Class Index

These are the API classes. See all API packages.


AaptParser Class that extracts info from apk by parsing output of 'aapt dump badging'. 
AaptParser.AaptVersion Enum of options for AAPT version used to parse APK files. 
AbiFormatter Utility class for abi. 
AbstractXmlParser Helper base class for parsing xml files  
AbstractXmlParser.ParseException Thrown if XML input could not be parsed  
AcloudConfigParser Helper class that parse an Acloud config (used to start a Cloud device instance). 
AcloudConfigParser.AcloudKeys Sets of key that can be searched from the configuration. 
ActivityStatusChecker Status checker for left over activities running at the end of a module. 
AdbRootElevator An AutoCloseable that enables adb root when constructed if needed and restores root state when complete. 
AggregatePostProcessor A metric aggregator that gives the min, max, mean, variance, standard deviation, total, count and optionally percentiles for numeric metrics collected during multiple-iteration test runs, treating them as doubles. 
AltDirBehavior An enum to define alternative directory behaviors for various test artifact installers/pushers


AppBuildInfo A IBuildInfo that represents an Android application and its test package(s). 
AppDeviceBuildInfo This class is deprecated. Use IDeviceBuildInfo directly.  
AppVersionFetcher Utility class to get app version string from device. 
AppVersionFetcher.AppVersionInfo App version info types. 
ArchModuleController Module controller to not run tests when it doesn't match any given architectures. 
ArgsOptionParser Populates Option fields from parsed command line arguments. 
ATestFileSystemLogSaver This LogSaver class is used by ATest to save logs in a specific path. 
AutoLogCollector Enumeration describing which collector can automatically be handled by the harness. 
AutomatedReporters Class that defines the mapping from Tradefed automated reporters. 
AveragePostProcessor Implementation of post processor that calculate the average of the list of metrics. 


BackgroundDeviceAction Runs a command on a given device repeating as necessary until the action is canceled. 
BaseDeviceMetricCollector Base implementation of IMetricCollector that allows to start and stop collection on onTestRunStart( and ERROR(/#onTestRunEnd(,Map))
BaseEmulatorPreparer Common preparer for launching a local emulator. 
BaseLeveledLogOutput A base implementation for ILeveledLogOutput that allows to filtering some tags based on their name or components. 
BaseModuleController Basic implementation of IModuleController that should be implemented for checking if a module should run or not. 
BaseMultiTargetPreparer Base implementation of IMultiTargetPreparer that allows to disable the object. 
BasePostProcessor The base IPostProcessor that every implementation should extend. 
BaseRetryDecision Base implementation of IRetryDecision
BaseStreamLogger<OS extends OutputStream> A ILeveledLogOutput that directs log messages to an output stream and to stdout. 
BaseTargetPreparer Base implementation class for ITargetPreparer that allows to control whether the object is disabled or not. 
BaseTestSuite A Test for running Compatibility Test Suite with new suite system. 
BatteryController Utility class that allows to control the battery charging state of a device. 
BatteryRechargeDeviceRecovery Allow to trigger a command when the battery level of the device goes under a given threshold. 
BatteryUnavailableDeviceRecovery Recovery checker that will trigger a configuration if the battery level is not available. 
BinaryState Enum used to record ON/OFF state with a IGNORE no-op state. 
BluetoothUtils Utility functions for calling BluetoothInstrumentation on device

Device side BluetoothInstrumentation code can be found in AOSP at: frameworks/base/core/tests/bluetoothtests  

BootstrapBuildProvider A IDeviceBuildProvider that bootstraps build info from the test device

This is typically used for devices with an externally supplied build, i.e. 

BugreportCollector A pass-through ITestInvocationListener that collects bugreports when configurable events occur and then calls ITestInvocationListener#testLog on its children after each bugreport is collected. 
BugreportCollector.Predicate A full predicate describing when to capture a bugreport. 
BugreportzOnFailureCollector Collect a bugreportz when a test case fails. 
BuildInfo Generic implementation of a IBuildInfo that should be associated with a ITestDevice
BuildInfoRecorder An ITargetPreparer that writes build info meta data into a specified file. 
BuildInfoUtil A util class to help manipulate IBuildInfo  
BuildRetrievalError A fatal error occurred while retrieving the build for testing. 
BuildTestsZipUtils A helper class for operations related to tests zip generated by Android build system  
BulkEmailer A email sender utility that allows the following configuration: sent interval,initial burst size, recipients and the total number messages. 
BundletoolUtil Utility class that uses bundletool command line to install the .apks on deivce. 


CecControllerTokenProvider Token provider for Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) related tokens. 
CircularAtraceUtil An atrace utility developed primarily for identifying the root causes of ANRs during Monkey testing. 
CircularByteArray Data structure for holding a fixed size array that operates as a circular buffer, and tracks the total sum of all values in the array. 
ClangCodeCoverageCollector A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull Clang coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts. 
ClassNotFoundConfigurationException ConfigurationException for when the class of an object is not found. 
ClassPathScanner Finds entries on classpath. 
ClassPathScanner.ClassNameFilter A IClassPathFilter that filters and transforms java class names. 
ClassPathScanner.ExternalClassNameFilter A ClassNameFilter that rejects inner classes  
ClassPathScanner.IClassPathFilter A filter for classpath entry paths

Patterned after FileFilter  

ClusterBuildInfo A IBuildInfo class for builds piped from TFC. 
ClusterBuildProvider A IBuildProvider to download TFC test resources. 
ClusterClient A IClusterClient implementation for interacting with the TFC backend. 
ClusterCommand A class that represents a task fetched from TF Cluster. 
ClusterCommand.State Command's status in the TF cluster. 
ClusterCommandConfigBuilder A class to build a configuration file for a cluster command. 
ClusterCommandEvent A class to encapsulate cluster command events to be uploaded. 
ClusterCommandLauncher A IRemoteTest class to launch a command from TFC via a subprocess TF. 
ClusterCommandScheduler A ICommandScheduler to support TFC (Tradefed Cluster). 
ClusterCommandStatus A class that represents the state and the cancel reason for a command from TF Cluster. 
ClusterDeviceInfo A class to encapsulate cluster device info to be uploaded. 
ClusterDeviceMonitor An IDeviceMonitor implementation that reports results to the Tradefed Cluster service. 
ClusterEventUploader<T extends IClusterEvent> ClusterEventUploader class, which uploads IClusterEvent to TFC. 
ClusterHostEvent A class to encapsulate cluster host events to be uploaded. 
ClusterHostEvent.HostEventType Enums of the different types of host events. 
ClusterHostUtil Static util functions for TF Cluster to get global config instances, host information, etc. 
ClusterLogSaver A ILogSaver class to upload test outputs to TFC. 
ClusterLogSaver.FilePickingStrategy File picking strategies. 
CollectingByteOutputReceiver A IShellOutputReceiver which collects the whole shell output into a byte[]
CollectingOutputReceiver A IShellOutputReceiver which collects the whole shell output into one String
CollectingTestListener A ITestInvocationListener that will collect all test results. 
CollectorHelper Helper to do some IMetricCollector operations needed in several places. 
CommandFileParser Parser for file that contains set of command lines. 
CommandLineBuildInfoBuilder Utility meant to capture the usual build information arguments from a command line and create a IBuildInfo from them. 
CommandOptions Implementation of ICommandOptions
CommandOptionsGetter Service implementation that returns the command options value of a given invocation. 
CommandRunner An alternate TradeFederation entry point that will run command specified in command line arguments and then quit. 
CommandRunner.ExitCode Error codes that are possible to exit with. 
CommandScheduler A scheduler for running TradeFederation commands across all available devices. 
CommandScheduler.HostState Enums of different status of host  
CommonLogRemoteFileUtil This utility allows to avoid code duplication across the different remote device representation for the remote log fetching logic of common files. 
CommonLogRemoteFileUtil.KnownLogFileEntry A representation of a known log entry for remote devices. 
ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue<T> A thread-safe class with ERROR(/PriorityBlockingQueue)-like operations that can retrieve objects that match a certain condition. 
ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue.AlwaysMatch<T> A ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue.IMatcher that matches any object. 
ConditionPriorityBlockingQueue.IMatcher<T> An interface for determining if elements match some sort of condition. 
ConfigCompleter Implementation of the Completer for our TF configurations. 
Configuration A concrete IConfiguration implementation that stores the loaded config objects in a map. 
ConfigurationDef Holds a record of a configuration, its associated objects and their options. 
ConfigurationDef.ConfigObjectDef Object to hold info for a className and the appearance number it has (e.g. if a config has the same object twice, the first one will have the first appearance number). 
ConfigurationFactory Factory for creating IConfiguration
ConfigurationFactory.ConfigLoader Implementation of IConfigDefLoader that tracks the included configurations from one root config, and throws an exception on circular includes. 
ConfigurationUtil Utility functions to handle configuration files. 
ConfigurationXmlParserSettings A simple class to accept settings for the ConfigurationXmlParser

To pass settings to this class, the alias is mandatory. 

ConfigurationYamlParser Parser for YAML style Tradefed configurations  
Console Main TradeFederation console providing user with the interface to interact

Currently supports operations such as

  • add a command to test
  • list devices and their state
  • list invocations in progress
  • list commands in queue
  • dump invocation log to file/stdout
  • shutdown
Console.ArgRunnable<T> A Runnable with a run method that can take an argument  
Console.CaptureList A convenience type for List<List<String>>  
ConsoleReaderOutputStream An OutputStream that can be used to make System.out.print() play nice with the user's LineReader unfinishedLine. 
ConsoleResultReporter Result reporter to print the test results to the console. 
CountingTestResultListener A TestResultListener that tracks the total number of tests by TestStatus  
CountTestCasesCollector Count and report the number of test cases for a given IRemoteTest
CoverageOptions Tradefed object to hold coverage options. 
CreateUserPreparer Target preparer for creating user and cleaning it up at the end. 


DebugHostLogOnFailureCollector Collector that will gather and log the host-side logs when a test case failure occurs. 
DefaultRemoteAndroidTestRunner Extension of the ddmlib RemoteAndroidTestRunner to set some default for Tradefed use cases. 
DefaultTestsZipInstaller A default implementation of tests zip installer. 
DelegatedInvocationExecution InvocationExecution which delegate the execution to another Tradefed binary. 
DependenciesResolver A new type of provider that allows to get all the dependencies for a test. 
DeviceAllocationResult Represents the results of an allocation attempt for a command. 
DeviceAvailableChecker Checker to ensure a module doesn't leave the device in an offline state. 
DeviceBatteryLevelChecker An IRemoteTest that checks for a minimum battery charge, and waits for the battery to reach a second charging threshold if the minimum charge isn't present. 
DeviceBatteryResourceMetricCollector This collector collects device battery metrics. 
DeviceBuildDescriptor A wrapper class for a IBuildInfo, that contains helper methods to retrieve device platform build information. 
DeviceBuildInfo A IBuildInfo that represents a complete Android device build and (optionally) its tests. 
DeviceBuildInfoBootStrapper A ITargetPreparer that replaces build info fields with attributes read from device

This is useful for testing devices with builds generated from an external source (e.g. 

DeviceBuildInfoInjector A ITargetPreparer that inserts DeviceBuildDescriptor metadata into the IBuildInfo
DeviceCleaner Performs reboot or format as cleanup action after test, and optionally turns screen off  
DeviceConcurrentUtil Contains utility methods and classes for concurrent device side command execution

Use ERROR(/ExecutorService) to run commands implemented as ShellCommandCallable, and use ERROR(/#joinFuture(String,Future,long)) for synchronization against the ERROR(/Future) as returned by ERROR(/ExecutorService) for the command execution. 

DeviceConcurrentUtil.ShellCommandCallable<V> A ERROR(/Callable) that wraps the details of executing shell command on an ITestDevice
DeviceConfigurationHolder A concrete IDeviceConfiguration implementation that stores the loaded device configuration objects in its attributes. 
DeviceFailedToBootError Thrown if a device fails to boot after being flashed with a build. 
DeviceFeatureModuleController A module controller to not run tests when it doesn't support certain feature. 
DeviceFileReporter A utility class that checks the device for files and sends them to ITestInvocationListener#testLog(String, LogDataType, InputStreamSource) if found. 
DeviceFlashPreparer A ITargetPreparer that flashes an image on physical Android hardware. 
DeviceFlashPreparer.EncryptionOptions Enum of options for handling the encryption of userdata image  
DeviceFolderBuildInfo A IDeviceBuildInfo that also contains other build artifacts contained in a directory on the local filesystem. 
DeviceImageZipFlashingTargetPreparer A target preparer that flashes the device with device images provided via a specific format. 
DeviceInternetAccessibilityResourceMetricCollector The collector pings to check if the device has internet accessibility or not. 
DeviceManager.FastbootDevice Representation of a device in Fastboot mode. 
DeviceMetricData Object to hold all the data collected by metric collectors. 
DeviceMonitorMultiplexer A proxy class to propagate requests to multiple IDeviceMonitors. 
DeviceProperties Common constant definitions for device side property names  
DeviceResetFeature Server side implementation of device reset. 
DeviceResetHandler Utility handling generically device resetting. 
DeviceSelectionOptions Container for for device selection criteria. 
DeviceSelectionOptions.DeviceRequestedType The different possible types of placeholder devices supported. 
DeviceSettingChecker Check if device settings have changed during a module run. 
DeviceSetup A ITargetPreparer that configures a device for testing based on provided Options. 
DeviceStateMonitor Helper class for monitoring the state of a IDevice
DeviceStorageAgeResourceMetricCollector Parse storage age from logcat. 
DeviceStorageStatusChecker Check if device has enough disk space for the given partitions. 
DeviceUnavailableMonitor This listener attempts to capture a test case level DNAE only. 
DeviceUpdateTargetPreparer An abstract ITargetPreparer that takes care of common steps around updating devices with a device image file from an external source (as opposed to a build service). 
DeviceWifiResourceMetricCollector The collector collects current connected wifi signal strength and link speed metrics. 
DirectedGraph<V> A directed unweighted graphs implementation. 
DynamicFileStubTest This is a tradefed test to test tradefed can resolve dynamic file correctly. 
DynamicRemoteFileResolver Class that helps resolving path to remote files. 
DynamicRemoteFileResolver.FileResolverLoader Loads implementations of IRemoteFileResolver


EmmaXmlConstants Constants used when parsing emma xml report. 
EnforcedSeLinuxChecker Status checker that ensures the status of Selinux. 
EventsLoggerListener Listener that logs all the events it receives into a file  
ExistingBuildProvider A IBuildProvider that returns an already constructed IBuildInfo
ExtendedFile A extension of standard file to carry a build related metadata. 


FakeTest A fake test whose purpose is to make it easy to generate repeatable test results. 
FakeTestsZipFolder A testing fixture that creates a fake unzipped tests folder based on a list of content. 
FastbootDeviceFlasher A class that relies on fastboot to flash an image on physical Android hardware. 
FastbootHelper A helper class for fastboot operations. 
FastbootUpdateBootstrapPreparer An ITargetPreparer that stages specified files (bootloader, radio, device image zip) into IDeviceBuildInfo to get devices flashed with FastbootDeviceFlasher, then injects post-boot device attributes into the build info for result reporting purposes. 
FileDownloadCache A helper class that maintains a local filesystem LRU cache of downloaded files. 
FileDownloadCacheFactory A factory for creating FileDownloadCache  
FileDownloadCacheWrapper A wrapper class that provides FileDownloadCache facilities while implementing the IFileDownloader interface. 
FileIdleMonitor Monitors files and executes a callback if they have been idle (i.e. 
FileLogger A ILeveledLogOutput that directs log messages to a file and to stdout. 
FileProtoResultReporter Proto reporter that dumps the TestRecord into a file. 
FilePullerDeviceMetricCollector A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that listen for metrics key coming from the device and pull them as a file from the device. 
FilePullerLogCollector Logger of the file reported by the device-side. 
FileSystemLogSaver Save logs to a file system. 
FilteredResultForwarder Variant of ResultForwarder that only allows an allowlist of TestDescription to be reported. 
FixedByteArrayOutputStream An in-memory ERROR(/OutputStream) that only keeps a maximum amount of data. 
FlashingResourcesParser A class that parses out required versions of auxiliary image files needed to flash a device. 
FlashingResourcesParser.AndroidInfo A typedef for Map&lt;String, MultiMap&lt;String, String&gt;&gt;
FlashingResourcesParser.Constraint A filtering interface, intended to allow FlashingResourcesParser to ignore some resources that it otherwise might use  
FlashingResourceUtil This utility helps setting the appropriate version of artifacts so they can be flashed via DeviceFlashPreparer
FoldableExpandingHandler A IModuleParameterHandler expanding into more for each non-primary foldable configuration. 
FoldableHandler Generic foldable handler that can take the foldable parameters to create a specialized module. 
FoldableModePreparer A target preparer that can switch the foldable state of a device. 
FolderBuildInfo Concrete implementation of a IFolderBuildInfo
FormattedGeneratorReporter Reporter that allows to generate reports in a particular format. 


GceAvdInfo Structure to hold relevant data for a given GCE AVD instance. 
GceManager Helper that manages the GCE calls to start/stop and collect logs from GCE. 
GceRemoteCmdFormatter Utility class to format commands to reach a remote gce device. 
GceRemoteCmdFormatter.ScpMode SCP can be used to push or pull file depending of the structure of the args. 
GceSshTunnelMonitor Thread Monitor for the Gce ssh tunnel. 
GcovCodeCoverageCollector A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull gcov coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts. 
GCSBucketUtil File manager to download and upload files from Google Cloud Storage (GCS). 
GCSBucketUtil.GCSFileMetadata Simple wrapper for file info in GCS. 
GCSCommon Base class for Gcs operation like download and upload. 
GCSDownloaderHelper Downloader for GCS bucket that takes care of caching and resolving the global config. 
GCSFileDownloader File downloader to download file from google cloud storage (GCS). 
GCSFileUploader File uploader to upload file data to google cloud storage (GCS). 
GCSHostResourceManager Download host resource from GCS (Google cloud storage). 
GcsRemoteFileResolver Implementation of IRemoteFileResolver that allows downloading from a GCS bucket. 
GetPreviousPassedHelper Helper to get the previous passed test filters. 
GkiDeviceFlashPreparer A target preparer that flash the device with android common kernel generic image. 
GlobalFilterGetter Service implementation that returns the filters of a given invocation. 
GlobalTestFilter Filter options applied to the invocation. 
GoogleApiClientUtil Utils for create Google API client. 
GranularRetriableTestWrapper A wrapper class works on the IRemoteTest to granulate the IRemoteTest in testcase level. 
GsiDeviceFlashPreparer A target preparer that flashes the device with android generic system image. 


HelloWorldMultiTargetPreparer An example implementation of a IMultiTargetPreparer
HistoryLogger TF History Logger, special log that contains only some specific events. 
HprofAllocSiteParser Helper class to parse info from an Allocation Sites section of hprof reports. 
HttpRemoteFileResolver Implementation of IRemoteFileResolver that allows downloading remote file via http  
HttpsRemoteFileResolver Implementation of IRemoteFileResolver that allows downloading remote file via https  


IAbiReceiver A test that needs the ABI under test. 
IAppBuildInfo This interface is deprecated. Use IBuildInfo directly.  
IAutoRetriableTest Interface for an IRemoteTest that doesn't implement ITestFilterReceiver but still wishes to support auto-retry. 
IBatteryInfo The interface defining the interaction with a battery of a device. 
IBatteryInfo.BatteryState Describes the current battery charging state. 
IBuildProvider Responsible for providing info regarding the build under test. 
IBuildReceiver A test that needs reference to the build under test. 
IClusterClient An interface for interacting with the TFC backend. 
IClusterEvent Interface for any cluster event to be uploaded to TFC. 
IClusterEventUploader<T extends IClusterEvent> Interface for ClusterEventUploader  
IClusterOptions An interface for getting cluster-related options. 
ICommandOptions Container for execution options for commands. 
ICommandScheduler A scheduler for running TradeFederation commands. 
ICommandScheduler.IScheduledInvocationListener Listener for invocation events when invocation completes. 
ICompressionStrategy An interface representing a compression algorithm that can be selected at runtime. 
IConfiguration Configuration information for a TradeFederation invocation. 
IConfigurationFactory Factory for creating IConfigurations  
IConfigurationReceiver Simple interface to represent object that accepts an IConfiguration
ICredentialFactory An interface for credential factory to create oauth2 Credential
IDefaultObjectLoader Interface for loading the default objects that should be part of our YAML configuration. 
IDefaultObjectLoader.LoaderConfiguration The loading configuration object to pass information to the loader. 
IDeviceBuildInfo A IBuildInfo that represents a complete Android device build and (optionally) its tests. 
IDeviceBuildProvider A IBuildProvider that uses information from a ITestDevice to retrieve a build. 
IDeviceConfiguration Device Configuration Holder Interface. 
IDeviceFlasher Flashes a device image on a device. 
IDeviceFlasher.UserDataFlashOption Enum of options for handling the userdata image  
IDeviceManager Interface for managing the set of available devices for testing. 
IDeviceManager.IFastbootListener A listener for fastboot state changes. 
IDeviceMonitor Interface for monitoring state of devices. 
IDeviceMonitor.DeviceLister A Runnable-like class that should return the known devices and their states. 
IDeviceSelection Interface for device selection criteria. 
IDeviceTest Interface for object that needs a reference to a ITestDevice
IDisableable Interface that describes a Tradefed object that can be disabled. 
IFileDownloader Interface for downloading a remote file. 
IFlashingResourcesParser Interface for providing required versions of auxiliary image files needed to flash a device. 
IFlashingResourcesRetriever Interface for retrieving auxiliary image files needed to flash a device. 
IFolderBuildInfo A simple abstract IBuildInfo whose build artifacts are containing in a local filesystem directory. 
IFormatterGenerator Interface describing a formatter for SuiteResultHolder
IHostCleaner Cleans up the host after the test run has finished. 
IInvocationContextReceiver A test that needs reference to the context of the invocation. 
IInvocationExecution Interface describing the actions that will be done as part of an invocation. 
ILeveledLogOutput Classes which implement this interface provides methods that deal with outputting log messages. 
ILogcatReceiver A class that provides the output of a device's logcat as an InputStreamSource
ILogRegistry An interface for a ILogOutput singleton logger that multiplexes and manages different loggers. 
ILogRegistry.EventType Events that are useful to be logged  
IMetricCollector This interface will be added as a decorator when reporting tests results in order to collect matching metrics. 
IMetricCollectorReceiver Interface for IRemoteTests to implement if they need to get the list of IMetricCollectors for the test run. 
IModuleController Interface for controlling if a module should be executed or not. 
IModuleController.RunStrategy Enum describing how the module should be executed. 
IModuleParameterHandler The interface for parameters of suites modules. 
IMultiDeviceTest This interface is deprecated. This interface is kept temporarily for compatibility but is not actually used anymore. Please do not implement it.  
IMultiTargetPreparer Prepares the test environment for several devices together. 
INativeDeviceTest Interface for object that needs a reference to a INativeDevice
InstantAppHandler Handler for ModuleParameters#INSTANT_APP
InstrumentationResultProtoParser Parses the instrumentation result proto collected during instrumentation test run and informs ITestRunListener of the results. 
InvocationContext Generic implementation of a IInvocationContext
InvocationExecution Class that describes all the invocation steps: build download, target_prep, run tests, clean up. 
InvocationScope Scopes a single Tradefed invocation. 
InvocationScopeModule Guice module that can be used anywhere in a TF invocation to requests the Guice-Tradefed supported objects. 
InvocationStatus A class to store invocation status. 
InvocationToJUnitResultForwarder A class that listens to ITestInvocationListener events and forwards them to a TestListener
IPostProcessor Post processors is a Trade Federation object meant to allow the processing of metrics and logs AFTER the tests and BEFORE result reporting. 
IRemoteFeature Interface describing a feature in Tradefed that can be executed based on the request. 
IRemoteFileResolver Interface for objects that can resolve a remote file into a local one. 
IRemoteFileResolver.RemoteFileResolverArgs The args passed to the resolvers  
IRemoteFileResolver.ResolvedFile Class holding information about the resolved file and some metadata. 
IReportNotExecuted In case of an incomplete execution, IRemoteTest that implements this interface may report their non-executed tests for improved reporting. 
IRescheduler Interface for rescheduling a config for future execution. 
IResourceMetricCollector The interface for user to implement customized resource collectors. 
IRestApiHelper A helper interface for performing REST API calls. 
IResumableTest This interface is deprecated. No need for this anymore  
IRetryDecision Interface driving the retry decision and applying the filter on the class for more targeted retry. 
ISandbox Interface defining a sandbox that can be used to run an invocation. 
ISandboxFactory Factory for creating ISandbox
ISetOptionReceiver Implementation of this interface should have an Option with a "set-option" name linked to HostTest#SET_OPTION_NAME
IShardableTest A IRemoteTest that can be split into separately executable sub-tests. 
IShardHelper Interface of an object that describes the sharding strategy to adopt for a configuration. 
ISystemStatusChecker An checker that performs checks on system status and returns a boolean to indicate if the system is in an expected state. 
ISystemStatusCheckerReceiver A IRemoteTest that requires access to the ISystemStatusChecker from the configuration. 
ITargetCleaner This interface is deprecated. tearDown has been moved to the base ITargetPreparer interface.  
ITargetPreparer Prepares the test environment for the test run. 
ITerribleFailureHandler An interface to handle terrible failures from, Throwable)
ITestAnnotationFilterReceiver A runner that can filter which tests to run based on annotations. 
ITestCollector Provides support for test collection; when set, test runner must perform a dry run to collect test cases without actually executing them. 
ITestFileFilterReceiver A runner that can receive a file specifying which tests to run and/or not to run. 
ITestFilterReceiver A runner that can filter which tests to run. 
ITestInformationReceiver Interface to receive the TestInformation for some classes. 
ITestInvocation Handles one TradeFederation test invocation. 
ITestInvocation.ExitInformation Represents some exit information for an invocation. 
ITestSuite Abstract class used to run Test Suite. 
ITestSuiteResultLoader Interface describing an helper to load previous results in a way that can be re-run. 
ITestsZipInstaller Installs tests from a tests zip file (as outputted by the build system) on a device. 


JavaCodeCoverageCollector A BaseDeviceMetricCollector that will pull Java coverage measurements off of the device and log them as test artifacts. 
JavaCodeCoverageFlusher A utility class that resets and forces a flush of Java code coverage measurements from processes running on the device. 
JsonHttpTestResultReporter A result reporter that encode test metrics results and branch, device info into JSON and POST into an HTTP service endpoint  
JUnit4TestFilter Helper Class that provides the filtering for JUnit4 runner by extending the Filter
JUnitToInvocationResultForwarder A class that listens to TestListener events and forwards them to an ITestInvocationListener
JUnitXmlParser Parser that extracts test result data from JUnit results stored in ant's XMLJUnitResultFormatter and forwards it to a ITestInvocationListener. 


KeyguardStatusChecker Checks the keyguard status after module execution. 
KillExistingEmulatorPreparer A ITargetPreparer that shuts down a running emulator. 


LabResourceDeviceMonitor The lab resource monitor which initializes/manages the gRPC server for LabResourceService. 
LargeOutputReceiver A class designed to help run long running commands collect output. 
LastShardDetector When running local sharding, sometimes we only want to execute some actions when the last shard reaches invocationEnded(long)
LaunchCvdHelper Utility helper to control Launch_cvd in the Cuttlefish VM. 
LeakedThreadStatusChecker Status checker to ensure a module does not leak a running Thread. 
LegacySubprocessResultsReporter A frozen implementation of the subprocess results reporter which should remain compatible with earlier versions of TF/CTS (e.g. 8+), despite changes in its superclass. 
ListInstrumentationParser A IShellOutputReceiver that parses the output of a 'pm list instrumentation' query  
LocalAndroidVirtualDevice The class for local virtual devices running on TradeFed host. 
LocalAppBuildProvider A IBuildProvider that constructs a IBuildInfo based on a provided local path  
LocalDeviceBuildProvider A IBuildProvider that constructs a IDeviceBuildInfo based on a provided filesystem directory path. 
LocalEmulatorLaunch A TargetPreparer that launches an emulator locally from an android build environment. 
LocalEmulatorSnapshot A TargetPreparer intended for generating a clean emulator snapshot from a android build/development environment  
LocalFileResolver Implementation of IRemoteFileResolver that allows linking local files  
LocalFolderBuildProvider A IBuildProvider that constructs a IFolderBuildInfo based on a provided local path  
LocalRunInstructionBuilder Utility to compile the instruction to run test locally. 
LogcatCrashResultForwarder Special listener: on failures (instrumentation process crashing) it will attempt to extract from the logcat the crash and adds it to the failure message associated with the test. 
LogcatEventType Event types for LogcatEventParser
LogcatOnFailureCollector Collector that will capture and log a logcat when a test case fails. 
LogcatReceiver Class that collects logcat in background. 
LogFileSaver A helper for ITestInvocationListener's that will save log data to a file  
LogRegistry A ILogRegistry implementation that multiplexes and manages different loggers, using the appropriate one based on the ThreadGroup of the thread making the call. 
LogSaverResultForwarder A ResultForwarder for saving logs with the global file saver. 


MainlineModuleHandler A simple handler class for Mainline Modules that creates a InstallApexModuleTargetPreparer and injects the dynamic link into it based on the given mainline modules to automatically retrieve those modules. 
MainlineTestModuleController Base class for a module controller to run tests based on the preloaded mainline modules on the device under test. 
ManagedRemoteDevice A device running inside a virtual machine that we manage remotely via a Tradefed instance inside the VM. 
ManagedTestDeviceFactory Factory to create the different kind of devices that can be monitored by Tf  
MetricFilePostProcessor Used for uploading the metrics log file collected during the test and run level. 
MetricOption Annotation for test methods annotated with @Test, or if the annotation is part of the annotation list of TestDescription that allows to specify some extra parameters useful for: Tuning the behavior of the collectors, filtering some methods. 
MetricsXMLResultReporter MetricsXMLResultReporter writes test metrics and run metrics to an XML file in a folder specified by metrics-folder parameter at the invocationEnded phase of the test. 
MetricUtility Contains common utility methods for storing the test metrics, aggregating the metrics in similar tests and writing the metrics to a file. 
MinApiLevelModuleController Base class for a module controller to not run tests when it below a specified API Level. 
MinSdkModuleController Base class for a module controller to not run tests on versions below a specified SDK version number. 
ModuleDefinition Container for the test run configuration. 
ModuleListener Listener attached to each IRemoteTest of each module in order to collect the list of results. 
ModuleMerger Helper class for operation related to merging ITestSuite and ModuleDefinition after a split. 
ModuleOemTargetPreparer.ModuleInfo A simple struct class to store information about a module  
ModuleParameters Special values associated with the suite "parameter" keys in the metadata of each module. 
ModuleParametersHelper Helper to get the IModuleParameterHandler associated with the parameter. 
ModuleSplitter Helper to split a list of modules represented by IConfiguration into a list of execution units represented by ModuleDefinition


NameMangleListener A proxy listener to translate test method, class, and package names as results are reported. 
NativeCodeCoverageFlusher A utility class that clears native coverage measurements and forces a flush of native coverage data from processes on the device. 
NativeDevice Default implementation of a ITestDevice Non-full stack android devices. 
NativeDevice.AdbAction A DeviceAction for running a OS 'adb ....' command. 
NativeDevice.RebootDeviceAction DeviceAction for rebooting a device. 
NativeDevice.RebootMode A mode of a reboot. 
NativeDeviceStateMonitor Helper class for monitoring the state of a IDevice with no framework support. 
NegativeHandler Handler that specify that nothing should be done and the parameter should not create any extra module. 
NestedDeviceStateMonitor Device state monitor that executes extra checks on nested device to accommodate the specifics of the virtualized environment. 
NestedRemoteDevice Representation of the device running inside a remote Cuttlefish VM. 
NetworkNotAvailableException Thrown when a device is not able to connect to network for testing. 
NoDeviceException Thrown when there's no device to execute a given command. 
NoisyDryRunTest Run noisy dry run on a command file. 
NotMultiAbiHandler Special handler that notify the SuiteModuleLoader that the secondary abi should not create a module. 


OpenObjectLoader Loader for the default objects available in AOSP. 
OptionCopier A helper class that can copy Option field values with same names from one object to another. 
OptionFetcher Helper to get the test options from the parent process. 
OptionNotAllowedException Specific ConfigurationException when an option is not allowed to be passed in the command line. 
OptionSetter Populates Option fields. 
OptionSetter.OptionFieldsForName Container for the list of option fields with given name. 
OtaDeviceBuildInfo A IDeviceBuildInfo used for over-the-air update testing. 
OtatoolsBuildInfo An IBuildInfo that contains otatools artifacts. 
OtaZipfileBuildProvider Provides a IBuildInfo based on a local OTA zip file. 


PackageInstalledModuleController Module controller to not run tests when the device has not got the given packages installed. 
Pair<A, B> Define our own Pair class which contains two objects. 
ParallelDeviceExecutor<V> Wrapper of ERROR(/ExecutorService) to execute a function in parallel. 
ParentSandboxInvocationExecution Version of InvocationExecution for the parent invocation special actions when running a sandbox. 
ParentShardReplicate Replicate a setup for one device to all other devices that will be part of sharding. 
PassingTestFileReporter A ITestInvocationListener that saves the list of passing test cases to a test file  
PrettyPrintDelimiter Helper utility that helps to print delimited message that stands out. 
PropertyChanger A utility class for changing (or adding) items in an Android property file  
ProtoResultParser Parser for the Tradefed results proto format. 
ProtoResultParser.TestLevel Enumeration representing the current level of the proto being processed. 
ProtoResultReporter Result reporter build a TestRecord protobuf with all the results inside. 
ProtoUtil Utility methods for dealing with protobuf messages type-agnostically. 
ProxyConfiguration Object that allows pointing to a remote configuration to execute. 
PsParser Utility used to parse(USER,PID and NAME) from the "ps" command output  




RecoveryLogPreparer A target preparer used to collect logs before recovery. 
RegexTrie<V> The RegexTrie is a trie where each stored segment of the key is a regex ERROR(/Pattern)
RemoteAndroidDevice Implementation of a ITestDevice for a full stack android device connected via adb connect. 
RemoteAndroidVirtualDevice Extends RemoteAndroidDevice behavior for a full stack android device running in the Google Compute Engine (Gce). 
RemoteAvdIDevice A placeholder IDevice used by DeviceManager to allocate when DeviceSelectionOptions.gceDeviceRequested() is true  
RemoteFileUtil Utility class to handle file from a remote instance  
RemoteInvocationExecution Implementation of InvocationExecution that drives a remote execution. 
RemoteManager Class that receives RemoteOperations via a socket. 
RemoteSshUtil Utility to execute ssh commands on remote instances. 
RemoteTestTimeOutEnforcer Listeners that allows to check the execution time of a given test config and fail it if it goes over a given timeout. 
RemoteZip Utilities to unzip individual files inside a remote zip file. 
ReportPassedTests Report in a file possible filters to exclude passed test. 
ResourceMetricUtil Utility functions for composing metrics. 
RestApiHelper A helper class for performing REST API calls. 
ResultAggregator Special forwarder that aggregates the results when needed, based on the retry strategy that was taken. 
ResultAndLogForwarder Forwarder for results and logs events. 
ResultForwarder A ITestInvocationListener that forwards invocation results to a list of other listeners. 
ResultsPlayer Special runner that replays the results given to it. 
RetentionFileSaver Helper class for creating a .retention file in a directory. 
RetryConfigurationFactory Factory that handles retrying a command. 
RetryLogSaverResultForwarder Forwarder that also handles passing the current attempt we are at. 
RetryRescheduler A special runner that allows to reschedule a previous run tests that failed or where not executed. 
RetryRescheduler.RetryType The types of the tests that can be retried. 
RetryResultForwarder An Extension of ResultForwarder that always push to a given attempt number. 
RetryResultHelper Helper class to determine which module or test should run or not. 
RetryStatistics Structure holding the statistics for a retry session of one IRemoteTest
RunConfigDeviceRecovery Generic base IMultiDeviceRecovery to run a tradefed configuration to do the recovery step. 
RunOnSecondaryUserTargetPreparer An ITargetPreparer that creates a secondary user in setup, and marks that tests should be run in that user. 
RunOnSystemUserTargetPreparer An ITargetPreparer that marks that tests should be run on the user (rather than the current user). 
RunOnWorkProfileTargetPreparer An ITargetPreparer that creates a work profile in setup, and marks that tests should be run in that user. 


SandboxConfigDump Runner class that creates a IConfiguration based on a command line and dump it to a file. 
SandboxConfigurationException Special Configuration Exception coming from the Sandbox setup. 
SandboxConfigurationFactory Special Configuration factory to handle creation of configurations for Sandboxing purpose. 
SandboxConfigUtil A utility class for managing IConfiguration when doing sandboxing. 
SandboxedInvocationExecution Special sandbox execution of the invocation: This is the InvocationExection for when we are inside the sandbox running the command. 
SandboxInvocationRunner Run the tests associated with the invocation in the sandbox. 
SandboxOptions Class that can receive and provide options to a ISandbox
ScreenshotOnFailureCollector Collector that will capture and log a screenshot when a test case fails. 
Sdk28ModuleController A module controller to check if a device is on SDK 28 (Android 9) or above. 
Sdk29ModuleController Only run tests if the device under test is SDK version 29 or above. 
Sdk30ModuleController Only run tests if the device under test is SDK version 30 or above. 
Sdk31ModuleController Only run tests if the device under test is SDK version 31 or above. 
SecondaryUserHandler Handler for ModuleParameters#SECONDARY_USER
SerializationUtil Utility to serialize/deserialize an object that implements ERROR(/Serializable)
ServiceAccountKeyCredentialFactory A credential factory to create service account key based oauth Credential
ShardBuildCloner Helper class that handles cloning a build info from the command line. 
ShardHelper Helper class that handles creating the shards and scheduling them for an invocation. 
ShardListener A ITestInvocationListener that collects results from a invocation shard (aka an invocation split to run on multiple resources in parallel), and forwards them to another listener. 
ShardMainResultForwarder A ResultForwarder that combines the results of a sharded test invocations. 
ShellOutputReceiverStream Utility subclass of OutputStream that writes into an IShellOutputReceiver. 
ShellStatusChecker Check if the shell status is as expected before and after a module run. 
ShippingApiLevelModuleController Run tests if the device meets the following conditions:
  • If min-api-level is defined:
    • The device shipped with the min-api-level or later. 
SimpleFileLogger A ILeveledLogOutput that directs log messages to stdout and to a single log file. 
SimplePerfResult Object to hold all simpleperf test results 
SimplePerfStatResultParser A utility class to parse simpleperf result. 
SimplePerfUtil Utility class to dispatch simple command and collect results 
SimplePerfUtil.SimplePerfType Enum of simpleperf command options  
SimpleStats A small utility class that calculates a few statistical measures given a numerical dataset. 
SizeLimitedOutputStream A thread safe file backed ERROR(/OutputStream) that limits the maximum amount of data that can be written. 
Sl4aBluetoothUtil A utility class provides Bluetooth operations on one or two devices using SL4A  
Sl4aBluetoothUtil.BluetoothAccessLevel Enums for Bluetooth device access level which are based on  
Sl4aBluetoothUtil.BluetoothConnectionState Enums for Bluetooth connection states which are based on  
Sl4aBluetoothUtil.BluetoothPriorityLevel Enums for Bluetooth profile priority level which are based on  
Sl4aBluetoothUtil.BluetoothProfile Enums for Bluetooth profiles which are based on  
Sl4aClient Sl4A client to interact via RPC with SL4A scripting layer. 
Sl4aEventDispatcher Event dispatcher polls for event and queue them by name to be queried. 
Sl4aEventDispatcher.EventSl4aObject Object returned by the event poller. 
SnapshotInputStreamSource A File-backed InputStreamSource. 
StatusCheckerResult Contains the result of a ISystemStatusChecker execution. 
StdoutLogger A ILeveledLogOutput that directs log messages to stdout. 
StreamProtoReceiver A receiver that translates proto TestRecord received into Tradefed events. 
StreamProtoResultReporter An implementation of ProtoResultReporter  
StrictShardHelper Sharding strategy to create strict shards that do not report together,  
StringEscapeUtils Utility class for escaping strings for specific formats. 
StringUtil Utility class for escaping strings for common string manipulation. 
StubBuildProvider No-op empty implementation of a IBuildProvider
StubMultiTargetPreparer Placeholder empty implementation of a IMultiTargetPreparer
StubTargetPreparer Placeholder empty implementation of a ITargetPreparer
StubTest No-op empty test implementation. 
StubTestRunListener Stub implementation of ITestRunListener  
SubprocessCommandException A subprocess command failed to run. 
SubprocessConfigBuilder Build a wrapper TF config XML for an existing TF config. 
SubprocessEventHelper Helper to serialize/deserialize the events to be passed to the log. 
SubprocessEventHelper.BaseTestEventInfo Base Helper for TestIgnored information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.FailedTestEventInfo Helper for testFailed information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.InvocationEndedEventInfo Helper for invocation ended information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.InvocationFailedEventInfo Helper for InvocationFailed information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.InvocationStartedEventInfo Helper for invocation started information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.LogAssociationEventInfo Helper for logAssociation information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestEndedEventInfo Helper for testEnded information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestLogEventInfo Helper for testLog information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestModuleStartedEventInfo Helper for test module started information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestRunEndedEventInfo Helper for testRunEnded Information. 
SubprocessEventHelper.TestRunFailedEventInfo Helper for testRunFailed information  
SubprocessEventHelper.TestRunStartedEventInfo Helper for testRunStarted information  
SubprocessEventHelper.TestStartedEventInfo Helper for testStarted information  
SubprocessExceptionParser Helper to handle the exception output from standard Tradefed command runners. 
SubprocessReportingHelper A class to build a wrapper configuration file to use subprocess results reporter for a cluster command. 
SubprocessResultsReporter Implements ITestInvocationListener to be specified as a result_reporter and forward from the subprocess the results of tests, test runs, test invocations. 
SubprocessTestResultsParser Extends ERROR(/FileOutputStream) to parse the output before writing to the file so we can generate the test events on the launcher side. 
SubprocessTestResultsParser.StatusKeys Relevant test status keys. 
SubprocessTfLauncher A IRemoteTest for running tests against a separate TF installation. 
SuiteApkInstaller Installs specified APKs for Suite configuration: either from $ANDROID_TARGET_OUT_TESTCASES variable or the ROOT_DIR in build info. 
SuiteModuleLoader Retrieves Compatibility test module definitions from the repository. 
SuiteModuleLoader.ConfigFilter A ERROR(/FilenameFilter) to find all the config files in a directory. 
SuiteResultHolder Helper object to ease up serializing and deserializing the invocation results. 
SuiteResultReporter Collect test results for an entire suite invocation and output the final results. 
SuiteResultReporter.ModulePrepTimes Object holder for the preparation and tear down time of one module. 
SuiteTestFilter Represents a filter for including and excluding tests. 
SystemServerFileDescriptorChecker Checks if system server appears to be running out of FDs. 
SystemServerStatusChecker Check if the pid of system_server has changed from before and after a module run. 
SystemUtil Utility class for making system calls. 


TableBuilder Helper class to display a matrix of String elements in a table. 
TableFormatter Helper class to display a matrix of String elements so each element column is lined up  
TarUtil Utility to manipulate a tar file. 
TelephonyHelper A utility to use and get information related to the telephony. 
TelephonyHelper.SimCardInformation An information holder for the sim card related information. 
TelephonyTokenProvider Token provider for telephony related tokens. 
TemplateResolutionError Class extending ConfigurationException for template related error during configuration parsing. 
TerribleFailureEmailHandler A simple handler class that sends an email to interested people when a WTF (What a Terrible Failure) error occurs within a Trade Federation instance. 
TestAppInstallSetup A ITargetPreparer that installs one or more apps from a IDeviceBuildInfo.getTestsDir() folder onto device. 
TestContext A class to model a TestContext message of TFC API. 
TestDependencyResolver Helper to resolve dependencies if needed. 
TestDescriptionsFile A utility class for marshalling and unmarshalling a list of TestDescriptions to a test file. 
TestDevice Implementation of a ITestDevice for a full stack android device  
TestEnvironment A class to model a TestEnvironment message returned by TFC API. 
TestFailureListener Listener used to take action such as screenshot, bugreport, logcat collection upon a test failure when requested. 
TestFilterHelper Helper class for filtering tests  
TestGroupStatus A class to store status of a test group. 
TestInfo Stores the test information set in a TEST_MAPPING file. 
TestInvocation Default implementation of ITestInvocation
TestInvocation.RunMode The different mode an invocation can run into. 
TestMapping A class for loading a TEST_MAPPING file. 
TestMappingSuiteRunner Implementation of BaseTestSuite to run tests specified by option include-filter, or TEST_MAPPING files from build, as a suite. 
TestOption Stores the test option details set in a TEST_MAPPING file. 
TestOutputUploader A class to upload test output files to GCS/HTTP. 
TestRecordInterpreter Utility to convert a TestRecord proto into a more easily manipulable format in Tradefed. 
TestResource A class to model a TestResource message returned by TFC API. 
TestResourceDownloader A class to download test resource files from file system/GCS/HTTP. 
TestResultListener A simplification of ITestLifecycleListener for implementers that only care about individual test results. 
TestRunToTestInvocationForwarder Forwarder from ddmlib ITestRunListener to ITestLifeCycleReceiver
TestsPoolPoller Tests wrapper that allow to execute all the tests of a pool of tests. 
TestSuiteInfo A class that resolves loading of build related metadata for test suite

To properly expose related info, a test suite must include a file in its jar resources  

TextResultReporter A test result reporter that forwards results to the JUnit text result printer. 
TfObjectTracker A utility to track the usage of the different Trade Fedederation objects. 
TfSuiteRunner Implementation of ITestSuite which will load tests from TF jars res/config/suite/ folder. 
TfTestLauncher A IRemoteTest for running unit or functional tests against a separate TF installation. 
TimeStatusChecker Status checker to ensure that the device and host time are kept in sync. 
TimeVal This class is deprecated. use Duration instead.  
TokenProviderHelper Helper that gives the provider associated to a particular token, in order to find out if a device supports the token. 
TradefedConfigObject A class to model a TradefedConfigObject message of TFC API. 
TradefedConfigObject.Type A list of configuration object types which can be injected to a cluster command config. 
TradefedDelegator Objects that helps delegating the invocation to another Tradefed binary. 
TradefedFeatureClient A grpc client to request feature execution from the server. 
TradefedFeatureServer A server that responds to requests for triggering features. 
TradefedSandbox Sandbox container that can run a Trade Federation invocation. 
TradefedSandboxFactory Default implementation for SandboxFactory  
TradefedSandboxRunner Runner associated with a TradefedSandbox that will allow executing the sandbox. 
TradefedSandboxRunner.StubScheduledInvocationListener A stub IScheduledInvocationListener that does nothing. 


UnexecutedTestReporterThread Threads that takes care of reporting all unexecuted tests. 
UsbResetMultiDeviceRecovery A IMultiDeviceRecovery which resets USB buses for offline devices. 
UsbResetRunConfigRecovery Allow to trigger a command to reset the USB of a device  
UsbResetTest An IRemoteTest that reset the device USB and checks whether the device comes back online afterwards. 
UserChecker Checks if users have changed during the test. 


ValidateSuiteConfigHelper This class will help validating that the IConfiguration loaded for the suite are meeting the expected requirements: - No Build providers - No Result reporters  
VmRemoteDevice A Remote virtual device that we will manage from inside the Virtual Machine. 


WaitDeviceRecovery A simple implementation of a IDeviceRecovery that waits for device to be online and respond to simple commands. 
WifiHelper Helper class for manipulating wifi services on device. 


XmlFormattedGeneratorReporter Implementation of the FormattedGeneratorReporter which format the suite results in an xml format. 
XmlResultReporter Writes JUnit results to an XML files in a format consistent with Ant's XMLJUnitResultFormatter. 
XmlSuiteResultFormatter Utility class to save a suite run as an XML. 
XmlSuiteResultFormatter.RunHistory Helper object for JSON conversion. 


YamlClassOptionsParser Helper to parse test runner information from the YAML Tradefed Configuration. 


ZipCompressionStrategy An ICompressionStrategy for creating zip archives.