建構並刷新支援 16 KB 的 Pixel 8 裝置

本頁面說明如何建構支援 16 KB 的 Pixel 8、Pixel 8 Pro 和 Pixel 8a。

同步處理及建構 Android 開放原始碼計畫

如要同步處理及建構 AOSP,請按照下列步驟操作:

  1. 查看 AOSP 存放區:

     $ mkdir ~/aosp_main && cd ~/aosp_main
     $ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b main
     $ repo sync -c -j$(nproc)
  2. 來源 envsetup.sh 指令碼,以設定建構環境:

     $ source build/envsetup.sh
  3. 請為 Pixel 8 裝置選擇下列三個目標之一:

    • aosp_husky_pgagnostic-trunk_staging-userdebug (適用於 Pixel 8 Pro)
    • aosp_shiba_pgagnostic-trunk_staging-userdebug (適用於 Pixel 8)
    • aosp_akita_16k-trunk_staging-userdebug (適用於 Pixel 8a)
     $ lunch target
  4. 建構程式碼:

     $ m -j$(nproc)


     $ ls out/target/product/<husky|shiba|akita>/*.img
    out/target/product/husky/boot.img          out/target/product/husky/vbmeta.img
    out/target/product/husky/dtb.img           out/target/product/husky/vbmeta_system.img
    out/target/product/husky/dtbo.img          out/target/product/husky/vendor-bootconfig.img
    out/target/product/husky/init_boot.img     out/target/product/husky/vendor_boot-debug.img
    out/target/product/husky/product.img       out/target/product/husky/vendor_boot.img
    out/target/product/husky/pvmfw.img         out/target/product/husky/vendor_boot-test-harness.img
    out/target/product/husky/ramdisk.img       out/target/product/husky/vendor.img
    out/target/product/husky/super_empty.img   out/target/product/husky/vendor_kernel_boot.img
    out/target/product/husky/system_dlkm.img   out/target/product/husky/vendor_kernel_ramdisk.img
    out/target/product/husky/system_ext.img    out/target/product/husky/vendor_ramdisk-debug.img
    out/target/product/husky/system.img        out/target/product/husky/vendor_ramdisk.img
    out/target/product/husky/system_other.img  out/target/product/husky/vendor_ramdisk-test-harness.img


  1. 請選取下列其中一個 6.1 核心:

    • android-gs-shusky-6.1-android15-qpr2-beta (適用於 Pixel 8 和 Pixel 8 Pro 裝置)
    • android-gs-akita-6.1-android15-qpr2-beta (適用於 Pixel 8a 裝置)
  2. 同步處理核心:

    # Sync the kernel.
    $ mkdir ~/android-gs-shusky-6.1
    $ cd ~/android-gs-shusky-6.1
    $ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/manifest -b kernel
    $ repo sync -c -j6
  3. 建構核心:

    • 如要為 Pixel 8 或 Pixel 8 Pro 建構核心,請使用:

      $ ./tools/bazel run \
          --config=shusky \
          //private/devices/google/shusky:zuma_shusky_dist \
      [dist] INFO: Copying to ~/android14-gs-pixel-6.1/out/shusky/dist
    • 如要為 Pixel 8a 建構核心,請使用:

      $ ./tools/bazel run \
          --config=akita \
          //private/devices/google/akita:zuma_akita_dist \
      [dist] INFO: Copying to ~/android14-gs-pixel-6.1/out/akita/dist


Android 開放原始碼計畫存放區不含供應商映像檔,而這類映像檔是啟動裝置所需的資源。您可以從 ci.android.com 下載圖片:

  1. 前往 ci.android.com/git_aosp-main-with-phones-throttled

  2. 選取與裝置相對應的綠色醒目顯示版本:

    • 如果是 Pixel 8 Pro,請按一下 aosp_husky_pgagnostic

    • 如果是 Pixel 8,請按一下 aosp_shiba_pgagnostic

    • 如果是 Pixel 8a,請按一下 aosp_akita_16k


  3. 按一下「Artifacts」。列出裝置的構件。

  4. 如要下載構件,請按一下結尾為 .sh 的檔案。

  5. 在下載檔案的目錄中執行下列指令,即可擷取內容:

     $ cd ~/Downloads
     $ chmod +x aosp_<selected target>-flashable-<build id>-with-license.sh
     ./aosp_<selected target>-flashable-<build id>-with-license.sh
    # After reading the license, type
    Type "I ACCEPT" if you agree to the terms of the license:  I ACCEPT
    # The extracted file will be in the current directory
     $ ls
    # unzip that file in a directory named aosp_vendor
     $ unzip aosp_<selected_target>-flashable-with-license.zip -d aosp_vendor
    # The content of the directory will look like:
     $ ls aosp_vendor
    android-info.txt  init_boot.img  super_empty.img  system_other.img   vbmeta_vendor.img  vendor_kernel_boot.img
    boot.img          product.img    system_dlkm.img  userdata.img       vendor_boot.img
    bootloader.img    pvmfw.img      system_ext.img   vbmeta.img         vendor_dlkm.img
    dtbo.img          radio.img      system.img       vbmeta_system.img  vendor.img


請依照下列順序將 AOSP、核心和供應商映像檔複製到目錄:

 $ mkdir ~/images && cd ~/images

# Copy AOSP generated images
 $ cp ~/aosp_main/out/target/product/<akita|husky|shiba>/*.img  ./images

# Copy kernel generated images
 $ cp ~/android-gs-shusky-6.1/out/<akita|shusky>/dist ./images

# Copy the vendor images
 $ cp ~/Downloads/aosp_vendor/vendor.img  ./images
 $ cp ~/Downloads/aosp_vendor/vbmeta_vendor.img ./images



  1. 閃燈動態分區映像檔:

     $ IMGS_DIR=~/images
     $ adb reboot fastboot
     $ fastboot flash product $IMGS_DIR/product.img
     $ fastboot flash system $IMGS_DIR/system.img
     $ fastboot flash system_ext $IMGS_DIR/system_ext.img
     $ fastboot flash system_dlkm $IMGS_DIR/system_dlkm.img
     $ fastboot flash vendor $IMGS_DIR/vendor.img
     $ fastboot flash vendor_dlkm $IMGS_DIR/vendor_dlkm.img
  2. 閃過核心映像檔:

     $ fastboot reboot bootloader
     # Wipe out /data partition
     $ fastboot -w
     # Disable pkvm
     $ fastboot oem pkvm disable
     $ fastboot flash boot $IMGS_DIR/boot.img
     $ fastboot flash init_boot $IMGS_DIR/init_boot.img
     $ fastboot flash dtbo $IMGS_DIR/dtbo.img
     $ fastboot flash vendor_kernel_boot $IMGS_DIR/vendor_kernel_boot.img
     $ fastboot flash pvmfw $IMGS_DIR/pvmfw.img
     $ fastboot flash vendor_boot $IMGS_DIR/vendor_boot.img
     $ fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta $IMGS_DIR/vbmeta.img
     $ fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta_system $IMGS_DIR/vbmeta_system.img
     $ fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta_vendor $IMGS_DIR/vbmeta_vendor.img
  3. 按下電源鍵啟動裝置。

  4. 如要檢查頁面大小,請使用下列方法:

     $ adb shell getconf PAGE_SIZE