Measure and record target effects

  1. Attach the accelerometer to the DUT.

    • Use beeswax to attach the accelerometer at the location specified in the test app.

    • The accelerometer connection should be rigid but also easy to remove between runs.

  2. Set the orientation of the accelerometer depending on the actuator type.

    • X axis linear resonant actuator (LRA): Make sure that the -> on the accelerometer is aligned with the length direction of the LRA. This direction is generally equivalent to the resonating direction.

    • Z axis linear resonant actuator (LRA): Use the accelerometer orientation described in the X axis LRA instructions above.

    • Eccentric rotating mass actuator (ERM): Measure the signal and all three axes, then select the data that has the strongest signal amplitude.

  3. Open the test app on the DUT and generate target effects.

    • Use a Bluetooth mouse to click the target buttons in the app. This lets you click app buttons without adding external forces, such as pressure from a finger.

      Generate Target Effects

      Figure 1. DUT generating target effects

  4. Record the waveform from the test app using Audacity and export the file:

    • Click Record in Audacity.
    • Press each of the target buttons in the test app.
    • Export the recording as a WAV file.

      Export From Audacity

      Figure 2. Exporting from Audacity