Non-A/B system updates

Non AB updates are a deprecated OTA methodology used by older Android Devices (Android 6 and earlier). These devices have a dedicated recovery partition containing the software needed to unpack a downloaded update package and apply the update to the other partitions.

On older Android devices without A/B partitions, the flash space typically contains the following partitions:

Contains the Linux kernel and a minimal root filesystem (loaded into a RAM disk). It mounts system and other partitions and starts the runtime located on the system partition.
Contains system applications and libraries that have source code available on Android Open Source Project (AOSP). During normal operation, this partition is mounted read-only; its contents change only during an OTA update.
Contains system applications and libraries that do not have source code available on Android Open Source Project (AOSP). During normal operation, this partition is mounted read-only; its contents change only during an OTA update.
Stores the data saved by applications installed by the user, etc. This partition is not normally touched by the OTA update process.
Temporary holding area used by a few applications (accessing this partition requires special app permissions) and for storage of downloaded OTA update packages. Other programs use this space with the expectation that files can disappear at any time. Some OTA package installations may result in this partition being wiped completely. The cache also contains the update logs from an OTA update.
Contains a second complete Linux system, including a kernel and the special recovery binary that reads a package and uses its contents to update the other partitions.
Tiny partition used by recovery to stash some information away about what it is doing in case the device is restarted while the OTA package is being applied.

Life of an OTA update

A typical OTA update contains the following steps:

  1. Device performs regular check in with OTA servers and is notified of the availability of an update, including the URL of the update package and a description string to show the user.
  2. Update downloads to a cache or data partition, and its cryptographic signature is verified against the certificates in /system/etc/security/ User is prompted to install the update.
  3. Device reboots into recovery mode, in which the kernel and system in the recovery partition are booted instead of the kernel in the boot partition.
  4. Recovery binary is started by init. It finds command-line arguments in /cache/recovery/command that point it to the downloaded package.
  5. Recovery verifies the cryptographic signature of the package against the public keys in /res/keys (part of the RAM disk contained in the recovery partition).
  6. Data is pulled from the package and used to update the boot, system, and/or vendor partitions as necessary. One of the new files left on the system partition contains the contents of the new recovery partition.
  7. Device reboots normally.
    1. The newly updated boot partition is loaded, and it mounts and starts executing binaries in the newly updated system partition.
    2. As part of normal startup, the system checks the contents of the recovery partition against the desired contents (which were previously stored as a file in /system). They are different, so the recovery partition is reflashed with the desired contents. (On subsequent boots, the recovery partition already contains the new contents, so no reflash is necessary.)

The system update is complete! The update logs can be found in /cache/recovery/last_log.#.

Update packages

An update package is a .zip file that contains the executable binary META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary. After verifying the signature on the package, recovery extracts this binary to /tmp and runs the binary, passing the following arguments:

  • Update binary API version number. If the arguments passed to the update binary change, this number increments.
  • File descriptor of the command pipe. The update program can use this pipe to send commands back to the recovery binary, mostly for UI changes, such as indicating progress to the user.
  • Filename of the update package .zip file.

An update package can use any statically linked binary as the update binary. The OTA package construction tools use the updater program (bootable/recovery/updater), which provides a simple scripting language that can do many installation tasks. You can substitute any other binary running on the device.

For details on the updater binary, edify syntax, and builtin functions, see Inside OTA Packages.

Migrate from previous releases

When migrating from Android 2.3/3.0/4.0 release, the major change is the conversion of all the device-specific functionality from a set of C functions with predefined names to C++ objects. The following table lists the old functions and the new methods that serve a roughly equivalent purpose:

C function C++ method
device_recovery_start() Device::RecoveryStart()
(also RecoveryUI::IsKeyPressed())
device_handle_key() Device::HandleMenuKey()
device_perform_action() Device::InvokeMenuItem()
device_wipe_data() Device::WipeData()
device_ui_init() ScreenRecoveryUI::Init()

Conversion of old functions to new methods should be reasonably straightforward. Don't forget to add the new make_device() function to create and return an instance of your new Device subclass.