지원되는 시스템 속성

이 페이지에는 VHAL에서 지원되는 시스템 속성이 나열되어 있습니다. VHAL에서 지원하는 속성 은 아래 목록의 시스템 속성 또는 공급업체 속성이어야 합니다. Android 14 및 더 높은 경우 속성 정의는 hardware/interfaces/automotive/vehicle/aidl_property/android/hardware/automotive/vehicle/VehicleProperty.aidl

속성 정의는 AIDL 인터페이스에 정의되어 있습니다. android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.property: VHAL과 별개입니다. 인터페이스 (android.hardware.automotive.vehicle)를 호출합니다. VHAL 구현 및 VHAL 클라이언트는 두 인터페이스에 모두 종속되어야 합니다.

자동 생성된 액세스 모드 및 모드 변경

Android 14 이상에서는 VHAL 구현을 지원하기 위해 자동 생성된 API를 제공합니다. C++ 헤더 파일Java 클래스 파일 시스템 속성의 변경 허용 모드 또는 액세스 모드로 설정할 수 있습니다 공급업체 VHAL 구현 이를 사용하여 속성 구성이 사양을 충족하는지 확인할 수 있습니다.


어댑티브 크루즈 컨트롤 (ACC) 또는 예측 기능을 사용할 때 앞차와의 측정 거리 크루즈 컨트롤 (PCC) 가장 뒤에 있는 점 사이의 측정된 거리를 밀리미터 단위로 반환합니다. 선행 차량의 최전방 지점과 ACC 차량의 가장 앞쪽 지점에 해당합니다. maxInt32Value VehicleAreaConfigminInt32Value가 정의되어야 합니다. 이 minInt32Value는 0이어야 합니다. maxInt32Value는 거리 센서가 지원할 수 있는 최대 범위. 이 값은 음수가 아니어야 합니다.

리드 차량이 감지되지 않는 경우 (즉, 선행 차량이 없거나 선행 차량이 없는 경우) 센서가 감지하기에 너무 멀리 있는 경우 이 속성은 StatusCode.NOT_AVAILABLE

참조가 사용 중지되어 이 속성을 사용할 수 없는 경우 (예: StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED가 false인 경우) 이 속성은 StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED CRUISE_CONTROL_STATE인 경우 구현되고 상태가 ErrorState 값으로 설정되면 이 속성이 ErrorState 값에 맞는 StatusCode를 반환해야 합니다. 대상 예를 들어 CRUISE_CONTROL_STATE가 다음과 같이 설정된 경우 ErrorState#NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW이면 이 속성이 <ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW</ph>

액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:MILLIMETER
출시: Android 14


ACC 또는 PCC의 현재 목표 시간 간격(밀리초)입니다. 이 속성은 주요 차량과의 목표 시간 간격을 줄입니다. 이 간격은 거리를 이동하는 데 걸리는 시간으로 정의됩니다. 선행 차량의 가장 뒤쪽 지점과 ACC 차량의 가장 앞쪽 지점 사이를 연결합니다. 실제 선행 차량과의 시간 간격은 이 값보다 크거나 작을 수 있습니다.

목표 시간 간격에 설정할 수 있는 값은 다음의 configArray에 지정되어야 합니다. 오름차순으로 정렬하세요. 모든 값은 양수여야 합니다. 속성을 쓸 수 있는 경우 모든 값은 쓰기 가능한 클래스입니다. 참조가 사용 중지되어 이 속성을 사용할 수 없는 경우 (예: CRUISE_CONTROL_ENABLED가 false인 경우) 이 속성은 StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED

CRUISE_CONTROL_STATE가 구현되고 상태가 ErrorState 값인 경우 이 속성은 StatusCode ErrorState 값과 일치합니다. 예를 들어 CRUISE_CONTROL_STATEErrorState#NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW로 설정된 경우 이 속성은 StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW를 반환해야 합니다.

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로만 구현합니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:MILLI_SECS
출시: Android 14


자동 브레이크 시스템 (ABS)이 활성 상태입니다. ABS가 활성화된 경우 true로 설정 거짓으로 재설정됩니다. 이 속성은 간헐적으로 설정 (깜빡임)될 수 있음 ABS 시스템의 실시간 상태를 기반으로 작동합니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


에포크 시간(밀리초)으로 인코딩된 현재 날짜 및 시간입니다. 이 값은 1970년 1월 1일(UTC) 이후 경과된 밀리초 수를 나타냅니다.

이 값은 1970년 1월 1일(UTC) 이후 경과된 밀리초 수를 나타냅니다. CarServices WRITE를 이 값으로 설정하여 VHAL에 Android 시스템의 시간을 제공합니다. 는 이 속성을 지원합니다. 이는 다른 차량 시스템 (대시 시계)을 Android의 시대입니다.

AAOS WRITE를 부팅 중에 한 번 이 속성에 적용하고 이후 WRITE 시간 소스 변경사항이 전파된 경우에만 AAOS는 VehiclePropValue.timestamp를 채웁니다. 있습니다. AAOS는 자연스러운 경과에 관한 업데이트를 전송하지 않습니다. int64Values[0] = 제공된 Unix 밀리초 단위로 표시합니다.

속성이 스택을 통해 전파되는 데 0밀리초 이상 걸릴 수 있으며 타임스탬프 속성을 사용하면 시간 드리프트를 줄이는 데 도움이 됩니다. 따라서 속성의 모든 WRITE에 대해 타임스탬프를 사용하여 이러한 드리프트를 무효화할 수 있습니다.

drift = elapsedTime - PropValue.timestamp effectiveTime = PropValue.value.int64Values[0] + drift

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: WRITE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:MILLI_SECS
출시: Android 13


현재 전원이 켜져 있는 부팅 이유를 보고하는 속성입니다. STATIC 속성입니다. 전원이 꺼질 때까지 전체 시간 동안 변경되지 않습니다. 예를 들어 사용자가 전원 버튼을 눌러도 도어 잠금 해제로 전원이 자동으로 켜지면 부팅 이유는 다음과 같아야 합니다. VehicleApPowerBootupReason#USER_UNLOCK int32Values[0]은(는) 다음과 같아야 합니다. VehicleApPowerBootupReason

변경 모드: STATIC
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


앱 프로세서의 전원 상태를 보고하는 속성입니다. AP의 전원 상태는 작동시킬 수 있습니다.

  • int32Values[0] VehicleApPowerStateReport 열거형 값
  • int32Values[1] 필요한 경우 절전 모드 해제 시간(밀리초)(그렇지 않으면 0)

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ_WRITE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


앱 프로세서의 전원 상태를 제어하는 속성입니다. AP의 전원 상태는 별도의 전원 컨트롤러로 제어됩니다. 구성 정보의 경우 VehiclePropConfig.configArray에는 값을 결합하는 비트 플래그가 있어야 합니다. VehicleApPowerStateConfigFlag

  • int32Values[0] VehicleApPowerStateReq enum 값
  • int32Values[1] 각 상태와 관련된 추가 매개변수입니다. 사용하지 않을 경우 0입니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


자동 비상 제동(AEB)을 사용 설정 또는 사용 중지합니다. AEB를 사용 설정하려면 true로, AEB를 사용 중지하려면 false로 설정합니다. AEB가 사용 설정되면 잠재적 충돌을 방지하기 위해 차량의 시동을 켜고 모니터링해야 합니다. 이 속성은 보다 빠른 속도의 애플리케이션에만 적용됩니다. 저속 자동 비상 제동을 사용 설정하려면 LOW_SPEED_AUTOMATIC_EMERGENCY_BRAKING_ENABLED를 사용해야 합니다.

일반적으로 AUTOMATIC_EMERGENCY_BRAKING_ENABLED는 항상 true 또는 false를 반환해야 합니다. 차량 속도가 너무 느려지는 등 일시적인 상태로 인해 기능을 사용할 수 없는 경우 낮음이면 해당 정보는 ErrorState 값을 통해 전달되어야 합니다. AUTOMATIC_EMERGENCY_BRAKING_STATE 속성

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 이를 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로만 구현할 수 있습니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


자동 비상 제동 (AEB) 상태입니다. AEB의 현재 상태를 반환합니다. 이 속성은 항상AutomaticEmergencyBrakingState 또는 ErrorState에 정의된 유효한 상태를 반환합니다. StatusCode를 통해 오류가 표시되면 안 되며 지원되는 오류 상태를 사용해야 합니다. 하세요. 이 속성은 고속 애플리케이션에만 적용되어야 합니다. 상태를 나타내는 데 사용됩니다. 저속 자동 비상 브레이킹 시스템의 LOW_SPEED_AUTOMATIC_EMERGENCY_BRAKING_STATE를 사용해야 합니다.

AEB에 브레이크를 활성화하기 전에 전방 충돌 경고가 포함되어 있는 경우 이러한 경고는 전방 충돌 경고 (FCW) 속성을 통해 표시됩니다.

전역 영역 ID (0)의 경우 StatusCode#VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValuesAutomaticEmergencyBrakingState의 모든 상태가 아니면 배열을 정의해야 합니다. (권장되지 않는 OTHER 포함) 및 ErrorState는 다음과 같습니다. 지원됩니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: ForwardCollisionWarningState/ErrorState
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


사각지대 경고(BSW)를 사용 설정 또는 사용 중지합니다. BSW를 사용 설정하려면 true로, BSW를 사용 중지하려면 false로 설정합니다. BSW가 사용 설정되면 차량의 ADAS 시스템이 켜지고 다음 차량에 대한 모니터링이 이루어져야 합니다. 차량의 사각지대에 물체를 방지합니다.

일반적으로 BLIND_SPOT_WARNING_ENABLED는 항상 true 또는 false를 반환해야 합니다. 만약 차량 속도가 너무 느림, ErrorState 값을 통해 전달되어야 한다는 것을 BLIND_SPOT_WARNING_STATE 속성

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의됩니다. OEM은 이를 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로만 구현할 수 있습니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


사각지대 경고(BSW) 상태입니다. BSW의 현재 상태를 반환합니다. 이 속성은 항상 BlindSpotWarningState 또는 ErrorState에 정의된 유효한 상태를 반환합니다. StatusCode를 통해 오류가 표시되면 안 되며 지원되는 오류 상태를 사용해야 합니다. 하세요.

지원되는 각 영역 ID의 경우 StatusCode#VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValuesBlindSpotWarningState의 모든 상태( OTHER(권장되지 않음) 및 ErrorState가 지원됩니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: BlindSpotWarningState/ErrorState
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


차량 조명의 상태를 반환합니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: VehicleLightState
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


운전석 조명 스위치입니다. 운전석 조명을 제어하는 물리적 스위치의 위치입니다. 문이 고장났기 때문에 조명이 켜져 있다면 CABIN_LIGHTS_STATE과(와) 다를 수 있습니다 열 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 스위치가 꺼짐 또는 자동으로 전환합니다.

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 이를 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로만 구현할 수 있습니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
Enum 유형: VehicleLightSwitch
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


계기판 디스플레이 상태를 변경합니다.

  • 경계: 클러스터 활동을 렌더링하는 영역입니다.
  • 삽입: Activity가 중요한 정보를 배치해서는 안 되는 영역입니다.

가능한 값:

  • int32[0] 사용, 사용 중지: 0 - 사용 중지, 1 - 사용, -1 - 상관없음
  • int32[1] 경계 - 왼쪽: 양수 - 왼쪽 위치(픽셀) -1 - 상관없음(모든 경계 필드를 설정해야 함)
  • int32[2] 경계 - 상단: '왼쪽'과 동일한 형식
  • int32[3] 경계 - 오른쪽: '왼쪽'과 동일한 형식
  • int32[4] 경계 - 하단: '왼쪽'과 동일한 형식
  • int32[5] 인셋 - 왼쪽: 양수 - 실제 왼쪽 인셋 값(픽셀) -1 - 상관없음(모든 인셋 필드를 '상관없음'으로 설정해야 함)
  • int32[6] 인셋 - 상단: '왼쪽'과 동일한 형식
  • int32[7] 인셋 - 오른쪽: 'left'와 동일한 형식
  • int32[8] 인셋 - 하단: '왼쪽'과 동일한 형식

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


현재 내비게이션 상태를 알립니다. 바이트: NavigationStateProto의 직렬화된 메시지입니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: WRITE
enum 유형:
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


현재 디스플레이 상태 및 ClusterUI 상태를 보고합니다. ClusterHome에서 CLUSTER_SWITCH_UI를 처리할 때 이 메시지를 전송합니다. CLUSTER_DISPLAY_STATE 또한 ClusterHome가 다음을 전송해야 합니다. 메시지가 표시됩니다. ClusterOS에서 이 메시지를 수신하고 내부 기대치가 수신된 메시지와 다르다면 CLUSTER_SWITCH_UI, CLUSTER_DISPLAY_STATE를 다시 사용하여 상태를 일치시킵니다.

  • int32[0] 켜기/끄기: 0 - 사용 중지, 1 - 사용
  • int32[1] 경계 - 왼쪽
  • int32[2] 경계 - 상단
  • int32[3] 경계 - 오른쪽
  • int32[4] 경계 - 하단
  • int32[5] 인셋 - 왼쪽
  • int32[6] 인셋 - 상단
  • int32[7] 인셋 - 오른쪽
  • int32[8] 인셋 - 하단
  • int32[9] 전체 화면 또는 기본 화면의 ClusterUI 유형입니다. 0은 ClusterHome 다른 값 뒤에는 OEM의 정의가 나옵니다.
  • int32[10] 현재 두 개의 UI가 표시되는 경우 하위 화면의 ClusterUI 유형입니다. -1은 영역이 더 이상 사용되지 않음을 나타냅니다. 바이트: 바이트의 가용성을 나타내는 배열입니다. 합니다. 0은 사용 불가를 나타내고 1은 사용 가능을 나타냅니다. 예를 들어 자동차가 는 세 가지 OEM 정의 ClusterUI(예: HOME, MAPS, CALL)를 지원하고 이동통신망을 사용할 수 있는 경우에만 UI를 호출합니다. 그런 다음 Nework를 사용할 수 있는 경우 [1 1 1] 을 전송하고 네트워크 외부에 있을 경우 [1 1 0]을 전송합니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: WRITE
Enum 유형: VehicleLightSwitch
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


일부 ClusterUI를 표시하도록 계기판 디스플레이 상태의 변경을 요청합니다. 현재 디스플레이 시간 상태가 꺼져 있고 ClusterHome은 이 메시지를 ClusterOS에 전송하여 사용 설정을 요청합니다. 특정 ClusterUI를 표시할 수 있습니다. ClusterOS는 다음과 같이 응답해야 합니다. CLUSTER_DISPLAY_STATE

  • int32 표시할 ClusterUI 유형

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: WRITE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


계기판 디스플레이에서 ClusterUI를 시작합니다.

  • int32 0으로 표시되는 ClusterUI 유형은 ClusterHome을 나타냅니다. 화면에 표시되며 기본 UI와 계기판 디스플레이용 런처 기능입니다. 다른 값은 OEM의 정의에 따른 것입니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


Android 사용자가 생성된 후 Android 시스템에서 호출됩니다. HAL은 이 속성을 사용할 수 있음 동일한 사용자를 만듭니다. 이는 비동기 요청입니다. Android는 VehiclePropValue, HAL은 요청이 추가되었는지 여부를 나타내는 속성 변경으로 응답해야 함 확인할 수 있습니다 실패하면 Android 시스템에서 사용자를 삭제합니다.

요청의 형식은 CreateUserRequest로 정의되고 응답 형식은 CreateUserResponse. 예를 들어 시스템에 두 명의 사용자 (0과 10)와 세 번째 사용자( 임시 게스트)가 생성되면 요청은 다음과 같습니다.

  • int32[0] 42 // 요청 ID
  • int32[1] 11 // 생성된 사용자의 Android ID입니다.
  • int32[2] 6 // 생성된 사용자의 Android 플래그 (임시 게스트)
  • int32[3] 10 // 현재 사용자
  • int32[4] 0 // 현재 사용자 플래그 (없음)
  • int32[5] 3 // 사용자 수
  • int32[6] 0 // 첫 번째 사용자 (사용자 0)
  • int32[7] 0 // 첫 번째 사용자 플래그 (없음)
  • int32[8] 10 // 두 번째 사용자 (사용자 10)
  • int32[9] 0 // 두 번째 사용자 플래그 (없음)
  • int32[10] 11 // 세 번째 사용자 (사용자 11)
  • int32[11] 6 // 세 번째 사용자 플래그 (임시 게스트) 문자열: "ElGuesto" // 새 사용자의 이름

요청이 성공하면 HAL은 다음을 반환합니다.

  • int32[0] 42 // 요청 ID
  • int32[1] 1 // CreateUserStatus::SUCCESS

하지만 실패할 경우 다음과 같은 결과가 발생합니다.

  • int32[0] 42 // 요청 ID
  • int32[1] 2 // CreateUserStatus::FAILURE string: "D'OH!" //

의미는 블랙박스이며 호출자 (예: 설정 UI)에게 전달되며 적절한 조치를 취할 수 있습니다

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ_WRITE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


이 속성은 각 타이어의 최저 압력 임계값을 나타냅니다. 이는 타이어를 교체하거나 수리합니다. 값은 minFloatValue 이하여야 합니다. TIRE_PRESSURE에 있습니다. 최소 및 최대 속성 값 (minFloatValue 및 maxFloatValue)은 적용되지 않습니다.

변경 모드: STATIC
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:KILOPASCAL
출시: Android 13


WRITE 크루즈 컨트롤 (CC) 명령어 지원되는 각 명령어에 관한 자세한 내용은 CruiseControlCommand를 참고하세요. 전역 영역 ID (0)의 경우 StatusCode#VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues 배열을 정의해야 합니다. CruiseControlState의 상태가 지원됩니다. 다음을 통해 전송된 지원되지 않는 명령어는 이 속성을 사용할 수 없는 경우 이 속성은 StatusCode#INVALID_ARG를 반환해야 합니다. CC가 사용 중지되었기 때문에 (예: CRUISE_CONTROL_ENABLED가 false인 경우) 이 속성은 CRUISE_CONTROL_STATE인 경우 StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED을 반환해야 합니다. 구현되고 상태가 ErrorState 값으로 설정되면 속성은 ErrorState 값에 맞는 StatusCode를 반환해야 합니다. 예를 들어 CRUISE_CONTROL_STATE이 다음과 같이 설정된 경우 ErrorState#NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW이면 이 속성이 <ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW</ph>

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: WRITE
enum 유형: CruiseControlCommand
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


크루즈 컨트롤(CC)을 사용 설정하거나 사용 중지합니다. CC를 사용 설정하려면 true로 설정하고 CC를 사용 중지하려면 false로 설정합니다. 이 속성은 모든 형식의 CruiseControlType에서 공유됩니다. CC가 사용 설정되면 ADAS 시스템은 차량의 시동을 켜고 명령에 응답해야 합니다. 일반적으로 CRUISE_CONTROL_ENABLED 항상 true 또는 false를 반환해야 합니다. 일시적인 상태로 인해 기능을 사용할 수 없는 경우 예를 들어 차량 속도가 너무 낮은 경우 해당 정보는 ErrorState 값을 CRUISE_CONTROL_STATE 속성에 저장합니다. 이 속성은 다음과 같이 정의됩니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE이지만 OEM은 이를 구현할 수 있습니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만 해당됩니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


크루즈 컨트롤(CC)의 현재 상태입니다. 이 속성은 CC의 현재 상태를 반환합니다. 일반적으로 이 속성은 CruiseControlState에 정의된 유효한 상태를 반환해야 합니다. ErrorState 예를 들어 일시적인 상태로 인해 기능을 사용할 수 없는 경우 ErrorState를 통해 전달되어야 합니다. 전역 영역 ID (0)의 경우 VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValue 배열을 정의해야 합니다. CruiseControlState (OTHER는 권장되지 않음) 및 ErrorState 는 지원됩니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: CruiseControlState/ErrorState
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


크루즈 컨트롤(CC)의 현재 목표 속도입니다. OEM은 minFloatValue 및 이 속성의 maxFloatValue 값을 사용하여 최소 및 최대 목표 속도 값을 정의합니다. 이러한 값은 음수가 아니어야 합니다. maxFloatValue는 목표 속도의 상한값을 나타냅니다. minFloatValue는 목표 속도의 하한을 나타냅니다. 참조가 사용 중지되어 이 속성을 사용할 수 없는 경우 (예: CRUISE_CONTROL_ENABLED false인 경우) 이 속성은 StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED을 반환해야 합니다. CRUISE_CONTROL_STATE: 상태가 ErrorState 값으로 설정되면 이 속성은 ErrorState 값에 맞는 StatusCode입니다. 예를 들어 CRUISE_CONTROL_STATE 설정됨 ErrorState#NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW로 지정하면 이 속성은 <ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW</ph>

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:METER_PER_SEC
출시: Android 14


현재 크루즈 컨트롤(CC) 유형입니다. CRUISE_CONTROL_ENABLED가 true인 경우 이 속성은 현재 사용 설정된 CC 유형 (예: 표준 CC 및 적응형 CC, 예측) 기본적으로 이 속성은 CruiseControlType에 정의된 유효한 상태를 반환해야 합니다. 또는 ErrorState 예를 들어 일시적인 상태로 인해 기능을 사용할 수 없는 경우 저것 정보는 ErrorState를 통해 전달되어야 함 전역 영역 ID (0)의 경우 StatusCode#VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues 배열을 정의해야 합니다. CruiseControlType의 모든 상태 (OTHER는 권장) 및 ErrorState만 지원됩니다. WRITE 시도 중 CruiseControlType#OTHER 또는 ErrorState 속성에서 IllegalArgumentException 발생 이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로만 구현합니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: CruiseControlType ErrorState
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


현재 기어입니다. 수동 기어가 아닌 경우 선택된 기어가 현재 기어와 일치하지 않을 수 있습니다. 대상 예를 들어 선택된 기어가 GEAR_DRIVE인 경우 현재 기어는 GEAR_1, GEAR_2 등입니다. 모든 데이터그램이 표시됩니다 구성 데이터의 값은 지원되는 기어 목록을 나타내야 합니다. 나타냅니다. 예를 들어 자동 전송의 구성 데이터에는 {GEAR_NEUTRAL, GEAR_REVERSE, GEAR_PARK, GEAR_1, GEAR_2,...} 및 수동 목록은 {GEAR_NEUTRAL, GEAR_REVERSE, GEAR_1, GEAR_2,...}이어야 합니다. 이 목록은 에 보고된 지원되는 톱니바퀴의 목록과 동일할 필요는 없습니다. <ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">GEAR_SELECTION</ph>

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: VehicleGear
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


VHAL 레이어에 현재 전원 정책을 알립니다. 자동차 전원 정책 서비스가 이 속성을 설정합니다. 현재 전원 정책이 변경될 때

string: "sample_policy_id" // power policy ID

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ_WRITE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


VHAL의 선택적 기능 사용 중지를 허용합니다. 이 속성은 사용 중지해야 합니다. 시스템에 허용되는 모든 선택적 기능이 자동차 서비스에 선언됩니다. 오버레이, config_allowed_optional_car_features 이 속성을 사용하면 오버레이에 정의된 기능을 사용 중지할 수 있습니다. 이 속성이 없으면 모든 오버레이에 선언된 기능이 사용 설정됩니다. READ 값에는 쉼표 (,)로 사용 중지된 모든 기능을 포함해야 합니다. 분리할 수 있습니다. 예: com.android.car.user.CarUserNoticeService,storage_monitoring

변경 모드: STATIC
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


디스플레이의 밝기를 나타내는 속성입니다. 일부 자동차에는 밝기를 조절합니다. 이 속성은 해당 컨트롤의 변경사항을 공유하기 위한 것입니다. 자동차에서 밝기가 별도로 제어되는 디스플레이의 경우 PER_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESSPER_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS 중 하나만 있습니다. 둘 다 PER_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS는 AAOS에서 사용합니다. 쓰기 가능한 경우 Android는 이거 설정 값을 설정할 수 있습니다. READ 전용인 경우 사용자는 여전히 디스플레이 밝기는 설정에서 변경할 수 있지만 다른 디스플레이에는 반영되지 않아야 합니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ_WRITE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


디스플레이의 길이 단위입니다. 차량이 있습니다. 예: 마일, 미터, 킬로미터 거리 단위는 VehicleUnit에 정의되어 있습니다. VehiclePropConfig.configArray는 지원되는 거리 표시 단위를 나타내는 데 사용됩니다. 예: configArray[0] = METER configArray[1] = KILOMETER configArray[2] = MILE DISTANCE_DISPLAY_UNITS 업데이트가 다른 <ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">*_DISPLAY_UNITS</ph> 속성이 있는 경우, 그 값도 업데이트되어 AAOS 프레임워크에 전달되어야 합니다. 이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로만 구현합니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
Enum 유형: VehicleUnit
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


아동 보호 잠금 기능이 사용 설정되었습니다. 자녀 보호 잠금 기능이 활성화되어 있고 사용 중지되면 false입니다. 사용 설정하면 문이 내부에서 열 수 없습니다. 이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 구현 가능하지만 OEM은 이를 다음과 같이 구현할 수 있습니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만 해당됩니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


도어락 잠금 true는 문이 잠겼음을 나타냅니다. 이 속성은 다음과 같이 정의됩니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE이지만 OEM은 이를 구현할 수 있습니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만 해당됩니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


각 VehicleAreaConfig의 maxInt32ValueminInt32Value는 정의할 수 있습니다 minInt32Value에서 maxInt32Value 사이의 모든 정수는 지원됩니다. maxInt32Value는 문에서 최대 이동 속도를 나타내며 있습니다. minInt32Value는 문에서 최대 이동 속도를 나타내며 종료.

양수 또는 음수의 절대값이 클수록 이동 속도가 더 빠릅니다. 일단 위치 한계에 도달하면 값을 0으로 재설정해야 합니다. 값이 DOOR_MOVE가 0입니다. 이는 현재 발생하고 있는 움직임이 없음을 의미합니다.

이 속성은 특정 단위가 아니라 상대적 이동 속도의 지정된 범위 내에 있습니다.

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로만 구현합니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


도어 위치입니다. maxInt32ValueminInt32Value VehicleAreaConfig을(를) 정의해야 합니다. minInt32Value에서 maxInt32Value 사이의 모든 정수가 지원되어야 합니다. minInt32Value는 문이 닫혔음을 나타냅니다. minInt32Value 0이어야 합니다. maxInt32Value는 문이 완전히 열려 있음을 나타냅니다. 사이의 값 minInt32ValuemaxInt32Value는 닫힘과 완전 종료 사이의 전환 상태를 나타냅니다. 있습니다.

이 속성은 특정 단위가 아닌 지정된 상대 위치 범위에 있습니다. 일부 차량 (미니밴)은 전자식으로 문을 열 수 있습니다. 따라서 이 속성을 WRITE하세요. 이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess로 정의됩니다. READ_WRITE이지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로 구현할 수 있습니다. 전용입니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13

E - G


Electronic Toll Collection card status. This property indicates the status of ETC card in this vehicle. If the head unit is aware of an ETC card attached to the vehicle, ELECTRONIC_TOLL_COLLECTION_CARD_TYPE gives that status of the card. Otherwise, this property should be UNAVAILABLE

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: ElectronicTollCollectionCardStatus
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) card type. This property indicates the type of ETC card in this vehicle. If the head unit is aware of an ETC card attached to the vehicle, this property should return the type of card attached; otherwise, this property should be UNAVAILABLE

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: ElectronicTollCollectionCardType
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Enable or disable Emergency Lane Keep Assist (ELKA). Set true to enable ELKA and false to disable ELKA. When ELKA is enabled, the ADAS system in the vehicle should be on and monitoring for unsafe lane changes by the driver. When an unsafe maneuver is detected, ELKA alerts the driver and applies steering corrections to keep the vehicle in its original lane. In general, EMERGENCY_LANE_KEEP_ASSIST_ENABLED should always return true or false. If the feature is not available due to some temporary state, such as the vehicle speed being too low, that information must be conveyed through the ErrorState values in the EMERGENCY_LANE_KEEP_ASSIST_STATE property. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Emergency Lane Keep Assist (ELKA) state. Returns the current state of ELKA. Generally, this property should return a valid state defined in the EmergencyLaneKeepAssistState or ErrorState For example, if the feature is not available due to some temporary state, that information should be conveyed through ErrorState For the global area ID (0), the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues array must be defined unless all states of EmergencyLaneKeepAssistState (including OTHER, which is not recommended) and ErrorState are supported.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: EmergencyLaneKeepAssistState/ErrorState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Temperature of engine coolant.

Change mode: CONTINUOUS
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:CELSIUS
Release: Android 13


Represents feature for engine idle automatic stop. If true, the vehicle may automatically shut off the engine when it is not needed and then automatically restart it when needed. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Engine oil level.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleOilLevel
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Temperature of engine oil.

Change mode: CONTINUOUS
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:CELSIUS
Release: Android 13


Engine revolutions per minute (RPM).

Change mode: CONTINUOUS
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:RPM
Release: Android 13


Outside temperature. This property must communicate the temperature reading of the environment outside the vehicle. If there are multiple sensors for measuring the outside temperature, this property should be populated with the mean or a meaningful weighted average of the readings that best represent the temperature of the outside environment.

Change mode: CONTINUOUS
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:CELSIUS
Release: Android 13


EV battery units for display. Indicates which units the car is using to display EV battery information to the user. For example, watt-hours (Wh), kilowatt-hours (kWh) or ampere-hours (Ah). VehiclePropConfig.configArray is used to indicate the supported electrical energy. units. Electrical energy units are defined in VehicleUnit For example:

  configArray[0] = WATT_HOUR configArray[1] = AMPERE_HOURS configArray[2] = KILOWATT_HOUR

If updating EV_BATTERY_DISPLAY_UNITS affects the values of other *_DISPLAY_UNITS properties, then their values must be updated and communicated to the AAOS framework as well. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleUnit
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


EV instantaneous charge rate in milliwatts. A positive value indicates the battery is being charged. A negative value indicates the battery being discharged.

Change mode: CONTINUOUS
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:MW
Release: Android 13


Returns the current battery level, whether EV or hybrid. This value will not exceed EV_CURRENT_BATTERY_CAPACITY To calculate the battery percentage, use (EV_BATTERY_LEVEL, EV_CURRENT_BATTERY_CAPACITY)*100.

Change mode: CONTINUOUS
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:WH
Release: Android 13


Regenerative braking level of a electronic vehicle. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All values between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The minInt32Value must be 0. The maxInt32Value indicates the setting for the maximum amount of energy regenerated from braking. The minInt32Value indicates the setting for no regenerative braking. This property is a more granular form of EV_REGENERATIVE_BRAKING_STATE It allows the user to set a more specific level of regenerative braking if the states in EvRegenerativeBrakingState are not granular enough for the OEM. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Indicates the maximum current draw threshold for charging set by the user. EvChargeState::configArray[0] is used to specify the max current draw allowed by the vehicle in Amperes. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:AMPERE
Release: Android 13


Indicates the maximum charge percent threshold set by the user. Indicates the maximum charge percent threshold set by the user. Returns a float value from 0 to 100. configArray is used to specify the valid values. For example, if the vehicle supports the following charge percent limit values: [20, 40, 60, 80, 100] then the configArray should be {20, 40, 60, 80, 100} If the configArray is empty then all values from 0 to 100 must be valid. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE,, READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


EV charge port connected. If the vehicle has multiple charging ports, this property must return true when any of the charge ports are connected.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


EV charge port open. If the vehicle has multiple charging ports, this property must return true if any of the charge ports are open. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Charging state of the car Returns the current charging state of the car. If the vehicle has a target charge percentage other than 100, this property must return EvChargeState::STATE_FULLY_CHARGED when the battery charge level has reached the target level. See EvChargeState::EV_CHARGE_PERCENT_LIMIT for more context.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: EvChargeState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Start or stop charging the EV battery. The setting wanted by the user. Setting this property to true starts the battery charging, and false to stop charging. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Estimated charge time remaining in seconds. Returns 0 if the vehicle is not charging.

Change mode: CONTINUOUS
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:SECS
Release: Android 13


Current usable battery capacity for and EV or hybrid vehicle. Returns the actual value of battery capacity, when EV or hybrid. This property captures the real-time usable battery capacity taking into account factors such as battery aging and temperature dependency. This value might differ from INFO_EV_BATTERY_CAPACITY because INFO_EV_BATTERY_CAPACITY returns the nominal battery capacity from when the vehicle was new.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:WH
Release: Android 14


Regenerative braking or one-pedal drive setting of the car. Returns the current setting associated with the regenerative braking setting in the car. If the OEM requires more setting than those provided in EvRegenerativeBrakingState, the EV_BRAKE_REGENERATION_LEVEL property can be used instead, which provides more granular information.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: EvRegenerativeBrakingState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Represents property for the current stopping mode of the vehicle. For the global area ID (0), the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues must be defined unless all enum values of EvStoppingMode are supported. The EvStoppingMode enum may be extended to include more states in the future. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs have the option to implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: EvStoppingMode
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Enable and request an EVS service. The property provides a way to trigger EVS services. The VHAL should use this property to request Android to start or stop EVS service.

  • int32Values[0] Type of EVS service. The value must be and enum in EvsServiceType.
  • int32Values[1] State of the EVS service. The value must be one of enums in EvsServiceState.

For example, to enable rear view EVS service, Android can set the property value as:

[EvsServiceType::REAR_VIEW, EvsServiceState::ON]

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Current date and time suggestion for the cr, encoded as Epoch time (in milliseconds). This value denotes the number of milliseconds seconds that have elapsed since 1/1/1970 UTC. This property signals a change in CarTime to Android. If the property is supported, VHAL must report the most accurate current CarTime when this property is read, and publish a change to this property when the CarTime value has changed.

An on-change event for this property must be published when CarTime changes for any reason other than the natural elapse of time (time delta smaller than 500ms should not trigger an on change event). Android will read and subscribe to this property to fetch time from VHAL. This can be useful to synchronize Android's time with other vehicle systems (dash clock). int64Values[0] = provided Epoch time (in milliseconds) Whenever a new Value for the property is received, AAOS creates and sends an ExternalTimeSuggestion to the TimeDetectorService.

If other sources do not have a higher priority, Android will use this to set the system time. For information on how to adjust time source priorities and how time suggestions are handled (including how Android handles gitter, drift, and minimum resolution), see the Time Detector Service documentation.

drift = elapsedTime - PropValue.timestamp effectiveTime = PropValue.value.int64Values[0] + drift

We strongly recommend that this propertynot be used to retrieve time from ECUs using protocols (such as GNSS, NTP, and Telephony). Since these protocols are already supported by Android, we recommend you use Android systems instead of wiring through the VHAL with this property.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:MILLI_SECS
Release: Android 13


Fog light state. Return the current state of fog lights. If the:

  • Car has front and rear fog lights. Front and rear fog lights can only be controlled together. FOG_LIGHTS_STATE must be implemented. FRONT_FOG_LIGHTS_STATE and REAR_FOG_LIGHTS_STATE must not be implemented.
  • Front and rear fog lights can only be controlled independently. FOG_LIGHTS_STATE must not be implemented and FRONT_FOG_LIGHTS_STATE and REAR_FOG_LIGHTS_STATE must be implemented.
  • Car has only front fog lights. Only one of FOG_LIGHTS_STATE or FRONT_FOG_LIGHTS_STATE must be implemented (not both). REAR_FOG_LIGHTS_STATE must not be implemented.
  • Car has only rear fog lights. Only one of FOG_LIGHTS_STATE or REAR_FOG_LIGHTS_STATE must be implemented (not both). FRONT_FOG_LIGHTS_STATE must not be implemented.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleLightState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Fog light switch. The setting wanted by the user. If the:

  • Car has both front and rear fog lights. If front and rear fog lights can only be controlled together, FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH must be implemented. FRONT_FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH and REAR_FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH must not be implemented.
  • Front and rear fog lights can only be controlled independently. FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH must not be implemented. FRONT_FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH and REAR_FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH must be implemented.
  • Car has only front fog lights. Only one of FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH or FRONT_FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH must be implemented (not both). REAR_FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH must not be implemented.
  • Car has only rear fog lights. Only one of FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH or REAR_FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH must be implemented (and not both). FRONT_FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH must not be implemented.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleLightSwitch
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Enable or disable Forward Collision Warning (FCW). Set to true to enable FCW and false to disable FCW. When FCW is enabled, the ADAS system in the vehicle should be turned on and monitoring for potential collisions. In general, FORWARD_COLLISION_WARNING_ENABLED should always return true or false. If the feature is not available due to some temporary state, such as the vehicle speed being too low, that information must be conveyed through the ErrorState values in the FORWARD_COLLISION_WARNING_STATE property.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Forward Collision Warning (FCW) state. Returns the current state of FCW. This property must always return a valid state defined in ForwardCollisionWarningState or ErrorState It must not surface errors through StatusCode and must use the supported error states instead. For the global area ID (0), the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues array must be defined unless all states of both ForwardCollisionWarningState (including OTHER, which is not recommended) and ErrorState are supported.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enun type: ForwardCollisionWarningState/ErrorState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Front fog lights state. Returns the current state of the front fog lights. Only one of FOG_LIGHTS_STATE or FRONT_FOG_LIGHTS_STATE must be implemented. Refer to the documentation on FOG_LIGHTS_STATE for more information.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleLightState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Front fog lights switch. The setting wanted by the user. Only one of FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH or FRONT_FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH must be implemented. Refer to the documentation on FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH for more information.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleLightSwitch
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Fuel consumption units for display. Indicates type of units the car is using to display fuel consumption information to user True indicates units are distance over volume such as MPG. False indicates units are volume over distance such as L/100KM. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Fuel door open. This property must communicate if the fuel door on the vehicle is open or not. This property does not apply to EVs. That is, if INFO_FUEL_TYPE only contains FuelType::FUEL_TYPE_ELECTRIC, this property must not be implemented. For EVs, implement EV_CHARGE_PORT_OPEN. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Fuel remaining in the vehicle, in milliliters. This property must communicate the current amount of fuel remaining in the vehicle in milliliters. This property does not apply to electric vehicles. That is, if INFO_FUEL_TYPE only contains FuelType::FUEL_TYPE_ELECTRIC, this property must not be implemented. For EVs, implement EV_BATTERY_LEVEL Value can not exceed INFO_FUEL_CAPACITY

Change mode: CONTINUOUS
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:MILLILITER
Release: Android 13


Warning for fuel low level. This property corresponds to the low fuel warning on the dashboard. Once FUEL_LEVEL_LOW is set, it should not be cleared until more fuel is added to the vehicle. This property can account for all fuel sources in a vehicle. For example, in a:

  • Gas-powered vehicle, this property is based solely on gas level.
  • Battery powered vehicle, this property is based only on battery level.
  • Hybrid vehicle, this property may can based on a combination of gas and battery levels, at the OEM's discretion.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Fuel volume units for display. Indicates which units the car is using to display fuel volume to the user. For example, Liter or Gallon. VehiclePropConfig.configArray is used to indicate the supported fuel volume display units. Volume units are defined in VehicleUnit For example, configArray[0] = LITER configArray[1] = GALLON If updating FUEL_VOLUME_DISPLAY_UNITS affects the values of other *_DISPLAY_UNITS properties, then their values must be updated and communicated to the AAOS framework, too. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleUnit
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


The gear selected by the user. Values in the config data must represent the list of supported gears for this vehicle. For example, config data for an automatic transmission must contain {GEAR_NEUTRAL, GEAR_REVERSE, GEAR_PARK, GEAR_DRIVE, GEAR_1, GEAR_2,...} and for manual transmission the list must be {GEAR_NEUTRAL, GEAR_REVERSE, GEAR_1, GEAR_2,...} For an automatic transmission vehicle that allows the driver to select specific gears on demand (for example, manual mode), the value for GEAR_SELECTION must be set to the specific gear selected by the driver instead of GEAR_DRIVE

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleGear
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


EU's General security regulation compliance requirement. Returns a value to indicate if general security regulation compliance is required and, if so, the type of requirement.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: GsrComplianceRequirementType
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Property that represents the current position of the glove box door. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The minInt32Value indicates that the glove box door is closed. The minInt32Value must be 0. The maxInt32Value indicates that the glove box door is in the fully open position. Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the closed and fully open positions.

This property is not in any particular unit but in a specified range of relative positions. The area ID must match the seat by which the glove box is intended to be used. For example if the front right dashboard has a glove box embedded in it, then the area ID should be SEAT_1_RIGHT

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Lock or unlock the glove box. If true, the glove box is locked. If false, the glove box is unlocked. The area ID must match the seat by which the glove box is intended to be used. For example, if the front right dashboard has an embedded glove box embedded, then the area ID should be VehicleAreaSeat#ROW_1_RIGHT

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14



Hands On Detection (HOD) driver state. Returns whether the driver's hands are on the steering wheel. Generally, this property should return a valid state defined in the HandsOnDetectionDriverState or ErrorState For example, if the feature is not available due to some temporary state, that information should be conveyed through ErrorState If the vehicle wants to send a warning to the user because the driver's hands have been off the steering wheel for too long, the warning should be surfaced through HANDS_ON_DETECTION_WARNING For the global area ID (0), the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues array must be defined unless all states of both HandsOnDetectionDriverState (including OTHER, which is not recommended) and ErrorState are supported.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: HandsOnDetectionDriverState/ErrorState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Enable or disable Hands On Detection (HOD). Set true to enable HOD and false to disable HOD. When HOD is enabled, a system inside the vehicle should be monitoring the presence of the driver's hands on the steering wheel and send a warning if it detects that the driver's hands are no longer on the steering wheel. In general, HANDS_ON_DETECTION_ENABLED should always return true or false.

If the feature is not available due to some temporary state, that information must be conveyed through the ErrorState values in the HANDS_ON_DETECTION_STATE property. This property is defined as minInt32Value VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it is VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Hands On Detection (HOD) warning. Returns whether a warning is being sent to the driver for having their hands off the wheel for too long a duration. Generally, this property should return a valid state defined in HandsOnDetectionWarning or ErrorState For example, if the feature is not available due to some temporary state, that information should be conveyed through an ErrorState For the global area ID (0), the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues array must be defined unless all states of both HandsOnDetectionWarning (including OTHER, which is not recommended) and ErrorState are supported.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: HandsOnDetectionWarning/ErrorState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Hazard light status. Return the current status of hazard lights.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleLightState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Hazard light switch. The setting that the user wants. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleLightSwitch
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Headlights state. Returns the current state of headlights.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleLightState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Headlight switch. The setting that the user wants. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleLightSwitch
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


High beam lights state. Returns the current state of high beam lights.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleLightState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


High beam light switch. The setting that the user wants. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleLightSwitch
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Turn AC on and off AC for the designated areaId. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Actual fan speed.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Turn automatic climate control on and off. If true, automatic climate control is on. If false, automatic climate control is off. If the vehicle does not support directly turning off automatic climate control, then OEMs should add logic in their VHAL implementation to set HVAC_AUTO_ON to false, which changes the necessary HVAC settings to indirectly turn off HVAC_AUTO_ON Ideally, this should not disrupt the user. OEMs should revert to the previous state any settings that were modified when automatic climate control is off. This way, the only outcome should be that HVAC_AUTO_ON is off. If restoring HVAC settings to previous settings is not possible, then the OEM should implement the least disruptive change.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Automatic recirculation on or off. When automatic recirculation is on, the HVAC system may automatically switch to recirculation mode if the vehicle detects poor incoming air quality. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Fan-based defrost for designated window. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Enable temperature coupling between areas. The AreaIDs for the HVAC_DUAL_ON property shall contain a combination of HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET AreaIDs that can be coupled together. If HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET is mapped to AreaIDs[a_1, a_2, ..., a_n] and if HVAC_DUAL_ON can be enabled to couple a_i and a_j, then HVAC_DUAL_ON property must be mapped to [a_i | a_j]. Further, if a_k and a_l can also be coupled together separately, then HVAC_DUAL_ON must be mapped to [a_i | a_j, a_k | a_l]. For example, a car has two front seats (ROW_1_LEFT and ROW_1_RIGHT) and three back seats (ROW_2_LEFT, ROW_2_CENTER, and ROW_2_RIGHT). There are two temperature control units, driver side and passenger side, which can be optionally synchronized. This can be expressed this way in the AreaIDs:


When the property is enabled, the ECU must synchronize the temperature for the affected areas. Any parameters modified as a side effect of turning on or off the DUAL_ON parameter shall generate onPropertyEvent() callbacks to the VHAL. In addition, if setting a temperature (for example, driver temperature) changes another temperature (such as front passenger temperature), then the appropriate onPropertyEvent() callbacks must be generated.

If a user changes a temperature that breaks the coupling (for example, sets passenger temperature independently), then the VHAL must send the appropriate onPropertyEvent() callbacks (including HVAC_DUAL_ON = false and HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET[AreaID] = xxx). This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Electric defrosters' status.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Fan direction setting. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleHvacFanDirection
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Fan positions available. This is a bit mask of fan positions available for the zone. Each available fan direction is denoted by a separate entry in the vector. A fan direction can have multiple bits from vehicle_hvac_fan_direction set. For instance, a typical car may have these fan positions:


Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleHvacFanDirection
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Fan speed setting. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

  • minInt32Value lowest fan speed
  • maxInt32Value highest fan speed

This property is not in any specific unit but in a specified range of relative speeds. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can elect to implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


MAX AC on or off. When MAX AC is on, the ECU can adjust items such as vent position, fan speed, and temperature as needed to cool the vehicle as quickly as possible. Any parameters modified as a side effect of turning on or off the MAX AC parameter generates onPropertyEvent() callbacks to the VHAL. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Turn MAX DEFROST on and off. When MAX DEFROST is on, the ECU can adjust items such as vent position, fan speed, and temperature as needed to defrost the windows as quickly as possible. Any parameters modified as a side effect of turning on or off MAX DEFROST parameter generates onPropertyEvent() callbacks to the VHAL. The AreaIDs for HVAC_MAX_DEFROST_ON indicate MAX DEFROST can be controlled in the area. For example, areaConfig.areaId = {ROW_1_LEFT | ROW_1_RIGHT} indicates that HVAC_MAX_DEFROST_ON can only be controlled for the front rows. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Represents the global power state for HVAC. Setting this property to false MAY mark some properties that control individual HVAC features and subsystems in the UNAVAILABLE state. Setting this property to true MAY mark some properties that control individual HVAC features and subsystems to the AVAILABLE state (unless any or all of the properties are UNAVAILABLE on their own individual merits).

HvacPower_DependentProperties are those properties that require HVAC to be powered on to enable functionality. In some cars, for example, to turn on the AC, HVAC must first be powered on. The HvacPower_DependentProperties list must be set in the VehiclePropConfig.configArray HvacPower_DependentProperties must only contain those properties associated with VehicleArea:SEAT

AreaID mapping for HVAC_POWER_ON property must contain all AreaIDs that HvacPower_DependentProperties are mapped to. For example, a car has two:

  1. Front seats (ROW_1_LEFT, ROW_1_RIGHT) and three back seats (ROW_2_LEFT, ROW_2_CENTER, ROW_2_RIGHT). If the HVAC features (AC, Temperature etc.) throughout the car are dependent on a single HVAC power controller, then HVAC_POWER_ON must be mapped to [ROW_1_LEFT | ROW_1_RIGHT | ROW_2_LEFT | ROW_2_CENTER | ROW_2_RIGHT]
  2. Seats in the front row (ROW_1_LEFT, ROW_1_RIGHT) and three seat in the second (ROW_2_LEFT, ROW_2_CENTER, ROW_2_RIGHT) and third rows (ROW_3_LEFT, ROW_3_CENTER, ROW_3_RIGHT). If the car has temperature controllers in the front row that can operate entirely independently of temperature controllers in the back of the vehicle, then HVAC_POWER_ON must be mapped to a two element array:

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs have the option to implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Recirculation on and off. Controls the supply of exterior air to the cabin. Recirc on means most of the airflow into the cabin originates in the cabin. Recirc off means most of the airflow into the cabin comes from outside the car. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat heating and cooling. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The maxInt32Value indicates the maximum seat temperature heating setting. The minInt32Value must be 0, unless the vehicle supports seat cooling. In this case, minInt32Value indicates the maximum seat temperature cooling setting. This property is not in any specific unit, but in a specified range of relative temperature settings. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat ventilation. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The minInt32Value must be 0. The maxInt32Value indicates the maximum ventilation setting available for the seat.

This property is not in any particular unit but in the specified range of ventilation settings.

Used by HVAC apps and Assistant to enable, change, or read state of seat ventilation. This is different than seating cooling. It can be on at the same time as cooling, or not.

This property is defined as >VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Side mirror heat. Increasing values denote higher heating levels for side mirrors. You must define maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. In config data:

  • maxInt32Value represents maximum heating level.
  • minInt32Value MUST be 0 and indicates no heating.

This property is not in any particular unit but in a specified range of relative heating settings. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs have the option to implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Sets the amount of heating and cooling for the steering wheel. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The maxInt32Value indicates the maximum steering wheel heating setting. The minInt32Value should be 0, unless the vehicle supports steering wheel cooling, too. In this case, the minInt32Value indicates the maximum steering wheel cooling setting. This property is not in any particular unit but in a specified range of heating settings. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


HVAC current temperature.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:CELSIUS
Release: Android 13


Temperature units for display. Indicates if temperature is displayed in Celsius or Fahrenheit. VehiclePropConfig.configArray indicates the supported temperature display units. For example, configArray[0] = CELSIUS configArray[1] = FAHRENHEIT This parameter MAY be used to display any HVAC temperature in the system. Values must be one of VehicleUnit.CELSIUS or VehicleUnit.FAHRENHEIT

If updating HVAC_TEMPERATURE_DISPLAY_UNITS affects the values of other *_DISPLAY_UNITSproperties, then their values must be updated and communicated to the AAOS framework.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it is VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleUnit
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


HVAC target temperature set in Celsius.

The minFloatValue and maxFloatValue in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined:

  • minFloatValue minimum temperature setting in Celsius.
  • maxFloatValue maximum temperature setting in Celsius.

If all the values between minFloatValue and maxFloatValue are not supported, use the configArray to list the valid temperature values that can be set. This also describes a lookup table to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit (and vice versa) for the vehicle. The configArray must be defined if standard unit conversion is not supported on the vehicle.

The configArray is set as follows:

  • configArray[0] [lower bound of supported temperature in Celsius] * 10
  • configArray[1] [upper bound of supported temperature in Celsius] * 10
  • configArray[2] [increment in Celsius] * 10
  • configArray[3] [lower bound of the supported temperature in Fahrenheit] * 10
  • configArray[4] [upper bound of the supported temperature in Fahrenheit] * 10
  • configArray[5] [increment in Fahrenheit] * 10

The minFloatValue and maxFloatValue in VehicleAreaConfig must be equal to configArray[0] and configArray[1] respectively. For example, if the vehicle supports temperature values as [16.0, 16.5, 17.0 ,..., 28.0] in Celsius [60.5, 61.5, 62.5 ,..., 84.5] in Fahrenheit, the configArray should be configArray = {160, 280, 5, 605, 845, 10}

Ideally, the ratio of the Celsius increment to the Fahrenheit increment should be as close to the actual ratio of 1 degree Celsius to 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. There must be a one-to-one mapping of all Celsius values to Fahrenheit values defined by the configArray The configArray is used by clients to convert this property's temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Also, it lets clients know what Celsius value to set the property to achieve their desired Fahreneheit value for the system. If the ECU does not have a one-to-one mapping of all Celsius values to Fahrenheit values, then the configArray should only define the list of Celsius and Fahrenheit values that have a one-to-one mapping.

For example, if the ECU supports Celsius values from 16 to 28 and Fahrenheit values from 60 to 85, each with an increment of 1, then one possible configArray is code>{160, 280, 10, 600, 840, 20}In this case, 85 is not a supported temperature.

Any value set in between a valid value should be rounded to the closest valid value. We highly recommended that the OEM also implement the HVAC_TEMPERATURE_VALUE_SUGGESTION vehicle property because it provides applications with a simple method for determining temperature values that can be set for a vehicle and for converting values between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:CELSIUS
Release: Android 13


Suggested values for setting HVAC temperature.

Implement the property to help applications understand the closest supported temperature value in Celsius or Fahrenheit.

  • floatValues[0] Requested value that an app wants to set a temperature to.
  • floatValues[1] Unit for floatValues[0] and should be one of {VehicleUnit.CELSIUS, VehicleUnit.FAHRENHEIT}
  • floatValues[2] Value OEMs suggested in CELSIUS (this value is not included in the request).
  • floatValues[3] Value OEMs suggested in FAHRENHEIT (this value is not included in the request).

An application calls set(VehiclePropValue propValue) with the requested value and unit for the value. OEMs need to return the suggested values in floatValues[2] and floatValues[3] by onPropertyEvent() callbacks. The suggested values must conform to the values that can be derived from the HVAC_TEMPERATURE_SET configArray In other words, the suggested values and the table of values from the configArray should be the same.

We recommended that the OEM add custom logic in their VHAL implementation to avoid making requests to the HVAC ECU. The logic can be as follows. To convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit:

// Given tempC and the configArray float minTempC = configArray[0] / 10.0; float temperatureIncrementCelsius = configArray[2] / 10.0; float minTempF = configArray[3] / 10.0; float temperatureIncrementFahrenheit = configArray[5] / 10.0; // Round to the closest increment int numIncrements = round((tempC - minTempC) / temperatureIncrementCelsius); tempF = temperatureIncrementFahrenheit * numIncrements + minTempF;

For example, when a driver uses the voice assistant to set HVAC temperature to 66.2 in Fahrenheit. First, an application sets this property with the value [66.2, (float)VehicleUnit.FAHRENHEIT,0,0] If an OEM suggests to set 19.0 in Celsius or 66.5 in Fahrenheit at the user's request, then VHAL must generate a callback with a property value [66.2, (float)VehicleUnit.FAHRENHEIT, 19.0, 66.5] After the voice assistant gets the callback, it informs the user and sets the HVAC temperature to the suggested value.

Another example, an app receives 21 Celsius as the current temperature value by querying HVC_TEMPERATURE_SET but the app needs to know what value is displayed on the car's UI in Fahrenheit. For this, the app sets the property to [21, (float)VehicleUnit.CELSIUS, 0, 0] If the suggested value by the OEM for 21 Celsius is 70 Fahrenheit, then VHAL must generate a callback with property value [21, (float)VehicleUnit.CELSIUS, 21.0, 70.0] In this case, the app can know that the value is 70.0 Fahrenheit in the car's UI.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Defines a custom OEM partner input event. This input event must be used by OEM partners who want to propagate events not supported by Android. It is composed by an array of int32 values only. The Android properties are:

  • int32Values[0] Input code identifying the function representing this event. Valid event types are defined by CustomInputType.CUSTOM_EVENT_F1 up to CustomInputType.CUSTOM_EVENT_F10 They represent the custom event to be defined by OEM partners.
  • int32Values[1] Target display type defined in VehicleDisplay Events not tied to a specific display must be sent to VehicleDisplay#MAIN
  • int32Values[2] Repeat counter, if 0 then event is not repeated. Values 1 or higher indicate how many times this event has been repeated.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: CustomInputType
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Property to feed hardware input events to Android.

  • int32Values[0] Action defined by VehicleHwKeyInputAction
  • int32Values[1] Key code, must use standard android key code
  • int32Values[2] Target display defined in VehicleDisplay Events not tied to specific display must be sent to VehicleDisplay#MAIN
  • int32Values[3] (Optional) Number of ticks. The value must be equal o greater than 1. When omitted, Android defaults to 1.

Change mode: .ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Property to feed hardware input events to Android.

  • int32array[0] Target display defined by VehicleDisplay such as:
    VehicleDisplay::MAIN, VehicleDisplay::INSTRUMENT_CLUSTER, VehicleDisplay::AUX
  • int32array[1] Key code, must use the standard Android key code, such as KEYCODE_HOME and KEYCODE_BACK
  • int32array[2] action defined in VehicleHwKeyInputAction, such as:
    VehicleHwKeyInputAction::ACTION_UP, VehicleHwKeyInputAction::ACTION_UP
  • int32array[3] Repeat count of the event. For key down events, this is the repeat count with the first down starting at 0 and counting up from there. For key up events, this is always equal to 0.
  • int64array[0] Down time in elapsed nanoseconds since the last boot. Denotes the time of the most recent key down event. For the down event, this is the event time of the down event.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Property to feed hardware input events to Android.

  • int32array[0] Target display defined by VehicleDisplay, such as:
    VehicleDisplay::MAIN, VehicleDisplay::INSTRUMENT_CLUSTER, VehicleDisplay::AUX
  • int32array[1] Input type defined in VehicleHwMotionInputSource, such as:
    VehicleHwMotionInputSource::SOURCE_KEYBOARD, VehicleHwMotionInputSource::SOURCE_DPAD
  • int32array[2] Action code defined in VehicleHwMotionInputAction, such as:
    VehicleHwMotionInputAction::ACTION_UP, VehicleHwMotionInputAction::ACTION_DOWN
  • int32array[3] Button state flag defined in VehicleHwMotionButtonStateFlag, such as:
    VehicleHwMotionButtonStateFlag::BUTTON_PRIMARY, VehicleHwMotionButtonStateFlag::BUTTON_SECONDARY
  • int32array[4] Pointer events count, N. N must be a positive integer.
  • int32array[5:5+N-1] Pointer id, length N
  • int32array[5+N:5+2*N-1] Tool type, length N. As defined in VehicleHwMotionToolType, such as:
    VehicleHwMotionToolType::TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, VehicleHwMotionToolType::TOOL_TYPE_STYLUS
  • floatArray[0:N-1] x data, length N
  • floatArray[N:2*N-1] y data, length N
  • floatArray[2*N:3*N-1] pressure data, length N
  • floatArray[3*N:4*N-1] size data, length N
  • int64array[0] Down time, elapsed nanoseconds since boot. Denotes the time when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events. For the down event, it is the event time of the down event.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Property to feed hardware rotary events to Android.

  • int32Values[0] RotaryInputType to identify which rotary knob is rotated.
  • int32Values[1] Number of detents (clicks), positive for clockwise, negative for counterclockwise.
  • int32Values[2] Target display defined in VehicleDisplay Events not tied to a specific display must be sent to VehicleDisplay#MAIN
  • int32values[3 .. 3 + abs(number of detents) - 2] Nanosecond deltas between pairs of consecutive detents when the number of detents is more than 1 or less than -1.
  • VehiclePropValue.timestamp When the rotation took place. If the number of detents is more than 1 or less than -1, when the first detent of rotation took place.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: RotaryInputType
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Represents ignition state.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleIgnitionState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Driver's seat location VHAL implementations must ignore the areaId. Use VehicleArea:GLOBAL

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleAreaSeat
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Nominal battery capacity for EV or hybrid vehicle. Returns the nominal battery capacity, EV or hybrid. This is the total usable battery capacity when the vehicle is new. This value may differ from EV_CURRENT_BATTERY_CAPACITY because EV_CURRENT_BATTERY_CAPACITY returns the real-time usable battery capacity taking into account factors such as battery aging and temperature dependency.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:WH
Release: Android 13


List of connectors this EV may use. If the vehicle has multiple charging ports, this property must return all possible connector types that can be used by at least one charging port on the vehicle.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: EvConnectorType
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


This property must communicate the location of the charging port on the EV using the PortLocationType enum. If a vehicle has multiple ports, this property must return the port that allows the fastest charging. To communicate all port locations, use INFO_MULTI_EV_PORT_LOCATIONS

EV port location: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: PortLocationType
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Exterior dimensions of vehicle:

  • Height: int32Values[0]
  • Length: int32Values[1]
  • Width: int32Values[2]
  • Width, including mirrors: int32Values[3]
  • Wheel base, including mirrors: int32Values[4]
  • Track width front: int32Values[5]
  • Track width rear: int32Values[6]
  • Curb-to-curb turning diameter: int32Values[7]

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:MILLIMETER
Release: Android 13


Fuel capacity of the vehicle in milliliters. This property must communicate the maximum amount of fuel that can be stored in the vehicle in milliliters. This property does not apply to electric vehicles (EV). That is, if INFO_FUEL_TYPE only contains FuelType::FUEL_TYPE_ELECTRIC, INFO_FUEL_CAPACITY must not be implemented. For EVs, implement INFO_EV_BATTERY_CAPACITY.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:MILLILITER
Release: Android 13


Fuel door location. This property must communicate the location of the fuel door on the vehicle. This property does not apply to EVs. That is, if INFO_FUEL_TYPE only contains FuelType::FUEL_TYPE_ELECTRIC, this property must not be implemented. For EVs, implement INFO_EV_PORT_LOCATION or INFO_MULTI_LOCATIONS

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: PortLocationType
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


List of fuels the vehicle may use. FuelType::FUEL_TYPE_ELECTRIC must only be included if the vehicle can plug-in rechargeable. For example, a Fully Hybrid Electric Vehicle (FHEV) must not include FuelType::FUEL_TYPE_ELECTRIC as the INT32_VEC value for INFO_FUEL_TYPE INFO_FUEL_TYPE can be populated as such.

int32Values = { FuelType::FUEL_TYPE_UNLEADED }
On the other hand, a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) is plug-in rechargeable and should include FuelType::FUEL_TYPE_ELECTRIC as the INT32_VEC value for INFO_FUEL_TYPE INFO_FUEL_TYPE can be populated as such, int32Values = { FuelType::FUEL_TYPE_UNLEADED, FuelType::FUEL_TYPE_ELECTRIC }

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: FuelType
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Manufacturer of vehicle. This property must communicate the vehicle's public brand name.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Model of vehicle. This property must communicate the vehicle's public model name.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Model year of vehicle in `YYYY` format based on the Gregorian calendar.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:YEAR
Release: Android 13


Multiple EV port locations. Implement this property if the vehicle has multiple EV ports. Port locations are defined in PortLocationType. For example, a car has one port front left and one port rear left:

int32Values[0] = PortLocationType::FRONT_LEFT int32Values[1] = PortLocationType::REAR_LEFT

If a vehicle has only one port, this property's value should list one element. To describe one port location, see INFO-EV-PORT-LOCATION


Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: PortLocationType
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


VIN of vehicle.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Defines the Android user to be used during initialization. This property is called by the Android system when it initializes and lets the HAL define which Android user should be started. This request is made by setting a VehiclePropValue (defined by InitialUserInfoRequest), and the HAL must respond with a property change event (defined by InitialUserInfoResponse). If the HAL doesn't respond after a time defined by the Android system, the Android system proceeds as if HAL returned a response of action InitialUserInfoResponseAction:DEFAULT. For example, on first boot, the request could be:

int32[0] 42  // request id (arbitrary number set by Android system)
int32[1] 1   // InitialUserInfoRequestType::FIRST_BOOT
int32[2] 0   // id of current user (usersInfo.currentUser.userId)
int32[3] 1   // flag of current user (usersInfo.currentUser.flags = SYSTEM)
int32[4] 1   // number of existing users (usersInfo.numberUsers);
int32[5] 0   // user #0  (usersInfo.existingUsers[0].userId)
int32[6] 1   // flags of user #0  (usersInfo.existingUsers[0].flags)
If the HAL responds with the creation of an admin user called Owner, the response would be:
int32[0] 42  // must match the request id from the request
int32[1] 2   // action = InitialUserInfoResponseAction::CREATE
int32[2] -10000  // userToSwitchOrCreate.userId (not used as user will be created)
int32[3] 8   // userToSwitchOrCreate.flags = ADMIN string: "||Owner" // userLocales + separator + userNameToCreate
The string value represents multiple values, separated by ||. The first value is the (optional) system locales for the user to be created (empty in this case meaning it uses the Android default value), while the second value is the (optional) name of the user to be created (when the type of response is InitialUserInfoResponseAction:CREATE). For example, to create the same Owner user with en-US and pt-BR locales, the string value of the response is en-US,pt-BR||Owner. As such, neither the locale nor the name can contain two vertical bars (||) in their values, although you can use a single vertical bar (|).

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13



차선 중심 유지 보조 (LCA) 명령 LCA를 활성화하고 정지하는 명령어입니다. LaneCenteringAssistCommand에서 명령어 ACTIVATE가 전송되면 <ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">LANE_CENTERING_ASSIST_STATE</ph> 는 LaneCenteringAssistState#ACTIVATION_REQUESTED로 설정해야 합니다. ACTIVATE 명령어가 성공적으로 실행됨 LANE_CENTERING_ASSIST_STATELaneCenteringAssistState#ACTIVATED로 설정해야 합니다. 명령어를 LaneCenteringAssistCommandDEACTIVATE 성공, LANE_CENTERING_ASSIST_STATE을(를) 다음으로 설정해야 합니다. LaneCenteringAssistState#ENABLED

전역 영역 ID (0)의 경우 VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValuesLaneCenteringAssistCommand의 열거형 값이 지원됩니다. 이 숙박 시설을 사용할 수 없는 경우 LCA가 사용 중지되었기 때문에 (예: LANE_CENTERING_ASSIST_ENABLED가 false인 경우) 속성은 반드시 LANE_CENTERING_ASSIST_STATE가 다음에 해당하는 경우 StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_DISABLED 반환 구현하고 상태가 ErrorState 값으로 설정되면 이 속성은StatusCode ErrorState 값입니다. 예를 들어 LANE_CENTERING_ASSIST_STATE이 다음과 같이 설정된 경우 ErrorState#NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW이면 이 속성이 다음을 반환해야 합니다. <ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">StatusCode#NOT_AVAILABLE_SPEED_LOW</ph>

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: WRITE
Enum 유형: LaneCenteringAssistCommand
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14

차고_센터_지원_사용 설정됨

차선 중앙 유지 보조 (LCA)를 사용 설정 또는 사용 중지합니다. LCA를 사용 설정하려면 true로 설정하고 LCA를 사용 중지하려면 false로 설정합니다. LCA가 사용 설정되면 차량의 ADAS 시스템이 켜지고 ADAS 시스템이 켜질 때까지 활성화 신호를 보냅니다. 기능이 활성화되면 ADAS 시스템이 현재 차선 중심을 유지하기 위해 차량을 조종합니다.

이는 운전자가 의도치 않게 운전 중인지를 모니터링하는 차선 유지 보조 (LKA)와는 다릅니다. 차선 표시 쪽으로 또는 차선 표시를 넘기지 않아야 합니다. 의도하지 않은 차선 이탈이 감지되면 시스템은 조향 제어를 적용하여 차량을 현재 차선으로 반환합니다. 일반적으로 LANE_CENTERING_ASSIST_ENABLED는 항상 true 또는 false를 반환해야 합니다. 만약 차량 속도가 너무 낮거나 너무 높으면 해당 정보가 ErrorState 값을 통해 전달되어야 합니다. LANE_CENTERING_ASSIST_STATE 속성

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만으로 구현합니다

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


차선 중앙 유지 보조 (LCA) 상태입니다. LCA의 현재 상태를 반환합니다. 이 속성은 항상 LaneCenteringAssistState 또는 ErrorState에 정의된 유효한 상태를 반환합니다. StatusCode를 통해 오류가 표시되면 안 되며 지원되는 오류를 사용해야 합니다. 로 대체될 수 있습니다.

LCA에 차선 출발 경고가 포함된 경우 해당 경고는 차선을 통해 표시되어야 합니다. 출발 경고 (LDW) 속성.

전역 영역 ID (0)의 경우 VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues 배열은 다음과 같아야 합니다. LaneCenteringAssistState (OTHER, 권장되지 않음) ErrorState가 지원됩니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: LaneCenteringAssistState/ErrorState
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14

도로 1곳: 도로 _시작/시간: 경고_사용 설정됨

차선 출발 경고 (LDW)를 사용 설정 또는 사용 중지합니다. LDW를 사용 설정하려면 true로, LDW를 사용 중지하려면 false로 설정합니다. LDW가 사용 설정되면 차량을 시동하고 차량이 차선에 접근하거나 차선을 건너는지 모니터링해야 합니다. 이 경우 경고가 주어집니다.

일반적으로 LANE_DEPARTURE_WARNING_ENABLED는 항상 true 또는 false를 반환해야 합니다. 만약 차량 속도가 너무 느림과 같은 일시적인 상태로 인해 기능을 사용할 수 없음 너무 높으면 해당 정보가 ErrorState 값을 통해 전달되어야 합니다. LANE_DEPARTURE_WARNING_STATE 속성

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로만 구현합니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14

도로 1곳 출발 시간: 경고_상태

차선 이탈 경고 (LDW) 상태입니다. LDW의 현재 상태를 반환합니다. 이 속성은 항상 LaneDepartureWarningState 또는 ErrorState에 정의된 유효한 상태를 반환합니다. StatusCode를 통해 오류가 표시되면 안 되며 지원되는 오류 상태를 사용해야 합니다. 하세요.

전역 영역 ID (0)의 경우 VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues 배열은 다음과 같아야 합니다. LaneDepartureWarningState (OTHER, 권장되지 않음) ErrorState가 지원됩니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: LaneDepartureWarningState/ErrorState
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14

도로 100_KEEP_ASSIST_사용 설정됨

차선 유지 보조 (LKA)를 사용 설정 또는 사용 중지합니다. LKA를 사용 설정하려면 true로 설정하고 LKA를 사용 중지하려면 false로 설정합니다. LKA가 사용 설정되면 차량의 ADAS 시스템이 켜져 있어야 하며 운전자가 의도치 않게 차선 표시 쪽으로 또는 그 너머로 이동하는 것을 감지했습니다. 의도치 않게 차선이 이탈한 경우 이 감지되면 시스템이 조향 제어를 적용하여 차량을 현재 차선으로 되돌립니다. 이는 차선 중앙 유지 보조 (LCA)와는 다릅니다. 차선 중앙 유지 보조 시스템이 활성화되면 현재 차선 중앙에서 차량을 유지하기 위한 조향 제어 장치입니다.

일반적으로 LANE_KEEP_ASSIST_ENABLED는 항상 true 또는 false를 반환해야 합니다. 만약 차량 속도가 너무 낮거나 너무 높으면 해당 정보가 ErrorState 값을 통해 전달되어야 합니다. LANE_KEEP_ASSIST_STATE 속성

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로만 구현합니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


차선 유지 보조 (LKA) 상태입니다. LKA의 현재 상태를 반환합니다. 이 속성은 항상 다음을 반환해야 합니다. LaneKeepAssistState 또는 ErrorState에 정의된 유효한 상태는 다음과 같아야 합니다. StatusCode를 통해 오류를 표시하므로 지원되는 오류 상태를 대신 사용해야 합니다.

LKA에 조향 수정을 적용하기 전에 차선 출발 경고가 포함되어 있는 경우, 이러한 경고는 차선 출발 경고 (LDW) 속성을 통해 표시되어야 합니다.

전역 영역 ID (0)의 경우 VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues 배열을 정의해야 합니다. LaneKeepAssistState (권장하지 않는 OTHER 포함) 및 ErrorState만 지원됩니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: LaneKeepAssistState/ErrorState
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


위치 계산에 사용되는 입력의 특성화 이 속성은 시스템에서 고려하는 데이터와 센서 입력이 있는 경우 이를 나타내야 합니다. GNSS HAL을 통해 Android와 공유되는 차량의 위치를 계산할 때.

값은 비트 플래그 컬렉션을 반환해야 합니다. 비트 플래그는 LocationCharacterization입니다. 또한 값에는 DEAD_RECKONED 또는 비트 플래그 컬렉션 중 RAW_GNSS_ONLY입니다.

이 속성이 지원되지 않는 경우 추가 센서 입력이 융합되지 않는다고 가정합니다. GNSS 업데이트에 포함됩니다. 다만 GNSS HAL 인터페이스입니다.

모드 변경: STATIC
액세스 모드: READ
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14

MIRROR_자동_접힘_사용 설정됨

미러 자동 접기 기능의 속성을 나타냅니다. 이 속성은 차량 사이드 미러 자동 접기 (예: 미러가 안쪽으로 접히는 경우) 자동차에서 내리고 잠그면 자동으로 사용 설정)

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만으로 구현합니다

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


자동 기울이기 미러링 기능의 속성을 나타냅니다. 이 속성은 차량의 사이드 미러를 자동으로 기울입니다 (예: 미러가 아래로 기울어짐 후진하면 자동으로)가 사용 설정됩니다.

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만으로 구현합니다

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


미러 접기 true는 거울이 접혀 있음을 나타냅니다. 이 속성은 다음과 같이 정의됩니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE이지만 OEM은 이를 구현할 수 있습니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ전용.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


거울 잠금. True는 미러 위치가 잠겨 있으며 변경할 수 없음을 나타냅니다. 이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만으로 구현합니다

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


Y 동작을 미러링합니다. 각각 maxInt32ValueminInt32Value VehicleAreaConfig을(를) 정의해야 합니다. minInt32Value에서 maxInt32Value 사이의 모든 정수가 지원되어야 합니다.

maxInt32Value는 기울일 때 거울의 최대 이동 속도를 나타냅니다. 맞습니다. minInt32Value는 거울의 최대 이동 속도를 나타내며 왼쪽으로 기울이면 됩니다.

양수 또는 음수의 절대값이 클수록 이동 속도가 더 빠릅니다. 일단 미러링이 위치 한계에 도달하면, 값을 0으로 재설정해야 합니다. MIRROR_Y_MOVE의 값이 현재 0이면 현재 발생하는 움직임이 없음을 의미합니다.

이 속성이 특정 단위가 아닌 상대적 이동의 지정된 범위에 속합니다. 속도가 훨씬 빠를 수도 있습니다.

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만으로 구현합니다

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


Y 위치를 미러링합니다. maxInt32ValueminInt32Value VehicleAreaConfig을(를) 정의해야 합니다. minInt32Value에서 maxInt32Value 사이의 모든 정수가 지원되어야 합니다. minInt32Value는 거울이 왼쪽으로 완전히 기울어져 있음을 나타냅니다.

양수가 아닌 값이어야 합니다. maxInt32Value는 거울이 기울어져 있음을 나타냅니다. 완전히 있습니다. 이 값은 음수가 아니어야 합니다. 0은 거울이 양쪽으로 기울어지지 않았음을 나타냅니다. 방향을 설정할 수 있습니다.

minInt32ValuemaxInt32Value 사이의 값은 전환을 나타냅니다. 왼쪽 2개 또는 극단적인 위치에 있을 수 있습니다.

이 속성은 특정 단위가 아닌 지정된 상대 위치 범위에 있습니다.

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만으로 구현합니다

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


Z 무브를 미러링하세요. 각각 maxInt32ValueminInt32Value VehicleAreaConfig을(를) 정의해야 합니다. minInt32Value에서 maxInt32Value 사이의 모든 정수가 지원되어야 합니다.

maxInt32Value는 위로 기울일 때의 거울의 최대 이동 속도를 나타냅니다. minInt32Value는 아래로 기울일 때의 거울의 최대 이동 속도를 나타냅니다. 양수 또는 음수의 절대값이 클수록 이동 속도가 더 빠릅니다. 일단 미러링이 위치 한계에 도달하면, 값을 0으로 재설정해야 합니다. MIRROR_Z_MOVE의 값이 현재 0이면 현재 발생하는 움직임이 없음을 의미합니다.

이 속성이 특정 단위가 아닌 상대적 이동의 지정된 범위에 속합니다. 속도가 훨씬 빠를 수도 있습니다.

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만으로 구현합니다

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


Z 위치를 미러링합니다. maxInt32ValueminInt32Value VehicleAreaConfig을(를) 정의해야 합니다. minInt32Value 사이의 모든 정수 및 maxInt32Value가 지원되어야 합니다. minInt32Value는 거울이 완전히 아래쪽으로 기울어집니다. 양수가 아닌 값이어야 합니다. 이 maxInt32Value는 거울이 완전히 위쪽으로 기울어져 있음을 나타냅니다. 이 이름은 음수가 아닌 값입니다. 0은 거울이 어느 방향으로도 기울어지지 않았음을 나타냅니다.

minInt32ValuemaxInt32Value 사이의 값은 완전히 아래쪽과 완전히 위로 향하는 위치 사이의 전환 상태를 뜻합니다.

이 속성은 특정 단위가 아닌 지정된 상대 위치 범위에 있습니다.

이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의되지만 OEM은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ만으로 구현합니다

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13

야간 모드

True는 야간 모드 센서가 차량 실내 환경을 감지했음을 나타냅니다. 조도가 낮아야 합니다. 예를 들어 플랫폼은 이 기능을 사용하여 더 나은 환경을 위해 적절한 UI를 사용 설정할 수 있습니다. 어둡거나 조명이 어두운 환경에서 볼 수 있습니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


오류 발생 시 사용 가능한 OBD2 센서 값의 스냅샷을 보고합니다. 탐지되었습니다. configArray는 다음에 정의된 것과 동일한 의미로 제공되어야 합니다. OBD2_LIVE_FRAME

이 속성의 값은 OBD2_LIVE_FRAME(단, stringValue 필드에 진단 문제 해결 코드 (DTC)가 비어 있지 않습니다.

이 속성의 IVehicle#get 요청은 int64Values[0] 값을 제공해야 합니다. 이것은 를 정지 프레임의 타임스탬프로 사용합니다. 타임스탬프 목록은 차량#get/OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME_INFO

주어진 타임스탬프에서 정지 프레임을 사용할 수 없는 경우 응답: NOT_AVAILABLE는 구현에서 반환되어야 합니다. 차량에 올라갈 수 있는 제한된 저장공간이 필요하기 때문에 프레임 요청은 NOT_AVAILABLE: 관련 타임스탬프를 최근에 다음을 통해 가져온 경우에도 마찬가지입니다. OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME_INFO

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


프레임 고정을 지웠습니다. 해당 시점에 사용 가능한 OBD2 센서 값의 스냅샷을 보고합니다. 알림을 전송합니다. configArray는 다음과 같은 의미로 제공되어야 합니다. OBD2_LIVE_FRAME에 대해 정의됨

이 속성의 값은 OBD2_LIVE_FRAME(stringValue 필드에 비어 있지 않은 진단이 포함될 수 있음) 문제 해결 코드 (DTC)를 찾습니다.

이 속성의 IVehicle#get 요청은 int64Values[0] 값을 제공해야 합니다. 이 작업은 검색할 정지 프레임의 타임스탬프로 해석됩니다. 타임스탬프 목록은 OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME_INFO의 IVehicle#get으로 획득

지정된 타임스탬프에 정지 프레임을 사용할 수 없는 경우 NOT_AVAILABLE의 응답은 다음과 같아야 합니다. 구현에서 반환됩니다. 차량에는 정지 프레임의 저장용량이 제한될 수 있으므로 프레임 요청이 NOT_AVAILABLE 로 응답할 수 있습니다. 이는 연결된 최근에 OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME_INFO를 통해 타임스탬프를 얻음

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: WRITE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


이 속성은 차량 메모리에 저장되고 차량 메모리에 사용할 수 있는 현재 정지 프레임을 설명합니다. OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME를 통한 검색 값은 다음과 같이 해석됩니다. 각 요소는 int64Values는 오류 코드가 감지된 시점의 타임스탬프 및 정지 프레임이 저장되고 이러한 각 요소는 OBD2_FREEZE_FRAME의 키로 사용될 수 있습니다. 해당 정지 프레임을 가져옵니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


사용 가능한 OBD2 센서의 현재 (실시간) 값 스냅샷을 보고합니다. configArray 다음과 같이 설정됩니다.

  • configArray[0] 공급업체별 정수 값 센서 수
  • configArray[1] 공급업체별 부동 소수점 수 값 센서 수

이 속성의 값은 다음 예와 같이 해석됩니다. 데이터 애널리스트가 되는 configArray = {2,3} int32Values은(는) 다음을 포함하는 벡터여야 합니다. Obd2IntegerSensorIndex.LAST_SYSTEM_INDEX와 요소 2개 (또는 요소 33개) floatValues은(는) 다음을 포함하는 벡터여야 합니다. Obd2FloatSensorIndex.LAST_SYSTEM_INDEX와 요소 3개 (또는 요소 73개)

각 프레임에 센서 값의 하위 집합이 다를 수 있습니다. 두 시스템 모두 공급업체별 센서 등이 있습니다 이를 지원하기 위해 속성 값이 비트마스크로 사용됩니다. 바이트 수는 나타내기에 충분한 바이트 수여야 합니다. 가능한 센서의 총 개수입니다 (이 경우 14바이트에서 106개의 가능한 값을 나타냅니다). 연속 비트마스크로 판독하여 각 비트가 프레임의 센서(int32Values의 크기만큼 많은 비트로 시작) 바로 뒤에 floatValues의 크기만큼 비트가 옵니다.

예를 들어 bytes[0] = 0x4C (0b01001100)는 다음을 의미합니다.

  • int32Values[0 and 1]은(는) 유효한 센서 값이 아닙니다.
  • int32Values[2 and 3]은(는) 유효한 센서 값입니다.
  • int32Values[4 and 5]은(는) 유효한 센서 값이 아닙니다.
  • int32Values[6]은(는) 유효한 센서 값입니다.
  • int32Values[7]은(는) 유효한 센서 값이 아닙니다.
  • int32Values[0 and 1]은(는) 유효한 센서 값이 아닙니다.
  • int32Values[2 and 3]은(는) 유효한 센서 값입니다.
  • int32Values[4 and 5]은(는) 유효한 센서 값이 아닙니다.
  • int32Values[6]은(는) 유효한 센서 값입니다.
  • int32Values[7]은(는) 유효한 센서 값이 아닙니다.

bytes[5] = 0x61 (0b01100001)인 경우:

  • int32Values[32]은(는) 유효한 센서 값입니다.
  • floatValues[0 thru 3]은(는) 잘못된 센서 값입니다.
  • floatValues[4 and 5]은(는) 유효한 센서 값입니다.
  • floatValues[6]은(는) 유효한 센서 값이 아닙니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13

변경 시

모드 변경:
enum 유형: VehicleLightSwitch
단위 유형:해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13

주차 중 - 자동 적용

주차 브레이크 자동 적용 true인 경우 이 속성은 자동차의 자동 주차 브레이크가 사용 설정되었습니다. 거짓은 자동차의 자동 주차가 작동함을 나타냅니다. 브레이크 기능이 사용 중지됩니다. 이 속성은 PARKING_BRAKE_ON와 혼동되는 경우가 많습니다. PARKING_BRAKE_ON는 실제 주차 브레이크가 켜짐 또는 꺼짐, PARKING_BRAKE_AUTO_APPLY는 자동 주차 브레이크를 나타냅니다. 기능이 사용 또는 사용 중지되며 실제 주차 위치를 설명하지 않습니다. 브레이크.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13

주차 중

주차 브레이크 상태입니다. true인 경우 이 속성은 자동차의 주차 위치를 나타냅니다. 브레이크가 작동합니다. 거짓은 차량의 주차 브레이크가 해제되었음을 나타냅니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13

디스플레이 밝기당

별도로 제어되는 디스플레이의 밝기를 나타내는 속성입니다. 일부 자동차에는 밝기가 별도로 제어되는 하나 이상의 디스플레이가 있으며 이 속성은 각 승객 디스플레이의 밝기를 알리는 것입니다. 모든 디스플레이가 밝기 함께 제어되므로 DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS를 사용해야 합니다.


디스플레이 포트는 디스플레이 출력용 기기의 실제 커넥터를 고유하게 식별합니다. 0에서 255 사이의 값으로 구성됩니다.

  • int32Values[0] 디스플레이 포트
  • 밝기 int32Values[1]

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ_WRITE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 14


차량의 현재 주행 거리계 값입니다.

액세스 모드: READ
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:KILOMETER
출시: Android 13


차량용 후면 자전거 모델 조향 각도. 각도는 도 단위로 측정됩니다. 왼쪽은 음수입니다. 이 속성은 핸들 각도와는 관계가 없습니다. 이 속성은 핸들의 각도가 아닌 차량과 관련된 뒷바퀴의 각도입니다.

액세스 모드: READ
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:DEGREES
출시: Android 13


차량용 전면 자전거 모델 조향 각도. 각도는 도 단위로 측정됩니다. 왼쪽은 음수입니다. 이 속성은 핸들 각도와는 관계가 없습니다. 이 속성은 핸들의 각도가 아닌 차량과 관련된 앞바퀴의 각도입니다.

액세스 모드: READ
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:DEGREES
출시: Android 13


차량의 속도입니다. 차량이 앞으로 나아갈 때 값이 양수여야 합니다. 음수가 됩니다. 이 값은 기어 값과 무관합니다. (CURRENT_GEAR 또는 GEAR_SELECTION) 예를 들어 GEAR_SELECTIONGEAR_NEUTRAL, PERF_VEHICLE_SPEED는 차량이 앞으로 이동할 때는 양수, 후진할 때는 음수, 이동하지 않을 때는 0입니다.

액세스 모드: READ
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:METER_PER_SEC
출시: Android 13


디스플레이의 차량 속도입니다. 일부 차량은 속도계에 약간 더 느린 속도가 표시됩니다. 실제 속도보다 높습니다.

액세스 모드: READ
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:METER_PER_SEC
출시: Android 13


다음에 따라 기본 전원 정책을 결정하는 데 사용되는 전원 정책 그룹을 설정하기 위한 요청을 정의합니다. 전원 상태 전환이 있습니다.

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


전원 정책 적용 요청을 정의합니다. VHAL은 이 속성을 설정하여 자동차 전원 정책을 변경합니다. 자동차 전원 정책 서비스는 이 속성을 구독하며 실제로 전원 정책을 변경합니다. 이 에 정의된 전원 정책의 ID로 VehiclePropValue를 설정하여 /vendor/etc/automotive/power_policy.xml 지정된 ID가 정의되지 않은 경우 자동차 전원 정책 서비스 가 요청을 무시하고 현재 전원 정책이 유지됩니다.

string: "sample_policy_id" // power policy ID

변경 모드: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


전원별 기본 전원 정책을 결정하는 데 사용되는 전원 정책 그룹을 설정하기 위한 요청을 정의합니다. 상태 전환으로 표시됩니다. VHAL은 설정할 전원 정책 그룹의 ID로 이 속성을 설정합니다. 전원 상태 전환 시 적용되는 기본 전원 정책 전원 정책 그룹은 /vendor/etc/power_policy.xml을 확인합니다. 지정된 ID가 정의되지 않은 경우 자동차 전원 정책 서비스는 요청을 처리합니다 자동차 전원 정책 서비스는 이 속성을 구독하고 전원 정책 그룹을 설정합니다. 전원 정책은 시스템 전원 상태가 변경되고 은 새 전원 상태에 매핑된 유효한 전원 정책입니다.

string: "sample_policy_group_id" // power policy group ID

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


남은 범위 연료 및 충전량 미터가 남았습니다. 남은 범위는 차량 내부에 있습니다. 예를 들어 하이브리드 자동차의 주행거리는 연료 및 배터리의 비용을 절감할 수 있습니다 이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE로 정의됩니다. 왜냐하면 내비게이션 앱이 내비게이션을 기반으로 더 정확한 추정치가 있으면 범위를 업데이트할 수 있기 때문입니다. 곧 찾아옵니다. 이 속성은 VehiclePropertyAccess.READ로 구현할 수 있습니다. 사용할 수 있습니다.

액세스 모드: READ_WRITE
enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: VehicleUnit:METER
출시: Android 13


독서등의 현재 상태를 반환합니다.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: VehicleLightState
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


스위치로 독서등을 제어하세요. 다음의 경우 READING_LIGHTS_STATE 값과 다를 수 있습니다. 문이 열려 있거나 음성 명령으로 인해 표시등이 켜져 있습니다. 예를 들어 스위치가 사용 안함 또는 자동입니다. 이 속성은 다음과 같이 정의됩니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE이지만 OEM은 이를 구현할 수 있습니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ전용.


후면 안개등의 현재 상태를 반환합니다. FOG_LIGHTS_STATE 중 하나만 또는 REAR_FOG_LIGHTS_STATE는 구현할 수 있습니다. FOG_LIGHTS_STATE를 참고하세요.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
액세스 모드: READ
Enum 유형: VehicleLightState
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13

후방 조명 스위치

사용자가 원하는 설정입니다. FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH 중 하나만 또는 REAR_FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH 필수 요건 있습니다. FOG_LIGHTS_SWITCH에서 자세히 알아보세요. 이 속성은 다음과 같이 정의됩니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE이지만 OEM은 이를 구현할 수 있습니다. VehiclePropertyAccess.READ전용.

모드 변경: ON_CHANGE
Enum 유형: VehicleLightSwitch
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13


Android 사용자가 삭제된 후 Android 시스템에서 호출됩니다. HAL은 이 속성을 사용하여 상응하는 사용자를 삭제합니다. 쓰기 전용 캘린더입니다. Android 시스템에서 응답을 기대하지 않음 제거해야 합니다. 따라서 이 요청이 실패해서는 안 됩니다. 동등한 HAL 사용자를 삭제할 수 없는 경우 그러면 HAL은 비활성으로 표시하거나 다른 방식으로 복구해야 합니다.

요청은 다음과 같이 정의된 콘텐츠로 VehiclePropValue를 설정하여 이루어집니다. RemoveUserRequest 예를 들어 시스템에 사용자 3명 (0명, 10명, 11명)과 사용자 11명이 있는 경우 가 삭제되면 요청은 다음과 같이 표시됩니다.

  • int32[0] 42 // 요청 ID
  • int32[1] 11 // (삭제된 사용자의 Android 사용자 ID)
  • int32[2] 0 // (삭제된 사용자의 Android 사용자 플래그)
  • int32[3] 10 // 현재 사용자
  • int32[4] 0 // 현재 사용자 플래그 (없음)
  • int32[5] 2 // 사용자 수
  • int32[6] 0 // 첫 번째 사용자 (사용자 0)
  • int32[7] 0 // 첫 번째 사용자 플래그 (없음)
  • int32[8] 10 // 두 번째 사용자 (사용자 10)
  • int32[9] 0 // 두 번째 사용자 플래그 (없음)

변경 모드: STATIC
액세스 모드: WRITE
Enum 유형: 해당 사항 없음
단위 유형: 해당 사항 없음
출시: Android 13



Represents feature to enable and disable a seat's ability to deploy airbag(s) when triggered (for example, in a collision). If true, it means the seat's airbags are enabled and, if triggered, they deploy. If true, the seat's airbags are disabled, and they do not deploy in any circumstances. This property does not indicate if the airbags are deployed.

This property can be set to VehiclePropertyAccess.READ read only for the purpose of regulation or safety concerns.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Seat backrest angle 1 move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat backrest while angling forward. The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat backrest when reclining.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat backrest reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value for SEAT_BACKREST_ANGLE_1_MOVE is 0, no movement is occurring.

This property is represented in a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat backrest angle 1 position. Backrest angle 1 is the actuator closest to the bottom of the seat. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The minInt32Value indicates the seat backrest's full recline position with regard to the actuator at the bottom of the seat. The maxInt32Value indicates the seat backrest's most upright or forward position with regard to the actuator at the bottom of the seat.

Values between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the full recline and the upright and forward positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat backrest angle 2 move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat backrest while angling forward. The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat backrest while reclining.

Larger absolute values, positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat backrest reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value for SEAT_BACKREST_ANGLE_2_MOVE is currently 0, no movement is underway.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat backrest angle 2 position. Backrest angle 2 is the next actuator up from the bottom of the seat.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be #0supported.

The minInt32Value indicates the seat backrest's full recline position with regard to the next actuator in the backrest from the one at the bottom of the seat (see SEAT_BACKREST_ANGLE_1_POS for details). maxInt32Value indicates the seat backrest's most upright and forward position with regard to the next actuator in the backrest from the one at the bottom of the seat (see SEAT_BACKREST_ANGLE_1_POS for details).

Values between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the full recline and upright and forward positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seatbelt buckled. True indicates belt is buckled. Write access indicates automatic seat buckling capabilities. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seatbelt height move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat belt's shoulder anchor while moving up. The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat belt's shoulder anchor while moving down.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat belt reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of SEAT_BELT_HEIGHT_MOVE is 0, no movement is underway.

This property is represented as a a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seatbelt height position. Adjusts the shoulder belt anchor point.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The minInt32Value indicates the seat belt's shoulder anchor is at its lowest position. The maxInt32Value indicates the seat belt's shoulder anchor is at its highest position.

Values between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the lowest and highest positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Represents property for movement direction and speed of seat cushion side support.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat cushion side support when growing wider (for example, support is decreasing). The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat cushion side support when growing narrower (for example, support is increasing).

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat cushion side support reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of SEAT_CUSHION_SIDE_SUPPORT_MOVE is 0, then no movement is occurring.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Represents property for seat's hipside (bottom cushion's side) support position.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value indicates the seat cushion side support is in its widest position (for example, least support). The minInt32Value indicates the seat cushion side support is in its thinnest position (for example, most support).

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the thinnest and widest positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Seat depth move.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat while getting deeper The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat while getting shallower.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat backrest reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value for SEAT_DEPTH_MOVE is currently 0, no movement is underway.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat depth position. Sets the seat depth, distance from back rest to front edge of seat.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The minInt32Value indicates the seat is in its shallowest position (for example, the position with the smallest distance between the front edge of the seat cushion and the rear end of the seat).

The maxInt32Value indicates the seat is in its deepest position (for example, the position with the largest distance between the front edge of the seat cushion and the rear end of the seat).

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the shallowest and deepest positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as only..

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Represents property for Seat easy access feature. If true, the seat is automatically adjusted to make it easier for the occupant to enter and exit the vehicle. Each area ID must map to the seat that the user is trying to enter/exit with the help of the easy access feature. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Represents property for the seat footwell lights state. SEAT_FOOTWELL_LIGHTS_STATE reflects the current state of the lights at any point in time. This is different from the function of SEAT_FOOTWELL_LIGHTS_SWITCH which represents the position of the switch controlling the lights.


This property should only be implemented if SEAT_FOOTWELL_LIGHTS_STATE 's value may be different from that of CABIN_LIGHTS_STATE.

For each supported area ID, the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues must be defined unless all enum values of VehicleLightState are supported.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleLightState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Represents property for the seat footwell lights switch. SEAT_FOOTWELL_LIGHTS_SWITCH represents the position of the switch controlling the lights. This is different from the function of SEAT_FOOTWELL_LIGHTS_STATE which reflects the current state of the lights at any point in time. Therefore, SEAT_FOOTWELL_LIGHTS_SWITCH may not match the value of SEAT_FOOTWELL_LIGHTS_STATE (for example, SEAT_FOOTWELL_LIGHTS_SWITCH=AUTOMATIC and SEAT_FOOTWELL_LIGHTS_SWITCH=ON).

This property should only be implemented if SEAT_FOOTWELL_LIGHTS_SWITCH's value may be different from that of CABIN_LIGHTS_SWITCH.

For each supported area ID, the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues must be defined unless all enum values of VehicleLightSwitch are supported.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleLightSwitch
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat fore and aft move. This property moves the entire seat forward/backward in the direction that it is facing.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat while moving forward. The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat while moving backward.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of SEAT_FORE_AFT_MOVE is 0, no movement is occurring.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat fore and aft position. Sets the seat position forward and backward.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The minInt32Value indicates the seat is at its rearward-most linear position. The maxInt32Value indicates the seat is at its forward-most linear position. Values between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the closest and farthest positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Headrest angle move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat's headrest while moving into an upright or forward position. The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat's headrest while moving into a shallow position.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat's headrest reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of SEAT_HEADREST_ANGLE_MOVE is 0, thenno movement is occurring.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as only..

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Headrest angle position. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The minInt32Value indicates the headrest is in its full recline position. The maxInt32Value indicates the headrest is in its most upright and forward position.

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the full recline and most upright and forward positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Headrest fore and aft move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat's headrest while moving forward. The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat's headrest while moving backward.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat's headrest reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of SEAT_HEADREST_FORE_AFT_MOVE is 0, then no movement is occurring.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Headrest fore and aft position. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The minInt32Value indicates the headrest is in its rearward-most linear position. The maxInt32Value indicates the headrest is in its forward-most linear position.

Values between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the forward and backward positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Headrest height move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat's headrest while moving up. The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat's headrest while moving down.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat's headrest reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value for SEAT_HEADREST_HEIGHT_MOVE is 0, then no movement is occurring.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


(Deprecated) Headrest height position.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Headrest height position. Sets the headrest height for supported seats. VehiclePropConfig.areaConfigs specifies which seats are supported.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The minInt32Value indicates the headrest is in its lowest position. The maxInt32Value indicates the headrest is in its highest position.

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the lowest and highest positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Seat height move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat when moving up.

minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat when moving down.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of SEAT_HEIGHT_MOVE value is 0, no movement is occurring.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat height position. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The minInt32Value indicates the seat is in its lowest position. The maxInt32Value indicates the seat is in its highest position.

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the lowest and highest positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Lumbar fore and aft move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat's lumbar support while moving forward. The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat's lumbar support while moving backward.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat's lumbar support reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of SEAT_LUMBAR_FORE_AFT_MOVE is 0, then no movement is occurring.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Lumber fore and aft position. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The minInt32Value indicates the lumbar support is in its rearward most position (for example, least supportive position). The maxInt32Value indicates the lumbar support is in its forward most position (for example, most supportive position).

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the forward and rearward positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access type: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Lumbar side support move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat's lumbar side support while getting wider. The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the seat's lumbar side support while getting thinner.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat's lumbar side support reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of SEAT_LUMBAR_SIDE_SUPPORT_MOVE 0, then no movement is occurring.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access type: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Lumbar side support position. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The minInt32Value indicates the lumbar side support is in its thinnest position (for example, most support). The maxInt32Value indicates the lumbar side support is in its widest position (for example, least support).

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the thinnest and widest positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access type: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Represents property for vertical movement direction and speed of seat lumbar support.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The maxInt32Value indicates the lumbar support is moving at the fastest upward speed. The minInt32Value indicates the lumbar support is moving at the fastest down speed.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat cushion side support reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of SEAT_LUMBAR_VERTICAL_MOVE's is 0, then no movement is occurring.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Represents property for seat's lumbar support vertical position. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. maxInt32Value indicates the lumbar support's highest position. minInt32Value indicates the lumbar support's lowest position.

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the lowest and highest positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


This parameter selects the memory preset to use to select the seat position. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The minInt32Value is always 0, and the maxInt32Value determines the number of seat preset memory slots available (for example, numSeatPresets - 1). For instance, if the driver's seat has three memory presets, the maxInt32Value is two. When the user selects a preset, the desired preset number (0, 1, or 2) is set.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


This setting allows the user to save the current seat position settings into the selected preset slot. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. The minInt32Value must be 0, and the maxInt32Value for each seat position must match the maxInt32Value for SEAT_MEMORY_SELECT

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Indicates if a specific seat is occupied, to the best of the car's ability to determine. Valid values are from the VehicleSeatOccupancyState enum.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleSeatOccupancyState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat tilt move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The maxInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the front edge of the seat while moving up. The minInt32Value represents the maximum movement speed of the front edge of the seat while moving down.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the seat bottom reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If SEAT_TILT_MOVE's value is currently 0, no movement is underway.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Seat tilt position. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The minInt32Value indicates the seat bottom is angled at its lowest angular position. This corresponds to the seat's front edge at its lowest possible position relative to the rear end of the seat. The maxInt32Value indicates the seat bottom is angled at its highest angular position. This corresponds to the seat's front edge at its highest possible position relative to the rear end of the seat.

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the lowest and highest positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Represents property that indicates the current walk-in position of the seat. The minInt32Value indicates the normal seat position. The minInt32Value must be 0. The maxInt32Value indicates the seat is in the full walk-in position.

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the normal and walk-in positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

The area ID must match the seat that actually moves when the walk-in feature activates, not the intended seat the passengers will sit in.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can

implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Request the head unit to be shu down.

This is required for executing a task when the head unit is powered off (remote task feature). After the head unit is powered-on to execute the task, the head unit should be shut down. The head unit sends this message once the task is finished.

This property doesn't apply when a user wants to shut down the head unit.

This usually involves telling a separate system outside the head unit (for instance a power controller) to prepare to shut down the head unit.

The external system must validate that this request is valid by checking if the vehicle is in use. If a user enters the vehicle after a SHUTDOWN_REQUEST is sent, then the system must ignore this request. It is recommended to store a VehicleInUse property in the power controller and exposes it through VEHICLE_IN_USE property. A shutdown request must be ignored if VehicleInUse is true.

If allowed, the external system sends a shutdown signal to the head unit, which causes VHAL to send SHUTDOWN_PREPARE message to Android. Android will then start the shut down process by handling the message.

This property is only for issuing a request and only supports writing. Every time this property value is set, the request to shutdown is issued no matter what the current property value is. The current property value is meaningless.

Since this property is write-only, subscribing is not allowed and no property change event is generated.

The value to set indicates the shutdown option, it must be one of {@code VehicleApPowerStateShutdownParam} For example, VehicleApPowerStateShutdownParam.SLEEP_IMMEDIATELY. This shutdown option might not be honored if the system doesn't support such option. In such a case, an error is not returned.

For configuration information, VehiclePropConfig.configArray must have bit flag combining values in {@code VehicleApPowerStateConfigFlag} to indicate which shutdown options are supported.

Returns error if failed to send the shutdown request to the other system.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: WRITE
Enum type: VehicleApPowerStateShutdownParam>
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Steering wheel depth movement. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All values between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value indicates the steering wheel moving away from the driver. The minInt32Value indicates the steering wheel moving towards the driver.

Larger integers, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the steering wheel reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of STEERING_WHEEL_DEPTH_MOVE is currently 0, no movement is underway.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Steering wheel depth position. All steering wheel properties' unique ids start from 0x0BE0.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All values between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The maxInt32Value indicates the steering wheel position furthest from the driver. The minInt32Value indicates the steering wheel position closest to the driver.

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Steering wheel easy access feature enabled. If true, the driver's steering wheel is automatically adjusted to make it easier for the driver to enter and exit the vehicle.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Steering wheel height movement. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All values between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported.

The maxInt32Value indicates the steering wheel moving up. The minInt32Value indicates the steering wheel moving down.

Larger integers, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the steering wheel reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If STEERING_WHEEL_HEIGHT_MOVE's value is currently 0, then that means there is no movement currently occurring.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative movement speeds.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Steering wheel height position.

The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All values between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The maxInt32Value indicates the steering wheel being in the highest position. The minInt32Value indicates the steering wheel being in the lowest position.

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the lowest and highest positions.

This property is represented as a specified range of relative positions.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Steering wheel lights state. Represents the current state of the steering wheel lights. This is different from STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_SWITCH which represents the position of the switch controlling the lights. Therefore, STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_STATE may not match the value of STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_SWITCH (for example, STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_SWITCH=AUTOMATIC and STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_STATE=ON).

This property should only be implemented if STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_STATE's value may be different from that of CABIN_LIGHTS_STATE.

For the global area ID (0), the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues must be defined unless all enum values of VehicleLightState are supported.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleLightState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Steering wheel lights switch. Represents the position of the switch controlling the steering wheel lights. This differs from , which represents the current state of the steering wheel lights. Therefore, STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_SWITCH may not match the value of STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_STATE. For example, STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_SWITCH=AUTOMATIC and STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_STATE=ON.

This property should only be implemented if the value for STEERING_WHEEL_LIGHTS_SWITCH can differ from that of CABIN_LIGHTS_SWITCH.

For the global area ID (0), the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues must be defined unless all enum values of VehicleLightSwitch are supported.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleLightSwitch
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Steering wheel locked. If true, the steering wheel's position is locked and not changeable. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as only./p>

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Steering wheel theft lock feature enabled. If true, the steering wheel locks automatically to prevent theft in certain situations. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


External encryption binding seed. This value is mixed with the local key storage encryption key. This property holds 16 bytes, and is expected to be persisted on an ECU separate from the IVI. The property is initially set by AAOS, who generates it using a CSRNG. AAOS then reads the property on subsequent boots. The binding seed is expected to be reliably persisted. Any loss of the seed results in a factory reset of the IVI.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Support customize permissions for vendor properties.

Implement this property if VHAL support customize vendor permissions feature. VehiclePropConfig.configArray is used to indicate vendor properties and permissions which selected for this vendor property. The permission must be one of enum in VehicleVendorPermission. The configArray is set as follows, configArray[n]: propId : property ID for the vendor property where configArray[n+1] is an enum in VehicleVendorPermission and indicates the permission for reading the value of the property.

configArray[n+2] is an enum in VehicleVendorPermission and indicates the permission for writing a value of the property. For example:


If vendor properties are not in this array, they have the default vendor permission. If vendor chose PERMISSION_NOT_ACCESSIBLE, Android does not have access to the property. In the example, Android can not write a value for vendor_prop_2.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


(Deprecated) List of all supported property IDs.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Defines a request to switch the foreground Android user.

This property is used primarily by the Android system to inform the HAL that the current foreground Android user is switching, but it could also be used by the HAL to request the Android system to switch users. When the request is made by Android, it sets a VehiclePropValue and the HAL must respond with a property change event. When the HAL makes the request, it must also do it through a property change event (the main difference is that the request id is positive in the former case, and negative in the latter). The SwitchUserMessageType also differs.

The format of both requests is defined by SwitchUserRequest and the format of the response (when needed) is defined by SwitchUserResponse. How the HAL (or Android system) should proceed depends on the message type (which is defined by the SwitchUserMessageType parameter), as defined below.
  • LEGACY_ANDROID_SWITCH Called by the Android system to indicate the Android user is about to change, when the change request was made in a way that is not integrated with the HAL (for example, through adb shell am switch-user). The HAL can switch its internal user once it receives this request, but it doesn't need to reply back to the Android system. If its internal user cannot be changed for some reason, then it must wait for the SWITCH_USER(type=ANDROID_POST_SWITCH) call to recover (for example, it could issue a SWITCH_USER(type=VEHICLE_REQUEST) to switch back to the previous user). Ideally it should never fail (as switching back could confuse the end user).
    For example, if the system have users (0, 10, 11) and it's switching from 0 to 11 (where none of them have any special flag), the request would be:
    • int32[0] 42 // request id
    • int32[1] 1 // SwitchUserMessageType::LEGACY_ANDROID_SWITCH
    • int32[2] 11 // target user id
    • int32[3] 0 // target user flags (none)
    • int32[4] 10 // current user
    • int32[5] 0 // current user flags (none)
    • int32[6] 3 // number of users
    • int32[7] 0 // user #0 (Android user id 0)
    • int32[8] 0 // flags of user #0 (none)
    • int32[9] 10 // user #1 (Android user id 10)
    • int32[10] 0 // flags of user #1 (none)
    • int32[11] 11 // user #2 (Android user id 11)
    • int32[12] 0 // flags of user #2 (none)
  • ANDROID_SWITCH Called by the Android system to indicate the Android user is about to change, but Android waits for the HAL's response (up to some time) before proceeding. The HAL must switch its internal user once it receives this request, then respond back to Android with a SWITCH_USER(type=VEHICLE_RESPONSE) indicating whether its internal user was switched or not (through the SwitchUserStatus enum). For example, if Android has users (0, 10, 11) and it's switching from 10 to 11 (where none of them have any special flag), the request would be:
    • int32[0] 42 // request id
    • int32[1] 2 // SwitchUserMessageType::ANDROID_SWITCH
    • int32[2] 11 // target user id
    • int32[3] 0 // target user flags (none)
    • int32[4] 10 // current user
    • int32[5] 0 // current user flags (none)
    • int32[6] 3 // number of users
    • int32[7] 0 // first user (user 0)
    • int32[8] 1 // first user flags (SYSTEM)
    • int32[9] 10 // second user (user 10)
    • int32[10] 0 // second user flags (none)
    • int32[11] 11 // 3rd user (user 11)
    • int32[12] 0 // 3rd user flags (none)

    If the request succeeds, the HAL must update the property with:

    • int32[0] 42 // request id
    • int32[1] 3 // messageType: SwitchUserMessageType::VEHICLE_RESPONSE
    • int32[2] 1 // status: SwitchUserStatus::SUCCESS

    If the request fails, the response would be something like:

    • int32[0] 42 // request id
    • int32[1] 3 // messageType: SwitchUserMessageType::VEHICLE_RESPONSE
    • int32[2] 2 // status: SwitchUserStatus::FAILURE string: "108-D'OH!"
    • OEM-specific error message
  • VEHICLE_RESPONSE Called by the HAL to indicate whether a request of type ANDROID_SWITCH should proceed or abort. See also ANDROID_SWITCH.
  • VEHICLE_REQUEST Called by the HAL to request that the current foreground Android user is switched. This is useful in situations where Android started as one user, but the vehicle identified the driver as another user. For example, user A unlocked the car using the key fob of user B. The INITIAL_USER_INFO request returned user B, but then a face recognition subsubsystem identified the user as A. The HAL makes this request by a property change event (passing a negative request id), and the Android system response is to issue an ANDROID_POST_SWITCH call which the same request id. For example, if the current foreground Android user is 10 and the HAL asked to switch to 11, the request would be:
    • int32[0] -108 // request id
    • int32[1] 4 // messageType: SwitchUserMessageType::VEHICLE_REQUEST
    • int32[2] 11 // Android user id

    If the request succeeded and Android has three users (0, 10, and 11), the response would be:

    • int32[0] -108 // request id
    • int32[1] 5 // messageType: SwitchUserMessageType::ANDROID_POST_SWITCH
    • int32[2] 11 // target user id
    • int32[3] 0 // target user id flags (none)
    • int32[4] 11 // current user
    • int32[5] 0 // current user flags (none)
    • int32[6] 3 // number of users
    • int32[7] 0 // first user (user 0)
    • int32[8] 0 // first user flags (none)
    • int32[9] 10 // second user (user 10)
    • int32[10] 4 // second user flags (none)
    • int32[11] 11 // third user (user 11)
    • int32[12] 3 // third user flags (none)

    The current and target user ids are the same. If the request fails, then they would differ. For example, the target user would be 11 and the current user would remain 10.

  • ANDROID_POST_SWITCH Called by the Android system after a request to switch a user was made. This property is called after switch requests of any type (for example, >code>LEGACY_ANDROID_SWITCH, >code>ANDROID_SWITCH, or VEHICLE_REQUEST) and can be used to determine if the request succeeded or failed.
    • When it succeeds, it's called when the Android user is in the unlocked state and the value of the current and target users ids in the response are the same. This is equivalent to receiving an Intent.ACTION_USER_UNLOCKED in an Android app.
    • When it fails, it's called right away and the value of the current and target users ids in the response differ (since the current user didn't change to the target).
    • If a new switch request is made before the HAL responded to the previous one or before the user was unlocked, then the ANDROID_POST_SWITCH request is not made. For example, the driver might accidentally switch to the wrong user, which has lock credentials, and then switch to the correct user before entering the credentials.

    The HAL can update its internal state once it receives this request, but it needn't reply to the Android system.

    • Request. The first N values as defined by INITIAL_USER_INFO (where the request-specific value at index 1 is SwitchUserMessageType::ANDROID_POST_SWITCH), then two more values for the target user id (for example, the Android user id that was requested to be switched to) and its flags (as defined by UserFlags).
    • Response: none. For example, see VEHICLE_REQUEST

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Tire pressure. Each tire is identified by its areaConfig.areaId config. The respective minFloatValue and maxFloatValue are used to store the OEM- recommended pressure range. Values for minFloatValue and maxFloatValue in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined.

The minFloatValue in the areaConfig data represents the lower bound of the recommended tire pressure. The maxFloatValue in the areaConfig data represents the upper bound of the recommended tire pressure. For example, this areaConfig indicates the recommended tire pressure of left_front tire as from 200.0kPa to 240.0kPa.

.areaConfigs: { VehicleAreaConfig { .areaId: VehicleAreaWheel::LEFT_FRONT, .minFloatValue: 200.0, .maxFloatValue: 240.0, } }

Change mode: CONTINUOUS
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:KILOPASCAL
Release: Android 13


Tire pressure units for display. Indicates which units the car is using to display tire pressure to the user. For example, PSI, Bar or Kilopascal. VehiclePropConfig.configArray is used to indicate the supported pressure display units. Pressure units are defined in VehicleUnit. For example, configArray[0]: KILOPASCAL configArray[1]: PSI configArray[2]: BAR

If updating TIRE_PRESSURE_DISPLAY_UNITS affects the values of other *_DISPLAY_UNITS properties, then their values must be updated and communicated to the AAOS framework as well. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as only./p>

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: VehicleUnit
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Set to true when traction control (TC) is active and reset to false when TC is off. This property can be intermittently set (pulse) based on the real-time state of the TC system.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Returns the trailer state of the car.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: TrailerState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


State of the vehicles turn signals.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: VehicleTurnSignal
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Property used to associate (or query the association) the current user with vehicle-specific identification mechanisms (such as key FOB).

This is an optional user management property. The OEM can still support user management without defining it. In fact, this property could be used without supporting the core user-related functions described on INITIAL_USER_INFO.

To query the association, the Android system gets the property, passing a VehiclePropValue containing the types of associations are being queried, as defined by UserIdentificationGetRequest. The HAL must return right away, returning a VehiclePropValue with a UserIdentificationResponse.

Notice that user identification took place while the system was booting up. takehe VHAL implementation should only return the already identified association (such as the key FOB used to unlock the car), instead of starting a new association from the get call.

To associate types, the Android system sets the property, passing a VehiclePropValue containing the types and values of associations being set, as defined by the UserIdentificationSetRequest.

The HAL then uses a property change event (whose VehiclePropValue is defined by UserIdentificationResponse) indicating the current status of the types after the request.

For example, to query if the current user (10) is associated with the FOB that unlocked the car and a custom mechanism provided by the OEM, the request is:

  • int32[0] 42 // request id
  • int32[1] 10 (Android user id)
  • int32[2] 0 (Android user flags)
  • int32[3] 2 (number of types queried)
  • int32[4] 1 (first type queried, UserIdentificationAssociationType::KEY_FOB)
  • int32[5] 101 (second type queried, UserIdentificationAssociationType::CUSTOM_1)

If the user is associated with the FOB but not with the custom mechanism, the response is:

  • int32[0] 42 // request id
  • int32[1] 2 (number of associations in the response)
  • int32[2] 1 (first type: UserIdentificationAssociationType::KEY_FOB)
  • int32[3] 2 (first value: UserIdentificationAssociationValue::ASSOCIATED_CURRENT_USER)
  • int32[4] 101 (first type: UserIdentificationAssociationType::CUSTOM_1)
  • int32[5] 4 (second value: UserIdentificationAssociationValue::NOT_ASSOCIATED_ANY_USER)

Then to associate the user with the custom mechanism, a set request is made:

  • int32[0] 43 // request id
  • int32[1] 10 (Android user id)
  • int32[2] 0 (Android user flags)
  • int32[3] 1 (number of associations being set)
  • int32[4] 101 (first type: UserIdentificationAssociationType::CUSTOM_1)

If the request succeeded, the response would be:

  • int32[0] 43 // request id
  • int32[1] 1 (number of associations in the response)
  • int32[2] 101 (first type: UserIdentificationAssociationType::CUSTOM_1)
  • int32[3] 1 (first value: UserIdentificationAssociationValue::ASSOCIATED_CURRENT_USER)

The set request adds associations but doesn't remove the existing associations. In the previous example, the end state would be two associations (FOB and CUSTOM_1). To associate the user with just CUSTOM_1 but not FOB, then the request would have been:

  • int32[0] 43 // request id
  • int32[1] 10 (Android user id)
  • int32[2] 2 (number of types set)
  • int32[3] 1 (first type: UserIdentificationAssociationType::KEY_FOB)
  • int32[4] 2 (first value: UserIdentificationAssociationValue::DISASSOCIATE_CURRENT_USER)
  • int32[5] 101 (second type: UserIdentificationAssociationType::CUSTOM_1)
  • int32[6] 1 (second value: UserIdentificationAssociationValue::ASSOCIATE_CURRENT_USER)

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Returns the vehicle's curb weight in kilograms. Curb weight is the total weight of the vehicle with standard equipment and all necessary operating consumables such as motor oil, transmission oil, brake fluid, coolant, air conditioning refrigerant, and weight of fuel at nominal tank capacity while not loaded with either passengers or cargo.

configArray[0] is used to specify the vehicle's gross weight in kilograms. The vehicle's gross weight is the maximum operating weight of the vehicle as specified by the manufacturer including the vehicle's chassis, body, engine, engine fluids, fuel, accessories, driver, passengers and cargo but excluding that of any trailers.

Change mode: STATIC
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:KILOGRAM
Release: Android 13


Indicates if the vehicle is in use. In use means a human user is present and intendeds to use the vehicle. This doesn't necessarily mean the human user is in the vehicle. For example, if the human user unlocks the vehicle remotely, the vehicle is considered to be in use. If this property is supported:

  • Each time the user powers on the vehicle or the system detects the user is present, VEHICLE_IN_USE must be set to true. Each time the user powers off the vehicle or the system detects the user is not present, VEHICLE_IN_USE must be set to false.
  • If the user powers off the vehicle or the system detects the user is not present, VEHICLE_IN_USE must be set to false.
  • If the user powers on the vehicle or the system detects the user is present, VEHICLE_IN_USE must be set to true.

This property differs from AP_POWER_BOOTUP_REASON in the sense that AP_POWER_BOOTUP_REASON is only set once during system boot. However, this property might change multiple times during a system boot cycle. For example, a device is currently not in use. The system bootup to execute a remote task. VEHICLE_IN_USE is false. While the remote task is executing, the user enters the vehicle and powers on the vehicle. VEHICLE_IN_USE is set to true. After a driving session, user powers off the vehicle, VEHICLE_IN_USE is set to false.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Vehicle Maps Service (VMS) message. This property uses MIXED data to communicate VMS messages. Its contents are to be interpreted as follows. The indices defined in VmsMessageIntegerValuesInde are used to read from int32Values. bytes is a serialized VMS message as defined in the VMS protocol, which is opaque to the framework. IVehicle#get must always return StatusCode::NOT_AVAILABLE.

Access mode: READ_WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Speed units for display. Indicates the type of units used to display speed to the user. For example, m/s, km/h, or mph. VehiclePropConfig.configArray indicates the supported speed display units. Pressure units are defined in VehicleUnit. For example:

.configArray: { VehicleUnit::METER_PER_SEC, VehicleUnit::KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR, VehicleUnit::MILES_PER_HOUR }
  • configArray[0] METER_PER_SEC
  • configArray[1] MILES_PER_HOUR
  • configArray[2] KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR

If updating VEHICLE_SPEED_DISPLAY_UNITS affects the values of other *_DISPLAY_UNITS properties, then those values must be updated and communicated to the AAOS framework.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Defines an event that VHAL signals to Car Watchdog as a heartbeat. If VHAL supports this property, VHAL should write system uptime to this property at every three seconds. Car Watchdog subscribes to this property and checks if the property is updated every three seconds. With the buffer time of three seconds, Car Watchdog waits for a heartbeat to be signaled up to six seconds from the last heartbeat. If not, Car Watchdog considers VHAL unhealthy and terminates it. If this property is not supported by VHAL, Car Watchdog doesn't check VHAL health status.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Defines an event that Car Watchdog updates to indicate it's active. Car Watchdog sets this property to system uptime in milliseconds at every three seconds. While booting, the update could take longer.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Defines a process terminated by Car Watchdog and the reason for the termination.

int32Values[0] 1  // ProcessTerminationReason showing why a process is terminated. string: "/system/bin/log" // Process execution command

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: WRITE
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Reports wheel ticks. The first element in the vector is a reset count. A reset indicates previous tick counts are not comparable with this and future ones. Some sort of discontinuity in tick counting has occurred.

The next four elements represent ticks for individual wheels in the following order:

  1. Front left
  2. Front right
  3. Rear right
  4. Rear left

All tick counts are cumulative. Tick counts increment when the vehicle moves forward, and decrement when the vehicle moves backward. The ticks should be reset to 0 when the vehicle is started.

  • int64Values[0] Reset count
  • int64Values[1] Front left ticks
  • int64Values[2] Front right ticks
  • int64Values[3] Rear right ticks
  • int64Values[4] Rear left ticks

configArray is used to indicate the micrometers-per-wheel-tick value and which wheels are supported configArray is set as follows:

configArray[0], bits [0:3] Supported wheels

Uses enum Wheel. For example, if all wheels are supported, then:

  • configArray[0] VehicleAreaWheel::LEFT_FRONT | VehicleAreaWheel::RIGHT_FRONT | VehicleAreaWheel::LEFT_REAR | VehicleAreaWheel::RIGHT_REAR
  • configArray[1] Micrometers per front left wheel tick
  • configArray[2] Micrometers per front right wheel tick
  • configArray[3] Micrometers per rear right wheel tick
  • configArray[4] Micrometers per rear left wheel tick.

If a wheel is not supported, its value shall always be set to 0.

The VehiclePropValue.timestamp must be filled in.

Change mode: CONTINUOUS
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Window child lock. True indicates the window is child-locked. This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Window move. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The maxInt32Value indicates the window is opening in plane/closing in the out of plane direction at the fastest speed. The minInt32Value indicates the window is closing in plane/opening in the out of plane direction at the fastest speed.

Larger absolute values, either positive or negative, indicate a faster movement speed. Once the window reaches the positional limit, the value must reset to 0. If the value of WINDOW_MOVE is 0, no movement is underway. This property is represented in a specified range of relative movement speeds.

For a window that may open out of plane (a vent mode of sunroof), this parameter works as follows. If:

  • Sunroof is open:
    • Max Open the sunroof further, stop automatically when fully open.
    • Min Close the sunroof, stop automatically when sunroof is closed.
  • Vent is open:
    • Max Close the vent, stop automatically stop when vent is closed.
    • Min Open the vent further, stop automatically when vent is fully open.
  • Sunroof is closed:
    • Max Open the sunroof, stop automatically when sunroof is fully open.
    • Min Open the vent, stop automatically when vent is fully open.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Window position. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in each VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. All integers between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value must be supported. The minInt32Value indicates the window is closed or fully open out of plane. If the window cannot open out of plane, then minInt32Value is the position of the window when fully closed and must be 0. If the window can open out of plane, the minInt32Value indicates the window is fully open in its position out of plane and is a negative value. See the example below for a more detailed explanation. The maxInt32Value indicates the window is fully open.

Values in between minInt32Value and maxInt32Value indicate a transition state between the closed/fully open out-of-plane and fully open positions. This property is not in any specific unit but in a specified range of relative positions. For example, this is how the property should work for a window that can move out of plane: For a window that may open out of plane (vent mode of sunroof) this parameter works with negative values as follows:

  • Max Sunroof fully open (0 for sunroof closed).
  • Min Sunroof vent fully open (0 for sunroof closed).
In this mode, 0 indicates the window is closed.

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 13


Windshield wipers period (milliseconds). Returns the instantaneous time period for one full cycle of the windshield wipers in milliseconds. A full cycle is defined as a wiper moving from and returning to the rest position. When an intermittent wiper setting is selected, this property value must be set to 0 during the pause period of the intermittent wiping. The maxInt32Value and minInt32Value in VehicleAreaConfig must be defined. The maxInt32Value for each area ID must specify the longest wiper period. The minInt32Value must be set to 0 for each area ID.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: N/A
Unit type: VehicleUnit:MILLI_SECS
Release: Android 14


Windshield wipers state. Returns the current state of the windshield wipers. The value of WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_STATE may not match the value of WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_SWITCH For example, WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_STATE: ON and WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_SWITCH: WindshieldWipersSwitch#AUTO If WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_STATE: ON and WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_PERIOD is implemented, then WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_PERIOD must reflect the time period of one full cycle of the wipers.

For each supported area ID, the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues array must be defined unless all states in WindshieldWipersState are supported (including OTHER, which is not recommended).

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ
Enum type: WindshieldWipersState
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14


Windshield wipers switch. Represents the position of the switch controlling the windshield wipers. The value of WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_SWITCH may not match the value of WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_STATE For example, WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_SWITCH: AUTO and WINDSHIELD_WIPERS_STATE: WindshieldWipersState#ON For each supported area ID, the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues array must be defined unless all states in WindshieldWipersSwitch are supported (including OTHER, which is not recommended).

This property is defined as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE, but OEMs can implement it as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ only. If this property is implemented as VehiclePropertyAccess.READ_WRITE and the OTHER state is listed in the VehicleAreaConfig#supportedEnumValues array, then OTHER is not a supported value for writing It is only a supported value for reading.

Change mode: ON_CHANGE
Access mode: READ_WRITE/READ
Enum type: WindshieldWipersSwitch
Unit type: N/A
Release: Android 14