Test, debug, and tune Wi-Fi

This page describes how to test, debug, and tune the Wi-Fi implementation using the tools provided in AOSP.


To test the Wi-Fi framework, AOSP provides a mix of unit tests and CTS tests.

Unit tests

AOSP includes functional and unit tests for the default Wi-Fi framework: both for the Wi-Fi Manager (app-side code) and the Wi-Fi Service.

Wi-Fi Manager tests:

  • Located in packages/modules/Wifi/framework/tests/
  • Run using the following shell executable (read the file for more execution options):

    atest FrameworksWifiApiTests

Wi-Fi Service tests:

  • Located in packages/modules/Wifi/service/tests/wifitests/
  • Run using the following shell executable (read the file for more execution options):

    atest FrameworksWifiTests

CTS tests

The Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) includes tests for the Wi-Fi framework. These are located in cts/tests/tests/net/src/android/net/wifi. The Wi-Fi CTS tests require the device-under-test to be associated with an Access Point at the start of the test run.

Enhanced logging options for debugging

Android 9 improved Wi-Fi logging to make it easier to debug Wi-Fi issues. In Android 9 or higher, driver or firmware ring buffers can always be on. Bug reports can automatically be triggered when a bad state is detected (only in userdebug and eng builds). When the Wi-Fi HAL (AIDL or HIDL version 1.2 or higher) is used, firmware debug buffers are stored in the HAL instead of the framework to save IPC costs.


For a reference implementation, see the default implementation in the Vendor HAL.

You can disable firmware logging by setting the resource, config_wifi_enable_wifi_firmware_debugging, to false.

Manual test

Run this manual test to verify that old files in the tombstone directory are being deleted.

  1. Turn on Wi-Fi.
  2. Connect to a network.
  3. Generate a bug report.
  4. Inspect the bug report Zip file and verify that the archived firmware logs exist. The logs are found in the following locations:

    • AIDL HAL: dumpsys section of the main bugreport file
    • HIDL HAL: /lshal-debug/android.hardware.wifi@1.x::IWifi_default.txt

Configuration tuning

To control the signal strength at which a device associates with or dissociates from a network, the Wi-Fi framework uses the entry and exit RSSI thresholds.

The entry and exit thresholds are stored as overloadable configuration parameters with the following names (where the bad parameter refers to the exit RSSI threshold):

  • config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_bad_rssi_threshold_5GHz
  • config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_entry_rssi_threshold_5GHz
  • config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_bad_rssi_threshold_24GHz
  • config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_entry_rssi_threshold_24GHz

The parameters are stored in <root>/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml and may be overloaded using the overlay file <root>/device/<dev_dir>/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml.

You can test new thresholds by configuring the device using adb commands. (Alternatively, you can create a build with new overlays but using adb commands provide a faster testing turnaround.)

adb shell settings put global wifi_score_params \

For example, the following command configures new threshold parameters (the values used in this sample command are the configured defaults in the AOSP codebase):

adb shell settings put global wifi_score_params \

To restore the built-in parameter values (i.e. remove the overrides) use the following adb command:

adb shell settings delete global wifi_score_params