HAL testability check

The Android 9 Vendor Test Suite (VTS) supports a runtime method for using the device configuration to identify which VTS tests should be skipped for that device target.

VTS test flexibility

As of Android 8.0, VTS tests are required for all devices launched with Android 8.0 and higher. However, not all VTS tests apply to all device targets. For example:

  • If a specific device does not support a testing HAL (e.g. IR), VTS does not need to run tests for that HAL test against that device target.
  • If several devices share the same SoC and vendor image but have different hardware functionalities, VTS must determine whether a test should be run or be skipped for a specific device target.

VTS test types

VTS includes the following test types:

  • Compliance tests ensure compatibility between framework and vendor partitions. These tests are required to be run (and pass) on devices launching with Android 8.0 or higher.
  • Noncompliance tests help vendors to improve product quality (performance/fuzzing etc.). These tests are optional for vendors.

Whether a test is a compliance test or not depends on which plan it belongs to. Tests that run with VTS plan are considered compliance tests.

Determine supported HALs

VTS can use the following files to determine if the device target supports a specific HAL:

  • /system/compatibility_matrix.xml. Claims the HAL instances required by the framework. Example:
    <hal format="hidl" optional="true">
    • The optional attribute indicates if the HAL is strictly required by the framework.
    • The file may contain multiple entries for the same HAL (with same name) but with different version and interfaces.
    • The file may contain multiple version configurations for the same entry, indicating the framework can work with different versions.
    • version1.0-1 means the framework can work with the lowest version 1.0, and does not require a version higher than 1.1.
  • Device manifest.xml. Claims the HAL instances provided by the vendor. Example:
    <hal format="hidl">
    • The file may contain multiple entries for the same HAL (with same name) but with different version and interfaces.
    • If the file contains only a single version configuration for an entry, version1.2 means the vendor supports all versions from 1.0~1.2.
  • lshal. A tool on device that shows runtime info about the HAL services registered with the hwservicemanager. Example:

    lshal also shows all the HALs that with passthrough implementations (i.e having the corresponding -impl.so file on the device). Example:
    android.hardware.nfc@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib/hw/)
    android.hardware.nfc@1.0::I*/* (/vendor/lib64/hw/)

Compliance tests

For compliance tests, VTS relies on the vendor manifest to determine (and test) all HAL instances provided by the device. Decision flow:

Testability check for compliance

Figure 1. Testability check for VTS compliance tests

Noncompliance tests

For noncompliance tests, VTS relies on the vendor manifest and lshal outputs to determine (and test) the experimental HALs not claimed in the manifest.xml file. Decision flow:

Testability check for noncompliance

Figure 2. Testability check for VTS noncompliance tests

Locate the vendor manifest

VTS checks for the vendor manifest.xml file in the following places in the following order:

  1. /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml + ODM manifest (If same HAL is defined in both places, ODM manifest overrides the one in /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml)
  2. /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml
  3. ODM manifest.xml file, loaded from the following files in the following order:
    1. /odm/etc/vintf/manifest_$(ro.boot.product.hardware.sku).xml
    2. /odm/etc/vintf/manifest.xml
    3. /odm/etc/manifest_$(ro.boot.product.hardware.sku).xml
    4. /odm/etc/manifest.xml
    5. /vendor/manifest.xml

VTS testability checker

The vts_testibility_checker is a binary packaged with VTS and used by VTS test framework at runtime to determine whether a given HAL test is testable or not. It is based on libvintf to load and parse the vendor manifest file and implements the decision flow described in the previous section.

To use vts_testability_check:

  • For a compliance test:
    vts_testability_check -c -b <bitness>  <hal@version>
  • For a noncompliance test:
    vts_testability_check -b <bitness>  <hal@version>

The output of vts_testability_check uses the following json format:

{testable: <True/False> Instances: <list of instance names of HAL service>}

Determine accessed HALs

To determine which HALs are accessed by VTS tests, ensure that each HAL test uses the VtsHalHidlTargetTestEnvBase template to register the HAL(s) accessed in the test. The VTS testing framework can then extract the registered HALs when pre-processing the test.

For compliance tests, you can also check /system/etc/vintf/manifest.xml. If a HAL is defined here, VTS should test it. (For the HAL services provided by the system (e.g. graphics.composer/vr), the HALs are declared in /system/manifest.xml.)