CTS Verifier for head tracking latency test

Android 15 and higher includes a CTS Verifier test for spatial audio head tracking latency compliance.


Before running CTS Verifier for head tracking latency, ensure that you have the following equipment:

  • Android-powered phone (the device under test (DUT)) that has verified Android API compatibility by successfully passing the CTS
  • Accompanied headset with the dynamic spatial audio (with head tracking) enabled
  • A head tracking latency test rig (available through MM Solutions).
  • An audio card (Zoom H6essential strongly recommended).
  • Linux computer with three USB 2.0 compatible ports

    All connections to the DUT and test rig are through these ports. You can use a USB hub if your Linux computer does not have enough integrated ports.

Set up the test rig

This section summarizes the setup steps for the test rig. For detailed instructions on each step, refer to the Google Spatial Audio Rig HW3.0 User Guide.

  1. Follow the Audio Recording Setup section to set up the test rig with the Linux computer and DUT.
  2. Contact your Google TAM to download the latest version of the head tracking latency test rig automation software to your Linux computer.
  3. Set up the software using the instructions in the PC SW environment setup section.
  4. Ensure that the a compatible version of the CTS Verifier app is installed on the DUT.
  5. Ensure that the DUT and the headphones are connected and that the spatial audio feature is enabled.
  6. Ensure that the in-ear detection by the headphones is enabled as described in the Earbuds proximity sensor section.

Run the head tracking latency test

Access the CTS Verifier head tracking latency test following the instructions in General instructions.

To run the CTS Verifier head tracking latency test, follow these steps:

  1. Run the automation scripting according to the instructions in the Automatic HTL Measurements section of the Google Spatial Audio Rig HW3.0 User Guide.

  2. When the testing is completed, the Linux computer sends the test results to the CTS Verifier app on the DUT.

  3. Report test results:

    • If the test screen displays Pass, report the test as passed.
    • If the test screen displays Fail, report the test as failed.
    • If the test screen displays Retest, rerun the test again. If the test screen consistently displays Retest across multiple tests, check your test setup according the user guides.

To diagnose test code results, you can use automation software for the head tracking latency test rig. See Access to immersive audio code for more information.


Access to immersive audio code

To access the automation software required for the head tracking latency test rig in the head tracking latency test, complete and submit the Immersive Audio Code Access form. After submitting the form, allow five minutes for your access to the HPS-Spatial-Audio codebase to be granted.