- For android.hardware.Camera, device implementations MUST support the YV12 format (as denoted by the android.graphics.ImageFormat.YV12 constant) for camera previews for both front- and rear-facing cameras. (The hardware video encoder and camera may use any native pixel format, but the device implementation MUST support conversion to YV12.)
- For android.hardware.camera2, device implementations must support the android.hardware.ImageFormat.YUV_420_888 and android.hardware.ImageFormat.JPEG formats as outputs through the android.media.ImageReader API.
Device implementations MUST still implement the full Camera API included in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 91 ], regardless of whether the device includes hardware autofocus or other capabilities. For instance, cameras that lack autofocus MUST still call any registered android.hardware.Camera.AutoFocusCallback instances (even though this has no relevance to a non-autofocus camera.) Note that this does apply to front-facing cameras; for instance, even though most front-facing cameras do not support autofocus, the API callbacks must still be "faked" as described.
Device implementations MUST recognize and honor each parameter name defined as a constant on the android.hardware.Camera.Parameters class, if the underlying hardware supports the feature. If the device hardware does not support a feature, the API must behave as documented. Conversely, device implementations MUST NOT honor or recognize string constants passed to the android.hardware.Camera.setParameters() method other than those documented as constants on the android.hardware.Camera.Parameters. That is, device implementations MUST support all standard Camera parameters if the hardware allows, and MUST NOT support custom Camera parameter types. For instance, device implementations that support image capture using high dynamic range (HDR) imaging techniques MUST support camera parameter Camera.SCENE_MODE_HDR [ Resources, 92 ].
Because not all device implementations can fully support all the features of the android.hardware.camera2 API, device implementations MUST report the proper level of support with the android.info.supportedHardwareLevel property as described in the Android SDK [ Resources, 93] and report the appropriate framework feature flags [ Resources, 94] .
Device implementations MUST also declare its Individual camera capabilities of android.hardware.camera2 via the android.request.availableCapabilities property and declare the appropriate feature flags [ Resources, 94] ; a device must define the feature flag if any of its attached camera devices supports the feature.
Device implementations MUST broadcast the Camera.ACTION_NEW_PICTURE intent whenever a new picture is taken by the camera and the entry of the picture has been added to the media store.
Device implementations MUST broadcast the Camera.ACTION_NEW_VIDEO intent whenever a new video is recorded by the camera and the entry of the picture has been added to the media store.
7.5.5. Camera Orientation
Both front- and rear-facing cameras, if present, MUST be oriented so that the long dimension of the camera aligns with the screen's long dimension. That is, when the device is held in the landscape orientation, cameras MUST capture images in the landscape orientation. This applies regardless of the device's natural orientation; that is, it applies to landscape-primary devices as well as portrait-primary devices.
7.6. Mémoire et stockage
7.6.1. Minimum Memory and Storage
Android Television devices MUST have at least 5GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data. |
The memory available to the kernel and userspace on device implementations MUST be at least equal or larger than the minimum values specified by the following table. (See section 7.1.1 for screen size and density definitions.)
Density and screen size | 32-bit device | 64-bit device |
Android Watch devices (due to smaller screens) | 416 Mo | N'est pas applicable |
xhdpi or lower on small/normal screens hdpi or lower on large screens mdpi or lower on extra large screens | 512 Mo | 832MB |
400dpi or higher on small/normal screens xhdpi or higher on large screens tvdpi or higher on extra large screens | 896MB | 1280MB |
560dpi or higher on small/normal screens 400dpi or higher on large screens xhdpi or higher on extra large screens | 1344MB | 1824MB |
The minimum memory values MUST be in addition to any memory space already dedicated to hardware components such as radio, video, and so on that is not under the kernel's control.
Android Television devices MUST have at least 5GB and other device implementations MUST have at least 1.5GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data. That is, the /data partition MUST be at least 5GB for Android Television devices and at least 1.5GB for other device implementations. Device implementations that run Android are very strongly encouraged to have at least 3GB of non-volatile storage for application private data so they will be able to upgrade to the future platform releases.
The Android APIs include a Download Manager that applications MAY use to download data files [ Resources, 95 ]. The device implementation of the Download Manager MUST be capable of downloading individual files of at least 100MB in size to the default "cache" location.
7.6.2. Application Shared Storage
Device implementations MUST offer shared storage for applications also often referred as “shared external storage”.
Device implementations MUST be configured with shared storage mounted by default, "out of the box". If the shared storage is not mounted on the Linux path /sdcard, then the device MUST include a Linux symbolic link from /sdcard to the actual mount point.
Device implementations MAY have hardware for user-accessible removable storage, such as a Secure Digital (SD) card slot. If this slot is used to satisfy the shared storage requirement, the device implementation:
- MUST implement a toast or pop-up user interface warning the user when there is no SD card
- MUST include a FAT-formatted SD card 1GB in size or larger OR show on the box and other material available at time of purchase that the SD card has to be separately purchased
- MUST mount the SD card by default
Alternatively, device implementations MAY allocate internal (non-removable) storage as shared storage for apps as included in the upstream Android Open Source Project; device implementations SHOULD use this configuration and software implementation. If a device implementation uses internal (non-removable) storage to satisfy the shared storage requirement, that storage MUST be 1GB in size or larger and mounted on /sdcard (or /sdcard MUST be a symbolic link to the physical location if it is mounted autre part).
Device implementations MUST enforce as documented the android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission on this shared storage. Shared storage MUST otherwise be writable by any application that obtains that permission.
Device implementations that include multiple shared storage paths (such as both an SD card slot and shared internal storage) MUST allow only pre-installed & privileged Android applications with the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to write to the secondary external storage, except for the package-specific directories on the secondary external storage, but SHOULD expose content from both storage paths transparently through Android's media scanner service and android.provider.MediaStore.
Regardless of the form of shared storage used, device implementations MUST provide some mechanism to access the contents of shared storage from a host computer, such as USB mass storage (UMS) or Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). Device implementations MAY use USB mass storage, but SHOULD use Media Transfer Protocol. If the device implementation supports Media Transfer Protocol, it:
- SHOULD be compatible with the reference Android MTP host, Android File Transfer [ Resources, 96 ]
- SHOULD report a USB device class of 0x00
- SHOULD report a USB interface name of 'MTP'
If the device implementation lacks USB ports, it MUST provide a host computer with access to the contents of shared storage by some other means, such as a network file system.
7.7. USB
Device implementations SHOULD support USB peripheral mode and SHOULD support USB host mode.
If a device implementation includes a USB port supporting peripheral mode:
- The port MUST be connectable to a USB host that has a standard type-A or type -C USB port.
- The port SHOULD use micro-B, micro-AB or Type-C USB form factor. Existing and new Android devices are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to meet these requirements so they will be able to upgrade to future platform releases.
- The port SHOULD either be located on the bottom of the device (according to natural orientation) or enable software screen rotation for all apps (including home screen), so that the display draws correctly when the device is oriented with the port at bottom. Existing and new Android devices are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to meet these requirements so they will be able to upgrade to future platform releases.
- It SHOULD implement the Android Open Accessory (AOA) API and specification as documented in the Android SDK documentation, and if it is an Android Handheld device it MUST implement the AOA API. Device implementations implementing the AOA specification:
- MUST declare support for the hardware feature android.hardware.usb.accessory [ Resources, 97 ]
- MUST implement the USB audio class as documented in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 98 ]
- It SHOULD implement support to draw 1.5 A current during HS chirp and traffic as specified in the USB Battery Charging Specification, Revision 1.2 [ Resources, 99 ]. Existing and new Android devices are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to meet these requirements so they will be able to upgrade to the future platform releases.
- The value of iSerialNumber in USB standard device descriptor MUST be equal to the value of android.os.Build.SERIAL.
If a device implementation includes a USB port supporting host mode, it:
- SHOULD use a type-C USB port, if the device implementation supports USB 3.1
- MAY use a non-standard port form factor, but if so MUST ship with a cable or cables adapting the port to a standard type-A or type-C USB port
- MAY use a micro-AB USB port, but if so SHOULD ship with a cable or cables adapting the port to a standard type-A or type-C USB port
- is very strongly RECOMMENDED to implement the USB audio class as documented in the Android SDK documentation [ Resources, 98 ]
- MUST implement the Android USB host API as documented in the Android SDK, and MUST declare support for the hardware feature android.hardware.usb.host [ Resources, 100 ]
- SHOULD support the Charging Downstream Port output current range of 1.5 A ~ 5 A as specified in the USB Battery Charging Specification, Revision 1.2 [ Resources, 99 ].
7.8. l'audio
7.8.1. Microphone
Android Handheld and Watch devices MUST include a microphone. |
Device implementations MAY omit a microphone. However, if a device implementation omits a microphone, it MUST NOT report the android.hardware.microphone feature constant, and MUST implement the audio recording API at least as no-ops, per section 7 . Conversely, device implementations that do possess a microphone:
- MUST report the android.hardware.microphone feature constant
- MUST meet the audio recording requirements in section 5.4
- MUST meet the audio latency requirements in section 5.6
7.8.2. Sortie audio
Android Watch devices MAY include an audio output. |
Device implementations including a speaker or with an audio/multimedia output port for an audio output peripheral as a headset or an external speaker:
- MUST report the android.hardware.audio.output feature constant
- MUST meet the audio playback requirements in section 5.5
- MUST meet the audio latency requirements in section 5.6
Conversely, if a device implementation does not include a speaker or audio output port, it MUST NOT report the android.hardware.audio output feature, and MUST implement the Audio Output related APIs as no-ops at least.
Android Watch device implementation MAY but SHOULD NOT have audio output, but other types of Android device implementations MUST have an audio output and declare android.hardware.audio.output. Analog Audio Ports
In order to be compatible with the headsets and other audio accessories using the 3.5mm audio plug across the Android ecosystem [ Resources, 101 ], if a device implementation includes one or more analog audio ports, at least one of the audio port(s) SHOULD be a 4 conductor 3.5mm audio jack. If a device implementation has a 4 conductor 3.5mm audio jack, it:
- MUST support audio playback to stereo headphones and stereo headsets with a microphone, and SHOULD support audio recording from stereo headsets with a microphone
- MUST support TRRS audio plugs with the CTIA pin-out order, and SHOULD support audio plugs with the OMTP pin-out order
- MUST support the detection of microphone on the plugged in audio accessory, if the device implementation supports a microphone, and broadcast the android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG with the extra value microphone set as 1
- SHOULD support the detection and mapping to the keycodes for the following 3 ranges of equivalent impedance between the microphone and ground conductors on the audio plug:
- 70 ohm or less : KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK
- 210–290 Ohm : KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP
- SHOULD support the detection and mapping to the keycode for the following range of equivalent impedance between the microphone and ground conductors on the audio plug:
- MUST trigger ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG upon a plug insert, but only after all contacts on plug are touching their relevant segments on the jack
- MUST be capable of driving at least 150mV +/- 10% of output voltage on a 32 Ohm speaker impedance
- MUST have a microphone bias voltage between 1.8V ~ 2.9V
8. Performance Compatibility
Some minimum performance criterias are critical to the user experience and impacts the baseline assumptions developers would have when developing an app. Android Watch devices SHOULD and other type of device implementations MUST meet the following criteria:
8.1. User Experience Consistency
Device implementations MUST provide a smooth user interface by ensuring a consistent frame rate and response times for applications and games. Device implementations MUST meet the following requirements:
- Consistent frame latency Inconsistent frame latency or a delay to render frames MUST NOT happen more often than 5 frames in a second, and SHOULD be below 1 frames in a second.
- User interface latency Device implementations MUST ensure low latency user experience by scrolling a list of 10K list entries as defined by the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) in less than 36 secs.
- Task switching When multiple applications have been launched, re-launching an already-running application after it has been launched MUST take less than 1 second.
8.2. File I/O Access Performance
Device implementations MUST ensure file access performance consistency for read and write operations.
- Sequential write Device implementations MUST ensure a sequential write performance of 5MB/s for a 256MB file using 10MB write buffer.
- Random write Device implementations MUST ensure a random write performance of 0.5MB/s for a 256MB file using 4KB write buffer.
- Sequential read Device implementations MUST ensure a sequential read performance of 15MB/s for a 256MB file using 10MB write buffer.
- Random read Device implementations MUST ensure a random read performance of 3.5MB/s for a 256MB file using 4KB write buffer.
9. Security Model Compatibility
Device implementations MUST implement a security model consistent with the Android platform security model as defined in Security and Permissions reference document in the APIs [ Resources, 102 ] in the Android developer documentation. Device implementations MUST support installation of self-signed applications without requiring any additional permissions/certificates from any third parties/authorities. Specifically, compatible devices MUST support the security mechanisms described in the follow subsections.
9.1. Autorisations
Device implementations MUST support the Android permissions model as defined in the Android developer documentation [ Resources, 102 ]. Specifically, implementations MUST enforce each permission defined as described in the SDK documentation; no permissions may be omitted, altered, or ignored. Implementations MAY add additional permissions, provided the new permission ID strings are not in the android.* namespace.
9.2. UID and Process Isolation
Device implementations MUST support the Android application sandbox model, in which each application runs as a unique Unixstyle UID and in a separate process. Device implementations MUST support running multiple applications as the same Linux user ID, provided that the applications are properly signed and constructed, as defined in the Security and Permissions reference [ Resources, 102 ].
9.3. Autorisations du système de fichiers
Device implementations MUST support the Android file access permissions model as defined in the Security and Permissions reference [ Resources, 102 ].
9.4. Alternate Execution Environments
Device implementations MAY include runtime environments that execute applications using some other software or technology than the Dalvik Executable Format or native code. However, such alternate execution environments MUST NOT compromise the Android security model or the security of installed Android applications, as described in this section.
Alternate runtimes MUST themselves be Android applications, and abide by the standard Android security model, as described elsewhere in section 9 .
Alternate runtimes MUST NOT be granted access to resources protected by permissions not requested in the runtime's AndroidManifest.xml file via the
Alternate runtimes MUST NOT permit applications to make use of features protected by Android permissions restricted to system applications.
Alternate runtimes MUST abide by the Android sandbox model. Specifically, alternate runtimes:
- SHOULD install apps via the PackageManager into separate Android sandboxes ( Linux user IDs, etc.)
- MAY provide a single Android sandbox shared by all applications using the alternate runtime
- and installed applications using an alternate runtime, MUST NOT reuse the sandbox of any other app installed on the device, except through the standard Android mechanisms of shared user ID and signing certificate
- MUST NOT launch with, grant, or be granted access to the sandboxes corresponding to other Android applications
- MUST NOT be launched with, be granted, or grant to other applications any privileges of the superuser (root), or of any other user ID
The .apk files of alternate runtimes MAY be included in the system image of a device implementation, but MUST be signed with a key distinct from the key used to sign other applications included with the device implementation.
When installing applications, alternate runtimes MUST obtain user consent for the Android permissions used by the application. If an application needs to make use of a device resource for which there is a corresponding Android permission (such as Camera, GPS, etc.), the alternate runtime MUST inform the user that the application will be able to access that resource. If the runtime environment does not record application capabilities in this manner, the runtime environment MUST list all permissions held by the runtime itself when installing any application using that runtime.
9.5. Multi-User Support
This feature is optional for all device types. |
Android includes support for multiple users and provides support for full user isolation [ Resources, 103] . Device implementations MAY enable multiple users, but when enabled MUST meet the following requirements related to multi-user support [ Resources, 104 ]:
- Device implementations that do not declare the android.hardware.telephony feature flag MUST support restricted profiles, a feature that allows device owners to manage additional users and their capabilities on the device. With restricted profiles, device owners can quickly set up separate environments for additional users to work in, with the ability to manage finer-grained restrictions in the apps that are available in those environments.
- Conversely device implementations that declare the android.hardware.telephony feature flag MUST NOT support restricted profiles but MUST align with the AOSP implementation of controls to enable /disable other users from accessing the voice calls and SMS.
- Device implementations MUST, for each user, implement a security model consistent with the Android platform security model as defined in Security and Permissions reference document in the APIs [ Resources, 102 ]
- Device implementations MAY support creating users and managed profiles via the android.app.admin.DevicePolicyManager APIs, and if supported, MUST declare the platform feature flag android.software.managed_users.
- Device implementations that declare the feature flag android.software.managed_users MUST use the upstream AOSP icon badge to represent the managed applications and other badge UI elements like Recents & Notifications.
- Each user instance on an Android device MUST have separate and isolated external storage directories. Device implementations MAY store multiple users' data on the same volume or filesystem. However, the device implementation MUST ensure that applications owned by and running on behalf a given user cannot list, read, or write to data owned by any other user. Note that removable media, such as SD card slots, can allow one user to access another's data by means of a host PC. For this reason, device implementations that use removable media for the primary external storage APIs MUST encrypt the contents of the SD card if multiuser is enabled using a key stored only on non-removable media accessible only to the system. As this will make the media unreadable by a host PC, device implementations will be required to switch to MTP or a similar system to provide host PCs with access to the current user's data. Accordingly, device implementations MAY but SHOULD NOT enable multi-user if they use removable media [ Resources, 105 ] for primary external storage.
9.6. Premium SMS Warning
Android includes support for warning users of any outgoing premium SMS message [ Resources, 106 ] . Premium SMS messages are text messages sent to a service registered with a carrier that may incur a charge to the user. Device implementations that declare support for android.hardware.telephony MUST warn users before sending a SMS message to numbers identified by regular expressions defined in /data/misc/sms/codes.xml file in the device. The upstream Android Open Source Project provides an implementation that satisfies this requirement.
9.7. Kernel Security Features
The Android Sandbox includes features that use the Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) mandatory access control (MAC) system and other security features in the Linux kernel. SELinux or any other security features implemented below the Android framework:
- MUST maintain compatibility with existing applications
- MUST NOT have a visible user interface when a security violation is detected and successfully blocked, but MAY have a visible user interface when an unblocked security violation occurs resulting in a successful exploit
- SHOULD NOT be user or developer configurable
If any API for configuration of policy is exposed to an application that can affect another application (such as a Device Administration API), the API MUST NOT allow configurations that break compatibility.
Devices MUST implement SELinux or, if using a kernel other than Linux, an equivalent mandatory access control system. Devices must also meet the following requirements, which are satisfied by the reference implementation in the upstream Android Open Source Project.
Device implementations:
- MUST set SELinux to global enforcing mode,
- MUST configure all domains in enforcing mode. No permissive mode domains are allowed, including domains specific to a device/vendor.
- MUST NOT modify, omit, or replace the neverallow rules present within the external/sepolicy folder provided in the upstream Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and the policy MUST compile with all neverallow rules present, for both AOSP SELinux domains as well as device/vendor specific domains.
Device implementations SHOULD retain the default SELinux policy provided in the external/sepolicy folder of the upstream Android Open Source Project and only further add to this policy for their own device-specific configuration. Device implementations MUST be compatible with the upstream Android Open Source Project.
9.8. Confidentialité
If the device implements functionality in the system that captures the contents displayed on the screen and/or records the audio stream played on the device, it MUST continuously notify the user whenever this functionality is enabled and actively capturing/recording.
9.9. Chiffrement complet du disque
Optional for Android device implementations without a lock screen. |
If the device implementation has a lock screen, the device MUST support full-disk encryption of the application private data, (/data partition) as well as the SD card partition if it is a permanent, non-removable part of the device [ Resources, 107 ]. For devices supporting full-disk encryption, the full-disk encryption SHOULD be enabled all the time after the user has completed the out-of-box experience. While this requirement is stated as SHOULD for this version of the Android platform, it is very strongly RECOMMENDED as we expect this to change to MUST in the future versions of Android. Encryption MUST use AES with a key of 128-bits (or greater) and a mode designed for storage (for example, AES-XTS, AES-CBC-ESSIV). The encryption key MUST NOT be written to storage at any time without being encrypted. Other than when in active use, the encryption key SHOULD be AES encrypted with the lockscreen passcode stretched using a slow stretching algorithm (eg PBKDF2 or scrypt). If the user has not specified a lockscreen passcode or has disabled use of the passcode for encryption, the system SHOULD use a default passcode to wrap the encryption key. If the device provides a hardware-backed keystore, the password stretching algorithm MUST be cryptographically bound to that keystore. The encryption key MUST NOT be sent off the device (even when wrapped with the user passcode and/or hardware bound key). The upstream Android Open Source project provides a preferred implementation of this feature based on the linux kernel feature dm-crypt.
9.10. Démarrage vérifié
Device implementations SHOULD support verified boot for device integrity, and if the feature is supported it MUST declare the platform feature flag android.software.verified_boot. While this requirement is stated as SHOULD for this version of the Android platform, it is very strongly RECOMMENDED as we expect this to change to MUST in the future versions of Android. The upstream Android Open Source Project provides a preferred implementation of this feature based on the linux kernel feature dm-verity.
10. Software Compatibility Testing
Device implementations MUST pass all tests described in this section.
However, note that no software test package is fully comprehensive. For this reason, device implementers are very strongly encouraged to make the minimum number of changes as possible to the reference and preferred implementation of Android available from the Android Open Source Project. This will minimize the risk of introducing bugs that create incompatibilities requiring rework and potential device updates.
10.1. Compatibility Test Suite
Device implementations MUST pass the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) [ Resources, 108 ] available from the Android Open Source Project, using the final shipping software on the device. Additionally, device implementers SHOULD use the reference implementation in the Android Open Source tree as much as possible, and MUST ensure compatibility in cases of ambiguity in CTS and for any reimplementations of parts of the reference source code.
The CTS is designed to be run on an actual device. Like any software, the CTS may itself contain bugs. The CTS will be versioned independently of this Compatibility Definition, and multiple revisions of the CTS may be released for Android 5.0. Device implementations MUST pass the latest CTS version available at the time the device software is completed.
10.2. Vérificateur CTS
Device implementations MUST correctly execute all applicable cases in the CTS Verifier. The CTS Verifier is included with the Compatibility Test Suite, and is intended to be run by a human operator to test functionality that cannot be tested by an automated system, such as correct functioning of a camera and sensors.
The CTS Verifier has tests for many kinds of hardware, including some hardware that is optional. Device implementations MUST pass all tests for hardware that they possess; for instance, if a device possesses an accelerometer, it MUST correctly execute the Accelerometer test case in the CTS Verifier. Test cases for features noted as optional by this Compatibility Definition Document MAY be skipped or omitted.
Every device and every build MUST correctly run the CTS Verifier, as noted above. However, since many builds are very similar, device implementers are not expected to explicitly run the CTS Verifier on builds that differ only in trivial ways. Specifically, device implementations that differ from an implementation that has passed the CTS Verifier only by the set of included locales, branding, etc. MAY omit the CTS Verifier test.
11. Updatable Software
Device implementations MUST include a mechanism to replace the entirety of the system software. The mechanism need not perform "live" upgrades—that is, a device restart MAY be required.
Any method can be used, provided that it can replace the entirety of the software preinstalled on the device. For instance, any of the following approaches will satisfy this requirement:
- Over-the-air (OTA) downloads with offline update via reboot
- "Tethered" updates over USB from a host PC
- "Offline" updates via a reboot and update from a file on removable storage
However, if the device implementation includes support for an unmetered data connection such as 802.11 or Bluetooth PAN (Personal Area Network) profile, the device MUST support Over-the-air download with offline update via reboot.
The update mechanism used MUST support updates without wiping user data. That is, the update mechanism MUST preserve application private data and application shared data. Note that the upstream Android software includes an update mechanism that satisfies this requirement.
For device implementations that are launching with Android 5.0 and later, the update mechanism SHOULD support verifying that the system image is binary identical to expected result following an OTA. The block-based OTA implementation in the upstream Android Open Source Project, added since Android 5.0, satisfies this requirement.
If an error is found in a device implementation after it has been released but within its reasonable product lifetime that is determined in consultation with the Android Compatibility Team to affect the compatibility of third-party applications, the device implementer MUST correct the error via a software update available that can be applied per the mechanism just described.
12. Document Changelog
The following table contains a summary of the changes to the Compatibility Definition in this release.
Sections) | Summary of change |
1. Introduction | Updated requirements to refer to SDK documentation as source of truth. |
2. Device Types | Included definitions for device types for handheld, television, and watch devices. |
2.1 Device Configuration | Added non-exhaustive list to illustrate hardware configuration deviation across devices. |
3.1. Managed API Compatibility | MUST also provide complete implementations of APIs with "@SystemApi" marker in the upstream Android source code. |
3.2.2. Build Parameters | Included SUPPORTED_ABIS, SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS, and SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS parameters in list, updated PRODUCT to require unique Product SKUs, and updated TAGS. | Core Application Intents | Clarified language that the compatibility requirement is for mainly the intents pattern | Default App Settings | Included new requirements for home screen, NFC, and default SMS applications. |
3.3.1 Application Binary Interfaces | Added requirements to support equivalent 32-bit ABI if any 64-bit ABI is supported. Updated parameters to reflect this change. |
3.4.1. WebView Compatibility | Webview compatibility required for all devices except Android Watch devices. Removed Locale string requirement. |
3.4.2. Browser compatibility | Android Television and Watch Devices MAY omit a browser application, but all other types of device implementations MUST include one. |
3.7. Runtime compatibility | Updated Minimum application memory requirements |
3.8.2. Widgets | Widget support is optional for all device types, but recommended for Handheld Devices. |
3.8.3. Notifications | Expanded definitions for types of supported notifications. |
3.8.4. Recherche | Android Television devices MUST include global search. All other device types SHOULD. |
3.8.6. Thèmes | Devices MUST support material theme. |
3.8.7. Fonds d'écran animés | Devices that include live wallpaper MUST report the platform feature flag android.software.live_wallpaper. |
3.8.8. Activity Switching | Advised requirement to support new Recents User Interface. SHOULD at least display the title of 4 activities at a time. |
3.8.10. Lock Screen Media Remote Control | Remote Control Client API deprecated in favor of the Media Notification Template |
3.8.11. Rêves | Optional for Android Watch devices. Required for all other device types. |
3.8.13 Unicode and font | MUST support Roboto 2 in addition to existing requirements. |
3.12. TV Input Framework | Android Television device implementations MUST support Television Input Framework. |
5.1. Codecs multimédias | Added 3 sections for Audio, Image, and Video codecs. |
5.4 Audio Recording | Broken into subsections |
5.4.1. Raw audio capture | Defined characteristics for raw audio capture on devices that declare android.hardware.microphone |
5.5. Lecture audio | Added section 5.5. Audio Playback with 2 subsections: 5.5.1 Audio Effects and 5.5.2. Audio Output Volume |
5.6 Audio Latency | Added definitions and requirements for cold output jitter, cold input jitter, and continuous round-trip latency. |
5.8 Secure Media | Included secure media requirements from 7.1.8. External Displays and added requirements for Android Television. |
6.1. Outils de développement | Updated resources. |
6.2.1. Expérimental | Removed section |
7. Hardware Compatibility | Updated to reflect that device implementations MUST consistently report accurate hardware configuration for the same build fingerprint. | Taille de l'écran | Updated to reflect Android Watch devices screen size and that the value can't change | Screen Aspect Ratio | Updated to reflect Android Watch devices screen aspect ratio (1:1). |
7.1.3. Orientation de l'écran | Updated to reflect that devices with a fixed orientation landscape screen SHOULD only report that orientation. |
7.1.4. 2D and 3D Graphics Acceleration | Added that Android devices MAY support the Android extension pack. |
(old) 7.1.6. Types d'écran | Section Removed |
7.1.6. Technologie d'écran | Updated pixel aspect ratio (PAR) to be between 0.9 and 1.15. (~15% tolerance) |
7.1.7. External Displays | Moved part of section to section 5.8. Secure Media. |
7.2.2. Non-touch Navigation | Android Television devices MUST support D-pad. |
7.2.3. Navigation keys | Included language for support across different device types. |
7.2.4. Touchscreen input | Android Watch devices MUST support touchscreen input. |
7.2.6. Game Controller Support | Added section with Android Television requirements. |
7.2.7. Télécommande | Added section with Android Television requirements. |
7.3. Capteurs | Redefined synthetic sensors as composite sensors and streaming sensors as continuous sensors. Sensors should report event time in nanoseconds. |
7.3.1. Accéléromètre | Clarified required sensor types and revised requirement thresholds. |
7.3.2. Magnétomètre | Clarified required sensor types and revised requirement thresholds. |
7.3.4. Gyroscope | Clarified required sensor types and revised requirement thresholds. |
7.3.5. Baromètre | Changed from MAY to SHOULD implement barometer. MUST implement and report TYPE_PRESSURE sensor. |
7.3.6. Thermomètre | Devices MAY include ambient thermometer. MAY but SHOULD NOT include CPU thermometer. |
7.3.8. Capteur de proximité | Devices that can make a voice call and indicate any value other than PHONE_TYPE_NONE in getPhoneType SHOULD include a proximity sensor. |
7.4.2. IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) | Android Television devices MUST include Wi-Fi support. Devices that DO support wifi must report android.hardware.wifi. | Wi-Fi Direct | MUST report the hardware feature android.hardware.wifi.direct. | Wi-Fi Tunneled Direct Link Setup | Android Television devices MUST include support for Wi-Fi TDLS. |
7.5. Appareils photo | If a device implementation includes at least one camera, it SHOULD be possible for an application to simultaneously allocate 3 bitmaps equal to the size of the images produced by the largest-resolution camera sensor on the device. |
7.5.3. External Cameras | Added requirements that device implementations with USB host mode MAY include support for an external camera. |
7.5.5. Camera System Features | Added list of camera features and when they should be defined. |
7.6.1. Minimum Memory and Storage | Updated requirements for 32- and 64-bit devices. SVELTE memory requirement removed. Devices MUST have at least 1.5GB of non-volatile storage |
7.6.2. Application Shared Storage | Updated requirements for user-accessible removable storage |
7.6.2. Application Shared Storage | Updated requirements that pre-installed system apps may write to secondary external storage. |
7.7. USB | Removed requirements for non-charging ports being on the same edge as the micro-USB port. Updated requirements for Host and Peripheral mode. |
7.7. USB | Fixing typos in the USB section. |
7.8.1. l'audio | Moved microphone section here. Added requirements for Audio Output and Audio Analog ports. |
8. Performance Compatibility | Added requirements for user interface consistency. |
9.5. Multi-User Support | Multi-user support feature is optional for all device types. Detailed requirements by device type in section. |
9.5. Multi-User Support | SD card encryption required for the primary external storage. |
9.7. Kernel Security Features | MAY have a visible user interface when an unblocked security violation occurs resulting in a successful exploit. No permissive mode domains allowed. |
9.9. Chiffrement complet du disque | Devices with a lock screen SHOULD support full-disk encryption. For new devices, full-disk encryption must be enabled out of box. |
9.10 Verified boot | Added section to recommend that Device implementations support verified boot for device integrity. |
10.3. Reference Applications | Removed section from CDD. |
11. Updatable Software | If a device supports 802.11 or Bluetooth PAN (Personal Area Network) profile, then it MUST support Over-the-air download with offline update via reboot. |
14. Resources | Resources moved from section 2 to section 14 |
13. Contact Us
You can join the android-compatibility forum [Resources, 109 ] and ask for clarifications or bring up any issues that you think the document does not cover.
14. Resources
1. IETF RFC2119 Requirement Levels: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt
2. Android Open Source Project: http://source.android.com/
3. Android Television features: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/PackageManager.html#FEATURE_LEANBACK
4. Android Watch feature: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html#UI_MODE_TYPE_WATCH
5. API definitions and documentation: http://developer.android.com/reference/packages.html
6. Android Permissions reference: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission.html
7. android.os.Build reference: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build.html
8. Android 5.0 allowed version strings: http://source.android.com//docs/compatibility/5.0/versions
9. Telephony Provider: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Telephony.html
10. Host-based Card Emulation: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/nfc/hce.html
11. Android Extension Pack: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/graphics/opengl.html#aep
12. android.webkit.WebView class: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebView.html
13. WebView compatibility: http://www.chromium.org/
14. HTML5: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/
15. HTML5 offline capabilities: http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#offline
16. HTML5 video tag: http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#video
17. HTML5/W3C geolocation API: http://www.w3.org/TR/geolocation-API/
18. HTML5/W3C webstorage API: http://www.w3.org/TR/webstorage/
19. HTML5/W3C IndexedDB API: http://www.w3.org/TR/IndexedDB/
20. Dalvik Executable Format and bytecode specification: available in the Android source code, at dalvik/docs
21. AppWidgets: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/widget_design.html
22. Notifications: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html
23. Application Resources: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/available-resources.html
24. Status Bar icon style guide: http://developer.android.com/design/style/iconography.html
25. Notifications Resources: https://developer.android.com/design/patterns/notifications.html
26. Search Manager: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/SearchManager.html
27. Toasts: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/Toast.html
28. Themes: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/themes.html
29. R.style class: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.style.html
30. Material design: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.style.html#Theme_Material
31. Live Wallpapers: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/service/wallpaper/WallpaperService.html
32. Overview screen resources: http://developer.android.com/guide/components/recents.html
33. Screen pinning: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-5.0.html#ScreenPinning
34. Input methods: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/text/creating-input-method.html
35. Media Notification: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Notification.MediaStyle.html
36. Dreams: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/service/dreams/DreamService.html
37. Settings.Secure LOCATION_MODE:
38. Unicode 6.1.0: http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode6.1.0/
39. Android Device Administration: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/admin/device-admin.html
40. DevicePolicyManager reference: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.html
41. Android Device Owner App:
42. Android Accessibility Service APIs: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityService.html
43. Android Accessibility APIs: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/accessibility/package-summary.html
44. Eyes Free project: http://code.google.com/p/eyes-free
45. Text-To-Speech APIs: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/tts/package-summary.html
46. Television Input Framework: /devices/tv/index.html
47. Reference tool documentation (for adb, aapt, ddms, systrace): http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/index.html
48. Android apk file description: http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fundamentals.html
49. Manifest files: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/manifest-intro.html
50. Android Media Formats: http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html
51. RTC Hardware Coding Requirements: http://www.webmproject.org/hardware/rtc-coding-requirements/
52. AudioEffect API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/audiofx/AudioEffect.html
53. Android android.content.pm.PackageManager class and Hardware Features List:
54. HTTP Live Streaming Draft Protocol: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-03
55. ADB: http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html
56. Dumpsys: https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/dumpsys.html
57. DDMS: http://developer.android.com/tools/debugging/ddms.html
58. Monkey testing tool: http://developer.android.com/tools/help/monkey.html
59. SysyTrace tool: http://developer.android.com/tools/help/systrace.html
60. Android Application Development-Related Settings:
61. Supporting Multiple Screens: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html
62. android.util.DisplayMetrics: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/DisplayMetrics.html
63. RenderScript: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/renderscript/
64. Android extension pack for OpenGL ES: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/opengl/GLES31Ext.html
65. Hardware Acceleration: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/graphics/hardware-accel.html
67. Display Manager: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/display/DisplayManager.html
68. android.content.res.Configuration: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/res/Configuration.html
69. Action Assist: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#ACTION_ASSIST
70. Touch Input Configuration: http://source.android.com/docs/core/interaction/input/touch-devices
71. Motion Event API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/MotionEvent.html
72. Key Event API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html
73. Android Open Source sensors: http://source.android.com/docs/core/interaction/sensors
74. android.hardware.SensorEvent: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/SensorEvent.html
75. Timestamp sensor event: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/SensorEvent.html#timestamp
76. Android Open Source composite sensors: http://source.android.com/devices/sensors/composite_sensors.html
77. Continuous trigger mode: http://source.android.com/devices/sensors/base_triggers.html#continuous
78. Accelerometer sensor: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Sensor.html#TYPE_ACCELEROMETER
79. Wi-Fi Multicast API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/net/wifi/WifiManager.MulticastLock.html
80. Wi-Fi Direct (Wi-Fi P2P): http://developer.android.com/reference/android/net/wifi/p2p/WifiP2pManager.html
81. WifiManager API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/net/wifi/WifiManager.html
82. Bluetooth API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/package-summary.html
83. Bluetooth ScanFilter API: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/le/ScanFilter.html
84. NDEF Push Protocol: http://source.android.com/docs/compatibility/ndef-push-protocol.pdf
85. Android Beam: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/nfc/nfc.html
86. Android NFC Sharing Settings:
87. NFC Connection Handover: http://www.nfc-forum.org/specs/spec_list/#conn_handover
88. Bluetooth Secure Simple Pairing Using NFC: http://members.nfc-forum.org/apps/group_public/download.php/18688/NFCForum-AD-BTSSP_1_1.pdf
89. Content Resolver: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/ContentResolver.html
90. Camera orientation API: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.html#setDisplayOrientation(int)
91. Camera: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.html
92. Camera: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.Parameters.html
93. Camera hardware level: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraCharacteristics.html#INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL
94. Camera version support: http://source.android.com/docs/core/camera/versioning
95. Android DownloadManager: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/DownloadManager.html
96. Android File Transfer: http://www.android.com/filetransfer
97. Android Open Accessories: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/usb/accessory.html
98. Android USB Audio: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/usb/UsbConstants.html#USB_CLASS_AUDIO
99. USB Battery Charging Specification, Revision 1.2: http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/devclass_docs/BCv1.2_070312.zip
100. USB Host API: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/usb/host.html
101. Wired audio headset: http://source.android.com/docs/core/interaction/accessories/headset/plug-headset-spec
102. Android Security and Permissions reference: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/security/permissions.html
103. UserManager reference: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/UserManager.html
104. External Storage reference: http://source.android.com/docs/core/storage
105. External Storage APIs: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Environment.html
106. SMS Short Code: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_code
107. Android Open Source Encryption: http://source.android.com/devices/tech/encryption/index.html
108. Android Compatibility Program Overview: http://source.android.com/docs/compatibility
109. Android Compatibility forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/android-compatibility
110. WebM project: http://www.webmproject.org/
Many of these resources are derived directly or indirectly from the Android SDK, and will be functionally identical to the information in that SDK's documentation. In any cases where this Compatibility Definition or the Compatibility Test Suite disagrees with the SDK documentation, the SDK documentation is considered authoritative. Any technical details provided in the references included above are considered by inclusion to be part of this Compatibility Definition.